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Struggles of student leaders in balancing academic responsibilities and leisure time

Cramming and financial budgeting. Cramming refers to the intensive work that was
given and if time is due, it may result in cramming meanwhile, financial budgeting on the other
hand is also one of the many challenges of a student leader that they find difficult to maintain so
because of the little or short allowance they receive that leads them to budget their money. (SL5)

“katong pag intrams. Most of the time cramming ug financial budgeting. Kay disorganized man
gud to among na prepare tapos wala namo na discuss sa meeting so mao to sya, nag result sya
sa na cram namo among props or unsa pa diha, kanang na out of budget mi kay wala na na
follow kung asa ang kwarta.” (The intrams time. Most of the time cramming and financial
budgeting. Because our preparation was really disorganized after we didn't discuss it in the
meeting so that's why, it resulted in us into cramming our props or something else, that we are
out of budget because we no longer know the flow and where the money is going.) (SL5)

According to this response, student leaders face problems in terms of budgeting finances when it
isn’t planned out clearly and it could lead to cramming school-related works. As we know,
budgets can help an organization by guaranteeing the economic resources are used effectively
and efficiently (Tanase, 2013)

Coping mechanism of student leaders in balancing academic responsibilities and leisure


Stress eating. This refers to the action or habit of eating or overeating as a means
of relieving stress or anxiety, rather than from hunger.

“Akong coping mechanisms jud pagkuan is magstress eating pero dili man jud na sya nice nga
kuan nga dili sya healthy nga coping mechanisms.” (My coping mechanism is stress eating, it's
not a healthy coping mechanism.) (SL6)

According to this response, student leaders also make stress eating as their own coping
mechanism to relieve stress but also according to the respondent that “it is not an healthy coping
mechanism because as of we know, Prolonged stress can cause a number of health issues,
including hypertension, high cardiac conditions, ulcers, cholesterol levels, and arthritic
conditions (Akhlaq et al., 2010; Johnson et al., 2013; Ramos, 2011). However

1. 1. Schools or institutions shouldn’t rely too much on student leaders. Instead, both
student leaders and the staff should work together in order to have a smooth flow of a

2. Teachers should consider a student leader as they are already struggling with workload

3. Parents should encourage and provide an holistic environment on their child especially if
there are a student leader

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