Ix Eng Final 2023

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SNS Educational System

Where Your Future Build

Duration: 40 Minutes. Final Term Paper (English) Max.Marks:100

(Multiple Choice Question)
Note: Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
i. “I ___________ lonely as a cloud.”
* wondered *wandered *bumbled *strolled
ii. Which James Henry Leigh Hunt poem is included in your book?
*A mountain & a squirrel * The Daffodils *Abou Ben Adhem *Rain

iii. The Poem “Rain” has been translated by

*William Wordsworth * Charles Mackay
* Shah Abdul Latif * Elsa Kazi
iv. Recognize the type of Sentence of the following: ‘Although he was wealthy, he was still unhappy’
* Compound sentence *Complex sentence
*Compound- complex sentence * Simple sentence
v. As he reached to doff his hat at his neighbor, a gust of wind blew and carried it away.
(meaning of the bold word)
*give *take off *present *wave
vi. Find the odd one out:
* lately *rarely * hardly * seldom

vii. ______________ represented Muslim women at the three Round Table Conferences held in London.
*Ra’ana Liaquat Ali Khan *Begum Shah Ara Shahnawaz
*Fatima Ali Jinnah * Professor Anita Ghulam Ali

viii. Which poem by Allama Iqbal is included in your book?

*A mountain and a squirrel *Miller of the Dee
*Abou Ben Adhem * Rain
ix. She was a newscaster by profession:
*Ra’ana Liaquat Ali Khan *Begum Shah Ara Shahnawaz
*Fatima Ali Jinnah * Professor Anita Ghulam Ali

x. Chickungunya virus infects _______ of the body:

*kidney *liver *lungs * muscle cells
xi. She is the ______ of all.:
*taller *tallest *tall * most tall

xii. The Guddu Barrage is built on this river

*The Ravi *The Indus *The Chenab *The Jhelum

xiii. What was the old name of Madina?

*Madinatul-Nabi *Yeman *Yathrib *Hudebia
xiv. Over Shah Abdul Latif’s grave, a shrine was built by:
*Ghulam Ali Qadir * Ghulam Shah Kalhoro
* Ghulam Jaskano * Ghulam Shah Talpur

2229 Ground floor P.I.B. Colony Karachi. PH: 341269642-43-44-45-46-47 Website: www.sns.org.pk
SNS Educational System
Where Your Future Build

xv. The only college where Jameel could go is in the city:

*20 miles away *30 miles away *40 miles away * 50 miles away

xvi. APWA was made by ______________.

*Ra’anaLiaquat Ali Khan *Begum Shah AraShahnawaz
*Abadi Begum * Professor Anita Ghulam Ali

xvii. The word “disorientation” means:

*confusion *unclarity *perplexity *all of them

xviii. The word “Latif” literally means:

*delicate and fine * tender and elegant *light * all of them
xix. The writer “Ghazi” from Ghazi’s Diary is living in:
* Hyderabad *Karachi *Lahore * Sukkur
xx. Never-ending line means ______
*a short line *a curved line
*lines of stars *a continuous line

2229 Ground floor P.I.B. Colony Karachi. PH: 341269642-43-44-45-46-47 Website: www.sns.org.pk
SNS Educational System
Where Your Future Build

Duration: 2 hr 30 min Final Term Paper (English) Max.Marks:100

(Short Question Answers)
Q.2) Answer any FIVE of the following questions in three or four sentences each. (10 Marks)
i. Why is Shah Abdul Latif called “ The Saint of Bhit”?
ii. What did the Holy Prophet (SAW) say about the superiority of man?
What are three main points of Charter of Madina.
iii. What are the benefits of Barrages?
iv. Why was Quaid e Azam called an Ambassador of the Hindu Muslim unity?
v. What was Allama Iqbal’s political role in the creation of Pakistan?
vi. Describe the poet’s thought on seeing the Daffodils?
vii. What was the cause of the fight between the mountain and the squirrel? Why do you think so?
Who was miller? What was he singing about?
Q.3) Do as Directed. (as instructed in the brackets) (20 Marks)
i. *Doctor Brown will give you some advice.
*Who taught you the active and passive sentences? (Change the voices)
*Do not help him.
ii. *tigers elephants deer monkeys and crocodile can be found in corbett national park (Punctuate)
*do you know where mother keeps the bandage. (Punctuate)
iii. (a) Charles Babbage is considered as ___ father of computers. (Use Article)
(b) We had __ mulberry tree in the garden. (Use Article)
iv. (a) The boy __ the store is quite young. (Preposition)
(b) The dog is grateful __ its owner. (Preposition)
v. *Did Aslam not run fast? (Change into Affirmative)
*The doctor has advised sara to take some rest. (Change into future continuous tense)
*Thirsty cow does not fly here and there. (Change into past perfect continuous)
vi. *He said to me, “How long will you stay here?”
*“You had better not leave your room unlocked”, said my friends.
* I said, “Sam does something wrong.” (Change the
. Narrations)
vii. *You do go to school,__________________? (Add Question Tag)
*Sam isn’t a good boy, ____? (Add Question Tag)
viii. If I won a lot of money, ______________. (Complete the conditional sentence)
ix. Give Prefix to: Cycle
x. We will go to picnic, if it (rain). (write correct form of verb)

Q.4) Indicate the Part of Speech of the Underlined words. (05 Marks)
i. They listen to music every day.
ii. My father drives carefully.
iii. Has your father ever been to Australia?
iv. She is an old lady.
2229 Ground floor P.I.B. Colony Karachi. PH: 341269642-43-44-45-46-47 Website: www.sns.org.pk
SNS Educational System
Where Your Future Build

v. Hurrah! We won the match.

Q.5) Translate the following paragraph into Urdu/Sindhi. (05 Marks)

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was the last prophet of Allah. He was born in Makkah.
The Arabs were idol worshipers at that time. The entire Society was plagued by different
evils. He (PBUH) led a very pious life. He started preaching Islam at the age of forty. The
Arabs turned against him and tortured him in many ways. He bore all the hardships. Some
people embraced Islam. Most of them were poor.


(Detailed Question Answers)
Q.6) Read the given passage and fill in the blanks from the options provided in the box. (05 marks)

Mosquitoes, Burst, Liver, Plasmodium, Saliva

Malaria is caused by _______ a single-celled parasite, often transmitted by infected________. It is

injected into a person's circulatory system through the________of the mosquito. The parasite infects
the red blood cells until they ________. This can lead to severe ________infection.

Q.6) Write an essay of 3 paragraphs on any one of the following topics: (10 marks)
i. Education is the backbone of Success iii. Impact of Social Media
ii. Democracy in Pakistan
Write an email to the C.E.O of a private company, accepting an offer of employment bin his

Q7.) Write an application to the Headmistress requesting her to allow you to visit Science exhibition
arranged by Local Science Club. (10 marks)
You are going on a school picnic with your classmates and teachers. You are very excited. The night
before the trip, you sit down to write your diary. Describe what you have planned for the picnic and
how you hope to enjoy yourself there.

Q.8) Read the following passage & Answer the questions given below: (15 marks)
Education is an essential part of our life. It not only helps us acquire knowledge and skills but
also helps in building our character and values. Education plays an important role in our personal
and professional development and is an investment in our future. Education is an essential part of our
life. It not only helps us acquire knowledge and skills but also helps in building our character and
values. Education plays an important role in our personal and professional development and is an
investment in our future. Education has many benefits. It helps us understand the world around
us and think critically and creatively. It also gives us the skills we need to succeed in the workforce
and contribute to our communities Education can open up new opportunities and give us a sense of
accomplishment and self-satisfaction. Additionally, education helps promote equality and social
mobility. It gives individuals the tools and knowledge they need to rise out of poverty and
2229 Ground floor P.I.B. Colony Karachi. PH: 341269642-43-44-45-46-47 Website: www.sns.org.pk
SNS Educational System
Where Your Future Build

achieve their full potential. Education is also a key factor in reducing discrimination and promoting
understanding and tolerance between different cultures and groups. In short, education is an
important part of our lives and has the power to transform individuals and communities.

1. What is the importance of education in our lives? (3)

2. How does education promote equality and social mobility? (3)
3. How can education change individuals and communities? (3)
4. Write summary of the above paragraph. (5)
5. Write past participle of: accomplishment, promote (2)
6. Find the word from above passage that means: (4)
a) Significant
b) Growth
c) Necessary
d) fairness

2229 Ground floor P.I.B. Colony Karachi. PH: 341269642-43-44-45-46-47 Website: www.sns.org.pk

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