Isotopes & Their Uses

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Isotopes & Their Uses

Definition : They are the atoms of the same element having same atomic number but a different nucleon.
number (mass number).

They are the atoms of the same element having the same number of protons but a different number of

Some Examples :

Hydrogen has three isotopes :

Carbon has three isotopes :

Why have the isotopes same properties ?

That is because they have the same number of electrons in their outer shell.
Relative Atomic Mass (Ar) and How to calculate it ?

Key Definition : Relative atomic mass (Ar) is the average mass of the isotopes of an element compared to
1/12th of the mass of an atom of C-12.

Watch this video to gain better clarity :

There are two types of isotopes : Radioactive and Non-radioactive

Some isotopes are radioactive. A carbon-14 atom behaves in a strange way. It is radioactive. That means
its nucleus is unstable. The atom breaks down or decays, giving out radiation in the form of rays (alpha,
beta and gamma rays) and particles, plus a large amount of energy. Like carbon, a number of other
elements have radioactive isotopes – or radioisotopes – that occur naturally.

Radiation can harm you if it gets into your body because it kills body cells.
Some symptoms can be :
* Vomiting
* Feeling tired.
* Hair falls out
* Gums bleed,
* Even small doses of radiation, over a long period, will cause cancer.
One medical and One industrial use of radioactive isotopes :

Radioisotopes are dangerous – but they are also useful.

For example:

1. To check for leaks :

Engineers can check oil and gas pipes for leaks by adding radioisotopes to the oil or gas. If the radiation
is detected outside the pipe, it means there is a leak. Radioisotopes used in this way are called tracers.

2. To treat cancer :
They are used in radiotherapy to cure cancer – because the gamma rays in radiation
kill cancer cells. Cobalt-60 is usually used for this.

3. Gamma rays can kill germs. So they are used to sterilize the syringes and other disposable medical

4. Gamma rays also kill the bacteria that cause food to decay. So in many countries, foods like vegetables,
fruit, spices, and meat, are treated with a low dose of radiation. Cobalt-60 and Cesium-137 are used for

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