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Impact of Different Scan Bodies and Scan Strategies on the

Accuracy of Digital Implant Impressions Assessed with an

Intraoral Scanner: An In Vitro Study
Constantin Motel,1 Elena Kirchner,1 Werner Adler,2 Manfred Wichmann,1 & Ragai Edward Matta 1

Department of Prosthodontics, University Hospital Erlangen, Glueckstraße 11, Erlangen, 91054, Germany
Department of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Universitaetsstraße 22,
Erlangen, 91054, Germany

Keywords Abstract
Digital impressions; intraoral scan; precision;
scan abutments; scanning procedure.
Purpose: Sufficient data are not currently available on how the various geometries
of scan bodies and different scan strategies affect the quality of digital impressions of
implants. The purpose of this study was to present new data on these two topics and
Ragai Edward Matta, University Hospital give clinicians a basis for decision making.
Erlangen, Dental Clinic 2-Prosthodontics, Materials and Methods: A titanium master model containing three Nobelreplace
Glueckstraße 11, 91054 Erlangen, Germany. SelectTM implants (Nobelbiocare Services AG, Zurich, Switzerland) was digitized
E-mail: using an ATOS industrial noncontact scanner. Digitization was repeated three times
with different types of scan bodies integrated into the implants: ELOS A/S, nt-trading
The authors deny any conflicts of interest in GmbH, and TEAMZIEREIS GmbH. These three scans served as virtual master mod-
regards to this study. els. The titanium master model was then scanned with the TRIOS3 C digital intraoral

scanner (ELOS A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark), which was used for two different scan-
[Correction added on 27 January 2020 after
first online publication: In the original
ning strategies. Strategy A was a one-step procedure that included both the titanium
publication, ELOS A/S was incorrectly
master model and the integrated scan bodies. Strategy B comprised two steps. First, a
referred to as “3Shape” The name has been digital overlay was performed with a scan of the titanium master model without inte-
corrected throughout the article.] grated scan bodies. A second scan was performed with the titanium master model and
integrated scan bodies. By repeating both strategies 10 times for each type of scan body,
Accepted November 26, 2019 60 scans were generated and the corresponding standard tessellation language data
sets overlaid with the corresponding virtual master model. Deviations in the resulting
doi: 10.1111/jopr.13131 superimpositions were calculated and evaluated separately in the individual axes (x, y,
z) and in three-dimensional space (Euclidean distance). Statistical evaluation was per-
formed using the R-project software. Level of significance was determined at p ࣘ 0.05.
Results: With regard to the geometry of the scan bodies, strategy A significantly
influenced the accuracy of the digital implant impression in regards to Euclidean
distance (p = 0.003). No significant difference was found for strategy B in this context.
Comparing the two scan strategies revealed that strategy A achieved significantly
higher accuracy overall (p = 0.031).
Conclusion: The quality of digital intraoral impressions seems to be influenced by
both the geometry of the scan body and the scan strategy. For clinical practice, the
one-step scan strategy seems beneficial. Furthermore, the scan bodies of ELOS A/S
showed a potential clinical advantage.

In dentistry, implant-supported prostheses can be produced ac- The digital workflow has advantages in reproducibility and
cording to a conventional or digital workflow. In each case, quality standardization, but one main disadvantage is that devi-
impression making is the first step prior to the subsequent fab- ations in the digital impression can lead to clinically unaccept-
rication of a dental prosthesis.1 Both processes have specific able errors.4,5
advantages and disadvantages. The conventional procedure is CAD/CAM technology predominates the production pro-
based on decades of experience and refined procedures, though cess, as better quality control can be delivered with less time
mistakes still occur in the context of implant dentistry, such as and material expenditure than conventional production (lost-
displacement of scan abutments or dental stone expansion.2,3 wax fabrication method),5 and can therefore be regarded as

Journal of Prosthodontics 29 (2020) 309–314  C 2019 Universitätsklinikum Erlangen/Department of Prosthdontics. Journal of Prosthodontics published by Wiley 309
Periodicals Inc. on behalf of American College of Prosthodontists
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.


Impact of Scan Bodies on Digital Impressions Motel et al

very well established. A highly precise virtual model is neces- shown that more detailed investigations on this topic would be
sary for a passive fit and outcome for implant-based prostheses helpful for more accurate reproduction of the implant locus.26
on the CAD/CAM side.2 The virtual model can be obtained This study was dedicated to this topic and focused on which
by scanning either a plaster model or the physical impression scan strategy should be used to obtain an impression of dental
made using a conventional impression method. Dentistry cur- implants using intraoral scanning technology. Two of the differ-
rently utilizes direct digitalization of the mouth situation (in- ent scan strategies that have been established were evaluated,
traoral scanning).6 Various studies of conventional impression as hardly any data are available in the field of digital impres-
techniques have discussed the open tray technique and closed sions concerning scan strategies. Previous studies have com-
technique. In this context, the open tray technique, has been pared, for example, powder-free digital impressions to those
shown to be superior to the closed tray technique.2,7,8 Further- made with powder and shown differences, which represents a
more, the kind of impression material, implant level, implant more technical than procedural approach.27,28 In addition, very
angulation, and transfer copings influence the accuracy of the little is known about the order in which the quadrants, teeth,
conventional impression.1,9 One study demonstrated no signif- and tooth surfaces should be scanned.27,29 In literature, com-
icant difference in the marginal discrepancy of conventional parisons between one-step and two-step digital impressions
impressions depending on the implant or abutment level.10 are not yet available. This study aims to evaluate whether the
However, a comparatively simple procedure and esthetic ad- geometries of the different scan bodies and the scan strategy
vantages were demonstrated for the abutment level in a differ- employed affect the accuracy of a digital intraoral impression
ent study.11 A conventional impression can be scanned digitally of inserted implants. The evaluation method used was already
or used to produce a plaster model by conventional methods. established in earlier studies and works with an industrial non-
The plaster model fabrication is related to expansion failure.12 contact scanner.2,30 The null hypothesis was that the accuracy
Nevertheless, the conventional method is still the gold standard of digital impressions does not differ based on the geometry of
for taking impressions.6 The digital impression technique has the scan bodies or the scan strategy.
emerged as a clinical alternative especially for single implant-
supported restorations and short-span fixed dentures (FDRs).13 Materials and methods
Both methods have been evaluated in serval studies, with the
conventional impression method achieving the most accurate This in vitro study examined two different aspects. First, it was
working cast in most studies.8,14 In a recent review, the authors evaluated whether the geometry of three differently shaped
compared the conventional and digital impression techniques; scan bodies affects the accuracy of digital implant impressions
they preferred the digital impression technique for implant- (group 1: ELOS A/S, Denmark; group 2: NT-Trading GmbH,
supported crowns, and short FDRs.15 In the digital impression Germany; group 3: TeamZiereis, Germany). The scan bodies
technique, a virtual impression of the oral situation is created of group 1 were relatively flat and cylindrical with a partially
using an intraoral scanner. Modern digital intraoral scanners beveled upper part. Those of group 2 had a comparatively in-
use different techniques to obtain digital impressions. Confocal terrupted, uneven shape with bulges and indentations, which
laser technology, which is used in the TRIOS3 C digital intrao- were cylindrical in the cervical area and slightly oval in the
ral scanner by ELOS A/S (Copenhagen, Denmark), and active coronal area. The scan bodies of group 3 had an overall cylin-
triangulation, as used in the CEREC Omnicam (Sirona Dental drical shape with one retraction each and a slightly enlarged
Systems GmbH; Bensheim, Germany), are examples of mod- coronal diameter, with a shape that was between groups 1 and
ern practical realization of digital impressions. It is necessary to 2 (Fig 1). Second, this study investigated to what extent two
learn and practice manual skills for digital impression-taking,16 different scan strategies influence the quality of the impression
but digital intraoral scanners are well accepted by dentists and obtained using an intraoral scanner. It was evaluated whether
students.17 A great advantage in this context is the relatively the accuracy of a one-step scan strategy differed significantly
short time required for a digital impression,17 but specific tech- from a two-step procedure.
nical difficulties and error susceptibilities occur with digital A titanium master model was made in which three titanium
intraoral scanners.7,16,18 For example, the influence of angula- bone level implants (Nobelreplace SelectTM , Nobelbiocare Ser-
tion on the accuracy of an intraoral scan has been investigated vices AG, Zurich, Switzerland) with a diameter of 4.3 mm and
several times with varying results.7,19,20 All in all, this leads length of 11 mm were placed and welded in a linear arrange-
to the currently intensive discussion on the topic of intraoral ment at different distances and angulations in order to ensure a
scanning in general and its respective pros and cons. standardized experimental set-up. The large scan area was cho-
In the field of implant dentistry, standardized scan bodies, sen because it corresponded with recommendations for digital
which enable a computer-based determination of the actual impressions up to the size of a short-span bridge.15 The mesial
implant position using data obtained from digital intrao-
ral scanners, have been developed and established for the
market.21,22 Various studies have evaluated the accuracy of dig-
ital impressions concerning the length of the scan bodies and
their respective distance, or their angulation.21,23,24 However,
scan bodies from different manufacturers differ in their charac-
teristic geometry.25 Data on how the geometries of implant scan
bodies influence the accuracy of an impression obtained using Figure 1 Geometry of scan bodies. (A) ELOS A/S, (B) nt-trading, (C)
a digital intraoral scanner are scarce. A review has already TeamZiereis.

310 Journal of Prosthodontics 29 (2020) 309–314 

C 2019 Universitätsklinikum Erlangen/Department of Prosthdontics. Journal of Prosthodontics published by Wiley
Periodicals Inc. on behalf of American College of Prosthodontists


Motel et al Impact of Scan Bodies on Digital Impressions

implant (implant 1) was angulated at an angle of 15° in the

oro-vestibular direction. Central implant 2 and distal implant
3 were inserted vertically into the titanium model. The dis-
tance between implants 1 and 2 was 9.5 mm, and the distance
between implants 2 and 3 was 14.3 mm, measured from the
respective centers of their scan bodies. The titanium model
was scanned using the ATOS So4 II (GOM GmbH, Braun-
schweig, Germany) industrial white light scanner, which cre-
ates three-dimensional virtual models of scan objects with a Figure 2 Illustration of scan strategy A.
deviation of less than 4 µm. Due to the relatively flat shape
of the titanium model, self-adhesive GOM reference points
(GOM GmBH, Braunschweig, Germany) were attached to the
model to ensure three-dimensional orientation of the ATOS
scanner. The GOM reference points served to align the gen-
erated virtual master model data in a three-dimensional point
cloud (Fig 1). A total of three of these virtual master models
with screwed scan bodies were created, one for each type of
scan body. The generated files were saved in STL format us-
ing the ATOS Professional Software (V7.5 SR2, GOM GmbH,
Braunschweig, Germany) and served as a reference to which
the digital impressions made by the intraoral scanner were
3 intraoral scanner (ELOS A/S, Copenhagen,
Denmark; software version 1.6.4) was used to obtain virtual Figure 3 Illustration of scan strategy B.
models. Two different scan strategies were applied in this study.
The first scan strategy, strategy A, included both the ridge of
the titanium master model and the integrated scan bodies in a
single step (Fig. 2). In the second strategy, strategy B, two dif-
ferent steps were necessary to obtain a virtual model. In the first
step, the titanium master model was scanned without the scan
bodies (emergence profile scan). In the next step, the first scan
was uploaded and the position of the implant marked manu-
ally. The software then recognized the position and deleted the
virtual implant surface. Finally, the model was scanned with
the screwed scan bodies and the TRIOS software matched both
scan files into one. An operational overview of the workflow is
illustrated in Figure 3.
In order to obtain statistically evaluable data, ten scans were Figure 4 Exemplary representation of the virtual calculation of three-
performed for each combination of scan strategy and the dif- dimensional deviations. (A) Superimposition of the virtual master model
ferent scan bodies, producing a total of 60 scan files. The scan and one digital impression, (B) zoomed view of the deviation of the
bodies were removed and relocated between scans using hand- measuring points.
tight torque because a torque wrench could not be used with the
scan bodies of group 1. Each scan was converted into an STL file
and loaded into the ATOS Professional software. To compare Deviations along all three axes (x, y, and z), as well as the
the impressions made using the TRIOS intraoral scanner and Euclidean distance (dXYZ), were calculated and documented
the virtual master model, each impression was superimposed in every case and for each of the three integrated implants.
onto its corresponding digital pattern using ATOS Professional The x-axis represents the oro-vestibular direction, the y-axis
Software and a local best fit performed. In order to calculate represents the mesio-distal direction, and the z-axis represents
the deviations, the digital equivalent of each scan body in each the vertical direction. Thus, these three axes each represent
scan and the three virtual master models were standardized to the deviation in one spatial dimension. The Euclidian distance,
a fitting cylinder, and a plane intersecting the upper edge of on the other hand, describes the deviation in three-dimensional
the respective cylinder was digitally constructed. The deviation space, which was calculated as a vector calculation of the three-
was calculated on the basis of the center of this plane related dimensional offset.
to the cross-section of the fitting cylinder and represents the The results were evaluated statistically using the program R
distance of the centers of the intraoral scans compared to the ver. 3.6.1 (R Core Team (2019), R Foundation for Statistical
centers in the corresponding virtual master model. Figure 4 Computing, Vienna, Austria). Mixed effects linear regression
shows an example of the measuring points in the center of the models were used to calculate significance, as these were repeat
planes of the superimposed virtual master model and digital im- measurements. For this reason, a test for normality was not
pression. Comparable methods were established previously.2,30 necessary. The significance level was defined as p ࣘ 0.05.

Journal of Prosthodontics 29 (2020) 309–314  C 2019 Universitätsklinikum Erlangen/Department of Prosthdontics. Journal of Prosthodontics published by Wiley 311
Periodicals Inc. on behalf of American College of Prosthodontists


Impact of Scan Bodies on Digital Impressions Motel et al

For the Euclidean distance, scan strategy A demonstrated sig-
nificantly higher accuracy for the combination of all three scan
bodies in this context (p = 0.031), with a mean deviation of
71 µm. Scan strategy B produced more deviation than strategy
A overall (mean deviation = 125 µm). Within scan strategy
B, no significant discrepancies regarding the scan bodies were
observed in the digital impressions (p = 0.249). In contrast,
with strategy A, significant deviations in the accuracy of digi-
tal impression data compared to the virtual master model were
observed for the three groups of scan bodies and different axes
(p = 0.003).
Regarding the Euclidean distance using strategy A, sig-
nificant differences in accuracy were examined between the
scan bodies of groups 1 and 2, and between groups 2 and
3. No significant differences were observed between groups
1 and 3. The lowest deviation was found in group 1 (mean
deviation = 0.041 mm), whereas group 2 had the highest Figure 5 Box-whisker-plots of deviance for all three groups of scan
deviation (mean deviation = 0.112 mm). This examination bodies in Euclidean distance. Red: group 1 (ELOS A/S); green: group 2
revealed significant differences in the deviances of digital (nt-trading); blue: group 3 (TeamZiereis).
impressions in the x- and z-axis when scan strategy A was
used. No significant differences in accuracy were found recently showed that the digital impression is currently the least
concerning the y-axis, which represents the mesio-distal accurate impression technique, and the open tray impression
direction. Regarding the x-axis (oro-vestibular direction), scan technique the most accurate. The closed tray technique has sim-
bodies from group 1 demonstrated higher accuracy with 0.015 ilar deviations as the open tray technique.8 These results lead
mm compared to group 2 (0.076 mm) and group 3 (0.035 mm). to the question of which deviations are clinically acceptable. In
No significant difference was observed between groups 2 and the case of conventional impression-making, Papaspyridakos
3. Concerning vertical deviations depicted by the z-axis, scan et al reported deviations in the Euclidean distance of 44 µm
bodies from groups 1 (0.015 mm) and 3 (0.014 mm) revealed on average, with splinted full-arch impressions in a study
significantly fewer inaccuracies than those from group 2
(0.040 mm), and no significant differences were found
between groups 1 and 3.
The results including p-values of both scan strategies and all
three different scan bodies are visualized in in a box-whisker-
plot (Fig 5). The deviations and p-values with regard to the
scan bodies used and to the spatial axes for scan strategy A are
visualized in box-whisker-plots (Fig 6). For scan strategy B, no
p-values concerning spatial axes are shown, as no significance
could be demonstrated within this procedure (deviances are
shown in Fig 7).

Figure 6 Box-whisker-plots of deviance for all three scan bodies in vari-
In this study, a scan area consisting of three implants with two ous axes and Euclidean distance for scan strategy A.
switching gaps was examined. This setup is based on recom-
mendations for the size of digitally captured restoration areas
in the range of short-span bridges.15 The method for determin-
ing the deviations in digital impressions using a noncontact,
industrial white light scanner was established previously and
modified for this study.2 This method made it possible to place
a virtual standardized central point in the upper vertical plane
of each scan body in each digital impression and determine its
deviation from the corresponding virtual central point in the
master model in the x, y, z axes and the Euclidean distance.
The maximum deviation of this method is 4 µm.31
In order to classify the digital impression and the results of
this work, the results must be compared to examinations of the Figure 7 Box-whisker-plots of deviance for all three scan bodies in vari-
gold standard, the conventional impression. Alsharbaty et al ous axes and Euclidean distance for scan strategy B.

312 Journal of Prosthodontics 29 (2020) 309–314 

C 2019 Universitätsklinikum Erlangen/Department of Prosthdontics. Journal of Prosthodontics published by Wiley
Periodicals Inc. on behalf of American College of Prosthodontists


Motel et al Impact of Scan Bodies on Digital Impressions

based on the principle of virtual 3D superimposition.32 In rable accuracy to conventional impression-making, at least for
comparison, this study revealed a deviation of 71 µm for smaller scan areas as examined in this study. The lower ac-
scan strategy A and 125 µm for scan strategy B for a smaller curacy of scan strategy B could be due to the more complex
scanned area. Significant differences were found only within calculation of the digital impression, as two individual scans
strategy A, including the different scan bodies. These must be are matched, which could lead to errors. In the final analysis,
considered individually in this context. Using the scan bodies the null hypothesis, according to which there is no difference
of group 1, an average 3D deviation of 41 µm was found within between the scan bodies and the scan strategies in terms of the
strategy A, which is comparable to the conventional technique. resulting accuracy, must be rejected.
The scan bodies of groups 2 and 3 led to larger deviations, This study is limited by the in vitro design, in which three
representing significantly lower accuracy than the conventional implants were inserted linearly in a simplified jaw model. This
technique. Within scan strategy B, no group of scan bodies greatly simplified impression-making with the intraoral scan-
could achieve accuracy comparable to the conventional ner. In addition, the results of this study apply only to the
technique. intraoral scanner used and the corresponding scan bodies. In
If the deviation in the individual spatial axes is considered clinical practice, practitioners are confronted with more com-
instead of the Euclidean distance, conventional impressions ex- plex oral situations, which limits the comparability of this study
hibit different deviations for the respective axes. In accordance to clinical reality. However, this study could help in making a
with Papaspyridakos et al, the z-axis representing the vertical decision about scan bodies and the scan strategy in daily prac-
direction had the smallest deviations for all tested scan bodies, tice by recommendations made in the conclusions. Further in
and for both scan strategies.32 A high deviation in this axis can vitro and in vivo studies are needed to investigate the results of
be critical for an insufficient connection between implant and this work.
abutment in clinical practice.33 With regard to Papaspyridakos,
in this spatial axis, the results of this study are of a comparable Conclusions
order of magnitude for the scan bodies of groups 1 and 3 using
strategy A.32 Concerning scan strategy B, a significantly lower The intraoral scanner used for this study was able to obtain
accuracy was shown. digital impressions with acceptable accuracy in the experimen-
However, large differences were found between the scan bod- tal set-up. Since the single-stage strategy showed significantly
ies and scan strategies used, which was reflected in large and better results, it may should be preferred in clinical practice.
significantly different deviations. Notably, hardly any data are At the same time, the high accuracy in the use of ELOS A/S’s
available on comparisons of the individual spatial axes of con- scan bodies leads to a corresponding clinical recommendation.
ventional impressions.
Studies on the accuracy of digital intraoral scanners have Acknowledgements
demonstrated large differences in the deviations. Rutkunas et
al showed that these deviations are within a range of 6 µm to The authors gratefully acknowledge Ralf Schafmeister and To-
337 µm and depend, for example, on the size of the scan field, bias Radler, together with GOM Gmbh (Braunschweig, Ger-
the angulation, the scanner used, the scan strategy, and the scan many), for metrological support. This work was performed by
bodies. That review also showed that current intraoral scan- Dr. Motel in fulfillment of the requirements for obtaining the
ners can achieve clinically acceptable accuracy for multi-unit degree “Dr. med.”
implant-supported restorations in in vitro examinations, which
is partially consistent with the results of this study.34 Thus, fur- References
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314 Journal of Prosthodontics 29 (2020) 309–314 

C 2019 Universitätsklinikum Erlangen/Department of Prosthdontics. Journal of Prosthodontics published by Wiley
Periodicals Inc. on behalf of American College of Prosthodontists


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