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Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat

Windhu Purnomo
Program Profesi Apoteker
Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Surabaya
Type of activity Focus
Public health • Health promotion
• Disease prevention
• Population – especially the need for all members of a population to
be healthy
• Interventions to create conditions that promote health

Clinicsl prevention • Health promotion

• Disease prevention
• Individuals – especially those at risk for specific diseases or
• Interventions with individuals to undertake activities that will promote
health or prevent disease

Clinical treatment • Disease treatment (restoration of health)

• Individuals – especially those with a specific disease or condition
• Diagnosis of disease is important so that appropriate treatment can
be identified
Individual Community State/National Global
An individual person Economics Communication Communications
Physical characteristics Food supplies Public health
Government organizations
Socioeconomic status Water and sanitaion
Public health system Violence
Educational attainment Housing
Health insurance and Global climate change
Psychological factors Physical environment health system

Behaviors Social environment

Education & social


Local government

Primary care
Peranan Farmasi dalam Kesehatan Masyarakat
Di tingkat lokal:
• Berpartisipasi dalam institusi kesehatan dan gugus tugas
• Terlibat dalam program pendidikan dan penyadaran
• Melaporkan volume penjualan obat atau keluhan pasien yang tidak biasa
• Menjadi pembela bagi warga local dan menjaga kewaspadaan terhadap
masalah kesehatan

Di tingkat nasional:
• Berpartisipasi dalam gugus tugas baik dalam mau pun antar organisasi
• Mempresentasikan dalam panel review atau komisi pemerintah
• Menggunakan sistem pelaporan sukarela nasional

Di tingkat internasional:
• Berpartisipasi dalam bantuan medis dan kemanusiaan sukarela
• Meningkatkan kesadaran bagi pelancong internasional akan risiko dan
melakukan pencegahan
• Mendonasikan sumber daya dan pasokan
Terima Kasih
Beaglehole R, Bonita R, and Kjellström. (2006) Basic
Epidemiology. 2nd Ed. Geneva: World Health

Krska J. (2011) Pharmacy in Public Health. London:

Pharmaceutical Press.

Wallace RB. (2007) Public Health and Preventive

Medicine. 15th Ed. New York:McGrawHill

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