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Quarter 4 - Module 1
Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse
(Cigarettes and Alcohol)

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

What I Know
I. A. Multiple choices:
Directions: Read and answer the questions below. Select the letter of the best
answer from among the given choices.

1. Which of the following blood alcohol content could lead to coma, brain damages, and
a. 0.3-0.5% c. 0.03-0.05%
b. 0.1-0.2% d.0.01-0.02%

2. _____________________ is a beverage alcohol which comes from grains and fruits.

a. Isopropyl c. Ethanol
b. methanol c. Vodka

3. ________________is a group of diseases which makes body cells grow uncontrollably.

a. Pneumonia c. Cancer
b. Asthma d. Stroke

4. ___________________ is a plant whose leaves can be rolled in a cigar or pipe and can
be smoked.
a. Marijuana plant c. Opium
b. Tobacco plant d. Cigarette

5._______is the amount of alcohol that has entered a person’s bloodstream at a certain
a. Toxins c. Blood Alcohol Concentration
b. Alcoholism d. Ethanol content

6. A kind of smoke emitted by cigarettes which smokers directly inhale is called___________

a. Mainstream smoke c. Third-hand smoke
b. Second- hand smoke d. None of these

7. Which of the following choices are perceived to be gateway drugs?

a. Shabu and marijuana c. Cigarettes and alcohol
b. Marijuana and alcohol d. None of these

8. _____________ is the addictive chemical in smokeless tobacco and cigarettes.

a. Caffeine c. Nicotine
b. Toxins d. Additives

9. A condition when a person heavily consumes alcohol consistently which results in

numerous body damage and malfunctions.
a. Alcoholism c. Fatigue
b. Intoxication d. Drunkenness

10.The smoke that comes out of the lighted end of cigarette or pipe which is also called
“second-hand smoke”.
a. Mainstream smoke c. Third-hand smoke
b. Sidestream smoke d. None of these

B. True or False.
___1. Cigarette smoking causes environmental pollution
___2. Nausea occurs when alcohol irritates the stomach lining; Vomiting; motion sickness
___3. Major deforestations are possible in planting tobacco plants.
___4. The longer cigarette smoke stays in the body, the more it causes damage to body
___5. Cancer, heart diseases, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are just
some of the diseases caused by cigarette smoking.


Direction/s: Answer the following questions and write them in your activity notebook.

1.Why is it necessary for 5.What will you tell your friends who
people who don’t smoke to smoke? What will you do if they
stand up for their rights? don’t listen to your advice?

2.How can you stand up for your 6.What harmful chemicals do

rights and protect your health from you think people can get from
the dangers of cigarette smoking? inhaling cigarette smoke?

3.What can you suggest to

people who are at risk of
exposure to smoke and its
harmful chemicals?

4.What if your friends

started smoking, will you
also smoke for your
friends’ sake? Why or why


Based on the diagram presented below, explain whether you belong to a PASSIVE
ZONE or ACTIVE ZONE. Write your answers to your activity notebook.

1. I am on the active zone because



2. I consider myself passive because


Deped Learning Guide/ MAPEH 8

Lesson Discussing Gateway Drugs and Analyzing

Discussing Gateway Drugs and Analyzing
1 the Negative Health Impact of Cigarettes

What I Need to Know

Gateway drugs are substances such as cigarettes

and alcohol that are known to be legal drugs that
teenagers most commonly try and lead him or her to use
dangerous drugs such as marijuana, shabu, meth, and
cocaine. These cigarettes and alcohol are readily
available and generally accepted in our society today
regardless of the price to satisfy their desire and several

As such, despite the harmful health impacts and the government’s effort to raise its
price higher than what is usual, Filipino teenagers still find ways to acquire and unmindful of
the expenses they incurred during consumptions. Thus, in its quest to curve it, the
government further imposes restrictions on cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking in all
public places. Much from this topic will be discussed to minimize the deprave habits of most
of the Filipinos.

What’s New
Activity 1: Key to Knowing
Directions: Copy and complete the diagram below. List the gateway drugs in the two
smaller boxes and the examples of dangerous and illegal drugs in the bigger box.

Dangerous and
Illegal Drugs


What Is It

Activity 1 shows examples of gateway drugs and the different dangerous or illegal
drugs that humans may use and abuse. The impacts need a thorough understanding of how
these substances can lead to its negative impact both in short and long-term effects in the
body. In it, we have to discuss first cigarette smoking.

Smoking is a practice in which a cigarette is burned and the resulting smoke is

breathed in to be tasted and absorbed into the bloodstream. Cigarettes are a small roll of
porous paper containing a rod of chopped
up tobacco leaf. Nicotine is the stimulant
substance present in Tobacco plants. Stimulant
refers to a drug that temporarily quickens the
central nervous system.

 Effects of cigarette
smoke to
your body
Short-Term Effects of Smoking scent

 Bad breath
 Momentary stimulation followed by a state
of withdrawal and reduced brain activity
 Fatigue and dizziness FOUL BODY SMELL
 Dulling the senses of taste and smell
 Coughing BAD BREATH
 Shortness of breath
 Increased blood pressure
 Increased heart rate
 Foul
 Decreased blood flow smell
 Nausea
from the
 Headaches mouth

Long-Term Effects of Smoking



Too much Involves Damaged

exertion of the cardio- air sacs in
blood vascular
the lungs
arteries system


Inflam- A chronic
mation of Infection disease
the airways which
from the
of the
lungs affects the
trachea into airways
the lungs

Cancer is one of the most feared smoking effects. Below are some of the body
areas where smoking-related cancers can occur:

 Lung cancer
 Bladder cancer CANCER
 Blood cancer (in the form of leukemia)
 Cervix cancer A group of
 Colon and rectum cancer diseases
 Esophagus cancer which makes
 Breast Cancer body cells
 Kidney cancer grow
 Larynx cancer uncontrollably
 Liver cancer
 Pancreas cancer
 Stomach cancer
 Throat and tongue v
 Tonsils cancer
 Trachea cancer
 Eye Problems


What’s More

Activity 2: Text Twister

Directions: The following are known to be the dangers of cigarette smoking and
tobacco use. Arrange the letters for each item to decipher the word (s). A hint is provided
below the boxes.

1. H I H G B O L D O E R U E S S R P
Hint: Too much exertion of blood against the arteries causing damage

2. E T A R H I D A S S E E S
Hint: Involves the cardiovascular system

3. O U F L Y B O D L E L S M
Hint: What cigarette smoke can do to your body smell

4. D A B A T E B R H

Hint: Foul smell exhaled from the mouth

5. S I T R I C H B O N

Hint: Inflammation of the airways from the trachea into the lungs

Hint: Damaged air sacs in the lungs

7. U M P I N O A E N

Hint: Infection of the lungs

8. T A S H M A

Hint: A chronic disease which affects the airways

9. A E C N R C
Hint: Group of diseases which makes body cells grow uncontrollably

Activity 3: The Smoker’s Body!

Direction: Look at the picture below of the different diseases caused by cigarette
smoking. Describe and explain the short-term and long-term effects of cigarette smoking and
tobacco chewing. What are your feelings after viewing it?

What’s New

Activity 4: Why Do Teenagers Smoke?

Direction: Answer the following questions in your
activity notebook.
1. Why do teenagers smoke?
2. Why do teenagers explore using dangerous
3. Do you think their reasons put their health at
risk? Why or why not?
4. What can teenagers do to avoid smoking and
using dangerous drugs such as marijuana and

What Is It

In Activity 2 and 3, you were able to have some ideas of the harmful effects of
smoking and a view about reasons why people engage such. The following discussion will
further enhance your knowledge by knowing the three smokes produced by cigarette

The three smokes produced by cigarette smoking:

1. Mainstream Smoke - refers specifically to the smoke

that a smoker directly inhales.

2. Sidestream Smoke – the smoke that comes out of

the lighted end of a cigarette or
pipe. This is also called “second-hand smoke
(SHS) or environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). This
is more dangerous than mainstream smoke because it is not filtered and is easily
absorbed by body cells. It also contains more
3. Third-hand Smoke – smoke left for a long time on sofa, beddings, pillow, and other
objects. This smoke also called “residual tobacco smoke (RTS)” settles along with
dust and can last for months. This smoke still contains harmful chemicals and

What makes cigarette addictive and harmful?

Cigarette or tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 different chemical

compounds that are present in the solid phase, the gas phase, or the liquid phase. The
chemicals that make up the solid phase are tiny solid particles including phenols, nicotine,
and naphthalene. The major gases include carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrogen
cyanide and liquid vapors include formaldehyde, methane, benzene, ammonia, and acetone.
The majority of these chemicals come from burning tobacco and the rest are a mixture of
chemicals from the burning of the cigarette paper, the additives, and the agricultural
chemicals left from farming the tobacco leaves.

Why do young people start smoking?

What’s More

Activity 5: The Dangers Within

Directions: Based on what you have learned previously, draw a cigarette stick on
your activity notebook. List several chemicals that you think is present in a cigarette stick.
Write the chemicals around the cigarette stick you have drawn. Below is an example of the

Activity 6: Process his!
Direction: Answer the following questions and write them in your activity notebook.
1. Would you like to have dangerous chemicals in your body?
2. Why are mainstream, sidestream, and third-hand smoke harmful to human health?
3. Would you like your loved ones also to get these chemicals emitted from side stream and
third-hand smoke?

What Is It

Impact of Cigarette Smoking on the Family, Environment and Community

Increase their risk of developing ear infections, asthma, and other breathing
complications—like coughs, shortness of breath, and even bronchitis.
Children who grow up watching their parents smoke are also more likely to become smokers as
The lungs and hearts of all family members in
your home are put at risk by secondhand smoke,
no matter how wide you keep the windows open—
or how many fans you make use of.


Smoking can decrease your productivity on the

job, plus all those potential medical complications
linked to smoking. Heart disease, diabetes, and
reduced immune function can cause more time off
than a non-smoking colleague.

Second-hand smoke contains
over 7,000 chemicals. Hundreds of
them are toxic and 70 have been
shown to cause cancer in humans.
Breathing in secondhand smoke—
whether it’s from a neighbor’s burning
cigarette or a cigarette outside your
window—has been shown to have
instant effects on the cardiovascular
system of nearby individuals.

Cigarette Smoking Environmental Impacts
Cigarette smoking causes environmental pollution by releasing toxic air pollutants
into the atmosphere. The cigarette butts also litter the environment and the toxic chemicals
in the remains seep into soils and waterways, therefore, causing soil and water pollution

Other Environmental Impacts of Cigarettes Smoking:

1. Deforestation

The key ingredient in the

manufacture of cigarettes is tobacco
and the reality is that most of it are
planted in rainforests areas.
Major deforestation made in the
areas where it is planted covering

large fields and some of

such places were covered
by very dense forest. /Z /

2. Generation of huge amounts of
toxic waste
The entire process of cultivating, curing, and transporting tobacco needs the use
of a large amount of chemical and other toxic materials.
The production process generates huge amounts of wastes such as harmful
chemical pesticides and fertilizers.
Aldicarb is the substance used in the production process. It’s highly toxic to
humans, plants, and animals and can seep into waterways and intoxicate the soil for several

The industrial processing and smoking of cigarettes add huge volumes of air
pollutants into the atmosphere.
Second-hand smoke pollutes the air directly and the manufacturing process
releases air pollutants in many ways. It starts right in the tobacco farms where the machines
used emit greenhouse gases from the fossil fuel combusted to produce energy.

3. Soil and land pollution through farming and from cigarette butts

The high scores of pesticides, fertilizers,

and other chemicals used in the cultivation of
tobacco introduce volumes of hazardous
pollutants to the land and soils.
Chemicals accumulate and eventually
hamper the fertility of the soils and make the
lands unsuitable for supporting any other crop.
Most of the ingredients present in cigarette
butts, on the other hand, are non-
biodegradable and take years to break down.

4. Air pollution through smoking

Carbon dioxide, methane,

and other noxious chemicals are present
in second-hand smoke that causes air
pollution. As much as methane and
carbon dioxide are not deadly to
smokers, the gases do add to the
general atmospheric pollution.

5. Cigarette butts and the contamination or


Cigarette butts scattered all

over on the ground and find a way into
waterways when washed by stormwater or
when they end up along shorelines or on

6. Impact on aquatic fish

Whenever cigarette filters find a way into
water systems, they can be ingested by fish because
they resemble fish food like insects.
Filters remain within the fish reducing their
stomach capacity, thus affecting their eating habits.


7. Health impacts on pets

When pets are outdoors they do so
many things like sniffing through garbage, and
the streets. These put the pets, dogs and cats,
at a high risk of ingesting cigarette butts lying
on the ground as litter. The consequence can
be damaging and may even kill the pet. Second
-hand smoke may also make pets susceptible
to asthma or other lung complications. They
are equally not spared of developing cancer
just like their human counterparts.
8. Forest fires (Wildfires)
Forests fires started by
burning cigarette butts worldwide are
countless. About 17,000 people
worldwide die each year because of
fires started by cigarette lighters or
discarded kindled cigarettes. In terms
of property damage, the losses are
more than 27 billion US dollars every

What I can do
Activity 9: Advocacy Material!

Direction: Read the statement below and carefully plan your output to have a
satisfying result.
To preserve and conserve personal and environmental health, how would be your
anti-smoking campaign look? Draw it on a bond paper and paste it to your activity notebook.
If available, you may take a picture on it and post it to your Facebook or any social media
account to show your positive support to Anti-smoking Campaign.

RUBRIC 0 1 2 3 4
Title is present
Partial/ Title is correctly Title is correct,
No title on but capitalized
Title project
and spelled
written in neat, neat, creative, and
title attractive letters colorful
1 fact is
2-3 facts are 4 facts are
No facts on written or 5 facts are written
Facts poster facts are
written or a written and are
and correct
partially correct correct
4 neat, clear,
No 1 illustration 2 illustrations 3 neat, clear
Illustrations illustrations on related to related to topic illustrations
poster events are present related to topic
related to topic
A very limited
The poster has a The poster uses The poster uses
No colors amount of
Color present color is
fair amount of neatly colored neat, clear,
color elements creative coloring
Poster lacks Poster lacks The poster is The poster is The poster is very
neatness and neatness and somewhat organized and organized, clear,
Appearance is poorly is mostly organized and is neat and easy-to-read
organized organized neat clear lettering


2 Analyzing the Negative Health Impact

of Drinking Alcohol

What’s In

We have learned in lesson 1 about the dangers of cigarette smoking that is

perceived as a gateway to drugs. Most teenagers nowadays choose to succumb to the
consequence resulting from too much indulgence rather than avoiding. Hence, it is high time
to reconsider the most valuable treasure that we have-our body.

Like cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking has a negative result on humans. Alcohol is
widely consumed by everyone who indulges in drinking alcoholic beverages. This ethanol,
when consumed in an unregulated amount may lead to intoxication and alteration of the
nervous system. Both physical and emotional states are affected. Alcohol slows down the
body systems making it a depressant. This lesson will discuss and give further information
as to how and why it became dangerous to human health.

What’s New

Activity 10: Think before you drink!

Directions: Look at the picture. Tell something about these alcoholic beverages by
answering the following questions.
1. What is alcohol?
2. What are the kinds of alcohol do you know?
3. Is it safe to drink different varieties of alcohol?
4. What are the effects of alcohol?

What I need to know

In activity 10, you were able to refresh your knowledge about alcohol. The
significance of studying this matter is just so timely since we are looking forward to the best
condition that our body should have especially this time where the world is challenged/
threatened with other health problems that only by having good health we can be sure of
surviving once infected. The activity gives you a glimpse of the next topic which will
eventually lead you to analyze the negative health impact of drinking alcohol, describes the
harmful short- and long-term effects of drinking alcohol interpret blood alcohol concentration
(BAC) in terms of physiological changes in the body and explains the impact of drinking
alcohol on the family, and community.

What Is It

Alcohol is a colorless, bitter-tasting substance that humans have been consuming

since ancient times and it comes from plants that underwent fermentation. Fermentation is
the process of extracting from a plant or a fruit. Examples of these are beer and wine. A beer
is extracted from grains and wines that are from grapes and other fruits. It is also known as a
depressant which means a drug that suppresses the central nervous system and slows
down body function.

Types of alcohol

1. Isopropyl
of which both

are used in
and are
and fatal if
2. Methanol

3. Ethanol is called beverage alcohol which comes from fruits and grains.

What’s More

Activity 11: Think!

Directions: Answer the following questions in
your activity notebook.

1. How does alcohol work inside the body?

2. What are the dangers of excessive
alcohol drinking?
3. Who do you think are being affected by alcoholism?
4. What can teenagers do to avoid such malpractice of alcohol drinking?
5. In what way you can preserve your family and community from the dangers of

What Is It

Short-Term Effects of Alcohol

Intoxication is a physical and mental change that

the body is experiencing upon consuming alcohol. With
the first drink of alcohol, it begins to affect the brain.
A Hangover is the physical effects that give
discomfort to humans who heavily consumed alcohol,it
takes place when an alcohol drinker feels uncomfortable
effects after drinking and caused by increase urine
production, leading to dehydration.
Dehydration causes headaches, fatigue, and dry

Nausea occurs when alcohol irritates the stomach

Vomiting; motion sickness
The effects of alcohol can range from mild, such
as skin flushing, to more severe symptoms such as passing out or vomiting.

Other short-term effects of alcohol can include;

 Mood swings  Trouble concentrating
 Reduced core body  Loos of coordination
temperature  Loss of critical judgment
 Raised blood pressure  Dulled perception/vision
 Vomiting.

Long-Term Effects of Alcohol

Drinking too much overtime can cause chronic physical and mental health issues.
Heavy drinking can cause or contribute to liver damage, cardiovascular disease, and
multiple types of cancer. It includes;

o Diminished gray matter and white

matter in the brain
o Memory loss
o Loss of attention span
o Trouble learning
o Alcoholic hepatitis
o Liver fibrosis
o Steatosis (i.e. fatty liver)
o Throat, mouth, larynx, breast, liver,
colorectal, or esophageal cancer
o High blood pressure
o Cardiomyopathy
o Stroke
o Irregular heartbeat
 A condition when a person heavily
consumes alcohol consistently which
results in numerous body damages and

Brain Stroke
 A non-communicable disease which
affects the arteries carry blood to the brain resulting in brain damage.
 Also called plainly stroke.

Emphysema Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

 Lung disease which worsens in (COPD)
 Characterized by shortens of  A disease of smokers which worsen
breath, rapid breathing and over time
expanded chest activity  Characterized by severe coughing,
Cirrhosis shortness of breath wheezing and
 A condition when the liver is tightening of the chest.
“scarred” due to heavy alcohol Dependence
Blood - Alcohol Concentration (BAC)

 Is the amount of alcohol that has entered

a person’s bloodstream at a certain
 Also called Blood Alcohol Level (BAL)
 Is measured in percentages
For instance:
Having a BAC of 0.05% means there are 5 parts of alcohol per 10,000 parts of blood in
the body.

0.3-0.5% BAC could lead to coma, brain damages, and death

Alcohol (ethanol) is a drug, and health

professionals should know something of its
physiological and pathological effects and its
handling by the body. It is a small, water-soluble
molecule that is relatively slowly absorbed from the
stomach, more rapidly absorbed from the small
intestine, and freely distributed throughout the
body. Alcoholic drinks are a major source of energy
—for example, six pints of beer contains about 500
kcal and half a liter of whiskey contains 1650 kcal.
The daily energy requirement for a moderately
active man is 3000 kcal and for a woman 2200 kcal.
The rate of absorption of alcohol depends on
several factors. It is quickest, for example, when alcohol
is drunk on an empty stomach and the concentration of http
alcohol is 20-30%. Food, and particularly carbohydrate,
retards absorption: blood concentrations may not reach
a quarter of those achieved on an empty stomach. The
pleasurable effects of alcohol are best achieved with a
meal or when alcohol is drunk diluted, in the case of
Alcohol is distributed throughout the water in the
body so that most tissues—such as the heart, brain, and
muscles—are exposed to the same concentration of
alcohol as the blood. The exception is the liver, where
exposure is greater because blood is received directly
from the stomach and small bowel via the portal vein.
Alcohol diffuses rather slowly, except into organs with a
rich blood supply such as the brain and lungs.


Very little alcohol enters fat because of fat' s

poor solubility. Blood and tissue concentrations are
therefore higher in women, who have more
subcutaneous fat and a smaller blood volume than in
men, even when the amount of alcohol consumed is
adjusted for body weight. Women also may have lower
levels of alcohol dehydrogenases in the stomach than
men, so that less alcohol is metabolized before
absorption. Alcohol enters the fetus readily through the
placenta and is eliminated by maternal metabolism.

Blood alcohol concentration varies according to

sex, size and body build, phase of the menstrual cycle (it
is highest premenstrual and at ovulation), previous
exposure to alcohol, type of drink, whether alcohol is taken
with food or drugs, such as cimetidine (which inhibits
gastric alcohol dehydrogenase) and antihistamines,
phenothiazines, and metoclopramide (which enhance
gastric emptying, thus increasing absorption).

Impact of Drinking Alcohol on the Family and

5 Effects of Alcoholism on Family
1. Damaged Family Relationships
 Struggle to create strong emotional bonds, even within their family unit the parents
 Increased risk of negative interactions, especially among couples
 Tend to lie about their condition, minimizing its effect on the family
 Destroys trust and makes it difficult for other family members to build strong
relationships with the individual

2. Developmental Issues in Neglected

Children of parents who struggle with
alcoholism are at higher risk for cognitive,
behavioral, and emotional problems.
Parents who are struggling with alcohol
addiction are often neglectful of both the
physical and emotional needs of their
children. This leads to serious
developmental issues for the kids.
Some of the problems children experience in homes where alcoholism is present includes:

 Academic problems
 Anxiety and depression
 Poor emotional development
 Difficulty with intimate relationships as adults
 A tendency to be dishonest

3. Domestic Abuse
 Emotional abuse such as insulting, manipulating or humiliating their family members
 Physical violence

4. Drained Family Finances

 The habit of consuming alcohol regularly
is expensive. While the total amount spent
on alcohol will vary depending on the
frequency and type chosen, the costs add

5. Physical and Mental Health Issues

 Include liver disease, digestive system
problems, damage to the brain, and risk for stroke.
 Mental health problems are also a risk for these families. The anxiety and stress that
alcoholism brings to a family will wear down the emotional health of all involved.

Concerns to the community that is associated with alcohol use include noise, litter,
offensive behavior, vandalism, aggression, petty crime, and assault and road safety issues.
Many of these social consequences can result in violence or injury to others.

Excessive alcohol consumption

is a contributing factor in:

 road deaths
 domestic, physical, and sexual
 violent crimes and night-time
 Homicides
 Problems faced by 15-24-year
old linked with violence, crime,
vandalism, and property


What’s More

Activity 12: Anti-alcohol Campaign!

Directions: Study the pictures and answer the questions below. Write your answers
in your activity notebook.

1. How is each of these ads different?
2. Who is the primary target audience?
3. How do the ads make you feel?
4. Which ad do you think is most effective?
What I can do

Activity 14: Advocacy Material!

Direction: Read the statement below and carefully plan
your output to have a satisfying result.
To preserve and conserve personal and environmental
health, how would be your anti-alcoholism campaign look?
Draw it in a bond paper and paste it to your activity notebook. If
available, you may take a picture on it and post it to your
Facebook or any social media account to show your positive
support to the Anti-alcohol drinking Campaign.


RUBRIC 1 2 3 4 5
Title is
Title is
Partial/ present but Title is correct,
No title on written in
Title incomplete capitalized neat, creative,
project neat,
title and spelled and colorful
2-3 facts
1 fact is
are written 4 facts are 5 facts are
No facts on written or
Facts or a written and written and
poster facts are
partially are correct correct
3 neat, clear 4 neat, clear,
No 1 illustration illustrations
illustrations creative
Illustrations illustrations related to related to
related to illustrations
on poster events topic are
topic related to topic
A very
Poster has Poster uses Poster uses
No colors a fair neatly neat, clear,
Color amount of
present amount of colored creative
color is
color elements coloring
Poster Poster lack Poster is Poster is Poster is very
lacks neatness somewhat organized organized,
neatness and is organized and is neat clear, easy-to-
and is mostly and neat and clear read lettering

Assessment: (Post-Test)

II. A. Multiple choices:

Directions: Read and answer the questions below. Select the letter of the best
answer from among the given choices.

1. Cigarette smoking primarily affects the __________________ system.

a. Respiratory system c. cardiovascular system
b. nervous system d. brain

2. Which of the following choices are perceived to be gateway drugs?

a. Shabu and marijuana c. Cigarettes and alcohol
b. Marijuana and alcohol d. None of these


3. _______is the amount of alcohol that has entered a person’s bloodstream at a certain
a. Toxins c. Alcoholism
b. Blood Alcohol Concentration d. Ethanol content

4. _____________ is the addictive chemical in smokeless tobacco and cigarettes.

a. Caffeine c. Nicotine
b. Toxins d. Additives

5. ___________________ is a plant whose leaves can be rolled in a cigar or pipe and can
be smoked.
a. Marijuana plant c. Opium
b. Tobacco plant d. Cigarette

6. A kind of smoke emitted by cigarettes which smokers directly inhale is called___________

a. Mainstream smoke c. Third-hand smoke
b. Second- hand smoke d. None of these

7. ____________ are drugs that a non-drug-users might try out and can lead to trying more
dangerous ones.
a. Prohibited drugs c. Shabu
b. Gateway drugs d. Cocaine

8. ________________ is a group of diseases which makes body cells grow uncontrollably.

a. Pneumonia c. Cancer
b. Asthma d. Stroke

9. A condition when a person heavily consumes alcohol consistently which results in

numerous body damage and malfunctions.
a. Alcoholism c. Fatigue
b. Intoxication d. Drunkenness

10. _____________________ is a beverage alcohol which comes from grains and fruits.
a. Isopropyl c. Ethanol
b. methanol c. Vodka

B. True or False

_________1. Secondhand smoke is not dangerous to one’s health as mainstream smoke.

________2. Nausea occurs when alcohol will not irritate the stomach lining; Vomiting;
motion sickness

_________3. Cigarette smoking and use of smokeless tobacco kill thousands of Filipinos
every year.

__________4. The longer cigarette smoke stays in the body, the more it causes damage to
body parts.

__________5. Cancer, heart diseases, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
are just some of the diseases caused by cigarette smoking.

Key to Answers

Pre-Test Post Test

II-I- A.Multiple
choices I- Multiple Choices
1. A 1. A
1. A
2. C B. True or False 2. C
2. C B. True or False
3. C 3. B
3. C 1. True
4. B 4. C 1. False
4. B
5. C 2. True 5. B 2. False
5. C
6. A 3. True 6. A
6. A 3. True
7. B 7. B
7. B 4. True
8. C 8. C 4. True
8. C
9. A 5. True 9. A 5. True
9. A
10. B 10. C
10. B

III- Answer this! (Answers vary according to their personal view/s.)

IV- Which zone would you choose (Answers vary according to their personal view/s.)
V- Open-ended statements (Answers vary according to their personal view/s.)
VI- Self-Inventory:(Alcohol: Is it cool?) (Answers vary according to their personal


Activity 1: Key to knowing

Alcohol Shabu
Cigarette Cocaine

Activity 2: Text Twister

1. High Blood Pressure 6. Emphysema

2. Heart Disease 7. Pneumonia
3. Foul Body Smell 8. Asthma
4. Bad Breath 9. Cancer
5. Bronchitis

Activity 3: Describe and explain

(Answers vary according to their personal view/s.)

Activity 4: Why Do Teenagers Smoke?

(Answers vary according to their personal view/s.)

Activity 5: The Dangers Within

Possible answers are found in the picture

Some examples of possible answers:

1. methanol (main ingredient in rocket

2. ammonia (household cleaner)
3. formaldehyde (embalming fluid)
4. arsenic (rat poison)
5. cadmium (found in batteries)



Activity 6: Process This!

(Answers vary according to their personal view/s.)

Activity 7: Anti- Smoking Campaign

(Answers vary according to their personal view/s.)

Activity 8 Generalization
(Answers vary according to their personal view/s.)

Activity 9: Advocacy Material

(Ratings vary based on the given rubric.)

Activity 10: Alcohol Beverages!

(Answers vary according to their personal view/s.)

Activity 11: Think!

(Answers vary according to their personal view/s.)
Activity 12: Anti-alcoholism campaign
(Answers vary according to their personal view/s.)

Activity 13: Generalization

(Answers vary according to their personal view/s.)

Activity 14: Advocacy Material

(Ratings vary based on the given rubric.)


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