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English Debating ( Debat Bahasa Inggris)

Moderator : Entering the area ( memasuki arena debat)

Moderator : Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

Honourable teacher, Brother and Sister

My name..................... from.........

Iam as a Moderator I will guide the programme

That is ‘English Debating ‘

Please welcome to Participants English Debating from Twelve ......

Moderator : Brothers and Sisters..all right we will start our programme.

The rule is the first group will give opinion abaout the issue,

And the second group will respon or comment sequentially (secara berurutan)

The Theme is The advanttages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones for Students.

The first time represntation from group one, How is your opinion .?

Group 1 ( person 1 ) : My opinion Mobile phones have advantagesfor students use are getting

Connected or make communication with other people especially

With Parents.

Okey give applause.........

Moderator : Please group two your comment

Group 2 (person 1): : Yes that right, but as you know mobile phones have negative effect on

Using it, Students potentially do cheating, the can simply send a text answer

To their friends.

Moderator : please give applause.......

All right any opinion from first group .?

Group 1 (person 2) : My opinion if cell phone in hand, students encouraged to built collaborative
learning, students are able to share notes and lesson with other.

Moderator : give applause.......How is second group any comment ./

Group 2 ( person 2) : opinion is diffrent Mobil Phone when used by students reduction in
learning, tagehey are attracted to focus on their phone, call and message and pay

Less attentin to their lesson and school work.

Moderator : give applause..... okey, any opinion from first group.?

Group 1 ( person 3 ) : Of course I have Idea, the next advantages is the existence of mobile phones’

Feature as memory aids, students can store some important documents of their

Lessons in notes, photos or videos. The document kept in that mobiles can be easily

When they are in necessity.

Moderator : okey give applause.................

Second group any comment..?

Group 2 (person 3 ) : Thank you Moderator I have opinion, with mobile phone in hand of students

especially the students who have less motivation in learning, they always focus

On their phone for play games, watching tik-tok, instagrams and other

Moderator : Okey thank you for your comments.

All right everybody...brothers and sisters..

Finally the English Debating programme is finished, allow me here, I want to

concluse that Mobile Phones and internet have the great role in making advantages

as well as disadvantages. The disadvantages actually can be avoided if the parents

properly guide their children on the advantageous way of using mobile phones.

Thank you so much for your attention, see you next time.....bye bye

Wassalamu’alaikum warohmatullahi wabarakaatuh.........

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