Final Exam Ingles UADE Virtual

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Impact of the use of social media on mental health.

Hello, my name is Bárbara Villanueva, i am an advanced student of psychology. Electronic Devices and
social media have become a routine for people, mainly for young people and today, i´d like to talk to you
about the impact of the use of social media on mental health.

Let's start with the context of this work. I specifically focused on a paper about the impact of social
media in the mental health of teenagers. The research was conducted a year ago in Spain and the
methodology of this research was based on a systematic review of articles.

First of all, some benefits of using social media on mental pathologies can be an increased self-esteem,
increased perception of social support, increased social capital, and greater opportunity for self-
disclosure. One of the positive impacts of technology in general is that it activates regions of the brain,
helping to improve perceptual learning and memory capacity in adolescents.

In the other hand those who are depressed or have low moods use social media more often than those
who don't. It has been shown that those who have low self-esteem make more use of social networks.
This can help teens feel understood by helping them deepen their mood and feelings of guilt, distrust,
and pessimism.

And finally, inappropriate use of social media, as well as time it is closely related to psychological
disorders that adolescents can suffer from, such as, for example, a behavioral addiction

In conclusion, scientific evidence has shown a relationship between the amount of time adolescents
spend on social networks and the increase in mental pathologies in them. To sum up, i think social media
has really bad impact on health issues and mostly in adolescents because they are creating their own
pesonality and their own thinking towards the real world. Their way of thinking seems to be interrupted
by crazy ideas wich are going on in the internet and could have really bad consecuences in their personal

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