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Suguitan, Rachelle Angeline A.


Skin Diseases Respective Treatment

1. Carbuncle - is an infection of the You can generally treat small boils at
hair follicle(s) that extends into the home by applying warm compresses to
surrounding skin and deep relieve pain and promote natural
underlying subcutaneous tissue. drainage.
They typically present as an
erythematous, tender, inflamed, For larger boils and carbuncles,
fluctuant nodule with multiple treatment may include:
draining sinus tracts or pustules on • Incision and drainage. Your doctor
the surface. Systemic symptoms may drain a large boil or
are usually present, and regional carbuncle by making an incision in
lymphadenopathy may occur. it. Deep infections that can't be
completely drained may be
packed with sterile gauze to help
soak up and remove additional
• Antibiotics. Sometimes your doctor
may prescribe antibiotics to help
heal severe or recurrent infections.
2. Hives - also known as urticaria, are The standard treatment for hives is
itchy, raised welts that are found antihistamines that don't make you
on the skin. They’re usually red, drowsy. These medications reduce
pink, or flesh colored on lighter skin itching, swelling and other allergy
and may be flesh colored or symptoms. They're available in
slightly lighter or darker than your nonprescription and prescription
skin tone on brown or black skin. formulations. Drugs that suppress the
immune system.
Sometimes they sting or hurt. In
most cases, hives are caused by
an allergic reaction to a
medication or food or are a
reaction to an irritant in the
3. Chickenpox - also known as For most people, chickenpox causes mild
varicella) is a highly infectious viral illness that gets better without specific
infection caused by the varicella- treatment. You can relieve symptoms
zoster virus. and prevent complications by:
• resting
It usually causes mild illness but • drinking plenty of fluids to prevent
can reappear later in life as dehydration
shingles. Newborn babies, • using paracetamol to bring down
pregnant women and people with fevers
a weakened immune system are • using creams or lotions, such as
at increased risk of serious illness. calamine lotion, to reduce the
Anyone who has not had itching – if you have a skin
chickenpox or who has not been condition such as eczema ask your
vaccinated against chickenpox is doctor or pharmacist about other
at risk of infection. available creams
• wearing mittens to prevent
scratching – these can be worn by
babies and young children
• having colloidal oatmeal baths
may also help reduce itching.

People with serious illness may need

treatment with antiviral medication and
hospital admission.
4. Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) - There are several medications and
Atopic dermatitis, often referred to therapies that can help manage atopic
as eczema, is a chronic (long- dermatitis symptoms. These include:
lasting) disease that causes
inflammation, redness, and • Topical steroid creams.
irritation of the skin. It is a common Corticosteroid creams or ointments
condition that usually begins in keep itching under control and
childhood; however, anyone can help repair your skin. You should
get the disease at any age. use them exactly as directed, as
overuse can cause unpleasant
side effects like thinning skin or loss
of pigment.

• Oral steroids. In severe cases, your

healthcare provider may prescribe
prednisone or other oral
corticosteroids to help control
inflammation. Follow all
instructions. These drugs are only
used short-term due to potential
side effects, such as high blood
sugar, glaucoma, slowed growth
in kids and slower wound healing.

• Dupilumab (Dupixent). This new,

FDA-approved injectable
medication can treat people with
severe atopic dermatitis who
haven’t had success with other
treatment options.

• Antibiotics, antivirals or antifungals.

If atopic dermatitis becomes
infected, your healthcare provider
will prescribe these medications to
eliminate infection and relieve
your symptoms.

• Wet dressings. This intensive

approach involves applying
steroid creams, then wrapping the
skin with wet bandages. If you
have a severe flare-up, a provider
may perform this treatment in a
hospital setting.

• Light therapy. People who have

severe flare-ups after traditional
treatments often benefit from light
therapy. During this treatment,
your provider will use controlled
amounts of ultraviolet rays on your
skin. This type of therapy isn’t
recommended long-term, as it
can eventually increase your risk
for skin cancer and premature
5. Ringworm - is a common skin Several nonprescription (over-the-
infection that is caused by a counter) and prescription antifungal
fungus. It’s called “ringworm” medications are available to treat
because it can cause a circular ringworm. Antifungals come in various
rash (shaped like a ring) that is forms like creams, gels or powders. Your
usually red and itchy. Anyone can healthcare provider can treat more
get ringworm. The fungi that cause widespread ringworm with oral antifungal
this infection can live on skin, medication.
surfaces, and on household items
such as clothing, towels, and
Hall, C. A. & Troxell, Todd (2023). Carbuncle. Star Pearls. Retrieved from
Modglin, L. (2023). Hives: Pictures, Causes, and How to Treat Them. Retrieved
Chickenpox (n.d.). Better Health Channel. Retrieved from
Atopic Dermatities (n.d.). National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and
Skin Diseases. Retrieved from
Ringworm (n.d.). Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved from

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