000 - MGT4404 - BTM - Ca - Worksheet - Ay22-23 - 17 April 2023

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MGT4404: Building Technologies & Materials (CA Group Project ~ Case Study)


Being the Chief Property Manager of VTC, you are required to submit a written report for improving and
enhancing the hygiene conditions of all washrooms located at IVE Sha Tin campus.

Based on your own research and study, your suggestions must be composed of a number of preventive
measures for the COVID-19 pandemic at IVE Sha Tin campus in the future, including adoption and
application of new concepts, designs, technologies, materials, equipment, tools and facilities.

In addition to your written report, you must submit the following visual elements:

a) A newly proposed “material list” for all necessary facilities equipped in a washroom;
b) A “typical floor plan” for a newly proposed washroom with all necessary facilities equipped in it;
c) “2-point perspective drawings” for a newly proposed washroom with all necessary facilities equipped in
d) “Detailed drawings” for installation of a newly proposed “water closet” with piping and fittings; and
e) A “3-D model” of a newly proposed washroom.

Assessment Criteria:

 Form a team with 4 to 6 members. Each team is required to submit a Written Report with number of
words ranged from 1,500 to 2,000. Visual elements, such as video(s), photo(s), diagram(s), graph(s),
chart(s), catalogue(s), sample(s), prototype(s) and visual tools, must be submitted for better demonstrating
your acquired knowledge, principles, concepts, ideas and abilities in the Module Syllabus.

 The submission date of the report and the visual elements (including both the hardcopy and the softcopy
in PDF format / file) is no later than 3:00 pm on 17 April 2023. Late submission is NOT allowed.

 The assessment of the CA Group Project takes into account of the following parts:

 Part A (60%): Mastery and application of the relevant principles / concepts / knowledge / tools /
techniques / skills for the CA Project Written Report (in terms of Case Study) related to the Module
Syllabus, and the Property Management Industry of Hong Kong.

 Part B (30%): Mastery and application of research data / information, analytical, reasoning and
design thinking problem-solving abilities / techniques / skills in drawing conclusions, making
discussions and recommendations for the CA Project Written Report (in terms of Case Study) related
to the Module Syllabus, and the Property Management Industry of Hong Kong.

 Part C (10%): Quality of Contents, including Use of English, Organizing, Editing, Presenting, and
Packaging techniques / skills / styles, Quoting sources of information / data, and adopting Visual
Elements for the CA Project Written Report (in terms of Case Study).
~ The End ~

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Full Name Student ID No. Programme Code / Class

Give a score to your teammates below:

Participation in Participation in Participation in Participation in Total
Meeting / Data / Ideas Generation, Writing & Editing Score
Full Name of Rehearsal for Information Discussion & & Packaging the
Member Oral Collection & Making Conclusions Report /
Presentation Analysis PowerPoint



Legend: 4 = Very Good

3 = Good
2 = Fair
1 = Poor
0 = Very Poor

Comment on your teammates’ contributions:

Signature: __________________________________ Date: ______________________________

(Remark: 10 marks will be deducted if any student fails to submit this form on or before the deadline.)

~ The End ~

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