0 MGT4423 HS CA Worksheet AY23-24

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Full-Time Continuous Assessment (CA) AY2023/24

Programme Title : HD in Real Estate & Property Management

Programme Code / Year : BA 114037/2

Offering Campus : IVE(ST)

Module Title : Housing Studies

Module Code : MGT4423

Declaration of Own Work

Student Full Name Student ID Number Student Signature Date

1) I hereby declare that the Continuous Assessment (CA) had been completed and submitted by myself
as an Individual Project in terms of a Written Report.

2) I acknowledge that:

i. I am fully aware of the IVE’s policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and any
student who is found to have misconduct in completing the CA is subject to disciplinary
actions according to the academic regulations.

ii. I MUST declare for any content generated from any AI-based tool, such as “ChatGPT”;
otherwise, I will face the disciplinary actions according to the academic regulations.

iii. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. All extractions and/or quotations from others’ work MUST
be properly cited by myself in accordance with the Harvard referencing system.

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• Each student is required to submit a well packaged Written Report with number of words 2,000 as per
the requirements stated below.

Software : MS Word

Font style : Times New Roman

Font size : 12

Line spacing : double

Margin : 1 inch for all margins

Page number : Presented in the middle bottom of each page

• *Visual elements, such as video(s), photo(s), diagram(s), graph(s), chart(s), catalogue(s), sample(s),
prototype(s) and visual tools, MUST be submitted for better demonstrating students’ knowledge,
concepts, ideas and abilities in the module syllabus and the Property Management Industry of Hong Kong.

• Each student MUST complete and submit their own Written Report and Declaration of Own Work (in
PDF format / file) to the Collection Box in Moodle no later than 12:00 pm on 7th Dec 2023 as per all
requirements, instructions and assessment criteria given; otherwise, the following late penalties apply:

Deadline exceeded by Penalties

• 1 calendar day • Marks reduced by 50%
• 2 calendar days • Not accepted (Zero mark)

• The assessment of the CA takes into account of the following parts:

➢ Part A: Mastery and application of the relevant principles / concepts / knowledge / tools / techniques
/ skills for the CA related to the Module Syllabus and the Property Management Industry of Hong
Kong. (60%)

➢ Part B: Mastery and application of research data / information, analytical, reasoning and design
thinking problem-solving abilities / techniques / skills in drawing conclusions, making discussion(s)
and recommendation(s) for the CA related to the Module Syllabus and the Property Management
Industry of Hong Kong. (30%)

➢ Part C: The quality of the CA, including use of English, abilities in organizing / presenting / editing
/ packaging / quoting sources of information, and making Visual elements for the CA related to the
Module Syllabus and the Property Management Industry of Hong Kong. (10%)

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MGT4423: Housing Studies

Hong Kong is the world’s most expensive housing market, and this has impacted the ease with which
individuals can get on, and move up, the housing ladder. Housing ladder can be seen as the vision for housing
strategies. The housing needs of people of different socio-economic background shall be satisfied through
comprehensive housing policies. Hong Kong’s housing ladder is mainly for facilitating upward mobility.
However, based on the Census and Statistics Department, the median monthly wage in Hong Kong was
HK$16,200 in 2016. Around 200,000 individuals lived in so-called ‘sub-divided flats‘. The median monthly
income of house-holds living in sub-divided flats was approximately HK$12,000. About 46% of them have
applied for public housing, but have not yet received a unit from the government.

Therefore, to enhance Hong Kong’s housing ladder and make it more inclusive, a number of policies and
schemes have been put in place to address the housing needs of families in different income brackets. As one
of the six new housing initiatives announced by the Chief Executive on 29 June 2018, a task force on
transitional housing (Task Force) has been established under the Transport and Housing Bureau (N.B. The
Transport and Housing Bureau (THB) was split into two policy bureau, namely the Transport and Logistics Bureau (TLB) and the
to actively assist and facilitate various short-term initiatives
Housing Bureau (HB) with effect from 1 July 2022)
proposed and implemented by the community with a view to increasing the supply of transitional housing.

The Task Force has assisted and facilitated a number of transitional housing projects proposed and operated
by NGOs, including social housing in privately owned vacant residential buildings and vacant government
premises, other initiatives by different NGOs including proposals of using “Modular Integrated Construction”
method to construct transitional housing on vacant government lands and privately owned lands, or converting
vacant non-residential buildings (such as privately owned vacant school premises or industrial buildings) to
transitional housing.

Being one of the committee members of the Task Force, you are requested by the Chief Executive to submit
a Proposal (in terms of a Written Report) for improving the housing shortage problem of Hong Kong,
especially offering a scheme for those individuals who live in so-called ‘sub-divided flats’ and have applied
for public housing, but have not yet received a unit from the government. The contents of your proposal MUST
cover the following areas:
a) The effectiveness of housing policies and measures to fulfill the changing needs of citizens and to respond
to the changing social conditions of Hong Kong;
b) The preliminary ideas of your short-term suggestion(s) related to the concept of housing ladder;
c) The roles and functions of government, housing institutions and other related organizations involved in the
development process your short-term suggestion(s);
d) The issues of equitable distribution of housing resources, and the problems of housing management of your
short-term suggestion(s); and
e) The conceptual designs for your short-term suggestion(s) in terms of visual elements.

~ The End ~

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