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Life of the Jeepney Drivers

Dear Sacre Galindez,

I hope this letter finds you well. We are the researchers from Our Lady of Fatima University, and we are
the principal author of the research entitle Life of the Jeepner Drivers. We writing to request your
valuable assistance in the validation of a qualitative research study that we currently conducting.

The purpose of our research is to explore the jeepney driver’s challenges in their daily life. (WHAT IS
THE PURPOSE OF YOUR RESEARCH?). Driving through heavy traffic, finding enough passengers to make
a living, and dealing with vehicle maintenance issues are just a few of the struggles they encounter.
Despite these difficulties, they work diligently to ensure their passengers reach their destinations safely
and on time. (Supporting Details of the Topic) The responsibilities of a jeepney driver require patience,
skill, and resilience to navigate the demanding roads every day.

In addition to the physical challenges, a jeepney driver also faces financial pressures that impact their
livelihood. (<- Indicate an Author to validate the statement) - (WHICH DATA DID YOU BASED FROM?)
They often work long hours, facing unpredictable earnings that may not always be enough to support
themselves and their families. Balancing the demands of work and personal life can be stressful, as they
strive to provide for their loved ones while also taking care of their own well-being. Despite the
hardships, the dedication and hard work of a jeepney driver play a pivotal role in keeping the
transportation system running smoothly. In order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data
collected, it is crucial to undergo a thorough validation process. Your expertise in [mention the relevant
expertise or field of the recipient] would greatly contribute to the validation of the research instruments
and methodology.

Below are the research instruments, including the guide questions anchored to our statement of the
problems. Your feedback and insights would be immensely valuable in refining the instruments and
ensuring that they effectively measure the intended variables.

Guide questions Retain Remove Revise Remarks

What is the demographic profile of the
respondents (jeepney drivers) in terms
1.1. Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Section (why is this included? | 1.3
jeepney drivers?)
What is the average age of jeepney
drivers in your area?
What is the gender breakdown among
jeepney drivers?
How do drivers in different sections
perceive the effects of the phaseout on
their livelihoods?
Sop 2:
How did the jeepney driver deal with
the struggle in life?
What were some of the biggest
challenges the jeepney driver faced in
What coping mechanisms did the jeepney
driver employ to navigate through tough
SOP 3:
What are the challenges facing the
jeepney driver in the Philippines?
What challenges do jeepney drivers face
in adapting to new technologies or
competing with modern transportation
How do changes in government policies,
such as modernization initiatives, affect
jeepney drivers?
SOP 4:
What are the effects of jeepney phase
out on jeepney drivers?
What financial challenges do jeepney
drivers face as a result of the phaseout?
How does the phaseout impact the
livelihood of jeepney drivers?

I understand that your time and expertise are valuable, and I want to express my sincere gratitude for
considering this request. To compensate you for your time and effort, I am happy to offer a token of
gratitude as a gesture of appreciation for your contribution to the success of this research endeavor.

Please let me know if you have any questions or require further information. I am more than willing to
provide additional details or clarification as needed. Your feedback and assistance are highly valued and

Thank you very much for considering this request. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Warm regards,

[Signature above Your Name]

Principal Author

Validated by:

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