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DIRECTIONS: Read and study the information below. Afterwards, prepare an
answer for each of the following guide questions below. Be ready to share your
insights tomorrow.

Feedback Mechanism is a process through which the level of one substance

influences the level of another substance. It can be positive or negative feedback.

Positive Feedback
- Rising levels of hormones feedback to increase hormone production. It intensifies
the response.

Negative Feedback
- Rising levels of hormones feedback to decrease the production of the hormones. It
reduces the effect of a stimulus.

A negative feedback affects the production and release of hormones in the

menstrual cycle. High levels of one hormone may inhibit the production of another
hormone. During the cycle, negative feedback mechanism keeps the levels of
hormones relatively stable.

Feedback Mechanisms in Menstrual Cycle:

1. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) stimulates the ovaries to release estrogen.
High levels of estrogen the prevent the further production of FSH.
2. Estrogen also stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary
gland, which in turn controls the production of progesterone. High levels of
progesterone then inhibit the further release of LH.
For more information, please watch the video using the link below:

Guide Questions:
1. What is feedback mechanism?
2. What are the two types of feedback mechanism?
3. Give an example of feedback mechanism in our body?

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