Edu 111 Diversity Activity Lesson Plan

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Name: Wing Yan Hui

Topic: People from different cultural backgrounds

Grade Level: Kindergarten

People in our community

Lesson Objective(s): (Use this link to help)

1. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand that people come from
different cultural backgrounds in the United States.
2. Students will be able to learn to appreciate and respect the differences in culture,
appearance, and traditions of their peers.
3. Students will be able to identify and celebrate their own cultural backgrounds.


● World map/Globe
● Picture book The Colors of Us
● Pictures of children from various cultural backgrounds
● Art supplies (crayons, colored pencils, markers, construction paper,
scissors, glue)

Rationale: (Here are some resources)

Promote diversity, including economic diversity, equity, inclusion, tolerance, and belonging in
connection with gender and sexual orientation, *race and ethnicity*, disabilities, and
religious tolerance.

1. Show students a world map/globe that where the United States is. Explain US is a
country with many people from different parts of the world.
2. Ask students where are their home country.
3. Show students pictures of children from different cultural backgrounds. Ask them if they
can identify people look different and wear different clothes.

Engaging in Active Learning: (Use your objective and assessment to plan your
activity. This link can help.)

1. Read the picture book The Colors of Us. After reading, discuss the story with the students.
Ask them questions like “how does your neighborhood look like?”, “How are they similar
or different from you?”, or “What did you learn about the people in the book?”.
2. Ask student to draw a picture of their family and write their name on it.
3. After that, ask students to share something special about their family or cultural
background. For example, they celebrate a special holiday.
4. Discuss with students how making friends and being kind to others, regardless of their
appearance or background is important.
5. Display their drawing in the classroom.
6. Encourage them to make friendship bracelets which made by colored beads, yarn, and
fabric scraps in the art center.
7. Encourage them to read the diversity books in library.


Share the message that it’s important to make friends with people from different
backgrounds and learn about their cultures.
Assessment: (Use your objective to write your assessment. This link can help.)

⚫ Teacher will assess student’s ability to appreciate

the differences between others.

⚫ Observe students’ participation in discussion and


⚫ Continuously observe their attitude to different


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