Current Affairs Sept 22

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Indian Polity, Governance ,

Policies and Internal security

1. How did the Bilkis Bano convicts been commuted under Section 433 into one
walk free? of imprisonment for life, such person shall
Context: The Gujarat government released not be released from prison unless he had
11 convicts in the Bilkis Bano murder and served at least fourteen years of
gangrape case of 2002 under its remission imprisonment".
and premature release policy. Rules for remission
What is remission?  Judicial decisions advocate both
 Remission implies reducing the subjective and objective norms for
period of a sentence without changing remission. Y

its character.
Indian laws provide pardoning

Remission should be informed, fair and
reasonable, and not arbitrary; that it
power sourcing from statutory and
constitutional authorities.
AD should not undermine the nature of the

remissions -
As per law, there are three kinds of  In Laxman Naskar vs Union of India
(2000), the Supreme Court laid down
five considerations:

A S  whether the offence is an individual act

Those earned in accordance with jail
of crime that does not affect society;
whether there is a chance of the crime

While Article 72 of the Constitution

being repeated in future;
whether the convict has lost the
empowers the President to grant
remission, Article 161 vests similar
power with the Governor.

potentiality to commit crime;
whether any purpose is being served
 Sections 432 and 433 of the Code of in keeping the convict in prison; and
Criminal Procedure (CrPC) lay down  socio economic conditions of the
rules for the State governments to convict's family.
suspend or remit sentences.  Under Section 435 of the Code of
The statutory Power of Remission Criminal Procedure (CrPC), in a case
 Since Prisons is a State Subject, state investigated by the CBI, Centre's
governments have powers under consultation is mandatory prior to
Section 432 of the Code of Criminal remission.
Procedure (CrPC) to remit sentences.  The Supreme Court has also ruled that
 However, Section 433A of the CrPC 'consultation' means 'concurrence' in
puts certain restrictions on these this regard.
powers of remission. It says
Email : Mains Point: Discuss in detail Remission
"Where a sentence of imprisonment for life and examine in the case of Bilkis Bano
is imposed on conviction of a person for convicts
an offence for which death is one of the
punishments provided by law, or where a
sentence of death imposed on a person has


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2. Cabinet approves PM SHRI own learning process as per the vision
scheme - PM SHRI Schools (PM of NEP 2020.
ScHools for Rising India)  The PM SHRI Schools will be
Context: The Union Cabinet approved the developed as Green schools,
'PM Schools for Rising India' (PM SHRI) incorporating environment friendly
scheme to turn existing government schools aspects like solar panels and LED
into model schools for implementation of lights, nutrition gardens with natural
the National Education Policy, 2020. farming, waste management, plastic
 The PM-SHRI schools will have a free, water conservation and
modern, transformational and holistic harvesting, study of traditions/
method of imparting education. practices related to protection of
 The scheme will be implemented as a environment, climate change related
Centrally sponsored scheme with a hackathon and awareness generation to
total project cost of ?27,360 crore, with adopt sustainable lifestyle.
the Centre's share being ?18,128 crore  Pedagogy adopted in these schools will
for the period of five years from
2022­23 to 2026­27 for transforming integrated, Y
be more experiential, holistic,
nearly 14,500 schools across the
country. E M
(particularly, in the foundational years)
inquiry-driven, discovery-oriented,
 A school will receive nearly ?2 crore,
and the money will be transferred AD learner-centred, discussion-based,
flexible and enjoyable.

directly to the school's account through
Direct Benefit Transfer.
 Focus will be on learning outcomes of
every child in every grade. Assessment
at all levels will be based on conceptual

The principal or the local committee
will be given the flexibility to understanding and application of

determine the use of 40% of the fund. knowledge to real life situations and
will be competency-based.

The PM SHRI scheme also provides a
Quality Assessment  A School Quality Assessment
Framework (SQAF) is being
Framework" which will be developed
for measuring key performance
indicators for carrying out quality
developed, specifying the key
performance indicators to measure
evaluation of schools selected from the outcomes. Quality evaluation of these
current academic year. schools at regular intervals will be
undertaken to ensure the desired
 Under the Scheme, schools will be standards.
selected only if the State government
agrees to implement the NEP "in Issues with respect to NEP and PM SHRI
entirety with the Centre laying down initiatives:
commitments for supporting these The scheme has been announced at a time
schools for achieving specified quality when some States, including Tamil Nadu,
parameters". continue to oppose the NEP for -
Key features  Imposing a centralised education
 PM SHRI will provide high-quality system on the entire country when
education in an equitable, inclusive education is a State subject
Email :
and joyful school environment that  Enforcing the three language policy
takes care of the diverse background, under which students will learn three
multilingual needs, and different languages out of which two have to be
academic abilities of children and native to India.
makes them active participants in their


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 Mandatory school entry at three years, susceptible to government influence,
which could leave out many from and may not discharge their
marginalised communities constitutional mandate fairly.
 Promotion of vocational courses from  The intent is that there should be no
Class 6 at the cost of formal education conflict between the duties and
 The option to exit schools in Class 10 interests of an elected member.
with the option to re--enter in Class 11  Hence, the office of profit law simply
Prelims and Mains point: PM SHRI scheme seeks to enforce a basic feature of the
Constitution- the principle of
separation of power between the
3. Suspense in Jharkhand as CM legislature and the executive.
Soren may face disqualification
Provisions for Office of Profit
Context: Election Commission (EC) had
issued a notice to Hemant Soren for prima-  Legislators can face disqualification for
facie violation of Section 9A of the holding other positions, which bring
Representation of People's Act and them financial or other benefits.
consequently recommended the 
Under the provisions of Article 102 (1)
disqualification as a member of the State
Legislative Assembly.
and Article 191 (1) of the Constitution,
an MP or an MLA (or an MLC) is barred
Disqualification of MLA under the
Representation of People's Act
AD from holding any office of profit under
the Central or State government.

Under Section 9A of the Representation
of the People Act, 1951, the CM could
Who has the authority to disqualify?
 The President and the Governor have
the authority to disqualify an MP,
face disqualification for entering into
a government contract.
A S MLA, or MLC, with or without

The clause states that "a person shall
be disqualified if, and for so long as,
recommendations by the Election

there subsists a contract entered into
by him in the course of his trade or
Can exemptions be granted under the law?
 In the recent past, several state
business with the appropriate
Government for the supply of goods
legislatures have enacted laws
exempting certain offices from the
to, or for the execution of any works purview of office of profit in addition
undertaken by, that Government." to the existing provisions laid under
 The Constitution of India does not Articles 102 and 191.
define the Office of Profit. It has only  Parliament has also enacted the
mentioned it under Article 102 (1) and Parliament (Prevention of
Article 191 (1). Disqualification) Act, 1959, which has
 EC recommended disqualification been amended several times to expand
from the state Assembly in the mining the exempted list.
lease case. Conclusion
What is the significance of disqualification A provision requiring such a disqualification
under "Office of Profit"? is needed to protect the democratic fabric of
 MPs and MLAs, as members of the the country from being corrupted by
Email : executive patronage. It also
legislature, hold the government
accountable for its work. independence of members of parliament
 The essence of disqualification is if from the influence of the government.
legislators hold an 'office of profit' Prelims and Mains Point : Discuss the
under the government, they might be provisions of Disqualification of MLA


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4. 'One Nation, One Fertiliser'  Over the years various ordinances were
Scheme - Single brand to help cut promulgated for various reasons which
fertiliser cost include "Assam disturbed areas
Objectives of the Scheme: (1947)", "Assam Disturbed Areas Act of
 To reduce logistics costs involved in (1955)"etc.
the transportation of fertilisers.  The Act was replaced by the AFSPA for
 To ensure the availability of fertilisers wider application. A similar Act
to the farmers throughout the year. specific to Jammu and Kashmir was
enacted in 1990.
 To monitor real time movement,
availability and sales of fertilisers in a About The AFSPA
State.  In the 1950s, Naga insurgents resorted
Significance of ONOF Scheme to large-scale violence and
meticulously planned and launched
 "One Nation One Fertilizer" would ambushes, which resulted in either
stop the criss­­cross movement of killing or injury of hundreds of Indian
fertilisers for longer distances
 The Centre had taken steps to ensure Y
Army soldiers, Central and State
paramilitary personnel in the region.
the steady availability of fertilisers by
entering into agreements with

As a result, the Union government
countries such as Russia and Saudi

Arabia at the time of a global shortage
D introduced the Armed Forces (Special
Powers) Act 1958, or AFSPA.
AFSPA gives sweeping powers to the

for fertilisers.
Centre signed an agreement in Saudi
AC 
armed forces which include powers to
open fire, even causing death, against
Arabia for the supply of 2.5 million
tonnes of fertilisers for different Indian
any person in contravention to the law
or carrying arms and ammunition.

The production and distribution
 Also empowers the armed forces to

process would be redrawn as the
companies would not have to
arrest individuals without warrants, on
the basis of "reasonable suspicion", and

transport their products beyond 500
kilometres on average.
search premises without warrants.
Conclusion:The Scheme will encourage  It can be imposed by the Centre or the
capturing the local market by selling Governor of a state, on the whole or part
fertilisers by companies and would lead to of the state, after these areas are
timely availability of fertilisers to the declared "disturbed'' under Section 3.
farmers.  The Act was amended in 1972 and the
powers to declare an area as
"disturbed" were conferred
5. Armed Forces (Special Powers) concurrently upon the Central
Act 1958(AFSPA) - A draconian government along with the States.
law that needs to disappear
 Currently, the Union Ministry of Home
History of AFSPA: Affairs (MHA) issues periodic
 The roots of AFSPA can be traced to "disturbed area" notifications to extend
British Rule during the freedom
Email : AFSPA only for Nagaland and
movement. Arunachal Pradesh.
 The British government had  The notification for Manipur and
promulgated the Armed Forces Special Assam is issued by the respective State
Powers Ordinance to suppress the governments.
Quit India movement in August 1942.


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 Tripura revoked the Act in 2015 and Justice K.S. Puttaswamy (retd.) vs Union of
Meghalaya was under AFSPA for 27 India case(2017): The nine -judge
years, until it was revoked by the Constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court
MHA from 1st April 2018. ruled that individual privacy is intrinsic to
Efforts to withdraw and Resistance to a life and liberty and an inherent part of the
rescinding fundamental rights enshrined in Article 21
 Hunger strike by the iron lady of of the Constitution.
Manipur, Irom Chanu Sharmila: who  It formally recognised the right to
went on a 16-year long hunger strike privacy as being a fundamental right
starting from November 2000 and only stemming from the right to life and
could achieve partial withdrawal of personal liberty, guaranteed under
AFSPA. Article 21 of the Indian Constitution.
 The Justice B.P. Jeevan Reddy About Right to Privacy
Commission was tasked with  Privacy is a constitutionally protected
reviewing the provisions of AFSPA. In right emerging primarily from the
its 2005 report it recommended the
withdrawal of the AFSPA and had Y
guarantee of life and liberty in Article
21 of the Constitution.
suggested making amendments to the
Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act,

While the right to privacy is intrinsic

1967 (UAPA) to achieve the purpose

AD to an individual's ability to exercise
bodily autonomy, it is still not an
"absolute right".
 Second Administrative Reforms
Commission (ARC) Recommendation:
AC  Privacy is not an absolute right, but any
invasion must be based on legality,

Subsequently, the Second ARC headed
by Veeerapa Moily, endorsed these 
need and proportionality.
Informational privacy is a facet of this
I right. Dangers to this can originate

Measures taken so far
Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh
from both state and non-state actors.
Issues in enforcement even after 5 years of

said that all three wings of the defence
forces were in favour of the removal
of AFSPA from the Northeast and
Right to privacy judgement
 So far, the recognition of the right has
not been upheld in letter or in practice.
Jammu and Kashmir. This can be understood from the nature
 In April 2022, the Prime Minister of of the relationship shared among
India, Narendra Modi made a consumers and companies.
statement to the people of the North-  Data not protected: Data security
east that the Government intends to breaches which result in the loss and
withdraw the much-dreaded Armed theft of personal, sensitive data
Forces (Special Powers) Act 1958, or continues unabated. The Personal Data
AFSPA, completely from the region. Protection Bill, 2021 has been
 Following the PM's statement, in withdrawn after an unnecessarily long
March this year, the government has period of stagnation.
partially withdrawn the AFSPA from  Data collection: In India, any person or
parts of Assam, Nagaland, Arunachal business can procure the
Email :
Pradesh and Manipur. information for a vast majority of the
people. These data are used and
6. Puttaswamy and the fading consumed most often by some
promise of a right legitimate advertising agencies,


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unscrupulous telemarketing firms, 71,000 from a little over 55,000 in 2017.
and cyber criminals. This is despite the fact that the
 This status quo leaves the people open sanctioned judicial strength of the court
to a range of harms like phishing was increased to 34 judges in August
attacks, financial scams, as well as 2019.
other harmful activities based on About Constitution bench:
information about an individual.  It is the name given to the benches of
 'Spying' from above: There are the Supreme Court of India which
apprehensions about the unauthorised consist of at least five judges of the
or illegal state surveillance in the name court which sit to decide any case
of the security and integrity of India.  Involving a substantial question of law
For example, this is validated with the as to the interpretation of the
allegation of the misuse of the Pegasus Constitution of India
spyware by the Indian government.  For the purpose of hearing any
 Other 'transgressions': The reference made by the President of
Government has demanded the VPN
service providers, most of which Y
India under Article 143.

operate in jurisdictions outside of

India, to ensure start collecting and

This provision has been mandated by
Article 145 (3) of the Constitution of
maintaining KYC records on Indian
nationals who seek to avail their
AD 
The Chief Justice of India has the power
services. The kind of information

requested to be collected and storedC 
to constitute a Constitution Bench and
refer cases to it.
Setting up at least one Constitution
includes full name, phone number,
home address, etc., which generally is
bench that would sit through the year

not sought by VPN service providers. to ensure smoother methods for listing
cases and allowing lawyers to
Appointment of Chief Justice of
effectively 'mention' their cases for
listing is a step in forward direction.

Context: President Droupadi Murmu
appointed Justice Uday Umesh Lalit as the
Appointment of Chief Justice of India
 The CJI and the Judges of the SC are
appointed by the President under
49th Chief Justice of India.
clause (2) of Article 124 of the
Reforms brought by the CJI Constitution.
 CJI U U Lalit assured that there will be  From 1950 to 1973, the practice was to
at least one Constitution Bench appoint the senior most judge of the SC
functioning throughout the year in the as the CJI.
Supreme Court.
 This established convention was
 Another reform that Justice Lalit has violated in 1973 when A N Ray was
talked about is that court proceedings appointed as the Chief Justice of India
would start at 9 am instead of the usual by superseding three senior judges.
10.30 am.
 Again in 1977, M U Beg was appointed
 Urgent matters: A clear-cut mechanism as the chief justice of India by
Email :would be in place to allow lawyers to
superseding the then senior-most
mention urgent matters, which judge.
includes bail petitions, et, before the
respective Benches for early listing.  This discretion of the government was
curtailed by the SC in the Second
 Pendency of cases: The Supreme Judges Case (1993), in which the SC
Court's pendency has crossed over ruled that the senior most judge should
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alone be appointed to the office of the and the Representation of the People
CJI. Act, 1951.
Removal of Judges 1951 Representation of the People Act
 A judge of the SC can be removed from  The RP Act 1951 was passed prior to
office by an order of the President. the first general election. The act
 The President can issue the removal mandates the holding of elections in
order only after an address by India.
Parliament has been presented in the  It addresses the following election
same session for such removal. issues:
 The address must be supported by a  Actual election conduct;
special majority of each House of Administrative machinery for
Parliament. conducting elections; o Poll; Election
 Grounds of Removal: Proved offences; Election disputes; By-
misbehaviour or Incapacity. elections; Registration of political
The Judges Enquiry Act, 1968 regulates parties.

the procedure relating to the removal Y
Corruption, as defined by the RP Act of
of a judge of the SC by the process of

Section 123 of the RP Act 1951 defines
 No judge of the SC has been
impeached so far.
AD corrupt electoral practices. The
following practises have been
 Impeachment motions of Justice V
Ramaswami (1991-1993) and Justice
AC 
identified as corrupt:
Bribery is defined as any gift, offer,
promise, or gratification given to
Dipak Misra (2017-18) were defeated
in the Parliament.
A S another person as a motive or reward.

I  The Supreme Court ruled in the 2013

Balaji case that making promises in
Revisiting the S. Subramaniam
Balaji vs Tamil Nadu judgement
election manifestos does not constitute
corrupt practices under Section 123 of

Context: The Supreme Court referred to a
three-judge Bench a series of petitions
seeking a judicial direction that political 
the Representation of People Act (RP).
As a result, the Supreme Court has
parties who make wild promises of largesse decided to reconsider the Balaji
should also reveal where they will get the decision.
money to pay for them in their election The 2013 Judgment's Highlights
manifestos. The reference departs from the  The Supreme Court ruled that:
court's position in the 2013 Subramaniam  It would be deceptive to conclude that
Balaji vs Tamil Nadu decision. all promises in the election manifesto
Constitutional and Statutory Provisions amounted to corrupt practice.
 Articles 324 to 329 of Part XV of the  A political party's manifesto is a
Indian Constitution contain provisions statement of its policy.
relating to the conduct of free and fair  The question of manifesto
elections in India. implementation arises only if the
 These provisions gave Parliament the
Email :
political party forms a government.
authority to enact legislation to govern  The court agreed, however, that
the electoral process. freebies create an uneven playing field.
 In order to implement these  It had requested that the Election
provisions, Parliament passed the Commission of India consult with
Representation of the People Act, 1950, political parties and issue guidelines


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on election manifestos, which would 9. Tribe categorisation work delays
be included in the Model Code of benefits under SEED
Conduct (MCC). Context: The Scheme for Economic
The significance of the current Supreme Empowerment of Denotified/Nomadic/
Court decision to review the 2013 SemiNomadic(SEED) is a scheme meant for
judgement the upliftment of Denotified, Nomadic and
 Fiscal burden and associated concerns Semi-Nomadic Tribes (DNTs/NTs/SNTs).
 The court anticipates that freebies will  According to government estimates,
lead to a situation in which the state more than 10 crore Indians from 1,400
government will be unable to provide communities belong to these groups.
basic amenities due to a lack of funds,  The process has been marred with
pushing the state into bankruptcy. multiple exercises to bring all DNT, NT
 The court wants a transparent debate and SNT communities under SC, ST,
before the three-judge Bench on and OBC categories.
whether an enforceable judicial order  The scheme has been launched based
can prevent political parties from
on the recommendations of the Bhiku
promising and distributing irrational
Ramji Idate Commission which called
for a separate schedule to be created

kind because the Supreme Court is
investigating whether judicial AD
One-of-a-kind o This case is one-of-a- for these communities so that they can
avail benefits meant for them.
About SEED Programme:
parameters can be imposed on a
purely political act of promisingAC  The SEED scheme was launched in 2022
with the aim to provide free

Why is the Supreme Court reconsidering
competitive exam coaching to
community students, health insurance
this judgement? I to families, uplift clusters of these

The Supreme Court has said that
freebies may create a situation wherein
communities through livelihood
initiatives, and provide financial

the State government cannot provide
basic amenities due to a lack of funds
and the State is pushed towards

assistance for housing.
Corpus: The Ministry has allocated
?200 crores for this scheme - to be spent
imminent bankruptcy. over five years from FY 2021-2022 to FY
 Hence, a transparent debate before the 2025-2026.
three-judge Bench should be held on  Recognition: The scheme will be
whether an enforceable judicial order implemented through an online portal
can stop political parties from that will issue a unique ID to each
promising and distributing 'irrational applicant so they can apply and track
freebies'. the status of their application online.
 Significance: This revisit by the  Designation: There has been the
Supreme Court on its earlier creation of a list of DNTs/NTs/SNTs
judgement is unique as the court is enumerated by the commission led by
exploring whether judicial parameters Bhiku Ramji Idate, which has listed
can be set on a purely political act of
Email :
1,262 such communities and
promising freebies. categorised them under SC/ST or OBC
Mains Point : Comment critically Political and others.
parties and their election promises and  Need for recognition: Categorisation of
funding has to be transparent DNTs/NTs/SNTs is essential for the
implementation of welfare


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programmes as there is no schedule in
the Constitution providing for their

Major issues with the scheme:

 Administrative apathy: The

Development and Welfare Board for
De-notified, Nomadic and Semi-
Nomadic Communities (DWBDNC)
has not yet begun sifting through the
applications as they are still being
reviewed at the State and district
levels. History of De-notified Tribes
 Cascading tapism: The involvement of  The term 'De-notified Tribes' stands for
multiple officials in the Y
all those communities which were once
implementation of the scheme is
holding up the process of accurate
notified under the Criminal Tribes Acts,
enforced by the British Raj between l87l
and I947.
categorisation of DNTs/NTs/SNTs
under the list of Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward AD  Post-independence: These Acts were
repealed by the Independent lndian

List mismatch: Inconsistencies have
Government in l952, and these
communities were "De-Notified".

been hindering the processing of SEED

applications of those communities
Government steps to improve status:

which are already in the classified list
 Idate commission: The Government in
2014 had constituted the National

of 1,262 communities. For instance,
Banjara people were under the SC list
Commission for Denotified, Nomadic
and Semi-Nomadic Tribes (NCDNT) for

in Delhi, the ST list in Rajasthan and
the OBC list in Uttar Pradesh.
Slow process: Idate commission has
a period of three years to prepare a
State-wise list of castes belonging to
Denotified and Nomadic Tribes.
also added 267 communities to the list  Renke Commission: It was created in
which is now being studied by the 2008 and was earlier commissioned to
Anthropological Survey of India (AnSI) identify and list the DNT communities.
and Tribal Research Institutes to  Creation of welfare Board: A
classify them under either SC, ST, or Development and Welfare Board for
OBC. De-notified, Nomadic and Semi-
 Different designations: Different Nomadic communities has been
generations of the same community constituted by the government for the
had been issued different community Development and Welfare of De-
certificates. notified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic
 Dialect mismatches: Differences in the communities.
spelling of communities based on local
Email :
dialects have prevented many of them Mains Point : challenges in SEED
from getting a community certificate. programme of GoI


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10. The concerns around Aadhaar-  To that extent, the limited element of
Voter ID linkage choice that has been incorporated in the
 Reports have surfaced online of amendments seem to be negated or at
instances where block level officers the very least thrown into confusion.
have asked individuals to link their Why is there such a proposal for linking?
Aadhaar with their Voter IDs, failing The preference to use Aadhaar for
which their Voter IDs could be verification and authentication, both by the
cancelled. state and private sector, stems from few
Aadhaar-Voter ID linkage: Why does the reasons:
government want this?  Increase in UID-holders: First, at the end
 The EC conducts regular exercises to of 2021, 99.7% of the adult Indian
maintain an updated and accurate population had an Aadhaar card.
record of the voter base.  Most versatile document: This
 A part of this exercise is to weed out coverage exceeds that of any other
duplication of voters. officially valid document such as
 There have been migrant workers who Y
driver's licence, ration cards, PAN
may have been registered more than
once on the electoral rolls in different
cards etc. that are mostly applied for
specific purposes.
constituencies or for persons
registered multiple times within the
same constituency. AD  Reliable source of authentication: Since
Aadhaar allows for biometric
authentication, Aadhaar based
 As per the government, linkage of
Aadhaar with voter IDs will assist in
authentication and verification is
considered more reliable, quicker and

ensuring that only one Voter ID is
issued per citizen of India.
cost efficient when compared to other
Is the linking of Aadhaar with one's Voter Issues with mandatory linking: Puttaswamy
ID mandatory?

In December 2021, Parliament passed
judgement highlights
 Puttaswamy judgement: The above

the Election Laws (Amendment) Act,
2021 .
reasons do not suffice the mandating
of Aadhaar except in limited
circumstances as per the Puttaswamy
 This was to amend the Representation
of the People Act, 1950 and Section judgement.
23(4) was inserted in the RP Act.  Indispensability of the purpose: It
 It states that the electoral registration needs to be considered whether such
officer may require voters to furnish mandatory linkage of Aadhaar with
their Aadhaar numbers to verify Voter ID would pass the test of being
Authenticity of voters list. "necessary and proportionate" to the
purpose of de-duplication which is
Why is it making headlines now? sought to be achieved.
 There has been the use of discretionary  Constitutional ambiguity: In
language throughout the amendments. Puttaswamy, one of the questions that
 This has been accompanied by the Supreme Court explored was
assurances that linkage is optional by whether the mandatory linking of
Email :
both the government and the EC. Aadhaar with bank accounts was
 Alternative is provided to only those constitutional or not.
who does not have an Aadhaar  Against informational autonomy: It is
number. the right to privacy which would allow
a person to decide which official


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document they want to use for ? There is a lack of enforceable data
verification and authentication. protection principles that regulate how
Other judicial observations: Lal Babu authentication data will be used.
Hussein (1995) Case Mains Point : Comment on linking of
 The Supreme Court had held that the Aadhaar with one's Voter ID and Right to
Right to vote cannot be disallowed by Privacy
insisting only on four proofs of
identity. 11. The Dolo scandal - Pharma needs
 The voters are entitled to rely on any a dose of regulation
other proof of identity and obtain the  Bengaluru-based Micro Labs has been
right to vote. accused of tax evasion and paying
What are the operational difficulties? doctors Rs 1,000 crore as bribe to
 Aadhaar is not a citizenship proof: The prescribe Dolo-650 for Covid-19
preference to Aadhaar for the purposes patients.
of determining voters is puzzling as  The Supreme Court is currently hearing
Aadhaar is only a proof of residence Y
a plea to make the Uniform Code for

and not a proof of citizenship.
Excluding non-citizens is not easy:
Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices
(UCPMP) a statutory requirement.
Verifying voter identity against this

will only help in tackling duplicationD What is Dolo?
 Dolo 650 is an analgesic (pain killer)

but will not remove voters who are not
citizens of India from the electoral
and antipyretic (fever reducing) tablet
manufactured by Micro Labs, a
Bengaluru-based pharmaceutical firm.

Estimate of error rates in biometric  This trademarked product is a fixed

based authentication: This certainly
differs. As per the UIDAI in 2018,
dose combination medication with 650
mg of an active compound called

SB based biometric
authentication had a 12% error rate. 
This NSAID (non-steroidal anti-

Disenfranchisement of existing voters:
Errors have led to the
inflammatory medication) is
prescribed for fever and mild pains. It
disenfranchisement of around 30 lakh is even sold without a medical
voters in AP and Telangana before the prescription.
Supreme Court stalled the process of The Dolo 650 scandal
 The controversy is centred on Micro
Key concern: Right to Privacy Labs' marketing strategies. The pharma
 Some civil societies have highlighted firm is alleged to have bribed doctors,
that linking of the two databases of into promoting Dolo 650, with freebies
electoral rolls and Aadhaar could lead worth ?1,000 crore.
to the linkage of Aadhaar's  The ceiling prices of more than 850
"demographic" information with voter medicines, including paracetamol
ID information. combinations, has been established by
 This could lead to violation of the right the DPCO (Drugs (Prices Control)
Email :to privacy and surveillance measures Order). In the case of
650 mg
by the state. This would leave the EC paracetamol tablet, the ceiling price is
with the option of verifying its ?1.83, while for a 500 mg paracetamol
information only through door-to-door tablet, it is ?0.91.
checks.  Hence, the sale of the 650 mg version
is more profitable for the manufacturer.
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Steps have been taken by the government Wayforward
to stop freebies for doctors  Prescriptions should be written without
 The Uniform Code of Pharmaceuticals brand names. It should be made the
Marketing Practices of 2015 prohibits normal practice.
gifts, payments and hospitality  Doctors will then have no incentive to
benefits to doctors by the medical promote particular brands.
representatives. However, this code Pharmaceutical companies also will
has been fully voluntary since 2015 and have no incentive to give freebies to
there is no enforcement mechanism. doctors.
 Further, the Income Tax Act, 1961  There should be a flat dispensing fee
disallows deductions for payments to in place of incentives for pharmacists.
doctors and the tax deducted at source It will prevent pharmacists from
(TDS) is applicable for all payments recommending a brand name.
made to doctors.
 The Indian Medical Council 12. Can civil servants express their
(Professional Conduct, Etiquette and
Ethics) Regulations, 2002 also Y
views on law, governance?
prohibits the disbursement of gifts. It
may also lead to cancellation of license E M
Context: A senior IAS officer, Smita
Sabharwal from Telangana tweeted from her
if found guilty.
AD personal account in support of Ms. Bilkis
Bano and questioned the Gujarat

The need for Uniform Code for

Pharmaceutical Marketing Practices AC government's decision of releasing 11 men
convicted on charges of gang-raping during
the 2002 Gujarat riots.

The nexus between doctors and
 This has prompted a debate about

pharma companies is well-known. The
whether the officer breached the Civil
Service (Conduct) Rules of 1964 and

most basic form of nexus consists of
sending doctors and practitioners
revived the debate about civil servants'
right to express their personal views on

branded stationery, calendars, or desk
knick-knacks. It keeps their products
on top of the mind in a crowded
matters of law and governance.
Critical analysis of Rule 9 of the Central
Civil Services (Conduct) Rules
 It says that no Government servant
 It is especially important in a market shall make any statement of fact or
such as India, where many essential opinion which has the effect of an
drugs are placed under price control. adverse criticism of any current or
 However, the issue is a serious nexus. recent policy or action of the Central
Where doctors are paid to fulfil the Government or a State Government.
objectives of pharmaceuticals like fees  It is in violation of Article 19 (freedom
to act as lead investigators on clinical of speech and expression) of the
trials or in endorsing key research Constitution.
 Once a person takes up government
 Thus, a statutory code instead of service, he/she surrenders and allows
voluntary code has been suggested,
Email : some restrictions on
where all pharma companies need to fundamental rights. He/she is to
disclose payments made to doctors or operate within bounds.
their associations, directly or
indirectly.  The rule says he/she cannot criticise a
policy judgement which is a very


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vague expression and needs to be democratic society, every institution is
carefully scrutinised. governed by democratic norms.
Rule may not violate Article 19 Right to object and right to dissent
 A fundamental right cannot be  Government officers are given only one
curtailed except by a valid law made way of encouragement to say good
by a legislature. things in the media. They do not have
 It is a rule and not the law. It is not in the liberty as of today to say what is
the Constitution while Freedom of bad.
speech is given in the Constitution.  In a democracy, everybody has a right
 These are Conduct Rules and they are to express his or her opinion, a right to
imposed because there has to be some object, a right to dissent. The same
discipline in an organisation for that thing stands true for an IAS officer that
organisation to function. he or she may have a right to dissent.
 There is a process of decision-making.  Creating more transparency about
Right from below, the matter is policies through social media is the
examined, the pros and cons are taken Y
duty of a government officer which has
up, the bureaucracy is given an
opportunity to examine all the aspects, 
to be taken on a case-by-case basis.
We need to make a differentiation
write their notes of objection or
support, and finally, it reaches the
political executive. AD between what is something that's going
to hurt society, hurt the Constitution,
and the rule of law.

obeyed and complied with by the AC
When a policy is decided, it has to be  The decision to release convicts on
remission is not a government policy

A S but an action, which is ordained by the

Supreme Court, executed by the

There are no laws that restrict the
government servant to use social government of Gujarat, and the

media such as Twitter. A government
servant can share his/her opinion that
question is over the manner in which it
has been done.

he/she is very pained by what's
happened today.
13. Positive Secularism - Karnataka's
hijab case
 Ms. Sabharwal has not given a speech Context: India believes in 'positive
about it and it is just a private secularism' based on tolerance of all
communication on Twitter that she religious faiths and not 'negative secularism'
chose to express her own anguish. followed in countries like France which holds
Previous Court Orders that display of religion in public is offensive,
 Lipika Paul v. The State Of Tripura: said a student from Karnataka who has
The court said that a civil servant (the challenged the ban on wearing hijab to
petitioner) is not devoid of her right to school.
free speech, a fundamental right which What is Positive Secularism?
can be curtailed only by a valid law.  Secularism is most commonly defined
However, this is subject to the civil as the separation of religion from civic
servant not crossing the borders laid affairs and the state.
Email :down in the Conduct Rules.  It may be broadened to
 Kerala High Court Judgement: The position seeking to remove or to
court said that one cannot be prevented minimise the role of religion in any
from expressing his views merely public sphere.
because he is an employee. In a  Positive secularism is where the state
plays an enabler role in the exercise of
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fundamental rights and the religious  However, like all fundamental rights,
freedoms of all communities. the state can restrict the right for
Circumstances where hijab can be grounds of public order, decency,
prohibited in school morality, health and other state
The State can only restrict her right in three interests.
circumstances:  Observations made by the Supreme
 One, to protect public order, morality Court in this matter:
and health.  People have a right under the
 Two, to protect another fundamental Constitution to profess, practise and
right. propagate religion (Article 25).
 Three, if such a restriction is authorised  Every person is the final judge of his/
by a law made to regulate or restrict her choice of religion or who their life
any economic, financial, political or partner should be. Courts cannot sit in
secular activity which may be judgement of a person's choice of
associated with religious practice or to religion or life partner.
provide for social welfare and reform. 
Religious faith is a part of the
What was the judgement announced by
Karnataka HC?
fundamental right to privacy.

 The HC held that wearing hijab is not

an essential religious practice in Islam
14. Gyanvapi order & The Places of
Worship Act, 1991

by the right to freedom of religion

guaranteed by Article 25 of the AC
and is not, therefore, protected under Context: The district judge of Varanasi in
Rakhi Singh & others has ordered that the
petition by the five Hindu women is
A S maintainable under the Civil Procedure

The court said it was a reasonable
restriction that was constitutionally
Code (CPC) of 1908.
 The judge has noted that the petitioners

The Bench also upheld the legality of
are seeking neither the conversion of
the Gyanvapi mosque into a Shiv

the order prescribing guidelines for
uniforms in schools and pre-university
temple nor making any claim to
ownership. They are merely seeking a
colleges under the provisions of the right to worship as a civil right and,
Karnataka Education Act, 1983. therefore, the bar of the 1991 Act is not
 The court said that school uniforms applicable.
will cease to be a uniform if hijab is The Places of Worship Act
also allowed. The Places of Worship Act - brought in 1991
How is religious freedom protected under to maintain a status quo at all pre-
the Constitution? Independence religious sites in terms of
 Article 25(1) of the Constitution their nature - is currently facing this test.
guarantees the "freedom of conscience  It is described as "An Act to prohibit
and the right freely to profess, practise conversion of any place of worship and
and propagate religion". to provide for the maintenance of the
 It is a right that guarantees a negative religious character of any place of
Email :
liberty - which means that the state worship as it existed on the 15th day of

shall ensure that there is no August 1947, and for matters connected
interference or obstacle to exercise this therewith or incidental thereto."
freedom. Provisions of the Act
Section 3: This section of the Act bars the
conversion, in full or part, of a place of
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worship of any religious Criticism:
denomination into a place of worship  The law has been challenged on the
of a different religious denomination ground that it bars judicial review,
or even a different segment of the same which is a basic feature of the
religious denomination. Constitution, imposes an "arbitrary
 Section 4(1): It declares that the irrational retrospective cutoff date,"
religious character of a place of and abridges the right to religion of
worship "shall continue to be the same Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, and Sikhs.
as it existed" on 15th August 1947. Mains Point : Comment on Right to worship
 Section 4(2): It says any suit or legal with respect to Gyanvapi order
proceeding with respect to the
conversion of the religious character of 15. Parliamentary business and an
any place of worship existing on 15th essential pit stop
August, 1947, pending before any
court, shall abate and no fresh suit or Context: The recently concluded monsoon
session of Parliament (July-August), even
legal proceedings shall be instituted.
Section 5: It stipulates that the Act shall Y
though it was adjourned sine die, it

not apply to the Ram Janmabhoomi-
Babri Masjid case, and to any suit, E M
witnessed the Competition (Amendment)
Bill, 2022 and the Electricity (Amendment)
appeal, or proceeding relating to it.
Exemption: AD Bill, 2022 being sent to the Department-
Related Standing Committee of Parliament
for detailed examination and a report
 The disputed site at Ayodhya was
exempted from the Act. Due to this AC thereon.
 The Lok Sabha's productivity was 47%

exemption, the trial in the Ayodhya
case proceeded even after the
and the Rajya Sabha's productivity was
only 42%.
enforcement of this law.  The percentage of Bills having been

Besides the Ayodhya dispute, the Act
also exempted:
referred to the DRSCs during the
tenures of the 14th (2004-2009), 15th

Any place of worship which is an
ancient and historical monument, or
an archaeological site covered by the
(2009-2014) and 16th Lok Sabhas (2014-
2019) has been 60%, 71% and 27%,
Ancient Monuments and Why does the government have to refer the
Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, Bill to DRSCs?
1958.  The deliberations in these committees
 A suit that has been finally settled or mostly add value to the content of the
disposed of. Any dispute that has been legislation as the Members discuss the
settled by the parties or conversion of provisions of the bill irrespective of
any place that took place by their party positions.
acquiescence before the Act  Committee members from both the
commenced. ruling side and the opposition side
have some sort of ownership of the bill
Penalty: as they examine the bill.
Email :Section
 6 of the Act prescribes a  As in most of these committees, the
punishment of a maximum of three government has a majority and the final
years imprisonment along with a fine decision is always by the process of
for contravening the provisions of the majority voting.


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About Parliamentary Committees Importance of Parliamentary Standing
 Parliamentary standing committees Committees in democracy:
are permanent and regular committees  Executive accountability:
which are constituted from time to time Parliamentary standing committees
in pursuance of the provisions of an ensure executive accountability
act of parliament or rules of procedure through scrutiny of public spending
and conduct of business in Lok Sabha. and various laws.
 Help in Economic growth: The
Estimates Committee examines the
Union Budget and suggests alternative
policies to bring about efficiency and
economy in administration.
 Scrutiny of public funds: The Public
accounts committees scrutinise the
government accounts and the report of

the Comptroller and Auditor-General
of India. Thus reducing the chance of

misspending and also validating the
government's spending statistics.

AD  Ensure better laws and rules: The

Committee on Subordinate Legislation
 The work of these Committees is of
continuous nature. AC scrutinises and reports to the house
about regulations, rules, sub-rules,

Among the Standing Committees, the
bye-laws, etc. conferred by the
Constitution being properly exercised
three Financial
Committees on Estimates, Public
within the limits of various provisions.

Accounts and Public Undertakings
constitute standing committees as they
 Ensure answerability: The Committee
on Government Assurances committee
scrutinises the various assurances,
keep a vigil over Government
expenditure and performance. promises, undertakings, etc. given by
ministers from time to time reporting
on the extent to which such assurances
have been implemented.
Although parliamentary and cabinet
committees are not a part of the Constitution
they ensure healthy democracy and
governance through scrutiny and better
policies. They enable the cabinet and
Parliament to make difficult decisions.

16. For State Of The Nation, Look At

States Of The Nation
Email :
Context: In the Independence Day speech,
the PM set the tone for a Viksit Bharat
(Developed India) by 2047. He also said
'When the states grow India grows.' Niti
Aayog, with its mandate to actualise


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cooperative federalism, is a perfect platform 17. Internal democracy - The ECI is
for the national development agenda. right in rejecting the notion of
'leader for life' in political parties
How can Niti Aayog help in making Viksit Context: The Election Commission of India
Bharat? (ECI) has rejected the idea of a 'permanent
 The medium between states to president' for a party, while taking issue with
implement best practices the Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party
(YSRCP), which rules Andhra Pradesh.
 States have varying capacities in
driving transformational and inclusive  There is merit in the ECI's view and its
growth. But Vision 2047 requires insistence on internal democracy, as no
strong and agile institutions with an individual should be elected leader for
overall development strategy, setting life.
sectoral targets and bringing together  The ECI has periodically used
technology, enterprise and efficient guidelines issued for registration of
management for policy formulation parties under Section 29A of the
and implementation.
Representation of the People Act, 1951
to remind parties to conduct elections
 Niti Aayog can act as a medium for
states to learn from each other through M
and to ensure that their leadership is
renewed, changed or re-elected every
sharing of their best practices. For
AD 
five years.
But the commission does not have any

orphans, minority communities andAC

Project Excel is a Gujarat government
initiative to empower women, youth, statutory power to enforce internal
democracy in parties or to mandate

marginalised groups by promoting
entrepreneurship, farm value chain
What is the legal position on conducting
interventions, etc. I internal elections within political parties?

The Farmer Registration and Unified
Beneficiary Information System
 There is no law that mandates elections
within political parties. Nothing in

(FRUITS) facilitates faster and targeted
delivery of agriculture-related services
to farmers in Karnataka.
Article 324, section 29A of
Representation of People Act, 1951
regulates the internal functioning of
Enhancing cooperative federalism parties.
 With the help of Niti Aayog, state  Political parties are nowhere
planning departments can reinvent mentioned in the constitution. The
themselves as State Institutions for definition of political parties was given
Transformation (SIT). SITs would in anti-defection law, for the first time.
identify critical growth drivers and All rules and regulations apply more
play a vital role in facilitating to candidates than to political parties
stakeholder consultations for focussed in India.
efforts that balance sustainable growth What are the directions of ECI on the
with social development while internal democracy of political parties?
addressing climate concerns.  The commission said that a) No
Email :Such
 SITs will be key to achieving a
individual should be elected
leader for
medium-term vision of SDG 2030 and life, b) Any party that participates in a
a longer-term vision of India@100. For democratic process, and wants to
example, Karnataka set up the State govern and legislate, should include a
Institute for Transforming Karnataka formal and periodic election of office-
(SITK). bearers.


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Why ensuring the internal democracy of enforce internal democracy in parties
political parties is challenging? or to mandate elections.
 Nature of political parties in India: For Mains Point:Internal Democracy is essential
instance, India has feature for Political parties in India comment
 Structured, cadre-based organisations
that function towards an ideological 18. Jyoti Punwani writes: Making
goal or a principle. For Example, criminals of peaceful protesters
Bharatiya Janata Party, Communist diminishes Indian democracy
parties, etc. Context: Earlier, even if detained, protesters
 More loosely structured collections of were let off in a couple of hours, with no
individuals with different strands of charges filed. But now, even peaceful
opinion functions within an protesters, including students, teachers and
association that has core ideals. For even journalists are threatened with criminal
example, the Congress party cases.
 Some other parties still reflect social or  The new Criminal Procedure
regional cleavages and so on.
(Identification) Act 2022, which permits
 Family politics and leader-driven
politics: The fragmentation of India's
policemen to record the biometrics of
individuals arrested and even if they
polity into a federalised, multi-party
system has also given way to the
domination of "charismatic"AD are only detained, has just had rules
created for it.

individuals or their families. These

parties' support and financing AC  Only those who have no previous
offences against them are free from
Section 144 arrest penalties. The police

structures necessitate a centralised
control by a single coterie or a family.
are permitted by the new law to keep
your biometric data on file until your
 I
So, these parties do not conduct acquittal. However, we require a

internal elections to secure their
leadership. Even if they do, they lack
magistrate's order before we may
delete the biometrics.

sufficient contestation and only
favourite leaders get promoted over
the populist leaders. This reaffirms the
Major Problem
 Laws are not respected by the police.
Seven years ago, the Supreme Court
dominance of the high command. invalidated Section 66A of the IT Act.
 The election is seen as a zero-sum The police continue to make arrests in
game: Political parties are reluctant to accordance with this law. The way the
allow internal contests, fearing that police handle lawful demonstrators
this could foster disunity, as opposed relies on the directives they get and
to nomination and consensus-building their personal biases.
on leadership.  A democracy's core right is the freedom
 The ECI lacks statutory power to to peaceful protest. Our Constitution
enforce internal democracy: The ECI makes this promise. It has previously
has periodically used guidelines received support from the Supreme
issued for the registration of parties Court. It is detrimental to democracy
under Section 29A of the to criminalise nonviolent
Email :
Representation of the People Act, 1951 demonstrators.
to remind parties to conduct elections  Recent protests include those over the
and to ensure that their leadership is suicide of Dalit scholar Rohith Vemula
renewed, changed or re-elected every in 2016, the Maharashtra Kisan Long
five years. But the commission does
not have any statutory power to
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March in 2018, the anti-CAA/NRC of death penalty sentencing is
rallies in several towns in 2019-2020, untenable.
and the farmers' protests in Delhi in Concerns with Death penalty framework
2020-21.  This is not the first time that the
 These, though, were limited to Supreme Court has noticed that all is
particular sections.The act of peaceful not well with the Bachan Singh
demonstration has been made illegal. framework. In 2009, in Santosh Kumar
A few hours earlier, demonstrators Bariyar v State of Maharashtra, Justice
were released without being charged. S B Sinha expressed concern about the
 But recently, charges have been lack of uniformity in death penalty
brought against nonviolent sentencing.
demonstrators.  In 2018, Justice Kurian Joseph in his
Obtaining police approval to hold silent minority opinion in Channu Lal Verma
protests outside of approved locations is an v State of Chhattisgarh called for a
extremely difficult task. relook at the constitutional possibility
 The system contains biases. Only those
of the death penalty because of the
arbitrariness that had crept in.
who support the ruling party receive
special treatment while organising 
Lethal Lottery in 2008, and the 262nd
Mains Point: Peaceful protests is the core
for a successful functioning of Democracy AD Law Commission of India Report in
2015, underscored the inconsistencies
in the Supreme Court's approach to

19. Death penalty: Deciding the AC death penalty sentencing. The Law
Commission recommended abolition
rarest of the rare
A S due to the irresolvable arbitrariness
inherent in death penalty law.

Context: The Supreme Court has done well
to acknowledge that capital punishment
 In 2020, Project 39A's doctrinal study

needs closer scrutiny and referring the
matter to a five-judge bench. The problem
of trial court judgments from 2000-2015
evidenced the inconsistencies in the
application of the framework, which
that the Supreme Court's reference to a
Constitution Bench seeks to remedy is the
often arose from the confusion
embedded in the framework.
need to achieve consistency on the
requirements of a fair, meaningful and Way forward
effective sentencing hearing  The courts have taken differing
 In Bachan Singh case, Supreme Court approaches in which factors are
proposed sentencing framework for relevant to sentencing and how best to
death penalty. It asked courts to weigh bring in factors relevant to punishment.
aggravating and mitigating The courts have different opinions
circumstances. It introduced "rarest of about the weightage sentencing factors
rare" category of case for capital must receive, and the contentious role
punishment. of public opinion.
 Four decades and over 400 judgments  Accused in death penalty cases are
after Bachan Singh v State of Punjab mostly poor. They cannot afford
quality legal representation. They don't
Email :(May 1980), a three-judge bench has
had the judicial courage to have the resources to put before the
acknowledge that there are serious Court meaningful mitigation
problems in India's death penalty information.
regime, indicating that the current state  The accused need to be given time and
resources to gather and present such


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information in every single case and New legislation: The effects of the new
at every judicial stage. We are domicile certificates, land laws, and
required to remove the deep suspicion industrial policies have been felt in Jammu
and biases faced by the accused person. and Kashmir as well.
Delimitation commission: There are also
20. Democracy in Kashmir: Indira's claims that the Kashmiri population was not
failure, Vajpayee's success treated fairly when the delimitation of
Context: May 2022 marked the completion electoral constituencies was done by the
of four years since the elected government delimitation commission.
fell. Since then, the erstwhile state has been Pakistan and J&K share a border, and there
under direct administration by the have been wars there that have strained
Union.Ghulam Nabi Azad's re-entry into relations.
Jammu and Kashmir's politics with the Insurgency: The insurgency in the Kashmir
launch of a new party has once again put valley has intensified, and ongoing targeted
the focus on the long-overdue elections in attacks against pundits, panchayat officials,
the former state.
and police officers.,A free and fair election
for the assembly is also required, especially
Article 370 and its consequent changes
 The Union Parliament changed Jammu
society. E M
one that admits observers from the civil
and Kashmir from a state to a union

Delhi legislature, the new UT was A

territory. Along the same lines as theD Future course of action
When the insurgency was at its worst,

given restricted authority.
More adjustments were made in the AC 
the Atal Bihari Vajpayee administration
made sure that the 2002 elections were

UT by the national government. For
instance, State subject certificates were
free and fair. Following the elections,
new non-interference policies in state
replaced with domicile certificates, governance as well as peace talks with

which gave both temporary and long-
term residents the ability to vote and
armed groups and Pakistan were

 C
own property.
It modified land laws, impacted forest
rights, gave mining rights to
 Attacks and casualties significantly
decreased throughout the Vajpayee
and Manmohan Singh administrations,
businesses outside the state, and and a functioning government was
eliminated the entitlement to free once again restored. The years of peace-
postsecondary education. building from 2002 to 2012 also set the
 The most recent modifications were stage for India to use the Financial
changing the electoral constituency Action Task Force (FATF) of the UN to
boundaries in accordance with the pursue terrorists with ties to Pakistan.
reorganisation statute.  As a result, the government's current
Jammu and Kashmir still has a lot of issues, policy has to be revised. First, a
nevertheless. peaceful J&K may be restored with a
free and fair election in 2023. Second,
Voters' list: Following the delimitation stopping the implementation of the
commission's submission of its report, the delimitation commission's
administration of Jammu and Kashmir
Email : recommendations and restoring
started to update the voters' list. However, statehood before elections would be
it is challenging to comprehend how the the most effective strategy for fostering
voters' list was created in the absence of a confidence.
recent census in 2020.
Mains Point : Jammu and Kashmir and
Article 370 discuss
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Social Issues
1. Changing the age of consent parents or their parents refuse to accept
Context: In Rama Bande Rama v. the State them.
of Karnataka, the Karnataka High Court  The POCSO Act 2012, by defining a
quashed criminal proceedings of rape and child as a person below 18 years of age,
kidnapping under the Indian Penal Code, fixes the age of consent at 18 years.
under the Protection of Children from  Under POCSO, the consent of a "child"
Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012. It was is immaterial and consensual sexual
based on a complaint of a 17-year-old girl's intercourse with or among adolescents
father against her 20-year-old partner. is treated on a par with rape.
 While boys/young men are charged
The High Court observed that "if the court with sexual offences, the girls are
would shut its doors to the couple who are
treated as victims and institutionalised
married and bringing up the child, the entire
proceedings would result in miscarriage of
in children's homes on refusal to return

to their parents or if their parents refuse
to accept them.

AD  The only relief available to the couple

is to urge the High Court to quash the
Protection of Children from Sexual
Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012:
It was enacted to protect the children from
case under Section 482 of the CrPC to
prevent abuse of the process of any

offences of sexual assault, sexual harassment
and pornography with due regard for
Court or otherwise to secure the ends
of justice.
safeguarding the interest and well-being of The Court judgements regarding the issue

Consent of person under 18 years: Under
 In Rama @ Bande Rama v. State of
Karnataka, the High Court quashed

POCSO, the consent of a person under the
age of 18 is irrelevant, regardless of the
criminal proceedings under the IPC
and Protection of Children from Sexual
Offences (POCSO) Act.
nature and circumstance of the sexual
interaction, or the particulars of the person  The case had been initiated based on a
with whom it takes place. It defines a child complaint of a 17-year-old girl's father
as any person below eighteen years of age against her 20-year-old partner.
Issues with age of consent in POCSO:  The girl stated in court that the acts were
 Criminal justice system: A number of consensual and she had married the
young couples in consensual and non- accused after she had turned 18 and a
exploitative relationships have found child was born to the couple.
themselves embroiled in the criminal  In Vijaylakshmi v. State Rep (2021), the
justice system Madras High Court observed that
 Sexual offences: Boys/young men are punishing an adolescent boy who
charged with sexual offences without enters into a relationship with a minor
Email :proper investigations. girl by treating him as an offender, was
 Institutionalised in children's homes: never the objective of the POCSO Act.
The girls are treated as victims and  In Raj Kumar v. State of Himachal
institutionalised in children's homes Pradesh (2021), the Himachal Pradesh
when they refuse to return to their High Court allowed a petition filed by


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the minor girl's father for quashing the Context :The National Medical Commission
trial against his son-in-law. (NMC), has written to all State Medical
 In Skhemborlang Suting v. State of Councils, banning conversion therapy of
Meghalaya (2021), a couple got LGBTQIA+ Community and calling it a
entangled under the POCSO Act as the "professional misconduct".
wife was a minor.
 In recent years, several countries,
The need of the hour including India, have legally
 The high rate of acquittals shows that recognized third sex and homosexuals
the law is not in sync with social as equal citizens, after a long struggle
realities of adolescent relationships. of several different movements and
protests around the world.
 Blanket criminalisation of such
consensual sexual acts involving older  The Preamble of Indian Constitution
adolescents erodes their dignity, recognises its citizens impartially as
liberty, privacy, evolving autonomy, "We the people of India" and ensures
and development potential. Y
justice - social, economic, and political.
 It also impacts the delivery of justice
as these cases constitute a large burden

On 6 September 2018, the Supreme
Court struck down the part of Section
on our courts, and divert attention

from investigation and prosecution ofD 377 which criminalized consensual
homosexual activities.
In 2019, Parliament enacted

Merely creating awareness among AC
actual cases of child sexual abuse and 
Transgender Persons (Protection of
Rights) Act with an objective to

children will not solve the issues
provide for protection of rights of
transgender people, their welfare, and
between teenagers. I
arising out of consensual relationships
other related matters.

There is a need for law reform to revise
the age of consent and prevent the
 Navtej Singh Johar Vs. Union of India:
The SC held that Article 14 of the

criminalisation of older adolescents
engaging in consensual and non-
Constitution guarantees equality
before law and this applies to all
classes of citizens. It restores
exploitative acts.
'inclusiveness' of LGBTQ Community
and homosexuality was
Conclusion: There is thus a compelling decriminalised.
need for law reform to revise the age of  The LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual,
consent and prevent the criminalisation of transgender, queer, intersex, asexual or
older adolescents engaging in factually of any other orientation) are the people
consensual and non exploitative who don't identify with cisgender (sex
assigned at birth) heterosexual
Mains point: Importance of changing the "ideals".The 'plus' is used to signify all
age of consent of the gender identities and sexual
orientations that letters and words
2. Rainbow of hope - The LGBTQIA+ cannot yet fully describe.
Email :
community needs more than
words to live with dignity and The
ban on conversion therapy for the
LGBTQIA+ community


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 It urged the authorities to take action
against professionals involving
themselves in any form or method of
conversion therapy.
 Court directed to educate people on
the Transgender Persons (Protection of
Rights) Rules, 2020, and the
Transgender Persons (Protection of
Rights) Act, 2019, in letter and spirit,
the court said it was imperative to hold
sensitization programmes for an all-out
effort to understand the community
and its needs.

3. The concerns around Aadhaar-

Voter ID linkage

Context: The Election Commission (EC)
started a campaign to promote the linkage

 In India, the LGBTQIA+ community

AD of Voter ID and Aadhaar. Though in the
beginning many people supported the
campaign but later it faced criticism.

distinct community: the Hijras.At

also includes a specific social group, a Government pushing the Aadhaar-Voter ID
present they are referred to as the
Third Gender.
A S  The EC carries out routine tests to keep
a current and accurate registry of the
Conversion Therapy and Associated Risk voter base. Eliminating duplicate

Reparative therapy, sometimes known
as conversion therapy, aims to make a
person heterosexual by altering their
voters is one of the objectives of this

sexual orientation or gender identity.
It may involve the use of medicines,
 There have been instances of migrant
workers who may have had several
registrations on the electoral registers,
exorcism (evil rituals), psychotherapy, either for themselves or for other
or even physical force (Attraction to people who had multiple registrations
Oppositre Sex). It also entails making within the same constituency.
an effort to alter the basic identity of
 According to the government, linking
young people whose gender
Aadhaar to voter identification cards
identification conflicts with their sex
would help ensure that each Indian
resident receives a single voter
 Conversion therapy has the danger of identification card.
triggering or worsening mental health
 The Election Laws (Amendment) Act,
issues including worry, stress, and
2021 was approved by Parliament in
drug use, which can occasionally
December 2021 to alter the
result in suicidal ideation.
Email :The
Representation of the People
Act, 1950,
 Madras High court ruling and Section 23(4) was added.
prohibited any attempt to medically
 It states that the electoral registration
"cure" or change the sexual orientation
officer may ask individuals to provide
of LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual,
their Aadhaar numbers in order to
transgender, queer, intersex, asexual
verify their identity or to authenticate
or of any other orientation) people.
CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
entries in the electoral rolls of more notice declaring their intent to marry 30 days
than one constituency or more than before their marriage.
once in the same constituency for  The SC Rejected the petition on the
citizens who have already registered. grounds that the petitioner was no
Linking Aadhaar with Voter ID: concerns longer an aggrieved party as she had
 In the Puttaswamy case(Right to already solemnised her marriage
Privacy), one of the questions that the under SMA.
Supreme Court explored was whether Special Marriage Act (SMA), 1954
the mandatory linking of Aadhaar with  The Special Marriage Act,1954 is an Act
bank accounts was constitutional or of the Parliament of India enacted to
not. validate and register inter-religious
 The preference for Aadhaar for the and inter-caste marriages in India.No
purposes of determining voters is religious formalities are needed to be
puzzling as Aadhaar is only proof of carried out under the Act.
residence and not proof of citizenship.  The Special Marriage Act, 1954 is an Act
Therefore, verifying voter identity
against this will only help in tackling Y
of the Parliament of India with

duplication but will not remove voters

who are not citizens of India from the E M
provision for civil marriage for people
of India and all Indian nationals in

electoral rolls.
Violation of Right to Privacy: The AD foreign countries, irrespective of
religion or faith followed by either
linking of the two databases of
electoral rolls and Aadhaar could lead
Provisions challenged under the Act
 Section 5: Couples married under it

to the linkage of Aadhaar's
"demographic" information with voter
must provide the Marriage Officer a
notice 30 days before the wedding.
ID information and lead to violation of
the right to privacy and surveillance  In accordance with Section 6, such a

 SB
measures by the state.
There is a lack of enforceable data
notice must subsequently be recorded
in the Marriage Notice Book kept by

protection principles that regulate how
authentication data will be used.
the Marriage Officer, which is
accessible to "any person desirous of
seeing the same." These notifications
Steps ahead must also be posted in the marriage
 The government must first work on officer's office in a "conspicuous area,"
passing the Personal Data Protection or a location where it is obvious to all,
(PDP) law before moving further with so that anybody may protest the
the Aadhaar-voter ID linkage. marriage.
 Governmental organisations must be  Section 7 describes the procedure and
subject to the PDP regime and be reasons for objecting. Section 8: It
required to get a person's explicit details the investigation process to be
agreement before sharing personal used once an objection is made.
data with other government agencies. Petitioner challenged the Provisions
 The petitioner claims that these clauses
Email :Explained | Challenging the violate the
right to
Special Marriage Act, 1954 privacy protected by Article 21. This is
Context:The Supreme Court on Monday due to the fact that these regulations
dismissed a writ petition challenging provide for couples to submit a notice
provisions of the Special Marriage Act 30 days prior to the wedding date,
(SMA), 1954 requiring couples to give a opening the door for public objections.


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 One's ability to manage access to and cent), despite a marginal dip over the
use of personal information is severely last three years
compromised by this. Additionally, Conviction rate in rape cases: With only 156
antisocial individuals have utilised cases being found guilty and over 22,313
these public advertisements to harass cases still under trial, the conviction rate in
engaged couples. rape cases across India remained pitifully
 Due to the absence of these standards low at 24.8% in 2021.
in personal law, these rules also violate  Data from the NCRB show that less than
Article 14 on the prohibition of 1% of all rapes in the nation each year
discrimination on the basis of religion, are rape-murders. I
race, caste, and sex as well as Article Domestic Violence Act: Throughout 2021,
15 on the right to equality. 507 cases-or 0.1% of all crimes against
women-were reported in the nation under
5. Crime against women rose by the Domestic Violence Act. A total of 270
15.3% in 2021: NCRB cases were submitted, with Kerala having the
Context:The NCRB report also shows that most.
the rate of crime against women (number of
incidents per 1 lakh population) increased
Dowry Deaths: In the past year, there have
been approximately 6,589 incidents of dowry

2021. National Crime Records

Bureau(NCRB) has released a report titled AD
from 56.5 per cent in 2020 to 64.5 per cent in deaths reported, with the states of UP and
Bihar recording the most of these cases.
Suicides in 2021: The greatest rate of suicide

and "Crime in India(CII)" report 2021.

"Accidental Deaths and Suicides in India" fatalities since 1967, the earliest year for
which this data is available, was in 2021, with

Important Highlights of the report
120 deaths per million people. In 2010, there
were 113.5 suicide fatalities per million
Crime against women: From 2020, there people, which is the second-highest rate ever

were 15.3% more cases of crime against
women. In 2021, there were 64.5 crimes
recorded in the nation. This demonstrates
how the pandemic seems to have affected
Indians' emotional health.
2020. C
reported per lakh women, up from 56.5 in
 State-by-state, Maharashtra led the
nation in terms of reported suicides in
 'Cruelty by husband or family' (31.8%)
made up the majority of cases filed 2021 for the third straight year. Daily
under the IPC, followed by molestation wage earners, who made up 25.6% of
(20.8%), kidnapping (17.6%), and rape all suicide victims in 2021, continued
(7.4%). to be the most prevalent profession.
Students and small business owners
 State-wide, crimes against women experienced the fastest rise in suicide
were most prevalent in Uttar Pradesh, fatalities, corroborating anecdotal
while in major cities, Delhi saw the reports of chronic stress brought on by
greatest number of incidents. the epidemic.
 Nagaland stood out because it had the Prelims and Mains point: NCRB report on
fewest reported offences against crime against women
women during the previous three
Email :years. Assam (168.3%) has the highest
rate of crime against women in 2021. 6. Shambuka to Indra Meghwal,
 According to the report, the highest inequality hurts it all
rate of crime against women in 2021 Context:Caste system hasn't gone away
was registered in Assam (168.3 per completely today. It stunts knowledge


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creation and smothers imagination and  The monetary value of work is
innovation. determined by the worker's position on
 This story in the Valmiki Ramayana the caste rung - not by the social need
comes true every few years when a for work. This is why most manual jobs
Shudra, Dalit or tribal student, who - from domestic work to garbage
dares to seek education, pays with his collectors - bring in abysmal wages. As
life. The most recent was a nine-year- providers of essential services,
old boy from Rajasthan, Indra sanitation workers should receive
Meghwal, who allegedly drank water salaries similar to those of doctors. But
from a container reserved for his upper not only are we paying them less, but
caste teacher. we are also making their work unsafe
Caste system- Problems and ignoring their deaths in manholes.
 Even now, a person's occupation is  The caste of the labourer, not the
determined by caste. It turns Labour societal necessity for labour,
into a must rather than an option. determines the monetary worth of
labour. Caste prejudice causes several
Caste-based division of labour is used.
A caste is frequently linked to a certain Y
issues for our democracy. Political
line of profession. Most low caste
people work in low-profile jobs. E M
democracy has been attained through
the liberation fight and overthrow of
 This division hinders the development
of comprehensive knowledge. It AD the British, but social democracy is still
far off, as B.R. Ambdedkar correctly
hinders the production of new
knowledge and stifles creativity and
Caste discrimination makes our democracy
difficult. As Ambedkar said at the dawn of


Education is not a naturally joyful
the Indian republic in 1948, "political

process for many Dalit students.
democracy has been achieved by the struggle
for freedom and the relief of the British, but

Several news reports detail their
harassment and humiliation in schools
across India. They are often forced to
social democracy is a long way off".
Mains point: Caste system continued its

sit apart from other children or to
queue separately for lunch. Sometimes
ugly face hindering the potential of Indian
from Unleashing
they are beaten by upper caste teachers
and students. 7. A neglected contributor to the
 In many places, common water taps country's crisis of public health
are not for them. Higher education is Context: A caste society militates against the
also not immune to the oppressive very notion of a 'public' in the sense of a
conditions that forced Dalit students political community that works towards
like Senthil Kumar (2008) and Rohith issues of common good.Caste-based ideas
Vemula (2016) and Payal Tadvi (2019) of cleanliness and filth hinder sanitation and
to commit suicide. contradict the notion that we should all work
 Stuck in the era of statutes and toward a common goal.
assigned codes, our education system  In Britain, for instance, the mid- to late
can hardly encourage critical thinking. 19th century was a period of the 'Great
Email :Indian
schooling focuses on rote Sanitation Awakening', leading
to a
learning and exam results. One-time dramatic fall in mortality due to
exams, rather than a series of communicable diseases. The key point
assessments, are used to judge is before the discovery of penicillin and
students' abilities. antibiotics in the 1940s, the mortality


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revolution took place in Britain with 8. The global threat to our food
classical proven methods . security
 Post industrial society has prioritised Context:We must raise procurement to
sanitation and nutrition and so basic prepare for a possible rise in inflation as
infrastructure was well addressed. global food supplies shrink.
India failed to improve the basic social and  Food price increases, particularly those
well-being indicators of its population for edible oil and more recently for
 Caste system : The contradictory caste cereals, primarily wheat, have
values of purity and pollution have contributed significantly to this year's
significant negative effects on public inflation. Data on domestic and
sanitation. A particular caste that is international wheat and rice output
excluded from society is compelled to indicate that there is still a threat to food
engage in sanitation because they are security.
thought to be ritually dirty. International Level
 As a result, even the most advanced  At this time, the world has been
and scientifically oriented members of
affected by heat waves and droughts
caste society do not view current
manual scavenging as their enemy.
in places like Europe, China, the US,
and Brazil. For instance, the drought in
 But because there is a lack of social

cooperation and trust, the caste system
also has an impact on the wealthy
Europe last month was deemed to be
the worst in 500 years.
The world's supply of important grains

classes. The elite classes are powerless
to stop the revolution in cleanliness,

and other food crops is under danger
due to the heat wave and droughts. The

get rid of infectious diseases, create
public places, get clean air, etc.
agricultural output would decrease as
a result of these adverse weather
 I
The aristocratic classes also came to the conditions.

understanding that they cannot entirely
isolate themselves from the rest of
 For instance, the most recent EU
prediction predicts a fall in maize of

society as a result of the covid
Control over women, according to B.R.
16%, wheat of 5%, and edible oil of 8-
10%. This will result in a lack of
domestic and international supplies of
Ambedkar was essential to preserving the majority of farm products, as well
caste purity. Even now, women have as excessive food prices and a threat to
little say in the decisions they make global food security. Lower sowing in
about getting married or having Ukraine as a result of the war will have
children. an effect on the world's food supply.
 Different types of violence have been Indian Level
used against women. Both caste/clan  A premature heat wave in March has
and gender are related to honour already caused a downward revision
killings in the same way. India has one to wheat production in India. Because
of the lowest rates of female less land is being used for paddy
involvement in the workforce cultivation than last year, the rice
worldwide. India is in a scenario like situation is likewise not encouraging.
Email :
that in which the New York City Board  Major rice-producing states are
of Health proclaimed racism a "public experiencing a strange dwarfing illness
health problem." in their standing paddy crops. This
year, India purchased the least amount


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of rice and wheat in the previous three a woman. After the satyagraha, she was
years. allowed to stay for a year with
 Furthermore, the distribution record of restrictions.
the government isn't any better. There  Bibha Chowdhuri: Because he lacked
have been illogical attempts to slash acceptable study projects to assign to
and transfer state-to-state allocations of women, Professor D.M. Bose was
rice and wheat. As a result, recipients hesitant to enrol her in his research
of the National Food Security Act and group. She had finally been included
Prime Minister Garib Kalyan Anna after a protracted battle. Her work in
Yojana (PMGKAY) are not lifting food. measuring the mass of mesons using
Ways ahead to handle food Security cosmic rays is renowned.
problem  Donna Strickland was awarded the
 An extension of the PMGKAY is Nobel Prize in Physics, for her work on
required. A sufficient stockpile, the lasers in 2018. She became the third
restoration of the original allocations, woman to win a physics Nobel, after
and the creation of a backup plan must
Marie Curie in 1903 and Maria
Goeppert Mayer in 1963 by breaking
be added to this. The government
must make sure there is a sufficient
supply of food and increase E M
this glass ceiling.
New Findings

distribution efficiency.
Additionally, proactive measures are AD  India ranks last among the nations
studied by UNESCO, with just 14% of
required to raise the earnings of
farmers in our areas that are suffering
its researchers being female and
working in STEM fields. In the world's

from drought and illness. This could
be accomplished by making plans for
most rigorous fields of science,
technology, engineering, and

increased procurement during the
kharif season.
mathematics, women are still
underrepresented (STEM).

Providing food security for the poor
would shield them from a potential
 India, however, isn't far behind many
developed nations in this regard. For
future global food catastrophe and is
crucial for easing the strain on our
instance, the United States has 27%, the
United Kingdom has 39%, while Japan
rural economy. has just 16% female researchers.
 Africa's Tunisia has the greatest
9. Academia, research and the glass percentage of female researchers (55%)
ceiling in India followed by Argentina (53%) and New
Zealand (52%).'
Context:True gender parity is when
institutions consider women as assets rather Education of women and their presence in
than it being just a diversity rectification Research job
issue.Gender issues, particularly gender  One of the largest percentages of
inequality and discrimination in academia women in the world, 43%, make up the
relating to higher education is still STEM graduate population. The
continuing. number of female fellows in India's
The glass ceiling of women in pre- three science academies is 7% for the
Email :
independence India- some examples Indian Academy of Sciences (IAS), 5%
for the Indian National Science
 Sir C.V. Raman turned down Kamala
Academy (INSA), and 8% for the
Sohonie's desire to work with him on
National Academy of Sciences India
physics research only because she was


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 However, only 14% of women enrol in 10. India ranks 132 in UNDP's Human
academic institutions and universities. Development Index, amid a global
For instance, just 31 out of 314 fall
professors at IIT Madras were women. Context:India ranks 132 out of 191 countries
Women are increasingly taking up in the Human Development Index (HDI)
leadership and decision-making roles 2021, after registering a decline in its score
in private businesses (the corporate over two consecutive years for the first time
sector). in three decades.India ranks 132 out of 191
 The percentage of women in senior countries in the Human Development
management roles in India's corporate Index(HDI) 2021.
sector is 39%, and a Deloitte projection  The United Nations Development
indicates that by 2022, there would be Programme (UNDP) released the
19.7% more female board members in Human Development Index(HDI).:
the management of private companies HDI was created to emphasise that
than there are currently. By 2045, near people and their capabilities should be
parity will be attained if this rate
continues. Y
the ultimate criteria for assessing the
development of a country, not
Government incentives
 Gender Advancement for E M
economic growth alone.

Transforming Institutions (GATI),

Knowledge Involvement in Research
Nurturing(KIRAN), Vigyan Jyoti C

Programme, etc.

Some institutions are setting up

crèches so that scientist mothers can
carry on with their research work

uninterrupted. Universities too are
trying their best to be equal

opportunity employers
Government can also 1) Mechanism of Important Findings of the report
selection and promotion of personnel  India's Position: In the Index, India's
in the private sector based on position dropped from 130 in 2020 to
competence or merit, 2) Private sector's 132 in 2021.India's HDI score in 2021
adoption of various schemes: Such as was 0.633, which was lower than the
flexi-hour work time, rejoining the 0.732 global average. The decline in life
workforce after an interim break, expectancy-from 69.7 in 2020 to 67.2 in
sections operated only by women, etc. 2021-is the main cause of India's HDI
Therefore, gender equality or parity won't decline.
take place unless institutions shift their  The mean number of years spent in
perspectives and start seeing women as education in India is 6.7 years, while
assets rather than just a variety of the expected number is 11.9 years.
representation issues. $6,590 is the Gross National Income
Email :
Mains Point: Critically make an attempt to (GNI) per capita average.
understand the glass ceiling of academia for  After gender inequality deteriorated
women between 2019 and 2020, India's Gender
Inequality Index value in 2021 (0.490
vs. 0.493) showed a little improvement.


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
 For the rest of the world, India's 3Is Manspoint : India rank of 132 in UNDP's
policies-investment in everything from Human Development Index,speaks volumes
renewable energy to pandemic about our growth story.
preparedness; insurance that includes
social protection; and innovation-hold 11. The gender pay gap, hard truths
promise. and actions needed
 For instance, India has helped an Context:Asymmetries abound in India's
astounding 271 million people escape labour market and closing the gap is key to
multidimensional poverty during the achieving social justice for working women.
past ten years. The nation is making it International Equal Pay Day 2022 falls on the
easier to get potable water, sanitary 18th of September. This day makes us think
facilities, and cheap renewable energy. of the gender gap that has arisen between
 With a 9.8% increase in the budgetary women and men. The commitment towards
allocation to the social services sector 'equal pay for work of equal value' has not
in 2021-2022 over 2020-2021, India has been achieved.
also improved access to social
protection for vulnerable segments of Y
society, especially during and after the
epidemic. 
Gender pay gap
As per the International Labour
International Findings
AD Organisation's "Global Wage Report
2020-21", massive downward pressure

AC has been inflicted on wages

disproportionately affecting women's
total wages compared to men and thus,

A S widening the pre-existing gender pay

I  Women employees were most

SB negatively impacted by the epidemic

in terms of lost jobs and income. During

C the epidemic, many women returned

to their full-time jobs caring for children
and the elderly.
 It is hard to recover economically from
the epidemic without increasing
women's employment rates and closing
 Switzerland has topped the index. In
the gender wage gap.
2020 or 2021, 90% of countries saw a
decline in their HDI value. The recent  Discrimination based on sex or gender
reduction in the HDI has been mostly is another factor contributing to the
attributed to a global decline in life widening gender wage gap.Gender-
expectancy, which fell from 72.8 years based discriminatory practises include
in 2019 to 71.4 years in 2021. undervaluing the work of women in
strongly feminised vocations and
 The crises the world experienced over
businesses, as well as paying women
the past two years are the main causes
Email :of
less for work of similar worth.
the fall in human development.
Included in this were COVID-19, the Steps taken to address the gender gap
Ukraine War, social and economic  The United Nations has made
upheavals, and potentially disastrous international efforts to address gender
planetary changes. inequity in all its forms. Equal
compensation for equal work is a


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
principle that the ILO has incorporated adopted the Equal Remuneration Act
into its Constitution. in 1976. India has also enacted the Code
 A global legal framework for achieving on Wages.
gender equality is provided by the  Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
Convention on the Elimination of All Employment Guarantee Act
Forms of Discrimination Against (MGNREGA) in 2005 has also
Women (CEDAW). benefited rural women workers and
 "Achieving full and productive helped reduce the gender pay gap
employment and decent work for all directly and indirectly. MGNREGA has
women and men, including for young helped women workers directly by
people and individuals with raising their pay levels and indirectly
disabilities, and equitable by providing higher earnings to
remuneration for work of equal worth" women involved in agricultural
is one of the objectives of the UN occupations.
Sustainable Development Goal 8 by  India amended the Maternity Benefit
The Equal Pay International Coalition Y
Act of 1961 which increased maternity
leave with pay protection from 12

(EPIC), a multi-stakeholder initiative
spearheaded by the International E M
weeks to 26 weeks for all women
working in firms that employ 10 or
Labour Organisation (ILO), UN
Women, and the Organisation for
AD 
more workers.
Skill India Mission has helped women
Economic Co-operation

Development (OECD), was established
and to learn market-relevant skills to bridge
the learning-to-livelihood gap and the
in 2017 with the goal of achieving gender pay gap.

equal pay for women and men Mains Point: gender pay gap is in existence

According to the Global Wage Report
since time immemorial, but its time to
recheck its validity

2020-21 of the International Labour
Organisation, there is massive
downward pressure on wages and this
has affected women's total wages
12. A census is not about counting
Context:The Census in India is about many
compared to men.
things - it must be made a priority and used
India - steps taken to decrease the gender to affirm a sense of comradeship.Census is a
pay gap very important exercise for a democratic
 Despite the efforts made to close the country. Considering its importance, the
gender wage gap, it remains high by timely organisation and completion of the
worldwide standards in India. census must be a priority for the government.
According to projections from the  India's first Census was held in 1872.
Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) After that India has held its decadal
2020-21, the pandemic caused the gap censuses regularly from 1881 to 2011,
to widen by 7% between 2018-19 and despite any circumstances.
 Every citizen is counted in the census,
 The National Sample Survey Office along with specified data (age, religion,
Email :(NSSOdata
)'s on the labour force
gender, etc.). As a result, the nation and
indicate that the gender wage gap has its citizens are more connected. Census
decreased from 48% in 1993-1994 to also offers opportunities for a country
28% in 2018-19, nevertheless. to address and solve the issues of its
 India has taken required reforms in the citizens, among many other benefits.
Minimum Wages Act in 1948 and
CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
Issues hindering 2021 census Mainspoint: Reasons for delay in Census
 First, the census practice was 2021 and its consequences
suspended during the pandemic while
political demonstrations were 13. UNESCO inaugurates 2022 State
permitted. of the Education Report for India:
 Second, some segments of the Artificial Intelligence in Education
population have a bad impression of Context:United Nations Educational,
the census. It results from a few official Scientific and Cultural Organisation
government pronouncements that link (UNESCO) launched its State of the
the National Register of Citizens (NRC) Education Report for India: Artificial
and National Population Register Intelligence in Education. The report is the
(NPR). People protested against it. fourth edition and is an annual flagship
 The people's lack of trust in the report.
government was a result of these Important Findings of the report
numerous complex concerns.  The proportional rate of AI skill
 Third, a civilised state and condition
penetration is highest in India (over 3
of affairs have traditionally been
characterised by the capacity to
times the global average) By 2025, the
Indian AI market is projected to
conduct a census in peace. Recently,
the Democratic Republic of the Congo
was able to complete its census in AD increase by 20.2% annually, reaching
US$7.8 billion.

Fourthly, the nations that have notAC  The National Education Policy (NEP)
2020 places a strong focus on the
necessity to teach the requisite

conducted a census since 1990 are
Afghanistan (1979), Lebanon (1932),
technical knowledge and the
integration of AI in Education in order
Somalia (1985), Uzbekistan (1989), and to align India's curriculum to make the

the Western Sahara (1970). India most
certainly won't want to be included on
this list of nations.

students fit for the AI economy.
India has several obstacles when it

 C
Fifth, the government is upholding the
laws that make it simple to gather
comes to using AI in education,
including: 1) a lack of rules; 2)
infrastructure and resource constraints;
information on citizens. For instance; 3) an increase in the use of AI for fraud
 The Criminal Procedure and cheating; and 4) a preference for
(Identification) Rules, 2022 have memorization-based instruction
recently been announced by the (instead of critical thinking).
Ministry of Home Affairs. It outlines Recommendations
the process for acquiring body  Prioritize algorithmic biases and the
measurements in order to gather resulting discrimination; Provide an
biological samples, retina scans, and overall regulatory framework for AI in
other biometrics, among other things. education quickly;
 Aadhaar and electoral rolls can now be  Establish successful public-private
linked according to a law. Citizens' partnerships; Ensure that all students
rights to data protection are not yet and teachers have access
the most
Email :
fully implemented. up-to-date technology;
 So, conducting the census, which  Attempt to correct algorithmic biases
demonstrates its desire to engage with and the resulting discrimination;
the people who ultimately make up the
nation, shouldn't be problematic.  Increase public trust in Al; and Request
the private sector to better involve
CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
students and educationists in employment. Open spaces, public
developing Al products. parks, and boulevards were included
in the planning of these places. A
14. Feroze Varun Gandhi writes: Why garden city would expand nearby once
our urban spaces need to be it was built out to its full potential.
reimagined  The garden city movement in the US
Context:One day of rainfall is making gave rise to the idea of a
Bangalore, New Delhi, Hyderabad and other neighbourhood. Around community
cities have worse situations like water- centres and schools, it developed
logged streets, crawling traffic, broken-down residential neighbourhoods and
vehicles and what not. roadways.
 In Banglore Over 2,000 houses were  In order to protect biodiversity and
flooded and 10,000 homes isolated balance traffic and pollution, London
from the rest of the city - in many maintains a metropolitan green belt
places, including posh localities, there around the city.
were instances of lack of drinking 
Paris is where the idea of a 15-minute
metropolis was conceived. Every
water and electricity. It is a recurring
phenomenon each year, across all
Parisian should be able to complete
their shopping, employment, and

major Indian cities.

The situation is the same for other cities
too if there is little more rainfall than
cultural demands within a 15-minute
walk or bike ride, according to the
Urban Problem -Major Reasons AC concept.
Steps ahead

Civic infrastructure is lacking in Indian
 Every Indian city needs a master plan,
which should be revised every ten to
cities despite their development of
economic zones and planning. Urban twenty years. These plans have to take

planning essentials like storm water

drainage, etc., are disregarded.
urban development, poverty
alleviation, access to cheap housing,
and livability for urban migrants into

The master plans on which cities are
built offer relatively little room for

Urban land use pattern: This has to be
urban planning flexibility.
Additionally, cities also did poorly on improved. India's urbanisation is now
the 2020 Ease of Living Index. For unplanned and informal. This resulted
instance, Delhi got 57.56 out of 100 in lax enforcement of construction
whereas Bengaluru had a score of regulations and a lack of urban
55.67. infrastructure and services needed to
support expansion.
 The creation of master plans is rarely
given much care. They have a limited  Outmoded planning procedures: In
amount of urban planning flexibility well-known cities and urban
and failed to consider the effects that neighbourhoods, low land usage
market forces and migration will have results from outdated planning
on the plans. services.
Different countries and their Strategy of  For instance, half of the land in Mumbai
Email :
Urban Planning is unused area around buildings,
whereas one-fourth is open public
 In the UK, the Garden City movement space. If these public areas are used
developed to offer employees effectively, it will result in public land
healthier living quarters that were a availability ratios that are comparable
little farther from their places of


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
to those of cities used as benchmarks Neurodiversity:Inclusion of people with
across the world. neurodivergent problems such as ADHD,
 Urban density: This is something else autism spectrum disorders, dyslexia,
that should be considered. An dyspraxia, dyscalculia, and Asperger's
increased urban density will result in Syndrome is referred to as neurodiversity in
more people using public places, the workplace.
which will raise emissions. Our cities  There is no one right way of thinking,
will be more vulnerable to excessive learning, or acting, according to
heat and flooding due to high Harvard Health Publishing, which
emissions. defines neurodiversity as the idea that
 Climate change: The World Bank every person interacts with and
estimates that by 2050, climate change perceives their surroundings
might have a 3% negative impact on differently. These variations shouldn't
India's GDP and its citizens' level of be interpreted as flaws or diseases.
living. Therefore, it is important to  The neurological and developmental
prioritise both conservation and
competent structural engineering. For Y
disease known as autism affects
approximately 2 million people in
instance, lakes in Bangalore can be
transformed into ferries in the Bangkok
India, according to a new survey.
Nearly 20% of the world, according to

Lack of town planning education in
AD a different Deloitte survey, is

India due to insufficient institutional
capability. There are just 26 institutes
 According to estimates, 85% of
Americans who fall under the autism
that provide this degree, and each spectrum are unemployed, compared

year, they turn out just 700 town to 4.2% of the general population.

By 2031, India is projected to have a
Therefore, it is critical to establish a
workplace that values neurodiverse

need for 3,00,000 town and country
planners. As a result, more institutions
Neurodiversity in the workplace
are required to establish a separate
planning department in addition to
 People with neurodevelopmental
disabilities may be excluded due to
NITs and IITs. stigma, a lack of knowledge, and
 As a result, in order to rejuvenate our inadequate infrastructure (such as
cities, we must reconsider a number of office layout or personnel structures).
urban issues, such as affordable It can be easier to be inclusive of
housing, urban healthcare, urban everyone when communities, schools,
design, and inclusiveness, among companies, and healthcare facilities
others. recognise and value neurodiversity.
Mains Point : India urban space are obsolete Mains Point: Comment on Neurodiversity
and needs to addressed swiftly

15. India Inc. needs a neurodiverse

Email :
Context: Organisations embracing
neurodiversity enjoy a competitive edge in
several areas such as efficiency, creativity,
and culture


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UPSC Super Pointer 2021 in which the suspects in 13 States
and one Union Territory were raided.
1. Nikshay Poshan Yojana- this  CBI constituted a special unit called
scheme was Launched in 2018 by Online Child Sexual Abuse and
the Ministry of Health and Family Exploitation Prevention/ Investigation
Welfare. Under the scheme, every (OCSAE) in 2019.
TB patient in India, seeking
treatment in both government
and private sector hospitals is 3. Fertility rate declined by 20% in
eligible for a direct benefit India in 10 years: SRS data
transfer(DBT) of Rs 500 per  General Fertility Rate(GFR): It refers to
month to support their nutritional the number of children born per 1,000
needs. women in a year in the reproductive
 The major risk factor driving TB in age group of 15-49 years.
India is undernutrition. More than 0.9  From 2008 to 2010 (a three-year period),
million new cases are attributable to India's average GFR was 86.1; from
undernutrition, accounting for nearly Y
2018 to 2021, it was 68.7. (an average of

34% of all cases
As per India TB Report 2022, only 62.1 
three years).
Rural areas have experienced a sharper

the country received at least one

% of 2.1 million notified TB cases across fall than urban areas (20.2% vs. 15.6%).
Jammu and Kashmir among the states/

payment in 2021.

In Delhi, which has the highest burden
UTs has seen the greatest fall in GFR
between 2008-10 and 2018-20, followed
by Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand,
of all forms of TB at 747 cases per
100,000 people, only 30.2 % of patients
and Rajasthan.

 I
have got at least one DBT.
Other poor performers are Punjab,
 Some of the main causes of this
transition include the rising marriage

Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Bihar,
Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. In the
age, women's increased literacy rates,
and the accessibility of contemporary

North East, Manipur and Meghalaya
fared the worst. 
contraceptive options.
According to the most recent SRS
statistics, India's total fertility rate
(births per woman of reproductive age)
2. Operation Megh Chakra: 50 under is 2. Delhi, Tamil Nadu, and West
CBI scanner over child Bengal reported the lowest TFR, while
pornography Bihar reported the highest TFR (3.0).
 Operation Megh Chakra is a pan-India (1.4). At the national level, a rural
drive against the circulation and woman's TFR now stands at 2.2, higher
sharing of Child Sexual Abuse than that of an urban woman (1.6).
Material(CSAM).The Central Bureau of
Investigation(CBI) has conducted an
operation code-named "Megh Chakra".

 The operation is being carried out

Email :
following the inputs received from
Interpol's Singapore special unit.
 CBI had launched a similar exercise
code-named "Operation Carbon'' in


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Heritage and Culture

1. Anang Tal lake declared  An Archaeological Sites and Remains

monument of national importance Act, 1958 defines an Ancient
Context: The Anang Tal lake has been Monument as follows:
declared a Monument of National  Ancient Monument means any
Importance through a gazette notification by structure, erection or monument, or
the Ministry of Culture. any tumulus or place of interment, or
 It is located in South Delhi. The lake is any cave, rock-sculpture, inscription or
situated to the north of Jog Maya monolith which is of historical,
temple and approximately 500 metres archaeological or artistic interest and
to the northwest of Qutub Complex. which has been in existence for not less
 The lake is claimed to have been built than 100 years.
by a Tomar King, Anangpal II in 1060  Y
It should include the following:

It is also said Alauddin Khalji, in 1296-

 E M
The remains of an ancient monument
The site of an ancient monument

when he built (Qutub) minar and

1316 AD, utilised the water of this tank
 The land on which there are fences or
protective covering structures for

extended the Qutub-ul-Islam mosque.
Once declared to be of national
AC 
preserving the monument
Land by means of which people can
importance, the site would be

protected by the ASI and incur

freely access the monument.
In exercise of the powers conferred by
its vicinity. I
restrictions on construction activity in
sub-section (1) of section 4 of the

SB Ancient Monuments and

Archaeological Sites and Remains Act,

C 1958 the central government declared

the said ancient site and remains to be
of national importance.
National Monuments Authority (NMA)
 Established under the Ministry of
Culture in accordance with the
requirements of the Ancient
Monuments and Archaeological Sites
Basic Funda's and Remains AMASR (Amendment
Monuments of National Importance and Validation) Act, 2010.
 The Monuments of National  The NMA has been delegated specific
Importance are designated by the tasks for the conservation and
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). preservation of monuments and sites,
including control of the banned and
 The union government of India is restricted areas surrounding centrally
Email :authorised to maintain, protect and
designated monuments.
promote the Monuments of National
Importance. Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)
 It is a premier organisation under the
Ministry of Culture, for the


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
archaeological research and protection  Shankaracharya amalgamated the
of the cultural heritage of the nation. ideologies of ancient 'Advaita Vedanta'
 It regulates all archaeological activities and also explained the basic ideas of
in the country as per the provisions of Upanishads. He advocated the oldest
the Ancient Monuments and concept of Hinduism which explains
Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, the unification of the soul (atman) with
1958. the Supreme Soul (Nirguna Brahman).
 It also regulates the Antiquities and  Though he is best known for
Art Treasure Act, 1972. popularising 'Advaita Vedanta', one of
Prelims Point: Anang Tal lake Shankaracharya's most important
works is his efforts to synthesise the six
sub-sects, known as 'Shanmata.'
2. Adi Shankaracharya 'Shanmata', which literally translates to
Context: The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra 'six religions,' is the worship of six
Modi, visited Sri Adi Shankara supreme deities.
JanmaBhoomi Kshetram, the holy birthplace
of Adi Shankaracharya, at Kalady village.

Shankaracharya explained the existence
of one Supreme Being (Brahman) and

About Adi Shankaracharya: Born in 788 CE E M

that the six supreme deities are part of
one divine power.
in a place called Kaladi, Kerala, India. Adi
sankaracharya died in 820 CE at a place
AD  He also founded 'Dashanami
Sampradaya,' which talks about
called Kedarnath, Uttarakhand, India.
Govinda Bhagavatpada was the guru of Adi
AC leading a monastic life. While
Shankaracharya was a firm believer in
Shankaracharya. ancient Hinduism, he condemned the

Padmapada, Totakacharya, HastaS 'Mimamsa school of Hinduism' which
Sankaracharyas important Disciples

was purely based on ritual practices.
Throughout the course of his journey,

Adi Shankaracharya was well known
for his Dashanami Sampradaya,
Shankaracharya discussed his ideas
with various other philosophers and

Advaita Vedanta Philosophy
Adi Shankara was an Indian
fine-tuned his own teachings from time
to time. Shankaracharya founded four
philosopher and theologian who monasteries (mathas) that continue to
expounded the doctrine of Advaita spread his teachings.
Vedanta. He renounced the worldly Works
pleasures at a very young age.  Adi Shankaracharya is renowned for his
spectacular commentaries on ancient
texts. His review of 'Brahma Sutra' is
known as 'Brahmasutrabhasya', and it
is the oldest surviving commentary on
'Brahma Sutra'. It is also considered as
his best work.
 He also wrote commentaries on
Bhagavad Gita, and the ten principal
Email : Upanishads. Adi Shankaracharya
also well-known for his 'stotras'
 He composed many poems, praising
gods and goddesses. The ones
dedicated to Krishna and Shiva are
CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
considered most important among his About Puli Thevar:
'stotras'.  He was born in 1715.
 He also composed the famous  He was one of the first Indians to resist
'Upadesasahasri' which literally British Imperialism.
translates to 'a thousand teachings.'  He was one of 77 Polygars or Local
'Upadesasahasri' is one of his most Chieftains in the Tamil region.
important philosophical works.
 Puli Thevar first met British forces in
Mathas 1755 when British Colonel Alexander
Adi Shankaracharya founded four Heron marched on western Tamil
monasteries (mathas) - one each at the four region.
cardinal points in India. Here are the four  British artillery proved ineffective
mathas founded by Shankara: against the thick stone walls of Puli's
 Sringeri Sharada Peetham - It is located fort.
at the southern part of India, along the Revolt of Puli Thevar (1755-1767): In March
banks of Tunga. Sringeri Sharada 1755 ,Mahfuzkhan (brother of the Nawab of
Peetham advocates 'Aham Brahmasmi'
Arcot) was sent with a contingent of the
(I am Brahman) and was formed on the
basis of Yajur Veda.
Company army under Colonel Heron to
Tirunelveli. Madurai easily fell into their
 Dvaraka Pitha - Dvaraka Pitha is
located in the western part of India.
Dvaraka Pitha advocates 'Tattvamasi' AD hands. Thereafter Colonel Heron was urged
to deal with Puli Thevar as he continued to

basis of Sama Veda. AC

(That thou art) and was formed on the
defy the authority of the Company. Puli
Thevar wielded much influence over the
western palyakkarars. For want of cannon

Jyotirmatha Peetham - This monastery
is located in the northern part of India.
and of supplies and pay to soldiers, Colonel
Heron abandoned the plan and retired to
Totakacharya was made the head of Madurai. Heron was recalled and dismissed

this matha which advocates
'Ayamatma Brahma' (This Atman is
from service. Marathas.

Brahman). Jyotirmatha Peetham was
formed on the basis of Atharva Veda.
Govardhana matha - Govardhana
matha is located at the eastern part of
India. The matha is a part of the famous
Jagannath temple. Padmapada was
made the head of this monastery which
advocates 'Prajnanam Brahma'
(Consciousness is Brahman). It was
formed on the basis of Rig Veda.

3. He fought for people': PM Modi 4. Sittanavasal - A Jain heritage site

pays tribute to freedom fighter in T.N. battles the elements
Puli Thevar
Sittanavasal, A small village in Pudukottai
Context: The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra
Email : district of Tamil Nadu was a
centre of
Modi has paid tributes to brave Puli Thevar Jain influence for 1,000 years just before the
on his birth anniversary.Puli Thevar was a Christian era.
great leader who wrote the first chapter of
 Sittanavasal houses the Arivar Kovil
India's freedom struggle. He recalled the
(temple of Arihats - Jains who
king's defiance in refusing to pay taxes.
conquered their senses), Ezhadipattam
CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
(a cavern with 17 polished rock beds), pillars of the verandah (added by the
megalithic burial sites and the Maharaja of Pudukottai in the 1900s),
Navachunai tarn (small mountain were brought from Kudumiyanmalai.
lake) with a submerged shrine.  The colours are a mixture of plant dyes
and mineral elements such as lime,
lamp black, and clay pigments such as
ochre for yellow and terre verte for the
greyish green tints.

5. Who was Arattupuzha Velayudha

Panicker, on whose life Malayalam
movie Pathonpatham Noottandu
is based?.
Context: Both critics and viewers have
praised the recently released Malayalam
film Pathonpatham Noottandu ('Nineteenth

Century'). It is based on the life of Kerala's
Ezhava community member and social

AD reformer Arattupuzha Velayudha Panicker.

AC Arattupuzha Velayudha Panicker

Sittanavasal Paintings: I

Sittanavasal is the only place in Tamil
Nadu where we can see Pandya

paintings. At least three fourths of the
art is already damaged, so it is
important to protect the site for future
 The artwork on the ceiling of the
sanctum and the ardha mandapam of
Arivar Kovil is an early example of He was a nineteenth-century social reformer
post­Ajanta cave paintings of the fourth from Kerala's Ezhava community. He was
to sixth centuries, done using the one of the most significant figures in the
fresco-secco technique (a process that state's reformation movement. He brought
dispenses with preparation of the wall about improvements in the lives of both men
with wet plaster). and women by challenging the hegemony of
 The ceiling paintings show 'bhavyas' the upper castes, or "Savarnas." In 1869, the
(exalted souls who work to achieve then-king of Travancore bestowed upon him
the title of "Panicker."
Email :moksha or spiritual liberation)
enjoying themselves in a pool, full of Arattupuzha Velayudha Panicker-
lotuses; today much of it is obscured Contribution
by patchy plastering. He is credited with constructing two temples
 Faint outlines linger of dancing girls for the Hindu god Shiva that were open to
on the 'ardha mandapam' pillars. The people of all castes and religions.


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
 He was the strike leader for the The arrival of the season's first harvest
Achippudava Samaram at is celebrated.
Kayamkulam, Alappuzha, in 1858.  Nuakhai, a combination of the two
During this strike, it was hoped that terms "nua" and "khai," denotes the
women from disadvantaged groups consumption of fresh rice. This
would be granted the freedom to dress celebration is held in Western Odisha,
in lower clothing that reached their Southern Chhattisgarh, and nearby
knees. Simdega regions (Jharkhand).
 He organised the Mukkuthi Samaram Nabanna, which may be found in
in 1860 at Pandalam in the Coastal Odisha, is its coastal
Pathanamthitta district to support counterpart.
lower-caste women's rights to wear  The day after the Ganesh Chaturthi
nose rings and other gold jewellery. celebration, it is observed on panchami
 He was the leader of Kerala's first-ever tithi (the fifth day) of the lunar fortnight
agricultural labourers' strike, known of the month of Bhadrapada (August-
as Karshaka Thozhilali Samaram.For
the Ezhava people, he also founded the
Farmers offer the first produce from
first Kathakali Yogam (local schools for
the traditional dance genre Kathakali)

their lands to Goddess Samaleswari,
the famous 'Mother Goddess' of
in 1861.

AD Sambalpur district of Odisha.

Sambalpuri dance forms like Rasarkeli
6. Nuakhai Juhar
Context:Nuakhai is an annual harvest AC and Dalkhai can be witnessed.

festival in Odisha, celebrated to welcome the

season's new rice. Celebrated a day after
7. Archaeological Survey of India
finds 12,000-year-old artefacts
Ganesh Chaturthi, Nuakhai is the most near Chennai

auspicious and important social festival in

Western Odisha and the neighbouring areas
of Simdega in Jharkhand. It is celebrated
Context:The Archeological Survey of India

throughout Odisha and will be held on
September 1, 2022.
recovered nearly 12,000-year-old artefacts in
excavations near the Renault automobile
factory on the outskirts of Tamil Nadu's
capital city Chennai, The ASI team has also
found pit layers or artefacts separated by
hundreds of years from the excavation sites.
In some cases, these artefacts were separated
by even thousands of years.

The ASI discovered signs of four

civilizations at the Vadakkupattu village in
Tamil Nadu:
 Mesolithic Period: ASI discovered hand
axes, scrappers, cleavers, and choppers
Email : from the Mesolithic period. They were
recovered 75 cm from beneath the
 The agricultural celebration Nuakhai
Juhar, also known as Nuakhai Parab
or Nuakahi Bhetghat, is held annually.


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
 The Dharamshala Declaration aspires
to acknowledge India's contribution to
global tourism while concentrating on
local tourism revival.
 To encourage more Indians to go
within their own country and discover
it, the Ministry of Tourism has
developed a strategy. It will assist in
achieving Ek's objective.
Bharat Shrestha Bharat.
 Identifying 20 Indian missions overseas
has also been a joint effort between the
tourism ministry and the ministry of
external affairs. This will assist in
drawing more tourists to India.

Additionally, the Indian tourist

industry has targets set for the
upcoming years that will accelerate the

 Sangam Era: They discovered Sangam

AD sector's growth.
India in tourism sector

including rouletted pottery, Roman
amphora sherds, and glass beads
era (almost 2,000 years ago) artefacts  With 15 million foreign visitors
arriving in India by 2024, the country
would generate $30 billion in foreign

suggesting active commerce with exchange revenues and $150 billion in
GDP from tourism. By 2030, India is
 I
Early and Later Pallavas: They anticipated to expand at a compound

discovered sculptures ranging from
the early Pallava period (275 CE) to the 
annual growth rate of 7% to 9%.
By 2047, India will be one of the top

late Pallavas on the floor inside the
surrounding space (897 CE).
tourist destinations in the world,
thanks to the efforts of the Tourism
 Vadakkupattu village is located in
Sriperumbudur taluk of
Kancheepuram district in Tamil Nadu. The draft National Tourism Policy 2022
Vadakkupattu village site has now  Its first goal is to enhance the national
become a culturally and framework for the growth of
archaeologically important site. tourism.This will be accomplished
through bolstering tourist-related
7. Pitching India as a signature enterprises, expanding tourism
destination: Dharamshala support services, and growing tourism
Declaration sub-sectors.
Context:The Dharamshala Declaration aims  Second, it supports inclusive,
to recognise India's potential in supporting responsible, and sustainable travel in
Email tourism and also promote domestic
: keeping with our cultural ideals.
tourism. With pandemic tourism sector Thirdly, it seeks to foster skill
sector recorded very poor contribution so development through the Tourism and
government of India in its efforts to promote Hospitality Sector Skill Mission as well
tourism- Dharamshala Declaration as digitization, innovation, and
Dharamshala Declaration
CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
technology through the National Bathukamma festival
Digital Tourism Mission.  Bathukamma is an annual festival in
 Fourth, the strategy places a specific Telangana.The Telangana women's folk
emphasis on public-private commemorate the event, which
partnerships that involve the business showcases the splendour of nature via
sector (PPP). the vivid hues of several flowers.
 This policy is the first effort made after  The Bathukamma celebration kicks off
2002 toward the tourism and a week before its major conclusion,
hospitality industries. Additionally, "Saddula Batukamma," which falls two
India will benefit from the G20 days before Dussehra. Women and
leadership by promoting its tourism girls chant and dance around
around the world. beautifully arranged flowers during the
Opportunities for India nine-day yearly celebration. They
 India has an opportunity to position submerge the specially arranged
itself as a major tourism destination flowers, known as Bathukamma, in
during India's presidency of the G20.
celebration. Y
nearby ponds at the conclusion of the
India will welcome delegates from the
20 countries/European Union and it 
Bathukamma has been a state holiday
in Telangana since the state's creation
will be hosting around 200 meetings
with foreign delegates.
This will be an opportunity for India AD in 2014.

to showcase its country's cultural
richness to the world. Moreover, theAC 9. Archaeological Survey of India
(ASI) unravels remarkable

Ministry of Tourism should also work

with other Ministries to bring required
Archaeological remains
Bandhavgarh Forest Reserve

transformation in visa, ease of travel, Context : Archaeological Survey of

traveller-friendly and improved
immigration facilities at airports.
India(ASI) has discovered remarkable
archaeological remains in Madhya Pradesh's

8. C
Ministry of Culture organises
Bathukamma festival- an annual
Bandhavgarh Forest Reserve.
 26 caves which are mostly Buddhist in
nature. Remains of the Mahayana sect
celebration in Telangana at of Buddhism like chaitya-shaped
Kartavyapath, India Gate doors and cells containing stone beds.
Context:Ministry of Culture organized the  26 ancient temples/relics of Kalachuri
celebration of Bathukamma festival being at period (9th century CE to 11th Century
Kartavyapath, India Gate, New Delhi, CE).
 A large Varaha sculpture datable to the
9th - 13th century CE. It appears to be
the world's largest sculpture. 24 Brahmi
inscriptions (2nd century CE to 5th
century CE)
 Important kings of the era mentioned
Email : in the inscriptions include Shri
Bhimsena, Maharaja Pothasiri and


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
Reserve in 1993. The park resides on
the extreme northeastern border of
Madhya Pradesh and the northern
edges of the Satpura mountain ranges.
 The park derived its name from the
most prominent hill of the area which
is said to have been given by Lord
Rama to his brother Laxman to keep a
watch on Lanka The fort was built by
Gond Dynasty kings. One of the biggest
attractions of this national park is the
Bengal tiger(Panthera tigris tigris).
Bandhavgarh has a very high density
of tigers within its jungles.

Y launches
documenting 50 iconic Indian

heritage textiles
AD Context:UNESCO released a list of 50
exclusive and iconic heritage textile crafts of
the country.

AC  UNESCO has released a list of 50

exclusive and iconic heritage textile

A S crafts of India under the title

"Handmade for the 21st Century:
I Safeguarding Traditional Indian

26 caves which are mostly Buddhist in
nature. Remains of the Mahayana sect

The UNESCO publication gives

of Buddhism like chaitya-shaped
doors and cells containing stone beds.
recommendations for their
preservation as well as a catalogue of
the textiles' history and legends. It also
 26 ancient temples/relics of Kalachuri outlines the intricate and secretive
period (9th century CE to 11th Century techniques that go into manufacturing
CE). each cloth.
 A large Varaha sculpture datable to  Some of the textiles described are:
the 9th - 13th century CE. It appears to From the North: Thigma or wool tie and
be the world's largest sculpture. 24 dye from Ladakh; Khes from Panipat;
Brahmi inscriptions (2nd century CE to Chamba rumals from Himachal
5th century CE) Pradesh; and Awadh Jamdani from
 Important kings of the era mentioned Varanasi.
in the inscriptions include Shri  From the south: from Karnataka, Ilkal
Bhimsena, Maharaja Pothasiri and and Lambadi or Banjara needlework,
Bhattadeva. Thanjavur's Sikalnayakanpet
Email :
Bandhavgarh National Park Kalamkari, Tamil Nadu's Toda
embroidery and Sungadi, and
 Bandhavgarh National Park is located
Hyderabad's Himroo weaves.
in the Umaria district of Madhya
Pradesh. It was declared as a National  Other states: Bandha tie-dye weaving
Park in 1968 and then became a Tiger from Sambalpur in Odisha, Kunbi


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weaves from Goa, Mashru weaves and  The temple in its present form was built
Patola from Gujarat, Himroo from by the Maratha general Ranoji Shinde
Maharashtra, Garad-Koirial from West in 1734 CE. Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga
Bengal. is one of the 12 jyotirlingas considered
 The lack of a good inventory and the most sacred abodes of Shiva.
recording is one of the biggest  As per records, the temple's Mahakal
obstacles to the preservation of South Lingam is believed to be Swayambhu
Asia's intangible cultural heritage, (self-manifested) and unlike any other
making this list by UNESCO jyotirlingas in the country, the idol of
important. Mahakaleshwar faces south. The shrine
is also revered as one of the 18 Maha
11. What is the Rs 600-crore Shakti Peeth in India.
redevelopment plan for Ujjain's
Mahakaleshwar temple
Context:The first phase of the
Mahakaleshwar Corridor, which cost Rs 350
crore, is complete and will be inaugurated
by PM Modi on October 11
 Mahakal Maharaj Mandir Parisar
Vistar Yojna is a plan for the
expansion, beautification, and AD
decongestion of the Mahakaleshwar
temple and its adjoining area in Ujjain


Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga is a Hindu
temple dedicated to Shiva.It is located

in the ancient city of Ujjain in the state
of Madhya Pradesh. The temple is

situated on the side of the holy river

Email :


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1. A quarter century of public-  The share of private capital moved up
private partnership. from 22 per cent in the 10th Plan period
Context: With the government aiming to to 37 per cent in the 11th Plan.
channel private capital to monetise  PPP started lowering from 2012
brownfield operating assets, PPP may well onwards due to inappropriate risk-
be set to see a revival allocation, aggressive bidding, twin
Background of PPP balance-sheet problems, mounting
 The early 1990s witnessed the growth non-performing assets, and lack of
of public-private partnership or PPP dispute resolution.
before it mainstreamed into economic  Almost all Indian corporations and
policy. commercial lending institutions are
 Spectrum's Kakinada and GVK's
careful of investing in greenfield PPP
Jegurupadu power plants were two of
the eight fast-track projects approved
projects and foreign investors prefer
operating brownfield assets.
by the government in 1992.
The fiscal 1996-97 can be regarded to be the
AD The steps taken by government to revive
official starting year of PPP:
 An expert group
Commercialization of InfrastructureAC on
 The Budget of 2014 proposed to set up
an institution called 3P India with
allocation of Rs 500 crore.

Projects submitted a path-breaking
report advocating a significant role for
 In May 2015, the government
constituted a nine-member committee
private capital. The private sector which submitted its report "Revisiting

allowed into ports through an
amendment to the Major Port Trusts
and Revitalizing PPP Model of
Infrastructure Development".

Act and National Highways Authority
of India's capital base was widened to
Rs. 500 crores.
 The committee endorsed setting up "3P
 3P India would deal with complex PPP
 This report helped the formation of issues like renegotiation, independent
various organizations such as The regulation, equitable risk-allocation,
Infrastructure Development Finance and amendments to Prevention of
Corporation. Corruption Act 1988, expeditious
 The Planning Commission recognized redress of disputes, and capacity
a significant intra deficit. It planned to building.
raise the Gross Capital Formation  The annuity and hybrid annuity
(GCF) in infrastructure to 9 per cent of models that sought to substantially
GDP by the terminal year of the 11th reduce the risk of private investment
Plan (2007-12). were adopted.
 The India Infrastructure Finance  New sectors like ropeways and effluent
Email :Company Ltd (IIFC) was set up in 2006 treatment plants were brought into the
to provide long-term financial PPP ambit.
assistance to PPP projects.  PPP is back with 100 percent of the
National Monetization Pipeline target
of Rs 6 trillion and 40 percent of the
National Infrastructure Pipeline target


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of Rs 111 trillion expected to be funded Aim: To help regulate the price volatility of
under PPP formats. important agri-horticultural commodities
 The finance ministry in July announced like onion, potatoes and pulses.
the setting up of a new body called the Features of the scheme: The scheme
Infrastructure Finance Secretariat (IFS) provides for maintaining a strategic buffer
which is expected to play an of commodities for subsequent calibrated
integrative role in the revival of the release to moderate price volatility and
PPP ecosystem. discourage hoarding and unscrupulous
Mains point: Privatization and speculation.
liberalization.  For building such stock, the scheme
promotes direct purchase from
2. Cabinet approves disposal of farmers/farmers' associations at the
Chana procured under Price farm gate/Mandi.
Support Scheme & Price Fund Utilization: The PSF fund is utilized
Stabilization Fund for granting interest-free advance of working
Context:Cabinet Committee on Economic Y
capital to Central Agencies, State/UT
Governments/Agencies to undertake market
Affairs has approved the disposal of Chana
(Pulses) to States/UTs at a discounted rate M
intervention operations.
to be utilized for various Welfare Schemes
from the stock of pulses procured under the
Price Support Scheme(PSS) & Price AD  Apart from domestic procurement
from farmers/wholesale mandis,
import may also be undertaken with
Stabilization Fund (PSF).
Price Support Scheme: AC support from the Fund.

Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Agriculture &
Farmers Welfare
Purpose: The scheme is operationalised

only when prices of agri-produce fall below
the minimum support price(MSP).

Price Support Scheme (PSS): Under this
physical procurement of pulses,
oilseeds and Copra to be done by
Central Nodal Agencies in
collaboration with state governments.
 Both National Agricultural
Cooperative Marketing Federation of
India (NAFED) and Food Corporation
of India (FCI) to take up PSS operations Background:
in states. Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan
 As per norms, the central government Abhiyan(PM-AASHA) : The scheme
will bear the procurement expenditure comprises of three sub-schemes viz.
and losses due to procurement. Price Support Scheme (PSS): Under this
The Price Stabilization Fund(PSF): physical procurement of pulses, oilseeds and
Email :
Setup in: 2014-15 Copra to be done by Central Nodal Agencies
Nodal Ministry: Department of Consumer in collaboration with state governments.
Affairs  Both National Agricultural
Cooperative Marketing Federation of
India (NAFED) and Food Corporation


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of India (FCI) to take up PSS operations  Groundwater is depleting and its
in states. quality is becoming poorer with the
 As per norms, the central government increasing use of chemical fertilisers
will bear the procurement expenditure and other industrial waste,
and losses due to procurement.  Air human breathe is polluted. When
Price Deficiency Payment Scheme (PDPS): stubble burning peaks in farmers' fields
This is based on the recommendations of in Punjab and Haryana it is difficult to
NITI Aayog which suggested "Price even breathe in a city like Delhi.
Deficiency Payment" for implementation of  The extreme weather events such as the
MSP in crops where procurement is poor. recent heat waves in Europe and Asia
 Direct payment of the difference alongside droughts and floods in other
between the MSP and the selling price areas exacerbate these issues even
will be made to pre-registered farmers more.
selling their produce in the notified An imbalance between people and the
market yard and thus it does not planet:
involve any physical procurement. 
In 1804, for the first time in history, the
 The aim of the scheme is to provide
compensation to farmers for
human population touched one billion.
The next billion was added in 123 years
agriculture products whenever its
price falls below the announced
Minimum support price (MSP) and AD with the count touching two billion by
1927. Several major breakthroughs in
medical science ensured that the next
thereby protecting them from losses
suffered on account of distress sale.
billion was added in just 33 years by

All payments will be done directly into
registered bank accounts of the
 Thereafter, humanity progressed even
faster. For instance, it took only 12
I years to reach six to seven billion in

Pilot of Private Procurement & Stockist
Scheme (PPPS): Under this scheme,
2010, and another 12 years to touch
eight billion in 2022.

participation of the private sector in
procurement operations will be
piloted.States have the option to roll out the
 This created a huge imbalance between
the demands of people and the capacity
of this planet to supply them in a
scheme on a pilot basis in selected districts/ sustainable manner.
APMCs involving private stockists. The role of natural/organic farming in
Mains point:the Price Support Scheme(PSS) correcting this imbalance:
& Price Stabilization Fund (PSF)  Many governments, religious
organisations, and some NGOs believe
3. Precision farming needs to be that organic/natural farming is the only
promoted to get more output with way to correct this imbalance. Most of
less exploitation of natural the studies conducted by ICAR in India
resources" show that with the adoption of natural
Context:Humans are over-exploiting the farming yields go down for major
planet's natural resource endowment. This staple crops like wheat and rice by as
may much as 30 to 50%. But the yields
Email : boomerang and threaten the very
existence of humanity. recovered back to normal levels after
some time.
The challenges in current farming methods:
 Organic farming in India: Sikkim was
 Lands are degrading, especially the declared an organic state, etc. The
topsoil that is crucial for providing us Indian government has initiated a
with food, animal feed and fibre,
CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
major programme on natural farming  Zero Budget' means without using any
along the Ganga, five kilometres on credit, and without spending any
each side of its banks. Many states like money on purchased inputs. 'Natural
Andhra Pradesh are also scaling up farming' means farming with Nature
natural farming. and without use of fertilisers. Zero
India need to focus on farming: budget farming is a set of farming
 Sri Lanka wanted to get rid of chemical methods that involve zero credit for
fertilisers but was facing an economic agriculture and no use of chemical
challenge. India is going to be the most fertilisers.
populous country on the planet in 2023. The four-wheels of zero budget natural
So, India needs a proper policy farming-
decision with better and more scientific  Water vapour condensation for better
evidence if India wants to avoid a Sri soil moisture.
Lanka-like fiasco.  Seed treatment with cow dung and
To improve farming activities: urine based formulations
 Focus on precision farming: It can give  Mulching.
India "more from less". The
innovations and developments in GIS

Ensure soil fertility through cow dung
and cow urine based concoctions.
(Geographical Information System),
AIML (Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning) can use enormous AD Mains point: :India's farming activities.

data and bring about precision in

AC 4. The road
to energy

Reduction of subsidies: In India, there
is a culture of free power, free water,
Context:The Prime Minister has called for
"Energy Atmanirbharta" by 2040 recently.

almost 80 to 90% subsidy on urea, and The requirements needed for India to achieve

so on. These subsidy policies may

have been good in the 1960s or the
1970s when the country was hugely
Energy Atmanirbharta by 2040:
 India should be clear with the

food deficit. But now these subside
have to be reduced.
definition of Atmanirbharta. It means
self-reliance not self-sufficiency. Self-
sufficiency should not be our goal as
Background Key points: energy self-sufficiency is infeasible and
Zero budget natural farming: - uneconomic.
 We should prioritise access to fossil
fuels because the transition to a green
energy system is a lengthy, time taking
and costly process. There is a low
probability of finding substantive,
additional domestic resources of
hydrocarbons, even if India is able to
enhance domestic exploration, it may
be difficult to produce them on
commercially viable terms. Therefore,
Email :
our policy must continue to emphasise
affordable and secure access to oil and
 Prioritise access to the building blocks
of green energy. We have ambitious
targets for renewables. However,
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minerals/components (copper, cobalt,  Energy diplomacy. Our diplomats
lithium, semiconductor chips etc.) should add energy to their diplomacy.
required to build EVs, solar panels, This is because of our dependence on
wind turbines and batteries are the international energy supply chains.
concentrated in countries that are not Success in navigating economic and
on the same political page with India. geopolitical uncertainties will depend
For example, 38 percent of copper is greatly on skillful diplomacy.
produced from Chile and Peru. China  Holistic governance. The current
controls 47 per cent of copper smelting energy governance requires proper
and 42 per cent of copper refining. administration. Institutions should be
Therefore, India must remove the created to facilitate integrated energy
obstacles to domestic mining and planning and implementation.
develop strategies to manage the Mains point:India to achieve Energy
international market dynamics. Atmanirbharta.
 In a recent example of Germany, it
faced the LNG supply problem
because it was not connected by a 5.
Heavy debt burdens are the real
pipeline built by Spain. Therefore, it
became possible for Russia to
issues in our debate over freebies
Context:The Centre never logged a fiscal

weaponize the gas supply.

Infrastructure development is needed.
deficit ratio of less than 3% after 2007-08 and
all states combined had logged less than 3%
after 2004-05.

GAIL is investing in the development
of a national gas pipeline grid. In
addition to it India must expand its
 This is because the Fiscal
Responsibility and Budget
strategic petroleum reserves to cover
Management (FRBM) rules cap the
deficit at 3% of gross state domestic
 I
at least 30 days of consumption.
Offering green incentives to encourage product. It requires special permission

private participation. For example,
investors' response was encouraging
to go beyond this level.
The rules needed to be adopted to check

after the government's production-
linked incentive scheme (PLI) offered
the fiscal deficit:
There are rules needed to cap the deficit as
benefits for investment in green well as ensure transparency.
energy.  We need a rule that is binding on both
 Private capital can help meet net the Centre and states. The Reserve Bank
carbon zero targets of the country. of India can be made the caretaker to
 In the face of high gas prices, Europe ensure that access to the debt market
is enjoying the disproportionately for states and centres closes beyond a
positive benefits of demand prescribed level.
management. This must be corrected.  Contingent liabilities must be counted
Energy usage norms must be as a part of the fiscal deficit-both of the
standardised and tightened. Centre and states. This will deliver
Legislation should be properly transparency and ensure that debt
enacted to ensure compliance. doesn't build up outside budgets.
Email : Retraining
 and upskilling.  Guarantees by the government to any

 The nature of jobs and their location publicly-owned entity should be

will change with the gradual transition banned. Because, it creates an
to a green energy system. Therefore, environment of not taking
the requirements for training/skilling responsibility for performance and the
should be anticipated and delivered. entity will be forced to operate on


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commercial terms. If guarantees are  There are infrastructure issues, like, the
gone, they will have to borrow money cost and ease of doing business, high
from the financial system based on taxes as well as frequent policy
their strength and performance. changes.
 To ensure a certain amount is spent as  There are also regulatory failures in
a capital expenditure a certain portion enforcing quality consciousness
of the borrowing should be set aside among manufacturers. The Indian
by a rule. This will ensure that the government and regulators have
government is building infrastructure. adopted lower manufacturing
The Finance Commission must standards than developed countries.
strongly mandate the level of capex at But they have not been able to enforce
20% or 25%. even those low standards.
Mains point:achieve the fiscal deficit target.  For example, Indian automobile
manufacturers export products with
6. Fixing the quality problem of Make higher safety norms and at a cheaper
in India
price than the ones they sell in the
domestic market.
Context:There are lots of programmes and
incentives announced by the government of 
Indian drug makers exporting
medicines build and operate
India to make India a global manufacturing
hub. However, there are many challenges in
achieving this goal. AD manufacturing facilities that pass the
US Food and Drug Administration's

Production-linked incentive schemes
are an attempt to make Indian an
C inspections, but the same medicines
sold in the domestic market have far
less regulatory scrutiny and made in

attractive global manufacturing hub.
However, the question arises, would
factories with fewer quality controls.

these policies be more successful  The excuse often given for lower
quality standards is that stricter norms

compared to the previous attempts.
India to become a global manufacturing
could increase costs sharply, which is
a baseless point.
 C
The recent geo-political tension and
 It is often the taxes and infrastructure
issues that add to the costs rather than
supply chain disruption has made higher quality standards.
compulsory to reduce its dependence
on China. The government and manufacturers in the
country focus on producing uniformly
 Second, it is not possible to find a higher quality products:
solution to rising unemployment
without focusing on the manufacturing  Indian manufacturers did not have to
sector. Manufacturing sectors play an worry about quality before the
important role in job creation. liberalisation.
The challenges, in front of India, in  After the economic reforms of 1991,
becoming a global manufacturing hub: there was a large gap between what the
Indian consumer expected and what
 India has tried to reduce its consumers in developed markets
dependence on China but the progress demanded.
Email :made by India is not upto the mark. It
has not been able to attract big global  The Indian middle-class consumer
strategic manufacturing investment. often accepted products that their
counterparts in developed countries
 India's dependence on China for rejected.
inputs and manufactured goods has
also increased.
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 This was one of the reasons for  Vladimir Putin: Under him, Russia
adopting low quality standards by again moves towards authoritarianism.
Indian manufacturers but the quality The capitalist model way:
is critical in becoming a major  Overall life expectancy is a good
manufacturing hub. measure of the well-being of a nation's
 India needs to enforce stringent citizens. This is because, when all
quality norms for goods produced citizens are well-nourished when
within the country for both domestic public health systems function well,
and international consumers if it wants and when violence in society is low, an
to become a manufacturing hub. average person lives longer.
Mains point:Industries and industrial  International comparisons reveal that
policies GDP per capita is an insufficient
contributor to longevity. Many
7. Gorbachev, macro-economics, and countries with substantially lower
Gandhi. incomes outperform the U.S. in life
Context: Recently, Mikhail Gorbachev expectancy.
passed away. He has been known for his role
in ending the ideological conflict between

For example, Cuba is one place above
the U.S. in longevity tables even though
communism and capitalism.
Mikhail Gorbachev's political and
AD its income per capita is just 14% of U.S.
The impact on Russia due to the capitalist
economic decisions:

Economic policy: Gorbachev favoured
a slow transition to a "mixed economy"
 The big bang capitalist reforms of the
like the Indian model and had even
Russian economy in 1991 and 1994, life
expectancy fell from 64 to 57 years.
 I
approached Rajiv Gandhi for advice.
With his concepts of perestroika and Many Russian deaths were caused by

glasnost, Gorbachev wanted to save
common citizens from being
suicides, alcohol poisoning, homicides,
and heart attacks brought upon by

oppressed by powerful people.
Political decisions: He also brought
despair with joblessness and
hopelessness, created by wholesale
privatisation of the economy and
down the Iron Curtain and ended the disruption of social safety nets.
Cold War between the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO) and the The basis of the capitalist model, and The
Soviet Union. challenges:
 Gorbachev also helped to bring the  It is founded on two fundamental
world back from the nuclear precipice. ideas.
Russia evolve after Mikhail Gorbachev's  The ideology of "property rights"
Presidency: outdoing human rights
 Boris Yeltsin: He took power after  In this, whosoever owns more shares
Gorbachev. During his regime, "big in a property must have a greater say.
bang" capitalisation was imposed on Thus, one dollar owned gives one vote
Russia by U.S. economists. Instead of in governance, and a million dollars,
Email :the
Indian model, the "Washington one million votes.

economics" model prevailed. l This is visible by the a) Creation of

 Note: After 1991, India itself opened international tribunals which
up its economy to the US model. adjudicate disputes between foreign
investors in countries and the
governments (representing the


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
interests of millions and billions of Affairs, Ministry of Finance has released the
people) of those countries, b) Global 28th edition of the Status Report on India's
trade rules, and national financial and External Debt 2021-22.
trade regulations also favour the needs The key highlights from the report:
of financial investors, making it easier  India's external debt rose by 8.2% to
for them to enter and exit. But the stand at $620.7 billion on March 31, 2022
governments are stopping human compared to $573.7 billion on March 31,
migrants from searching for better 2021.
opportunities across national borders.
 Out of total external debt, 53.2% of
 On the other hand, the democratic external debt was denominated in US
principle of "human rights" requires dollars. Indian rupee-denominated
that every human being, black or external debt was estimated at 31.2%
white, or whether billionaire or and was the second largest.
pauper, has an equal vote in
governance.  The long-term debt estimated at $499.1
billion formed the largest chunk
 Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons".It
says that communities cannot manage Y
(80.4%) of the total external debt
shared resources; therefore, a common
property must be privatised for its
amount while the short-term debt, at
$121.7 billion accounted for 19.6%.
protection. When a public resource is
privatised, those who already have
AD  Commercial borrowings, NRIs
deposits, short-term trade credit and
multilateral loans accounted for
wealth can buy it. Those with more
wealth will win and become even
wealthier. Thus, inequalities willAC 
around 90% of the total external debt.
External debt as a ratio to GDP fell
A S marginally to 19.9% as of March 2022
compared to 21.2% of the year-ago
should follow: I
An alternative to the capitalist model India

Follow Gandhi's ethical economics:
Concepts of free trade, financial
 Foreign currency reserves as a ratio to
external debt stood slightly lower at

freedom, and privatisation, promoted
by macroeconomists, are not good
97.8% as of March 2022, compared to
100.6% of the year-ago period.
solutions for India's billion citizens  Sovereign External Debt: As of March
struggling for resilience in their lives. 2022, sovereign external debt(SED)
increased by 17.1% over the level a year
 India's economic governance must be
ago reflecting the additional allocation
guided by Mahatma Gandhi's
of SDRs by the IMF during 2021-22.
calculus, with principles of human
rights and community management, to  FPIs: Foreign Portfolio Investors(FPIs)
realise the promise of our commons, holding Government Securities(G-Sec)
and provide "poorna swaraj" to all slid to the US $19.5 billion from US$
citizens. 20.4 billion a year ago.
Mains point:the capitalist model and its  Non-sovereign external debt estimated
alternative. at US$ 490.0 billion as of March 2022
posted a growth of 6.1% over last
Email : year.CBs, NRI deposits and short-term
8. 28th edition of Status Report on trade credit accounted for about 95%
India's External Debt 2021-22 of non-sovereign debt.
 Debt Service Ratio: The debt service
Context:External Debt Management ratio fell to 5.2% during 2021-22 from
Unit(EDMU) in the Department of Economic 8.2% during 2020-21 due to buoyancy


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
in current receipts and a decline in debt d) reducing logistics and other business
service payments. costs through better Centre-state
India's external debt position at risk: coordination, e) enhancing the quality
 India's external debt continues to be of governance and counter-cyclical
sustainable and prudently managed. regulation with good incentives,
From a cross-country perspective, f) improve data use and privacy
India's external debt is modest, g) functioning of courts and police.
occupying the 23rd position globally. Why banks not be privatised:
 In terms of various debt vulnerability  There is a recommendation to privatise
indicators, India's sustainability was most public sector banks (PSBs).
better than the Low-and-Middle  There is an argument that PSBs drain
Income Countries (LMICs) as a group taxpayers' money but this argument is
and vis-à-vis many of them based on the experience of the last
individually. decade. PSBs were doing better than
Mains point:India's External Debt 2021-22 private banks in the 2000s.
 Y
NPA rose because PSBs were pushed
9. For a stronger economy: We need
economic reforms beyond M
to lend to infrastructure where there
are inherent asset liability mismatches.
Context: The Indian economy was expected
AD  However, after some recent measures,
like improvements in governance of
to collapse due to the pandemic.

Appropriate counter-cyclical policy enabled
the recovery and it worked because reforms
PSBs and risk-based lending profiles,
NPA ratios have decreased. Even social
schemes are now financed through

had reached a threshold of adequacy. direct subsidies by the government

New reforms and measures are
required to tackle the current economic 
which has benefitted PSBs.
PSBs are trusted by people throughout

The new reforms are required from India:
the country and it is evident from the
opening of 1.7 trillion Jan Dhan
 C
Liberalisation has reached a point of
diminishing returns and new reforms 
PSBs can gain advantage in low-cost
are needed to overcome the current deposit deposits through many co-
economic situation. lending opportunities and
 The focus should be on adopting the partnerships.
measures that currently favour  Private banks alone cannot increase
India.These include credit when lending from PSBs has
a) the digitization, where India has a slowed.
comparative advantage,  PSBs should be allowed to compete
b) supply chain diversification, and raise resources on their own and
only those PSBs which are weak can be
c) moving to a net zero economy and privatised.
d) using green initiatives as a source of The rupee should not be made completely
investment and innovation. market determined:
Email :Attention
 should also be given to
 There are recommendations that the
a) developing skills and capabilities, rupee should be completely market-
b) improving employability, determined. Also, it should be allowed
c) improving infrastructure, to sink under foreign outflows since
this would benefit exporters.


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 However, the effect of exchange rate  But in the 1990s, with rising
depreciation is reflected faster in fragmentation of land, low
Indian imports. Because they are productivity and withdrawal of state
dominated by dollar-denominated support, apple agriculture became
commodities such as crude oil. unsustainable.This resulted in
 Indian exporters have little market a) Increasing cost of apple production,
power and they are forced to bear the b) Input cost of fertilisers, insecticides,
cost of depreciation. and fungicides have risen by 300% in
 Studies show that exporters do not the last decade,
gain from currency volatility and the c) Increase in the cost of apple cartons and
gain that is earned is usually trays and packaging. For example,
temporary. increase in the Goods and Services Tax
 The fall in the exchange rate of the on cartons from 12% to 18%.
rupee from about Rs 8 in the 1990s to  All this made farmers sell their produce
about Rs 80 currently has not brought to big buyers instead of selling it in the
about a sustained rise in exports.
open market. The big growers have also
 Lower volatility in the real exchange
rate helps both gainers and losers
started to shift from the conventional
varieties to more genetically modified
when there are changes in the value of
the rupee. The positive and negative
deviations from equilibrium real rates
D varieties called the spur, most of which
are imported from European nations.
The apple procurement by large players

are harmful.
Only a fraction of the foreign portfolio
make apple farming non-profitable:
 In the open market, the price of apple

flows (FPI) that look for trading
benefits gain from volatility.
is decided on the basis of an apple
carton. Large players do not buy apples
 I
Some rupee volatility is good and in cartons; they procure them in plastic

encourages firms to hedge currency trays and decide the rate on the basis
of a kilogramme.
Economy -  Unlike in the open market, where
apples of all varieties/grades are
procured, the large players only
10. Profitability of apple farming: The procure apples of high quality. Such
crisis of apple farmers apples don't constitute even 20%-30%
of the total production in a harvest.
Context: Apple growers in Himachal Further, large players also bring in a
Pradesh are protesting due to the non- substantial fall in procurement prices
profitability of apple farming. across the market.
The reasons behind the non-profitability  Note: Jammu and Kashmir ensure
of apple farming: legally guaranteed procurement at a
 In the 1970s and 1980s, Himachal Minimum Support Price. But in States
Pradesh provided a lot of support to such as Himachal Pradesh, the MSP is
apple production. Such as setting up absent for apple farmers.
nurseries and giving plants to farmers To ensure the profitability of
Email :on
a large scale, offering a transport
subsidy on cartons, providing heavy Formation of an independent body: A
concessions on tools, etc. Land reforms statutory body must be formed. Such a body
restricted the transfer of land to non- should
agriculturist of Himachal Pradesh.


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a) Have representatives of apple growers,  It could set ceilings on interest rates and
market players, commission agents impose penalties for violations.
and the government,  For data protection, the RBI could check
b) Conduct research in the apple the apps that collect more data than
economy, strictly necessary to generate credit
c) duly supported and trusted by the scores and process loans, and that all
farmers. such data are collected with
Mains point: the non-profitability of apple permissions, and not shared with other
farming. entities. It could publish such data-
collection standards in the interests of
public safety.
11. Lending Transparency  It should work with the Income Tax
Context:The article explains the concerns Department and other departments to
related to loan apps and issues related to detect the cases of money-laundering.
recent RBI exercise of vetting loan apps.  However, the RBI must ensure that it
 The Finance Ministry has asked the RBI
to check digital loan apps and compile Y
does not exclude legitimate players by
setting complicated, opaque standards
a "whitelist". The Ministry of
Electronics and Information
for whitelisting. It must also ensure that
its process of approval or rejection is
Technology (MEITY) has been asked

to coordinate with the RBI and service
prompt and offer reasons to the
applicant in cases of refusal.
providers such as Google Play and

Apple App Store to ensure that only
loan apps on the RBI whitelist are
The role of other organs of government:
 To prevent use of strong arm tactics to
available for download.
A S extract money from borrowers,
executive and the judiciary need to

 I
The concerns related to loan apps:
These applications provide loans to
ensure that citizens are not harassed,

vulnerable, tech-illiterate people, and
low-income groups at exorbitant
while accelerating processes of loan

interest rates with hidden processing
fees and charges.
 MEITY could coordinate with Apple
and Google to ensure non-compliant
apps are kept off these stores.
 Lenders also use predatory loan  To prevent "side-load" apps that can
recovery practices involving be installed by sending a link
blackmailing and criminal bypassing Apple and Google app
intimidation. stores, we should educate potential
 There is also the possibility of money borrowers to avoid these practices.
laundering and tax evasions. Mains point:the concerns related to loan
 There are also concerns related to apps and issues
indebtedness of households. The RBI
data shows the financial indebtedness
of households was 40% of GDP in May 12. Making In India. But How?
2021. Context: The article explains the Production
The RBI role: Linked Incentive Scheme and its future
Email : scope.
 It can create a checklist of information
pertaining to interest rates, fees and Production Linked Incentive scheme (PLI),
other charges, all of which should be intended to create a sustainable
clearly published by any loan app. manufacturing base in India.


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
The need for the PLI scheme: investment climates like Vietnam,
 It starts from the premise that India when PLI ends and achieve scale
manufactures too little because it economies without incurring
suffers from a competitive disadvantages given the small
disadvantage of around 8. 5-11% on investment required to meet PLI
account of factors such as lack of eligibility. There will be little incentive
adequate infrastructure, high cost of for them to continuously operate in
finance; inadequate availability of India.
quality power; neglect of R&D; and the  Manufacturers could continue to
inadequate skills of Indian workers. produce, but will require continued
 Since addressing these weaknesses tariff and subsidy protection.
will take time, the government wants  If PLI-induced domestic production
a faster alternative. does not become globally cost-
 GoI through PLIs offer manufacturers competitive, it will reduce exports in
a government payment of some other sectors. For example, high cost
percentage, provided they meet
incremental investment and sales Y
domestically produced semiconductor
through PLI incentives will reduce the
competitiveness of two wheeler
exports that rely on chips.
Who pays?
 The Indian customer pays a higher
price because of tariffs if parts are AD There is a need to enhance human capital
investment, a feasible land acquisition

The Indian taxpayer pays for subsidies,
process, strengthening infrastructure and a
predictable tax regime.

not just to Indian firms that are selected
for PLI but also to international
Mains point:Production Linked Incentive
manufacturers. I

Jobs are being created:
There is no data available on that. We
13. Connecting the dots to boost the
patent ecosystem

can have a look at imports and export
data in the telecommunication sector.
Context: The recent report of the Economic
Advisory Council to the Prime Minister
(EAC-PM), 'Why India Needs to Urgently
 In the last third of 2019 before PLI was
introduced , exports were $1. 6 billion Invest in its Patent Ecosystem?', highlights
and imports $4. 4 billion. In the last the significance of a robust patent system for
third of 2021 after PLI was introduced, a knowledge economy and for the promotion
exports were $2. 7 billion and imports of technological innovations.
$5. The key findings of the report on India's
 So exports have gone up substantially, patent ecosystem:
but they were already trending up  The rising share of residents in the total
before PLI. number of patent applications filed in
 On the other hand, imports were India has more than doubled during
trending down, and now are trending the last decade.
up, which is consistent with PLI  For the first time, the number of patent
Email :encouraging manufacturers to import applications by residents has
parts so long as the final assembly is surpassed that of foreign applications
done in India. during the last quarter of the financial
The main concerns related to the scheme: year 2021-22.
 The producers can shift their The suggestions of the report to improve
production to countries having better India's patent ecosystem:


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The report expressed the long pendency of  India's poor performance in industry-
processing patent applications in India as a academia collaboration: India's score
major concern. So the report suggested for the industry-academia
a) Increasing the efficiency of processing collaboration indicator has declined
patent applications, over the last few years, from 47.8 in
b) Investigate the patent ecosystem more 2015 to 42.7 in 2021. Consequently,
closely to connect the dots so that India's ranking in this indicator in the
appropriate measures are adopted to GII declined from 48 to 65 during this
improve the patent ecosystem. period.
The other concerns in India's patent Note: India's improvements in some other
ecosystem: indicators have resulted in India's
overall ranking in the GII improving
 Increasing abandoned applications: from 81 in 2015 to 46 in 2021.
The total number of patent
applications to the Indian patent office  The draft of the National Auto Policy
has increased by 48% between 2010-11 2018 points out that collaboration
and 2020-21. Similarly, the number of
between the industry and academia in
India has been limited to niche research
abandoned patent applications also
increased by almost 350% during this
areas that have low commercial

These applications do not meet the
requirements under Sections 9(1) and AD To improve India's patent ecosystem:
 To improve India's patent ecosystem,

21(1) of the Patents Act.
AC a)
India needs to
Eliminate perverse incentives in the

Section 9(1) of the Patents Act provides system that promote patent filing
b) Fasten the entire patent filing system,
that those applications accompanied
by provisional specifications be c) Promote the quality of patent

supported by complete specifications
within one year.
applications and d) Increase the
collaboration between academia and

Section 21(1) requires patent
applicants to re-file documents if the
Mains point: India's patent ecosystem.
patent examiner finds them not
meeting the requirements. 14. Connecting the dots to boost the
 The applicants did not refile or submit patent ecosystem.
specifications due to Context:At present, businessmen are seen
a) applicants are not confident, not as wealth creators but as nation builders.
b) the long pendency discouraging Corporate India receives trust, goodwill and
applicants from following up on their confidence from the nation, and it must
applications. provide returns to the nation in equal
 Incentives to file patents and associated measure.
issues: Since the National Intellectual The present state of Indian business
Property Rights Policy 2016, a lot of activities:
emphasis has been attached to the  Challenges with corporate: Corporate
Email :filing
of patent applications. This
India focuses on brand power, digital
resulted in encouraging the filing of technology, talent pools, scales of
patent applications even when the operations, and global connectivity. So,
innovator knows that their claims will Corporate India's response to the
not pass scrutiny. country's job crisis has been more
symbolic than substantial.
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 Challenges with the Small and could now be replicated in other
Medium Enterprises (SMEs): situations. This can create a win-win
a) Much of India's blue-collar situation for both the corporate and
employment is generated in SMEs and informal sector.
in its sprawling gig economy. The jobs  Mahatma Gandhi's insight that "what
thus created are sub-optimal with low we need is not mass production, but
wages and unstable working production by the masses" must be an
conditions, enlightened vision of Indian business.
b) Some 45% of India's manufacturing Mains point: Indian business activities
takes place in garments units,
hazardous chemical factories and in 15. Explained | What is windfall tax
unsafe engineering workshops. and why are countries imposing it
To improve Indian business activities: on the energy sector right now?
 Learn from Taiwan: Technology and Context:The Finance Minister has defended
innovation in Taiwan has transformed the windfall tax imposed by the Government
its low-level economy into a part of a
on domestic crude oil producers by saying
global value chain. Taiwanese SMEs
which manufactured cotton shirts,
that it was not an ad hoc move but was done
after full consultation with the industry.
plastic flowers and wooden toys are
now producing memory chips and
laptops and assembling smartphones.
D The Windfall Tax:
 Windfall taxes are designed to tax the
 The Government's ONDC (Open
Network for Digital Commerce) and
profits a company derives from an
external, sometimes unprecedented
event- for instance, the energy price rise

collaboration from other corporate can
also transform Indian SMEs.
as a result of the Russia-Ukraine

 I
India's SME sector needs to modernise 
These are profits that cannot be

itself with the help of digital
technology, professional management
attributed to something the firm
actively did like an investment strategy

 C
and better scale of operations.
India's corporate sector can extend a
helping hand across the aisle to help

or an expansion of business.
Note: The United States Congressional
Research Service defines a windfall as
the SMEs achieve a transformation. an unearned, unanticipated gain in
This helping hand should be market- income through no additional effort or
driven and backed by a strong value expense.
The rationale behind imposing a windfall
 Indian food is popular worldwide. tax:
However, India has not been able to
create a McDonald's or KFC to bring  There have been varying rationales for
Indian food to the world stage as a governments worldwide to introduce
global business in scale and windfall taxes, from redistribution of
sophistication. So, the corporates has unexpected gains when high prices
to utilise this space. benefit producers at the expense of
consumers, to funding social welfare
 Across the world, the informal sector
Email : schemes and as a
is steadily evolving into the formal revenue stream for the government.
sector in partnership with the
organised industry which is creating The countries imposing Windfall Tax now:
innovative business models. For  Prices of oil, gas and coal have seen
instance, Uber, Ola, etc. This model sharp increases since late 2021. This
increase stems from a combination of
CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
factors including a mismatch between  Labour laws are very rigid. There are
energy demand and supply during the about 50-55 Union laws. Their
economic recovery from COVID-19 definition differs, which increases the
further amplified by the Russian war scope of litigation and complicates case
in Ukraine. law.
 These rising prices meant huge and  There is a lack of harmonisation in these
record profits for energy companies laws as they were enacted at different
while resulting in hefty gas and times.
electricity bills for household bills in  Sections of the Industrial Disputes Act
major and smaller economies. related to lay-offs and closures are
 Since the gains stemmed partly from offending.
external change, multiple analysts  It increases the non-wage transactions
have called them windfall profits. cost of hiring labour.
The issues with the windfall tax:  Complex labour law affects the
 Companies are confident in investing working of an enterprise in all three
in a sector if there is certainty and
stages of life cycle- entry, functioning
stability in a tax regime. Since windfall
taxes are imposed retrospectively and
and exit.
The states have introduced flexible labour
are often influenced by unexpected
events, they can brew uncertainty in
the market about future taxes. AD laws:
 Economic survey classifies states into

There is another argument about what
exactly constitutes true windfall profits
those having flexible labour laws and
those without them. Almost half of the
states have introduced flexible labour

and how it can be determined. For
instance, companies may argue that it

is the profit they earned as a reward
The meaning of flexibility:
 It does not always mean statutory

for the industry's risk-taking to provide
the end user with petroleum products. changes. It can be done by flexible
orders and regulations.

There is an issue of who should be
taxed- only the big companies
responsible for the bulk of high-priced
It difficult to assess the impacts of
sales or smaller companies as well-  There is not a long enough time-series.
raising the question of whether  The lack of data sources. The only data
producers with revenues or profits source is the Annual Survey of
below a certain threshold should be Industries.
exempt.  Services are covered by state level
Mains point:the windfall tax imposed by the Shops and Establishment Act.
Government on domestic crude oil  Covid has disrupted the labour market.
producers .  Technology has turned the
manufacturing sector into capital-
16. Labouring under an illusion. intensive and there is an increasing
Context:The complex labour laws in our trend of contract labour.
country and reforms needed in the system.
Email :  labour intensity is a
of labour
Employment elasticity of growth has prices and capital. It is influenced by
declined. It is half of what it used to be two subsidies and tax exemptions.
decades ago. The Union government and state
The reasons behind low employment governments steps:


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 On the recommendations of the The factors conducive to private investment:
Second National Labour Commission  Balance sheets of both corporates and
(2002), and several other reports, the banks have improved. Both corporate
Union government unified 29 statutes debt to GDP ratio and NPAs have
and passed (2019, 2020) four Codes on declined.
wages, safety (and health), industrial  Central government policy of high
relations and social security. These are capital expenditure can create a strong
statutory changes, to be followed by multiplier effect for the economy.
new rules under the new Codes.
 Corporate profitability is at a high
 Except for two or three large states, despite higher input cost pressures.
most states have announced these
rules  Capacity utilisation is improving. It
was at 74.5% in March 2022 and
What needs to be done? surpassed the pre-pandemic level.
 Labour market rigidities and complex  At 15.1% in July 2022, credit growth is
procedures also exist in state-level highest in nearly 2.5 years.
Shops Establishments Acts. These
need to be made flexible in the spirit  Y
According to RBI's Industrial Outlook
of Model Shops and the Establishment
Act. E M
Survey, business confidence among
corporates has recovered well above
Mains point:Employment.
AD 
pre-pandemic levels.
Atmanirbhar Bharat policy can offset

17. Is the Long Wait For Private

Investment Over? AC global slowdown.
Mains point:the current scenario of
investment in India.
Context: There
are favourable

macroeconomic indicators that can lead to
higher investment in the fiscal year 2023. 18. Synchronize policies to counter

The macroeconomic indicators which are
not favourable:
weak growth and high inflation.
Context:The problem associated with the

Gross Fixed Capital Formation, which
is private investment, was at its peak
rising inflation and measures that can be
taken to tackle this.
 The Indian economy has suffered a
at 34.3% in 2012-13. It has been in the
range of 30-32% since that time. huge set-back with the pandemic.
However, with the efforts of RBI and
 Share of the manufacturing sector in government, it is reviving still there are
GDP remains below the stated other problems emerging that need
government policy of 25%. It was attention.
17.4% in 2020.
The current situation of Indian economy:
 Labour force participation rate was
below 40% in 2022.  The headline inflation rate in India has
remained above RBI's upper tolerance
The drives of private investment in India: limit of 6% since January and now has
 Government capital expenditure is again exceeded 7%.
insignificant to drive private  The reason behind high headline
investment. inflation is high food and energy price
Email :
 External causes had a negative impact inflation across the world.
on the investment cycle in recent years.  It has brought the challenge of low
It explains the need for durable growth growth and high inflation, which
and demand outlook to spur private requires the close fiscal-monetary
investment. policy coordination for resolution.


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The coordination of fiscal-monetary policy: 19. A shimmer of hope for the golden
 Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman fibre as demand for shopping bags
recently reportedly remarked that RBI rises.
cannot contain inflation on its own. Context:The government has recently
Some of the facts make this statement banned single use plastic bags and this has
true. led to an increase in the demand for jute bags.
 There is a significant supply However, the jute industry faces many
disruption both at home and abroad challenges and has to stay in line with this
due to various factors like the Ukraine demand.
crisis. RBI's policy instruments are not  Jute is 100 percent biodegradable and
particularly effective in addressing environment-friendly.
supply constraints. The current situation of jute industry in
 Given supply constraints, RBI can India:
impose exceptionally harsh  Jute mills mainly focus on exporting
contractionary policies to curtail jute bags due to the high global
demand, even for necessities like food.
These policies may lower the inflation
rate but poor households will be the
most affected.

According to data from the Indian Jute
Mills Association (IJMA), export of jute

and state government should AD
Therefore, it is required that the central
handbags was about 47 million in 2015-
16 and increased to 104 million in 2021-
intervene in using its fiscal measures
to ease the restrictions from the supply
 Shopping bags account for about 50 per
cent of the export basket for most mills.

To tackle the increasing inflation:
 However, there are many problems this

 I
There should be close coordination
industry is facing.
The problems with the jute industry in

between RBI and the government to
tackle this issue.
 Market diversification: The jute

The government can intervene by
taking different measures like easing
domestic infrastructure, imposing
industry in India is small and only few
mills have taken the advantage to
temporary restrictions on exports of
essential commodities, etc.  This sector is highly dependent on
government orders and small to
 Apart from the intervention the central medium sized mills are producing
government's fiscal policy should almost 100 per cent government orders.
continue to focus on stimulating
aggregate demand and reviving  The size of the jute industry is about
growth. Rs 10,000 crore out of which the
government is procuring around Rs
 The Tinbergen rule should be followed. 7,500 crore of jute bags. The rest is
This rule says that the monetary and exported to various firms.
fiscal policy instruments should be
separately assigned to address the two  Only a few large companies with
different policy goals of reducing modernised facilities are generating 30-
Email : 40 per cent of their revenue
inflation and reviving growth.
Mains point:Growth and Development.
 Financial Issues: The other problem is
the financial condition of the jute
industry is challenging.


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
 Regulations: The jute sector is a highly  There is currently demand for shopping
regulated sector. The government bags only in export markets. However,
determines the minimum support with the ban on single-use plastic
price (MSP) of jute crops for each crop items, it is expected there will be a rise
year and jute bag prices are fixed on a in the demand in the domestic markets
price formula of the Tariff as well.
Commission.  The Bring Your Own Bag campaign
 The Jute Packaging Materials Act (BYOB) campaign has been
(JPMA), 1987 has mandated that 100 represented before the Ministry of
per cent of food grain and 20 percent Textiles. This campaign focuses on
of sugar production is packed in jute using reusable bags.
bags.  However, in India, campaigns can lift
 But the margins on government orders the demand but industries also need
are low. It lies between 5 and 7 per cent to push towards modernization to grab
for jute bags other than shopping bags the market and bring back the lost shine
which have over 10 percent margin.
The challenges with the low margin in the Y
in the jute (golden fiber).
Mains point: issues with the jute industry
and measures to improve them.
 The low margin has various
For example, the jute production was AD 20. Ease of moving-Lower logistics
costs will boost output.

the minimum carryover for FY 2022.AC

very low in the year 2021 which led to Context:The Prime Minister has recently
launched the National Logistics Policy(NLP)

This caused the rise in jute prices upto
Rs 7000 - 7200 per quintal.
to help Indian businesses improve
 I
The government announced the The previous reforms in the Logistics sector:

maximum procurement price of raw
jute in September 2021 which was
 The Union government created the
Logistics Division in the Department of

around Rs 6,800 while the MSP was Rs
4500 per quintal.
In many cases, the government-
Commerce in 2017 to enable the
integrated development of the sector,
 A draft logistics policy was published
mandated maximum price of raw jute in 2019, but the implementation was
doesn't work. However, this price cap delayed, partly because of the
didn't work and jute mills had to buy pandemic,
raw jute at higher prices. This led to
the closure of operations in about 15  The government recently revised the
jute mills. land use policy of the Indian Railways
to enable longer-term leasing of
The course of action: surplus railway land at a much lower
 The jute industry's dependence on the rate for setting up cargo terminals,
mandatory sector is another challenge. among other things,
There is a need to develop new markets  A number of state governments have
for jute products in order to make this formed their logistics policy.
industry survive. The other probable
Email :
markets may be soil savers and jute The expected benefits of NLP:
geotextiles. But we need research and  Improve infrastructure: India's
development to figure out where jute infrastructure deficit is often regarded
fiber is required. as one of the biggest constraints in
rapid economic growth. The NLP will


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improve India's logistical 21. "The gender pay gap, hard truths
infrastructure. and actions needed.
 Address the fragmentation: India's Context:International Equal Pay Day 2022
logistics sector is extremely falls on the 18th of September. This day
fragmented, which adds to the cost of makes us think of the gender gap that has
doing business. According to one arisen between women and men. The
estimate, the sector involves over 20 commitment towards 'equal pay for work of
government agencies and a host of equal value' has not been achieved.
certifications. The increase in the gender pay gap:
 Creates employment: An increase in  Pandemic: The pandemic affected
systemic efficiency will boost overall women workers most in terms of job
activity and help create employment and income losses. Many women have
even in the logistics sector, which gone back to full-time care of children
supports the livelihood of over 22 and the elderly during the pandemic.
million people.  Economic recovery from the pandemic
 Brings digital service providers
together: Along with the NLP, the Y
is impossible without improving

recently launched Unified Logistics

Interface Platform will help bring all E M
women's employment rate and
reducing the gender pay gap.

to a single portal.
digital services in the transport sector
 Discrimination: Another reason for the
increase in the gender pay gap is
discrimination based on gender or sex.

will make Indian businesses more
Increase exports: Lower logistics costs  Gender-based discriminatory practices
include lower wages paid to women

competitive and help push up exports,
which can become an important driver
for work of equal
undervaluation of women's work in

of growth and employment generation
over the medium term. For instance, a
highly feminised occupations and

10% reduction in logistics costs is
estimated to push up exports by 5-8%. 
enterprises, etc.
However, there are many steps taken
 C
Further, the logistics policy will build
on the PM Gatishakti plan, which is
at the international level to bridge the
gender pay gap.
To address the gender pay gap:
expected to provide multimodal
connectivity in various economic  The United Nations have taken efforts
zones. at the international level to eliminate
all form of gender inequality. The ILO
To improve the logistics sector:
has enshrined 'equal pay for work of
 The Union and all state governments equal value' in its Constitution.
work together to address inefficiencies
in the logistics sector.  The Convention on the Elimination of
All Forms of Discrimination against
 The overall objective of reducing Women (CEDAW) provides an
logistics costs by NLP will depend on international legal framework for
sustained investment in the realising gender equality.
infrastructure sector. So the
government should frame attractive  One of the targets of the UN Sustainable
Email :
policies to sustain investment in the Development Goal 8 is "achieving full

sector. and productive employment and

decent work for all women and men,
Mains point:About the benefits of National including for young people and
Logistics Policy(NLP). persons with disabilities and equal pay
for work of equal value" by 2030.


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 Equal Pay International Coalition  India amended the Maternity Benefit
(EPIC) was launched in 2017 as a Act of 1961 which increased maternity
multi-stakeholder initiative led by the leave with pay protection from 12
ILO, UN Women and the Organisation weeks to 26 weeks for all women
for Economic Co-operation and working in firms that employ 10 or
Development (OECD) seeks to achieve more workers.
equal pay for women and men  Skill India Mission has helped women
everywhere. to learn market-relevant skills to bridge
The current situation of women's wages: the learning-to-livelihood gap and the
 Internationally: According to the gender pay gap.
Global Wage Report 2020-21 of the The course of action to bridge the gender
International Labour Organization, pay gap:
there is massive downward pressure  Accelerated and bold action is needed
on wages and this has affected to prevent a widening of the gender
women's total wages compared to pay gap and closing the existing gap.
At the India level: The gender pay gap Y
Equal pay for work of equal value is
necessary to close the gender pay gap.

in India remains high by international
standards despite the efforts taken in

Closing the gender pay gap is a key to

bringing down the gender pay gap.
The estimates from the Periodic Labour
achieving social justice for working
women as well as economic growth for
the nation.

increase in the gap by 7% between

Force Survey (PLFS) 2020-21 show an Mains point:Gender pay gap and issues
related to it.

2018-19 and 2020-21 due to the

However, labour force survey data of
22. Out of tune: An orchestra of
multiple instruments is required to

the National Sample Survey Office
(NSSO) indicates that the gender pay
gap has declined from 48% in 1993-94
deal with the continuing high

to 28% in 2018-19.
The steps have been taken by India to
Context:Covid pandemic and Ukraine war
has led to the rise in inflation. The inflation
is currently at 7 percent (CPI-based) and 12.4
decrease the gender pay gap: percent (WPI based). However, inflation in
 India has taken required reforms in the India is better when compared to other
Minimum Wages Act in 1948 and countries.
adopted the Equal Remuneration Act The situation of inflation in India compared
in 1976. India has also enacted the Code to other countries across the world:
on Wages.
 India has done well when compared to
 Mahatma Gandhi National Rural the US and most European countries
Employment Guarantee Act where inflation is higher ranging from
(MGNREGA) in 2005 has also 8 to 12 percent.
benefited rural women workers and
helped reduce the gender pay gap  The rate of inflation in India is also
directly and indirectly. MGNREGA lower than in Turkey (80%), Pakistan
Email :
has helped women workers directly by (27%) and Sri Lanka (64%).
raising their pay levels and indirectly The current situation of the Indian
by providing higher earnings to economy:
women involved in agricultural


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Inflation  First, there is a need to re-orienting
 Problems: RBI and MPC have been public policy from freebies to
entrusted to keep inflation within the investments in rural areas. India needs
4 +/- 2% band but targeting inflation to focus on creating more and higher
should not be the only objective. productive jobs, better rural
Inflation has also impacted the GDP infrastructure, improving the
growth of the country. competitiveness of agriculture, agro-
 Solution: The Finance Minister has based industry and the MSME sector.
recently said that inflation management  Second, there is a need for higher R&D
requires organisation and coordination allocations in agriculture. This will
of many policies. Monetary policy help to develop climate-smart
alone cannot tackle inflation. agriculture with an increase in food
 Therefore, monetary policy along with supplies. Stable and higher farm
fiscal, trade and tariff policy, food and productivity is required during
agricultural policy, and infrastructure unexpected climate change to control
food inflation.
policy should work together to control
inflation.  Y
Third, there is also a need to rationalise
Fiscal deficit
the food and fertiliser subsidies that are
expected to increase to Rs 5 lakh crore

of GDP (Centre and states combined)
for continuously three years. This AD
Problem: Fiscal deficit has crossed 10%

in 2022-23.
Fourth, food and beverages have a
deficit is causing inflationary
pressures along with loose monetary
C 45.86% weight in the CPI basket in
India. The weights of food and
beverages in the CPI basket need


Solution: A tight fiscal policy is
urgent revision.
needed. I Mains point:Inflation and issues associated
with it.

However, India has effectively
managed its inflation despite various

India tried to manage its inflation:
23. Breaking ground and filling the
Context:The functioning of farming sector
 India has effectively managed its
inflation during the pandemic hit and startups in India.
protected its GDP growth also. The facts related to agri-start-ups in India:
 This is done by They are new as compared to other sectors
a) Not giving an excessive stimulus to but have started to grow.
boost consumption demand, Services provided by them-
b) Spend more on infrastructure building  They are providing consultancy and
that had a high multiplier effect on select services in fields like custom-
GDP which created demand, hiring of agricultural machinery,
c) Recent deal with Russia for importing including drones.
crude oil at discounted prices was part  They are promoting the sale and
of an inflation management strategy. purchase of farm inputs and products
Email : through electronic
The course of action to control inflation:
 India needs better macroeconomic  They are providing advanced
management to put inflation at 4% with technologies to enhance the efficiency
GDP growth at 7%. The measure that and precision of farm operations.
can be taken are -


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 They are also helping in water-resource The challenges faced by these startups:
management.  Their presence is uneven across the
The agri-start-up ecosystem in India states. Agri-startups are generally more
 The business models of most agri- successful in states like Haryana, Uttar
start-ups are focused mainly on filling Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka, and
the gaps in the existing farming Maharashtra than elsewhere.
systems and their value chains to The steps should be taken by the
ensure optimal returns to farmers. government:
 Many start-ups are working in  Central and state governments need to
agriculture's allied fields such as take steps to facilitate smooth
dairying, poultry and fisheries. functioning of agri-start-ups to
 Some of them are also collaborating diversify agriculture.
with the government through public-  There is a need to diversify these
private partnership mode to enhance startups from being largely service
the effectiveness of agriculture providers to producers and marketers
ministry schemes.
of value-added farm products.
 Out of the total startups in India, only
5% are in the agriculture sector.
Mains point:Agriculture start-ups.

 The current value of these agri-start-

ups is estimated at Rs 75,000-80,000
AD 24. Dollar unrelenting rise spells
trouble for the global economy.

The turning point came during the
pandemic. The investment in these AC Context: the phenomenon of the recent
strengthening of the US dollar against other

startups have surged three times  The ICE US Dollar Index, which
during the pandemic.
The financing scenario of these startups:
measures the US dollar against the
basket of biggest trading partners, has

Earlier the financial institutions were
wary of providing financing to these 
risen more than 14% in 2022.
Other currencies like Euro, Yen and
startups because of the risk associated
with the agriculture sector. But now
Pound have fallen to their multi-
decade low.
they have started to give loans to them. The reasons behind the recent surge:
 Reserve Bank of India has now  The Federal Reserve's aggressive
allowed commercial banks to treat interest rate hike is responsible for it.
loans of up to Rs 50 crore to agri-start- It has encouraged investors to pull
ups as priority sector lending. money from other markets and invest
The steps have been taken by the them in US assets.
government:  Inflation in the US is compelling the
 The Finance Minister announced in her Federal Reserve to increase the interest
Budget speech this year that the rate.
government would set up a fund for  Dismal economic prospects like the
agri-tech startups. Ukraine war around the world are
 It will provide more resources through further making a strong case for the
Email :
the NABARD to help agri-start-ups. Federal Reserve to continue with this
 The government would encourage the policy.
use of Kisan drones for agriculture The impacts of this surge:
activities.  There is increasing financial pressure
on emerging markets. Sri Lanka and


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Pakistan have sought help from IMF. dematerialisation which was about
Serbia is also negotiating with IMF. one-sixth the cost of the physical
 Emerging markets are already certificates.
burdened by debt. It was augmented  This type of depository was first
during the pandemic. According to the introduced within NSE and it was
reports, They have a debt of $83 million named as National Securities
in US dollars which is due by next year. Depository Ltd (NSDL).
The dollar surge will make payback  1995: The digital depository required
expansive for them. legal reforms which were brought by
 It is making food and fuel imports the Depositories Ordinance in
priced in US dollars expensive for September 1995. The word demat was
smaller nations. first introduced in this ordinance.
 Not only emerging markets but  Later, other reforms were also brought
Europe is also facing challenges. There to solve various other issues associated
is a slide of 12% in the Euro this year. with stocks of the companies, stamp
It is leading to a historical increase in
inflation in Europe. Y
duty, securities, income tax, etc.

 It is leading to decreased investment government:M

The transformations brought by the Indian

in commodities like gold and oil

The steps are being taken to stem this rise:D  According to the Stamp Act, the
revenues from the duty levied on
securities are assigned to states.

There are calls for coordinated global
action. In 1985, a joint effort called the
Plaza accord was launched to weaken
 The stamp duty rates for select
instruments are to be decided by the
the US dollar.

A S Government of India (GoI) and the

balance instruments by states.

The Bank of China is releasing more
dollar liquidity into the market to  Different states have their own stamp

strengthen the Yuan.
Mains point:Global Economy.
duty legislation because of the subject
mentioned in the Concurrent List.

25. Dematerialisation: A digital
 This led to differential rate structures
on the same instruments across states
revolution in Indian finance. which required uniformity.
Context:The number of dematerialized  This problem of uniformity of rates was
accounts in India recently crossed 100 solved in 2019 by amending the
million. There is a need to look at the Ordinance Act of 1995.
evolution of the system. The institutional set-up of securities
History of Dematerialization: markets changed in India:
 1993: The foreign institutional investor  The transformation of the Indian
(FII) started increasing. However, the securities markets was led by setting
system of physical shares resulted in up new institutions.
the harassment of domestic investors  National Stock Exchange (NSE),
by bad deliveries and fake certificates. National Securities Clearing
 Due to these issues the Stock Holding Corporation (NSCC) and then National
Email : Securities Depository Limited
Corporation of India proposed
building a depository by immobilising came up in the securities market of
share certificates. India.
 Later NSE proposed to eliminate the  National Securities Depository Limited
physical share certificates with is an Indian central securities
depository, based in Mumbai. It was
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established in August 1996 as the first  It is part of the National Electricity
electronic securities depository in Policy of 2021 which proposes to
India with national coverage. double the penetration of short-term
 Moreover, the government has power markets by 2023-24.
expected the problems of monopoly of  The intention of this policy is to reduce
a single depository (NSDL). the price of power to the consumer but
 Therefore, BSE built a competitor to the procedure by which this goal will
NSDL which was called the Central be achieved appears problematic.
Depository Services Ltd (CDSL). The Market-Based Economic Dispatch
Today, CDSL has more accounts than (MBED) mechanism:
NSDL.  The centralised policy is based on the
 These institutions proved to be market-based economic dispatch or
beneficial for India in many ways. MBED mechanism.
The benefits of these institutions:  Under this mechanism the power
 These institutions have helped in ministry is planning to set up a central
cutting operational prices with the Y
scheduling and pooling system.

increase in output volumes.
NSDL helped in the design of the New 
The benefit of MBED mechanism:

This system will allocate power at a

Pension System.
A Central Recordkeeping Agency was
AD favourable price by prioritising the
least-cost and most efficient generators

pension system participant for

decades and supported frictionless
created that stored facts about each

A 
and removing more expensive ones.
This system will reduce consumers'
power-purchase cost initially by 5 per

transfers from one pension fund cent and will help in the distribution

manager to another.
NSDL was also the institutional 
of cheap power across the country.
This system will also replace the

foundation for building the Tax
Information Network for the income
existing decentralised and voluntary
system which operates through a

tax system.
NSDL and CSDL also have various 
network of load dispatch centres.
It will lead to a "uniform clearing
other benefits also such as it can easily price". Sellers and buyers will be able
store government bonds and securities to bid for the day ahead of the market
for issuers (either private or leading to market clearing price. This
governments) overseas. in turn will help to generate savings
Mains point: The evolution of the securities for consumers.
market in india.  However, there are many problems
associated with this centralised MBED
26. One Nation, One Grid: A mechanism.
problematic power equation. The problems associated with MBED:
Context: The concept of "One Nation, One  Generators use their capacity under
Grid, One Frequency, One Price" was long-term power-purchase agreements
announced in October 2021. The policy is (PPAs) up to 25 years with state
Email :
distribution companies (discoms) at
based on the market-based economic
dispatch, or MBED, mechanism. There are negotiated prices.
many issues associated with this  Therefore, it is unclear how MBED will
mechanism. work in these long-term PPAs in its
"lowest-cost" pricing.


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 The inclination of states to offer power is a digital platform that will store
to politically sensitive groups below information about cargo movements
actual cost will impose burden on across the country and provide
discoms. clearances for such movements.
 This has already made the financial
conditions of discoms bad and their
dues on states stand at Rs 1.3 trillion.
 As per a recent study by the RBI, a
bailout of discoms in 18 large states is
likely to impose a burden equivalent
to around 2.3 per cent of the GSDP of
these states.
 Central schemes have been
unsuccessful in addressing the
problems of discom.
 MBED can create constitutional Source: PIB

Power lies in the concurrent list of the

The policy focuses on the target to
reduce overall logistics and supply
Constitution and centralising pricing
and supply decisions can take away
the autonomy of states. AD chain costs in India from 12 per cent of
GDP to the global average of 8 per cent.

Mains point: advantages and disadvantages
of MBED power mechanism.
 India's rank in Logistic Performance
Index (LPI) issued by World Bank is 35.
It is low when compared to other

A S countries. It will be achieved through

27. Harnessing Gati Shakti, National
Logistics Policy for closer regional
integration of local supply chains with
international supply chains.
Context:The government has announced two
Gati Shakti and NLP can help India's

major initiatives to develop infrastructure
in India. These initiatives can be helpful in
 The integration of Gati Shakti and NLP
will help in regional economic
regional integration as well. integration.
The two initiatives are -  Components of the Gati Shakti and
a) Gati Shakti, or the National NLP can be expanded to India's
Infrastructure Master Plan and neighbors. It can become a powerful
instrument for their economic and
b) the National Logistics Policy.
social development.
These two are interrelated pillars that will
 For example, the objectives of Gati
help India to become a competitive
Shakti and NLP can be applied to
transport connectivity with the
PM Gati Shakti: member countries of SAARC.
The features of National Logistic Policy  It will help in improving the regional
(NLP): and digital connectivity among
 aims to create a multi-modal countries for smooth
connectivity network that enables easy goods and people across borders.
movement of goods, services and  India should seek to become the transit
people across the country. country of choice and the most
 The policy provides for a Unified preferred development partner for all
Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP). It the countries of the Indian
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subcontinent. It is possible by giving of lower transaction and supply chain
the neighbouring countries a "national costs to those countries.
treatment", in terms of access to India's  With little effort Gati Shakti and NLP
transportation and logistics network. have the potential to become the key
 This can be done by integrating pillars of our Neighborhood First
waterways through the Bangladesh, Policy.
Bhutan, India and Nepal (BBIN) sub- Mains point:Infrastructure.
regional cooperation platform. Further
linking the several cross-border rivers
can also be done. 28. Trade tactics - on India's Foreign
Trade policy
 Moreover, the development of new
ports in the BBIN countries can be Context:The Government will release a new
done by promoting coastal shipping foreign trade policy in the coming week.
(Sagarmala) and ocean trade.  The new foreign trade policy could
 NLP includes setting up of modern include measures to boost goods and
services exports as well as control the
warehousing and logistics facilities at
nodal points across India. Such shared Y
rising import bill.
facilities can be extended to
neighbouring countries also.

The current trade policy was
introduced in 2015 for a five year term.
 The objectives of NLP and Gati Shakti
can also be introduced on the AD However, the policy was extended for
a year due to the pandemic.
BIMSTEC platform that seeks to
integrate South Asia with Southeast
C The problems with new trade policy:
 It is not ideal to begin a new trade


Other areas that can be extended to
policy in the middle of the financial

neighbouring countries are the  Moreover, exports have been one of the

expansion of rail services, the greater
utilisation of water transportation, etc.
reasons for better post-COVID recovery
and ending an old policy with a new
one to boost exports is not understood.

These areas are important for
enhancing energy security and fighting
climate change. However, there are
The exports performed recently:
 Goods exports touched a record 422
other steps that can be taken to give billion dollars in 2021-22.
regional dimensions to Gati Shakti and  The government is expecting better
NLP. exports revenues this year but it has
The steps can be taken by India to give declined to the single digit in July and
regional dimensions to Gati Shakti and August this year.
NLP:  The reasons for declining exports could
 India should reshape the architecture be a slowdown in the global growth
of these initiatives to enable their and fear of recession in Europe and the
extension to our neighbouring US among the buyers.
countries.  Thus, the new policy should be focused
 The initial focus may be made on river on boosting exports and reducing
transportation and coastal shipping
Email : issues associated with it.
among the BBIN and island The course of action for the new trade policy
Neighbours. and for India:
 India should offer participation to  Trade policy: The new policy will have
interested neighbouring countries in to address some of industry's key
India's ULIP. It will provide benefits


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concerns such as a buffer against rising  To prevent this, a product can
interest rates. reformulate or remove ingredients
 The new policy can exclude growth while maintaining its price. For
sectors such as pharma, chemicals, and example, Cadbury Dairy Milk stopped
iron and steel from the duty remission using foil which it used to prevent
scheme due to their better chocolate from losing its quality and
performance. flavour in order to save expense.
 India: India's recent decision to stay The effect of Shrinkflation:
away from the trade agreement of IPEF  Shrinkflation deceives consumers into
has shown that there are not many believing that the brands they buy are
options left for India. India should not affected by inflation, since
adopt other ways to negotiate the terms container and vessel sizes are reduced
not suitable to it than by moving away by very small amounts, saving
from the trade agreements manufacturers more money in the long
29. Shrinkflation.
To tackle shrinkflation:
Context:Shrink inflation is when a product
downsizes its quantity while keeping the

India needs a mix of macroeconomic
policies to manage demand and
price the same.

AD supply, as well as address structural

rigidities in the economy.
In India, the Right to Information has

AC 
been recognised as a consumer right
under the Consumer Protection Act,

A S 2019. This means that the consumer has

the right to know the quality, quantity,
I potency, purity, standard, and price of

SB 
Therefore, the Central Consumer

For example, reducing the scoops of
ice cream in a container or reducing the
Protection Authority needs to bring
some guidelines to inform consumers
when the weight of a product is
number of chips in a packet would
reduced, instead of letting consumers
count as shrinkflation.
be fooled by companies
Shrinkflation occur:
Mains point:shrinkflation.
 Shrinkflation occurs when materials or
ingredients used to make products
become more expensive and when 30. External risk factors for the
there is intense competition in the Indian economy: Global storm:
market. Overseas risk is the main policy
 As a result, instead of raising prices,
they might just give less of the product Context:In line with major global markets,
so as to maintain their profit margins. Indian financial markets were struck
recently. Similarly, the rupee-dollar
 Shrinkflation can also occur in different
Email : exchange rate has also hit a
low at Rs
ways. For instance, if consumers are
aware that the quantity is constantly
declining, they would switch or change The major external risk factors for the Indian
brands. economy:
 Unclear trajectory of major central
banks trying to pull back inflation.
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Hardening of interest rates will trigger  Movement of funds: This system will
a sharp economic slowdown in major help in the movement of funds from an
economies. investor's bank account only after the
 Most currencies weakened against the confirmation of trade. Therefore,
dollar and Japan's central bank made money will never leave the account
its first foreign exchange market until the settlement is done.
intervention in over two decades.  Settlement mechanism: The new
 Inflation is unlikely to quickly go payment system is linked with the new
downwards even as demand falls. This T+1 settlement mechanism. This
is because of ongoing energy supply mechanism would lead to efficient use
readjustments that have pushed of capital and will also help in further
economic activity and inflation in developing India's capital markets.
different directions.  Standardisation: The new payment
European countries are facing economic system will also lead to standardisation
challenges: of process.
 Europe: Ever since the Ukraine crisis,
system: Y
The challenges with the proposed payment
European gas and electricity prices
have risen 105% and 75%, respectively. 
Broking industry: The proposed
Further, Europe's economic activity is
rapidly slowing as the energy shock
undermines manufacturing. AD system could impact the broking
industry because many brokers earn a
float on the funds parked.
 UK: The UK's inflation, at 9.9%, is
almost five times its inflation target.
 It could even push up the cost of trading
as brokers might look for alternative

The economic challenges for India:

sources of income.
Brokers not backed by banks: The

Economic policymaking in India will
have to factor in an abnormal global system will pose complex challenges

scenario. At present, there is no clear
signal about the near future behaviour
for brokers who are not backed by

of either revival or price stability of the
Indian Economy.
 It will be difficult for standalone
brokerages to get access to a client's
bank account.
 RBI's monetary policy committee will
have an upcoming bi-monthly  However, it will not be challenging for
meeting that has to contend with risks brokers who are backed by banks as
coming largely from overseas. blocking of funds has been happening
for more than two decades in the banks.
31. Sebi working on new ASBA-like  Operational difficulties: There will be
payment system for secondary more transparency but it will lead to
trades: Buch" difficulties in operations where there
Context:SEBI is working on a new payment is a one-time payment.
system for the secondary market which  It will also lead to many occasions of
could prevent brokers from accessing their blocking and unblocking money for the
client funds. multiple trades a customer takes in a
 :The
new payment system will be on day.

the lines of the Application Supported  There are also issues of failure rates
by Blocked Amount (ASBA) process. and sometimes more time is required
The advantages of the new payment system for blocking funds.
for secondary market:  Intraday traders: It will become a
challenging task for people taking
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many intraday trades because the new inflation. Whereas, during the 2nd
system might require the client to give term, food inflation has been high,
multiple instructions to the bank. therefore the inflation has been high.
However, the use of technology can  Average weight of food items in CPI is
help to solve this issue. 45% in India. While, it is 10-25% in
Mains point: Financial Market in India. developed countries.
 The food inflation cannot be controlled
32. RBI, inflation targeting, and the through demand side measures like
limits of monetary policy. increase in repo rate. There is a need
Context:The new statutory framework for for supply side measures.
inflation targeting. It also explains the reason  Therefore, RBI has to be dependent on
behind high levels of inflation in recent times the government for supply side
and implications of this. measures. For example, the
The statutory framework for monetary government banned wheat exports in
policy: May this year. It impacts the
 The Centre, under RBI Act, 1934 has Y
independence of RBI in conducting
monetary policy.
fixed the CPI inflation target at 4% with
an upper tolerance limit of 6%. 
Inflation control cannot be left to the
 With the enactment of the inflation
targeting framework, RBI was
AD RBI alone. It needs cooperation
between the government and the RBI.
Mains point:new statutory framework for

entrusted with the responsibility of
meeting this target ("accountability").
It was given "independence" for the
inflation targeting.

conduct of monetary policy.
33. Pitching India as a signature

 I
The RBI been able to achieve its target:
Inflation in 2022 has been above 6%
Context:World Tourism Day is celebrated on

every single month from January to 27th September 2022 but the tourism sector
has been severely impacted by the pandemic
 C
During the present government's first
term, inflation was above 6% only for
in India and around the world.
 However, the government is making
one month after a new inflation efforts to bring the industry back on
targeting framework came into track.
existence.  One of such efforts is the 'The
 During the second term, it has Dharamshala Declaration' which has
exceeded its target in 21 months out of been developed with help of various
41 months. Ministers.
RBI needs help of government in Dharamshala Declaration:
controlling inflation:  The Dharamshala Declaration aims to
 Food and beverage items have a recognize India's role in contributing
combined 45.86% weight in the overall towards global tourism as well as
CPI (Consumer Price Index). focusing on recovery of domestic
 There has been consistent increase in tourism.
Email :
the general CPI as well as the consumer  The Ministry of Tourism has come up
food price index (CFPI). with a strategy to encourage more
 During the present government's first Indians to travel domestically and
term, average food inflation was low, explore India. It will help to reach the
thus RBI was able to control the goal of Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat.


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
 The Tourism Ministry has also been  It also promotes sustainable,
working with the Ministry of External responsible and inclusive tourism in
Affairs to identify 20 Indian missions line with our cultural values.
abroad. This will help in bringing a  It aims to give support to
higher number of tourists to India. digitalization, innovation and
 Moreover, there are goals set for the technology through the National
Indian tourism sector for the coming Digital Tourism Mission and skilling
years that will boost the sector's through the Tourism and Hospitality
growth. Sector Skill Mission.
The goal set for India in tourism sector:  The policy also gives a special focus to
 India would be achieving $150 billion private sector participation through
as GDP contribution from tourism and public-private-partnerships (PPP).
$30 billion in foreign exchange  This policy has been the first attempt
earnings with 15 million foreign tourist towards the tourism and hospitality
arrivals by 2024. sectors after 2002.
 India is estimated to grow at 7%-9% 
Moreover, the presidency of G20 will
compounded annual growth rate by
be an advantage for India to bring its
tourism In Front of the world.
 The Tourism Ministry is committed to
work on these goals to ensure the
positioning of India as one of the AD The presidency of G20 will be helpful for
tourism sector in India:

2047. AC
world's best tourism destinations by
 India has an opportunity to position
itself as a major tourism destination
during India's presidency of the G20.

The current situation of tourism in India
and The steps have taken by government:
 India will welcome delegates from the

 I
Tourism has been one of the sectors
20 countries/European Union and it
will be hosting around 200 meetings

severely affected by COVID-19.
The Government of India's Emergency 
with foreign delegates.
This will be an opportunity for India

Credit Line Guarantee Scheme was
recently enhanced from ?4.5 lakh crore
to showcase its country's cultural
richness to the world.
to ?5 lakh crore to benefit enterprises  Moreover, the Ministry of Tourism
in hospitality and related sectors. should also work with other Ministries
 Further, the Ministry of Tourism has to bring required transformation in
also prepared a draft National Tourism visa, ease of travel, traveller-friendly
Policy 2022. and improved immigration facilities at
The provisions of the draft National Mains point:tourism sector in India and
Tourism Policy 2022: problems associated with it.
 It aims at improving the framework
conditions for tourism development in 34. Why PLI Is Worth Doing.
the country. Context:Vedanta Foxconn semiconductor
 This will be done by supporting factory in Gujarat has received an investment
Email :
tourism industries, strengthening of $20 billion through the government's
tourism support functions and flagship Production Linked Incentive (PLI)
developing tourism sub-sectors. scheme. This has led to the analysis of the
Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme.
PLI affect a specific product category:


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
argued whether the government will be
able to spend this amount.
 The amount is expected to be spent
over five years and it would be 1. 5%
of Union Budget expenditure (0. 2% of
GDP). Therefore, it seems reasonable
and can be supported by the
government through the budget.
 Further, the total expenditure is
dependent on milestone production
 PLI on a specific product category is achievements of the companies. If the
accompanied by higher tariffs on the maximum projected milestones are
product. achieved by the companies, they would
 This increases the import tariffs and generate enough additional taxes to
usually results in higher price for the pay for the programme by itself.
Indian consumer and lower prices of
domestic products.

Post PLI: Investment through PLIs is for
a five-year period and this raises
 For example, iPhone 13 costs Rs 1. 29
lakhs in India versus Rs 92,500 in E M
concerns for the companies for post
five-year plans. It has been said that
The PLI recognize the problem of AD PLIs would help companies with
incentives to build ecosystems and
manufacturing sectors and the steps taken
for the improvement:
AC sustain themselves without any further
requirement of the incentives.

Problem: Manufacturing as a
proportion of GDP has not picked up
Mains point:advantages and problems
associated with the Production Linked

meaningfully despite reforms in 30 Incentive (PLI) scheme.

years. PLI reforms recognize that

India's manufacturing productivity is
almost 20-30% lower than the rest of
35. A push for semiconductor industry.

Asia. It also recognizes that perfect
conditions required for its growth will
Context:The article explains the size of the
semiconductor industry. It also talks about
the Indian government scheme to promote
take time to come up. semiconductor manufacturing in India and
 Solution: The government will the challenges associated with the scheme.
monetize that productivity deficit
The semiconductor industry:
through PLI.
 This will help them to invest in large
global-scale capacities. Therefore, PLIs
are the industrial variant of Direct Cash
Transfer that help to boost the
 However, there is a concern for its
affordability through budget and post
PLI measures.
Email :
The concerns associated with PLIs:
 Affordability: The total combined
estimation for the 14 PLI programs is
Rs 3.46 lakh crores and it is being


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 Semiconductors are the building of one semiconductor factory requires
blocks of almost every modern an investment of anywhere between $3
electronic device from smartphones to and $7 billion. Little would be left to
connected devices in the Internet of support other elements like packaging
Things. and testing facilities, and chip design
 The chip-making process is complex centres.
and highly exact. It has multiple other  Initial funding should focus on areas
steps in the supply chain that include- like design and R&D.
 Designing software for chips and  Water-Chip-making requires ultra-
patenting them through core pure water. Government needs to
Intellectual Property rights. provide it to chip making factories. It
 Making chip-fabrication machines and could create challenges for the
setting up factories. government.
 ATMP (assembly, testing, making and Main point:semiconductor manufacturing.
 The chip-making industry is highly- Y
36. Govt commits Rs. 7,385 crore
concentrated. It is controlled by the big
players like Taiwan, South Korea U.S.
India M
under Fund of Funds for Startup
Investment for 88
According to a New York Times
estimate, 90% of 5nm chips are mass-
produced in Taiwan. AD Alternative Investment Funds

The changes introduced in the scheme:

 A
According to the Electronics and IT
C Context:Fund of Funds for startups has
committed Rs 7,385 crore to 88 alternative
investment funds (AIFs). These AIFs in turn
Ministry, semiconductor demand in
have invested Rs 11,206 crore in 720 startups.

by 2026. I
India would increase to $70-$80 billion The Fund of Funds for Startups(FFS):
 Launched in 2016 under Startup India

In December 2021, India announced its
$10 billion dollar production linked
Initiative.Department for Promotion of
Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT),

incentive (PLI) scheme to encourage
semiconductor and display
Ministry of Commerce and Industry is
the Nodal Ministry
manufacturing in the country.  Main objective is to increase capital
 It also announced fiscal support for a availability as well as to catalyse
design-linked initiative (DLI) scheme private investments and thereby
for designing software, IP rights etc. accelerate the growth of the Indian
 The new changes in the scheme seek startup ecosystem.
to harmonise government incentives  Corpus: The fund was announced with
for all technology nodes of a corpus of Rs. 10,000 crores. The
semiconductors. The modified scheme corpus is to be built up over the 14th
provides uniform 50% fiscal support and 15th Finance Commission Cycles
for all nodes. Besides, it will provide through budgetary support.
50% of capital expenditure for other  Features: FFS does not invest in
steps of the process as well (chip startups directly but provides capital
Email :design and ATMP). to SEBI registered
The challenges: Investment Funds(AIFs) known as
 Resources-Chip production is a daughter funds which in turn invest
resource-intensive and expensive money in high-potential Indian
process. The outlay of the scheme startups.
remains $10 billion. Just the setting up
CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
 Managed by: SIDBI has been given the few miners, which would undermine
mandate of managing the FFS through the very purpose of auctioning mineral
the selection of daughter funds and concessions through a fair and
overseeing the disbursal of committed transparent mechanism.
capital.  All states will have to follow the area
 Significance: FFS has not only made limits for various minerals including
capital available for startups at the iron ore, diamond, bauxite, gold and
early stage, seed stage and growth copper while auctioning resources and
stage but also played a catalytic role changes would require permission
in facilitating the raising of domestic from the Center.
capital, reducing dependence on  These changes will be brought through
foreign capital and encouraging an amendment of the Mines and
homegrown and new venture capital Minerals (Development and
funds. Regulation) Act, 1957.

37. Centre to set out area limits for

mineral mining in states. Y
38. The future of farmer producer

Context:The Government of India is

companies could be brightened.
Context:Farmer Producer Companies (FPC)
preparing to set out area caps for mining as
it aims to carve out smaller mining areas to
attract more investors. AD in India. It analyses the challenges faced by
these FPCs and possible solutions to address
these issues.
The current method of allocating mining
areas: AC The issues faced by the farming sector:
 70% of farmers are small and marginal.

Currently, in the mining process, the
government first identifies large areas
They have disadvantages in terms of

that could have probable mineral
scale, potential risk and bargaining

reserves and offers them to companies
for initial testing.
 The average monthly income is almost
10000 per month at current prices.

Once the probable mineral resource is
established, a prospecting licence(PL)
is given where licensees get to do more
 Almost half of farmers are facing debt
exploration to establish the possible  Most farmers are rain-fed and exposed
mineral resources. to climate risk.
 Then, they apply for a mining Farmer Producer Companies:
lease(ML) for a particular area to  They were introduced in the 2000s as
extract the resource. Essentially, PL is potential solutions to challenges faced
granted for undertaking "prospecting by the farming sector. They operate on
operations" to explore, locate or prove the basis of the welfare model of
mineral deposits while ML is granted collectivization.
for the actual mining operation.  They function under the Companies
The changes the government is planning Act, 2013 where shareholding farmers
to bring now: pool their resources for better market
Email :The
 Government of India is preparing
to set out area caps for mining as it  By 2019, 7374 FPCs have been formed.
aims to carve out smaller mining areas  A central sector scheme was launched
to attract more investors. in 2021 to promote 10000 FPCs.
 This move will also prevent vast tracts  Additional funding is provided
of land irregularly ending up with a through the Small Farmers


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Agribusiness Consortium, NABARD (RBI) has been intervening in the forex
and schemes like the Agriculture market to smoothen the decline.
Investment Fund.  Indian foreign exchange reserves have
The challenges before FPCs: fallen to about $545 billion till mid-
 The issue is related to raising capital September 2022 in order to control the
from its members. High income states volatility.
like Haryana and Punjab have better The forex reserves should be used by the
scope for raising capital. In states with RBI to control the rupee volatility:
lower per capita income like Odisha,  The use of forex reserves is appropriate
it is difficult to raise capital. 65% of at this point. Forex reserves are being
FPCs were operating on meagre share spent to curb currency volatility.
capital before the pandemic.  It is not easy to fix the rupee at a
 The issue is that they cannot absorb particular level but it is possible to
public funding equally. There is a role make it less volatile.
of business development service  However, there is also a limit to rely
providers, knowledge partners, and
technical institutes to nurture FPCs. Y
on the reserves in order to control the
Small FPCs find it difficult to engage
with these entities. E M
rupee volatility.
The excessive intervention by the RBI can
 Smaller FPCs face issues in hiring full
staff for operations that impact theirAD affect and forex reserves and what steps are

branding and customer outreach.
The issue is related to dominance of
C  Forex reserves can finish if RBI is
aggressive in the intervention.
Therefore, a holistic approach is

male. Women farmers face issues in
providing share capital. They are
needed. Thus, a multi-dimensional

represented by their male proxies.
policy will be required, which includes
easing provisions for remittances,

The possible solutions:
Better coordination- There is a need for
allowing short-term foreign portfolio
investments in government securities,

policy platforms like POSHAN
Abhiyan for inter-agency convergence. 
Further a scheme to attract NRI
 Capacity building- The capacity of investment can also be considered.
FPCs for absorbing public funds  Depreciating the rupee sustainably
should be strengthened. Government will help the export sector and will
officials and cluster-level federations address the challenge of high current
set up under the One District One account deficit (CAD) to some extent
Product scheme can mentor FPOs.  Interest rate policy can be used to
 Better incentives- FPCs must enable address domestic concerns and to help
farmers access to entitlements like PM sustain the impact of the U.S. Federal
Fasal Bima Yojana, PM krishi Sinchai Reserve's rate hikes.
Yojana, KCC.  However, there is a limit to the RBI
 Women participation- They need to be continuously managing volatility
given equal priority in these FPCs. because its priority is price stability
Email : through inflation containment and not

39. How much should India prop up the exchange rate management.
the rupee? The reason for rupee volatility and what
Context:The rupee weakened against the measures are required to address it:
dollar recording a low at Rs 81 per dollar in
the last week. The Reserve Bank of India
CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
 The US Federal Reserve's decision to  However, if RBI can operate the interest
increase rates is making foreign rate effectively, that can check the
portfolio investors move out of outflow. But in using this tool RBI has
emerging markets. to focus on the real interest rate and
 Geopolitical uncertainties like the war economic growth, i.e., R and G, for
in Ukraine, energy price volatility has public debt management.
also contributed to this situation.  If the R is going to be greater than G
The level of forex reserves in India in terms then there is an unsustainable situation.
of number of months of import cover and  The only way to address these concerns
is this measure adequate: such as fiscal consolidation, twin
 The import cover is one way to deficit crisis, and a negative real rate
measure reserves adequacy but it's a of interest is to raise rates.
very narrow one. There are other The concerns associated with the falling
measures such as the Guidotti- rupee:
Greenspan rule that looks at external  As per an RBI report, 44% of the
debt that is less than one year.
outstanding debt has not been
 Forex reserves should be sufficient to
serve short term debt. From that point
protected and is vulnerable to forex
of view, we still have adequate
The real effective exchange rate (REER) beAD  The rupee hasn't seen the kind of
weakness that it saw during the taper
tantrum and now it is extremely
helpful for RBI in forex management:
 AC
It may not be a good approach and it
orderly. The pace of rupee
depreciation has not been very severe

is better to move with interest rate this time to cause concern. However,
uncertainties remain.
 Therefore, I
addressing the  Moreover, rupee depreciation and

macroeconomic fundamentals is
necessary as it helped during the taper
appreciation are market-based and it is
based on demand and supply

 C
tantrum in 2013.
High inflation is also increasing the 
Therefore, RBI needs to intervene only
if the rupee is on a sustained free fall.
import costs which is widening the
CAD. Mains point: The concerns associated with
 However, we have already lived with declining rupee and widening CAD.
CAD of 4% of GDP and it is more
important to come up with measures 40. Convergent growth.
to finance the deficit. Context:The historical reason for disparity
 Financing the CAD with capital in growth and development performance
inflows and preventing hot money between Indian states. It also tells about the
outflow with the help of interest rates steps needed to be taken to remove this
could be an effective long-term disparity.
solution.  The prime minister's August 15 speech
The consequences for the economy if CAD spoke of a united and integrated India
hits 4%:
Email : as one of the five focuses
policy in
 Even during the tenure of Raghuram the years ahead to the centenary of
Rajan the CAD went up to 4% but as independence.
soon as hot money became volatile Some facts related to disparity in growth
panic set in. and development performance of states:


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 Low growth states are in northern,  Higher growth states are the main
eastern and central parts of the beneficiary due to their strong private
country. sector, coastal location and global
 High growth states are in the south, interactions.
west and south-west parts of the The way forward:
country.  The focus of convergent-growth
 There is a widening gap between low policies must therefore be on the five
growth and high growth states of the northern and central states-Rajasthan,
country UP, Bihar, MP and Jharkhand. There is
 The ratio of per capita state product a need to focus upon West Bengal
increased from 1.6 in 1990-91 to 2.6 in which has the presence of most growth
2019-20. factors.
The historical reasons for this disparity:  There is a need to properly utilise the
 Colonial period- Madras and Bombay demographic dividend of these five
presidencies saw higher growth. It was northern and central states. These states
shaped by domestic entrepreneurship Y
will account for 91.6 per cent of the
national increase in the working-age

driven by nationlist considerations.
Large princely states also experienced
population between 2030 and 2050.
higher growth. There was significant
government support for industry,
AD  The northern states cannot be
integrated easily with the global
economy. There is a need to connect


The low growth areas coincides with
the old Bengal presidency. Although
them with the higher-growth states
through encouraging a national value

in some parts, there was significant

chain in manufacturing.
Making the northern states part of a
development in industry and
agriculture. But it was dominated by national manufacturing value chain

British companies.

After independence- There was
will require serious investment in
logistics and infrastructure for
manufacturing, skill development, and
substantial public investment in
manufacturing and mining directed
organised support for local MSMEs. It
can not be done without central
mainly at the eastern and central government support.
regions. But this heavy investment
could not generate opportunities for Mains point:Challenges to growth of the
private enterprises. In west Bengal. Indian economy.
Growth was further impacted by
extreme leftism. 41. A costly decision - Extension of
 States in the south and west were PMGKAY should have been
benefited by private investment in avoided.
chemical, engineering and consumer Context:Recently, the government has
industries. There was also public extended the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan
investment in the petroleum and Anna Yojana (PMGKAY-Phase VII) for a
chemical sectors. further period of 3 months i.e. October to
Email :After
 liberalisation- There has been a
December 2022.
substantial shift from public to private Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana
investment. There has been rapid (PMGKAY):
growth of export-oriented hightech
services like the IT sector.


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 Against finance ministry advice:
Against the advice of finance ministry
officials, the government extended the
scheme due to political considerations.
 Additional expenditure: In terms of
fiscal impact, the extension will lead to
an additional expenditure of Rs 44,762
crore. This is expected to take the food
subsidy bill to about Rs 3.38 trillion,
as against the Budget estimate of Rs
 Type: It is a Central Sector Scheme 2.07 trillion.
launched in March,2020.  Difficult to withdraw: The extension of
 Aim: To provide an insurance cover of the scheme gives an impression that it
?50 lakh to healthcare providers, would continue even in normal times
including community health workers and was not necessarily an emergency
who may have to be in direct contact
of COVID-19 patients and therefore at
Impact money market: Because of
risk of being infected.It also includes
Accidental death on account of

measures taken by the Reserve Bank of
India to contain inflation, the liquidity

contracting COVID-19.

Coverage: It covers private hospital
D conditions have changed significantly.
Higher government borrowing at this

staff/retired/volunteer/local urban
bodies/contract/daily wage/ad-hoc/
outsourced staff requisitioned by
stage can push up the cost of money.
The need to be done instead of extending

States/Central hospitals/autonomous
 Higher revenues at this stage should
hospitals of Central/States/UTs,
AIIMS & INIs/hospitals of Central have been used to either push up

Ministries drafted for COVID-19
related responsibilities.
capital expenditure, which would have
boosted growth or reduced the fiscal

Is there any age-limit for health
workers under this scheme? There is  A swift fiscal consolidation in the case
of better revenue realisation is needed
no age limit for this scheme.
in the medium term.
 Implementation: The entire amount of
premium for this scheme is being  The global economic outlook has
borne by the Ministry of Health and worsened significantly and will affect
Family Welfare.It has collaborated growth in the Indian economy as well.
with the New India Assurance(NIA) So India should use every opportunity
Company Limited for providing the to move forward in fiscal
insurance amount based on the consolidation. This would help create
guidelines prepared for the scheme. some policy space to deal with another
potential adverse shock.
The concerns associated with extending
PMGKAY: Mains point: About extending PMGKAY.
 Not an emergency situation: The
Email :scheme has been extended due to 41. India climbs to the
rank in
successive waves of the pandemic, the Global Innovation Index of
which affected economic activity. But WIPO; a huge leap of 41 places in
now the economy has now opened up 7 years


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
Context:India had come a long way in the  IN Global Innovation Index
Global Innovation Index (GII) from the 81st iSwitzerland has emerged as the
spot in 2015 to the 40th spot in 2022 world's most innovative economy for
Global Innovation Index the 12th consecutive year. The second
 The Global Innovation Index is an position was secured by the United
annual ranking of countries by their States (US) followed by Sweden, the
capacity for, and success in, United Kingdom (UK) and the
innovation. It was started in 2007 by Netherlands.
INSEAD and World Business, a British
 This report index is published by
World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO) annually with an
aim to track the most recent global
innovation trends against the
background of an ongoing COVID-19
pandemic, slowing productivity Y
growth and other evolving challenges.
The index is calculated as the average of
two sub-indices.
Innovation Input Sub-Index: It gauges

elements of the economy that enable
and facilitate innovative activities and

is grouped into five pillars: (1)
Institutions, (2) Human capital and
research, (3) Infrastructure, (4) Market

sophistication, and (5) Business

Innovation Output Sub-Index: It
captures the actual result of innovative
activities within the economy and is
divided into two pillars: (6)
Knowledge and technology outputs
and (7) Creative outputs.
 India has been ranked at the 40th
position in the index in 2022. This is
the first time India has entered the top
40. In 2021, India was in the 46th
 India is the innovation leader in the
lower middle-income group. It
continues to lead the world in ICT
services exports and holds top
Email :
rankings in indicators like venture
capital receipt value, finance for
startups, graduates in science and
engineering and domestic industry


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International Issues
1. At Vostok­22, why is India not province of west Myanmar, and speak
joining naval drill? a Bengali dialect.
 An Indian Army contingent  They comprise one million out of the
comprising troops from Gorkha Rifles 53 million people that live in
is participating in the multilateral Myanmar, forming the world's largest
strategic and command exercise stateless population in a single
'Vostok-2022' in Russia. country.
 The Exercise is a two part event. The  Universally reviled by the country's
first part of the land exercises were Buddhist majority, they have been
held in Russian military training oppressed by the government since the
grounds in Siberia and the Far Eastern late 1970s when the government
Federal District, the maritime part of
the exercises would be held in the Sea immigrants'. Y
launched a campaign to identify 'illegal

of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan. These

are near the disputed South Kuril

Serious abuses were committed,
forcing as many as 250,000 Rohingya

India has only sent its army contingent 
refugees to flee to Bangladesh.
The 1982 Citizenship Law in former

take part in the maritime section.

of the 7/8 Gorkha Rifles, and will not Burma made the Rohingyas stateless

A S  They have often been called the most

persecuted minority in the world.

I  The 1.1 million Rohingya Muslims

SB squeezed precariously into the

northwest state of Rakhine, in mainly
Buddhist Burma, bordering majority
C Muslim Bangladesh, are stateless and
India's stance on Rohingyas
 Amid fears of a fresh exodus of
Rohingya from Myanmar, the MHA in
2017 cautioned all the States about
infiltration from Rakhine State of
Myanmar into Indian Territory.
 It cited the burden on the limited
resources of the country that
aggravates the security challenges
especially in the North-East.
 It also said the rise in terrorism in the
Email :
last few decades is a cause for concern
2. Should India change its policy on in most nations and that illegal
the Rohingya? migrants are more vulnerable to getting
Who are the Rohingyas? recruited by terrorist organisations.
 Rohingya, an ethnic group, mostly
Muslim, hail from the Rakhine


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India's Policy on Refugees experience a large influx of refugees,
 No International Commitment : India adopting a national law emerges as a
is not a party to the 1951 Refugee better choice.
Convention or its 1967 Protocol and  Till now, Indian administrative policies
does not have a national refugee and judicial interventions have served
protection framework. as alternatives in the absence of sound
 However, it continues to grant asylum domestic legislation.
to a large number of refugees from  However, a long-term practical
neighbouring States and respects solution requires that India make a shift
UNHCR's mandate for other nationals, from its charitable approach to a rights-
mainly from Afghanistan and based approach by enacting a national
Myanmar. refugee law.
 Legislations: There is no distinction  A national refugee law will streamline
made between 'foreigners' and refugee- status determination
'refugees' under Indian law. The procedures for all kinds of refugees
Foreigners Act of 1946, Passport Act of
1967, Extradition Act of 1962, Y
and will guarantee them the rights they
have under international law.
Citizenship Act of 1955 (amended in
2019) and the Illegal Migrant

Additionally, it could sufficiently

(Determination by Tribunals) Act of

1983 are some of the laws applicable
AD address India's security concerns,
while at the same time ensuring that
there is no unlawful detention or

to both.

Under these laws, foreigners can be
C deportation carried out in the garb of
national-security concerns.

detained and forcibly deported, even
if they are refugees escaping their
Future Prospects
 Many Countries that have signed the
countries of origin in fear of death. UN Refugee Convention also do not

Administrative decision-making :The
regulation of refugees and asylum
seekers in India is conducted on an ad-
follow them and therefore the most
important thing is that the countries

hoc basis through administrative
should be non-discriminatory in all
their approaches in dealing with
refugees and the principle has to
 The Constitution of India safeguards always be a commitment to universal
the rights of all persons within its human dignity .
territorial jurisdiction, citizen or non-  At the national level, India needs to
citizen,Indian courts have extended the ensure that no Rohingya refugee in
scope of constitutional rights. India is deported back to Myanmar
 These rights include protection from until it is safe to do so.
discrimination and arbitrary action  At the same time, ensuring basic
under Article 14 and the right to life amenities in refugee camps will be
and liberty under Article 21. critical.
Need of Refugee Law in India  The international community must do
 There are gaps in refugee protection more to ensure that the Rohingya do
in India that can be traced to the
Email :
not continue to languish in
country's differential treatment of displacement and redouble efforts for
refugees. increased political dialogue and
 Since the 1951 Convention is not diplomatic engagement to create
suitable in the South Asian context, conditions for voluntary, safe,
where countries like India frequently dignified and sustainable return.


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Prelims and mains Point: India's Policy on

3. Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons (NPT) Treaty - The NPT
is beginning to look shaky

About Non-Proliferation of Nuclear

Weapons (NPT) Treaty

 The NPT is a landmark international

treaty whose objective is
 to prevent the spread of nuclear
weapons and weapons technology,
Success of NPT
 to promote cooperation in the peaceful
uses of nuclear energy and  Y
The first objective was strongly
 to further the goal of achieving nuclear M
supported by the nuclear-haves; the
other two were demands made by the
disarmament and general and
complete disarmament.
The Treaty represents the only binding
D 
nuclear have-nots.
Achievement of the non-proliferation

commitment in a multilateral treaty to
the goal of disarmament by the nuclear-
objective: This objective has been
achieved in large measure. In the last
50 years, only four more countries have

weapon States.

Opened for signature in 1968, the
gone on to test and develop nuclear

Treaty entered into force in 1970. On
arsenals. These are India, Israel, North
Korea and Pakistan.

11 May 1995, the Treaty was extended
 Note: South Africa developed nuclear
weapons, but the apartheid regime

A total of 191 States have joined the
Treaty, including the five nuclear-
weapon States. More countries have
destroyed them and joined NPT in
 Non-proliferation post-1991: After the
ratified the NPT than any other arms
end of the Cold War, non-proliferation
limitation and disarmament
remained a shared priority for the
agreement, a testament to the Treaty's
major powers and the International
Atomic Energy Agency, set up
 Nuclear-weapon states (NWS) consist originally to promote international co-
of the United States, Russia, China, operation became better known as the
France, and the United Kingdom non-proliferation watchdog.
 The Treaty does not affect the right of
state parties to develop, produce, and
use nuclear energy for peaceful
Email :India
 is one of the only five countries
that either did not sign the NPT or
signed but withdrew.


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The failures of NPT  1985 Reagan-Gorbachev declaration
 Unity of P5 against universal states that 'a nuclear war cannot be won
condemnation: When the nuclear have- and must never be fought'. The
nots suggested a universal statement remains valid. Nobody
condemnation of all threats of nuclear wants a breakdown of the NPT but
use, all five nuclear haves joined sustaining it requires facing up to
together to resist such moves. today's political realities. Without
 Halt in progress between US and addressing the new challenges, the
Russia: Arms control talks between the NPT will weaken.
U.S. and the U.S.S.R./Russia did bring Basic Funda's
down their collective arsenals from a
high of nearly 65,000 in the early 1980s
to less than 12,000 warheads. But this
process has been halted.
 For example, the U.S. withdrew from
the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM)
Treaty in 2002 and from the 1987 Y
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces
(INF) Treaty in 2019. E M
 Rising China and associated nuclear
threats: While withdrawing from INF,AD
the US stated that China's missile
developments created new security
threats that needed to be addressed.
The US even invited China to join in 4. A lot is at stake for India­

the arms control process. But the
requests were rejected. Analysts
Bangladesh ties
Context: The recent state visit of the Prime

suggest that China may be on track to
expand its arsenal from current levels
Minister of Bangladesh showcased the high
stakes of India-Bangladesh bilateral ties.
of approximately 350 warheads to
over 1,000 by 2030.
 The latest visit resulted in seven
agreements designed to increase
The status of other treaties on nuclear non- cooperation in the diverse domains of
proliferation water sharing, railways, science and
 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear technology, space, media and capacity
Weapons (TPNW): It is also called the building.
Ban Treaty. Frustrated by the absence Present status of India-Bangladesh
of progress on nuclear disarmament, relations
the nuclear have-nots successfully  Trade: Bangladesh is India's sixth
negotiated this Treaty in 2017. largest trade partner with bilateral
 All 86 signatories are nuclear have-nots trade rising from $2.4 billion in 2009 to
and parties to the NPT. The TPNW $10.8 billion in 2020-21.
creates a new legal instrument. But the  Connectivity: India and Bangladesh
nuclear-haves and their allies ignored have implemented several projects to
Email :the
Vienna meeting. boost eastern

 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty connectivity. India's connectivity

(CTBT): It was concluded in 1996 but projects with ASEAN and Bangladesh
has yet to formally enter into force will open up the region to economic
because two major powers, the U.S. growth.
and China, have yet to ratify it.
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 India-Bangladesh bilateral waterway  This is the first such pact between them
trade will get boosted as India can now in over 25 years - the Ganga water
use the Mongla and Chittagong ports. treaty was signed in 1996.
 India-Bangladesh Joint Consultative  The pact will benefit people in southern
Commission: The commission Assam and Sylhet in Bangladesh.
expanded the India-Bangladesh Under the pact, the two countries will
partnership to include Artificial also share the data on floods.
Intelligence, Fintech, cybersecurity,
startups, and connectivity.
 Land Swap Agreement: In 2015, India
and Bangladesh resolved the decades-
long border dispute through the Land
boundary Agreement.
 Curb of illicit activities: Bangladesh's
government has uprooted all anti-
India insurgency activities within
Bangladesh by leading from the front. Y
Outcomes of Bangladesh PM's visit:
Kushiyara River
 Security cooperation: Agreement "to
continue close security cooperation"
over counter-terrorism, border crimes,
 Kushiyara River is a distributary river
in Bangladesh and Assam. It forms on

and border management.
Development partnership: The two AC the India-Bangladesh border as a
branch of the Barak River when the
Barak separates into the Kushiyara and

sides recommitted themselves to
enhancing their development

partnership which is already quite
 The waters of the Kushiyara originate
in the state of Nagaland and pick up

extensive and multi-faceted.
Build resilient supply chains: Between
tributaries from Manipur, Mizoram
and Assam.

the two countries and "across the
 The current agreement will benefit
southern parts of Assam state in India
 Comprehensive Economic Partnership and the Sylhet region in Bangladesh.
Agreement (CEPA) in 2022: To Areas of concern between India-Bangladesh
conclude negotiations by the time ties
Bangladesh graduates from least
 Teesta river water sharing: For West
developed country status in 2026.
Bengal, Teesta is important to sustain
 Expanding connectivity: Through its impoverished farming districts
more rail, road, inland waterways, and which comprise 12.77% of its
coastal shipping linkages. population. For Bangladesh, the
 Logistics for power trade: Between Teesta's flood plains cover about 14%
Bangladesh and its neighbours - India, of the total cropped area of the country
Nepal and Bhutan - have been put in and provide direct livelihood
place. opportunities to approximately 7.3% of
Email :Startups:
 India will assist Bangladesh the population.
by sharing its rich experience of Apart from Teesta river water issue the other
innovation through startups. issues are
Interim water sharing agreement for  The continued presence of 1.1 million
Kushiyara River Rohingyas who fled from Myanmar in
2017 has created enormous pressure on
CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
the Bangladesh economy and social from Pakistan and emerge as an
harmony. So, Bangladesh wants independent nation. Bangladesh
stronger support from India to liberation day, 16th December is
facilitate their early return to Myanmar celebrated as "Vijay Diwas" in India.
 China factor: India's sensitivity to  India was the first country to recognize
growing cooperation between Bangladesh as a separate and
Bangladesh and China rankles the independent state and established
authorities in Bangladesh. diplomatic relations with the country
 Case of minorities: Despite the immediately after its independence in
government's secular policy in December 1971.
Bangladesh, "incidents" against the India-Bangladesh ties: An organic
Hindu minority have occurred, but her transformation
government has acted against  India's links with Bangladesh are
miscreants. civilization, cultural, social and
 At the same time, Bangladesh has economic.
expressed concern about the safety of
minorities in India.

There is much that unites the two

countries - a shared history and
common heritage, linguistic and
5. The Spirit of 1971 - India and
Bangladesh must focus on future
cooperation based on past AD cultural ties, and passion for music,
literature and the arts.
India shares its longest border of
Context : Ever since the Liberation War in

4,096.7 kilometres with Bangladesh,
which is also the fifth-longest border in

1971, Bangladesh and India have shared a
special relationship not only due to their 
the contemporary world.
With the onset of economic
geographical boundaries, but also largely liberalisation in South Asia, they forged

owing to their shared cultural, linguistic and
historical connections. India, during the war
greater bilateral engagement and trade.
Significance of Bangladesh for India

for liberation of the Bangladeshi nation,
provided much of the required
humanitarian as well as militaristic support
 Strategic- From the perspective of
India's Northeast, Bangladesh is India's
most strategic neighbour. The only
which was so duly needed at the time. Both connection between India's mainland
the countries since then, have shared a and the northeast was the Chicken's
gigantic 4000 km long border which makes Neck - a narrow strip of land that has
Bangladesh India's longest land sharing always been a huge security concern.
neighbour in the South Asian region.
 Connectivity to East Asia- India's
History of the India-Bangladesh dream of 'Act East Policy' can only be
Relationship materialised with the helping hands of
 Rabindranath Tagore created the Dhaka. Perhaps on top of the list is
national anthems of both Bangladesh connectivity between India's mainland
and India in 1905 and 1911 and the crucial northeast, which is part
respectively. of India's "Look East" Policy.
 The bilateral relations between the two
Email :  Internal Security- The other big security
nations formally started after the concern for India is that Bangladesh
Bangladesh liberation war,1971 which should not turn into the frontline of
had played a key role along with the radical terror in the southeast.
Mukti Bahini, thus helping East Bangladesh could turn into a
Pakistan (as called then) to separate launchpad for religious radical terror


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activities in India if relations are not  India plans to seek their repatriation to
maintained well. Bangladesh.
 Countering China- India's relationship  Bangladesh remains firm in its stance
with Bangladesh is also linked to its that no migrants travelled to Assam
relationship with China. India did not illegally during the 1971 war of
want Bangladesh to become a pearl in independence and that the
China's "String of Pearls" strategy to controversial NRC risks hurting
them in India by using its neighbours. relations.
 Trade- Bangladesh is currently India's (4) Rohingya Issue
biggest trade partner in the South  The Rohingya issue and India's
Asian region. remarks in 2017 on the issue have been
Issues hurting the relationship upsetting for Bangladesh which has
(1) Illegal migration been facing the challenge of providing
 This has always been a primary shelter to more than a million refugees
problem for India since the partition fleeing persecution.
of Bengal. (5) River disputes
 Recently, the Supreme Court asked the
Centre to complete the fencing of the

India and Bangladesh have failed to
conclude a framework agreement to
India-Bangladesh border soon to check
illegal immigration from Bangladesh
AD optimise the use of waters from six
rivers including the Manu, Muhuri,
Khowai, Gumti, Dharla and

into Assam.
Continuous border killing of
Bangladeshi people by Indian border
Dudhkumar, which has been discussed
for several months.

guards, aiding illegal immigrants,
 No progress was reported on the long-
pending Teesta water-sharing
helping in armed dacoity, fake money
transfer and illegal drug trades by both agreement either after the recent visit.

Indian and Bangladeshi people are the
major problems between Bangladesh
(5) Rising radicalization
 Bangladesh is witnessing rising

and India.
(2) Increasing Chinese footprint
radicalization as evident from multiple
attacks on religious places of Hindu
 In 2016, Bangladesh agreed to join the minorities in the nation and also from
One Belt One Road(OBOR) initiative. the massive violence during PM
 Bangladesh is increasingly tilting Modi's visit to Bangladesh last year.
towards China due to the Asian giant's Mains point: India -Bangladesh relations
massive trade, infrastructural and has new challenges comment
defence investments in these countries.
 In spite of its Neighbourhood First 6. Great G20 power, great
Policy, India has been losing its responsibility
influence in the region to China. Context: India will assume the Group of 20
(3) NRC conundrum (G20) year-long presidency in December 2022
 The National Register of Citizens and will also hold the G20 Summit in India
(NRC) has left out 1.9 million in 2023. India will have the opportunity to
Email :
assume centre stage in proposing and setting
Assamese from the list with a group
labelled as "illegal immigrants from the global agenda and discourse.
Bangladesh" living in Assam post- G20 and its background
1971.  The G20 is a strategic multilateral
platform connecting the world's major


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developed and emerging economies. The objectives of the G20 are:
The G20 holds a strategic role in  Policy coordination between its
securing future global economic members in order to achieve global
growth and prosperity. economic stability, sustainable growth;
 Together, the G20 members represent  Promote financial regulations that
more than 80 percent of world GDP, reduce risks and prevent future
75 percent of international trade and financial crises;
60 percent of the world population.  Create a new international financial
Mains point: G20 new challenges and

7. Indo-Pacific Economic Framework


Context:The Indo-Pacific Economic
Framework (IPEF) was launched by United

23, 2022.
States (US) President Biden in Tokyo on May

AD 

The IPEF has four pillars:
Trade; supply chains; clean energy,

AC 

decarbonisation and infrastructure;
tax and anti-corruption.

Starting in 1999 as a meeting for the
finance minister and central bank
 Except Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar,

governors, the G20 has evolved into a
yearly summit involving the Head of
other Southeast Asian nations are a part
of the IPEF.

State and Government.
PARTICIPANTS: The members of the
 IPEF is being said to be the US' answer
to the other trade pacts in the Indo-

G20 are: Argentina, Australia, Brazil,
Canada, China, France, Germany,
Pacific region: the Trans Pacific
Partnership (TTP) and its successor
agreement, the Comprehensive and
India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic
Progressive Agreement for TTP
of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi
(CPTPP), and the Regional
Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the
Comprehensive Economic Partnership
United Kingdom, the United States,
and the European Union. Spain is also
invited as a permanent guest.
 The presidency of the G20 rotates every
year among its members, with the
country that holds the presidency
working together with its predecessor
and successor, also known as Troika,
to ensure the continuity of the agenda.
Email :Currently Italy, Indonesia, and India
are the Troika countries.
 The G20 has no permanent secretariat.


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 This initiative being launched on the  This decision of India might affect its
sidelines of a Quad summit, most long-term economic goals.
Association of Southeast Asian Nations Issues involved with the decision of India
(Asean) countries did agree to be a part to stay away from the trade part of IPEF?
of it, despite their fears that India's decision to stay away from the trade
mechanisms like the Quad impinge on pillar of IPEF could has geopolitical and
Asean centrality. geoeconomic implications.
 IPEF allows Asian countries - 13 in all  First, India is not a member of any mega
- to sign on to individual initiatives trade agreement yet. IPEF provided an
without fully participating in all of opportunity for India to build trade
them. It is much less clear if it is a partnerships with countries in the
complete strategy or an adequate region along with the US.
policy package to counter China's
gains in the economic sphere in Asia.  Second, it is possible that India will not
benefit from the supply chain pillar of
the IPEF as well. Because trade and
supply chains are interconnected and

Third, it will also send a message that

AD India has joined QUAD with a narrow

focus on geopolitical security and it is
not open for broader economic

AC 
partnership in the region.
Fourth, India might also get isolated in

A S trade and other economic aspect of the

forum if India is not active in the IPEF
I forum. Therefore, it will be difficult for

SB India to stand as an alternative to China

in the Indo-Pacific region.

C  Fifth, the trade conditions of these

agreements are making India
uncomfortable. However, these
conditions might become a part of
bilateral trade negotiations with
 Thus, IPEF is being portrayed as a tool advanced economies.
to enhance economic cooperation and Mains point:Indo-Pacific Economic
establish a rule based order in the Framework (IPEF): India's role
India decided to stay away from the trade 8. India raises Sri Lankan Tamil
part of IPEF issue in U.N.
 India has recently decided to stay away Context: In its statement at the 51st session
from the trade aspect of Indo-Pacific of the United Nations Human Rights Council
Economic Framework (IPEF). in Geneva, India voiced concern over the
Email :The
 government has argued that there "lack of measurable progress" in Sri Lanka's
are not clear guidelines and promised political solution to the long-
commitments in the areas of labour, pending Tamil national question.
environment, and public procurement Statement given by India at UNHRC
are still emerging.
 India has voiced concern over the lack
of measurable progress by Sri Lanka on
CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
its commitment to a political solution the Tamil-majority north and east;
to the Tamil issue through full repression and the shrinking space for
implementation of the 13th dissent.
Amendment of the Constitution.  Moreover, in the latest report on Sri
What is the 13th amendment to the Sri Lanka, the U.N. Human Rights Chief
Lankan Constitution? said that embedded impunity for past
 It is an outcome of the Indo-Lanka and present human rights abuses,
Accord of July 1987 signed by then economic crimes and corruption were
Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and among the underlying factors that led
President J.R. Jayawardene in an to the country's devastating economic
attempt to resolve Sri Lanka's ethnic crisis.
conflict. Mains Point: Discuss critically India's stand
 The amendment led to the creation of on sri lanka
Provincial Councils and assured a
power-sharing arrangement to enable 9. For India, the buzzword now is 'all-
all nine provinces in the country,
including Sinhala majority areas to
Context: In his book the India Way, External
Affairs Minister offers a critique of India's
 Subjects such as education, health,
agriculture, housing, land and police
are devolved to the provincial AD traditional policy of "non-alignment". He
distinguishes between the "optimistic non-
alignment" of the past and the more realistic
administrations but because of
restrictions on financial powers and
"multiple engagements of the future".
India's participation in the SCO summit is
President, the
overriding powers given to the
a clear signal of India's all-alignment
headway. I
administrations have not made much
India will host the SCO summit 2023, and is

Why is this statement of India at UNHRC
expected to invite all members - this includes
the Chinese President and Pakistan's Prime

 C
India's statement comes ahead of a
resolution on Sri Lanka that will likely
Minister. India's engagement with the
upcoming Shanghai Cooperation
Organisation (SCO) summit in Samarkand,
face a vote at the UNHRC. Uzbekistan highlights India balances various
 Since 2009, India has voted thrice in blocs. For instance,
favour of the U.N. resolution on Sri  India is a member of SCO and BRICS
Lanka - two were critical - and and also a member of Quad, groups
abstained twice, in 2014 and 2021. such as the I2U2 (India-Israel-U.S.-
 Irrespective of its vote, India has UAE), and the Indo-Pacific Economic
consistently underscored the need for Framework (IPEF).
a political settlement within the  India joined the Russian-led 'Vostok'
framework of a united Sri Lanka, Army Exercises along with China, and
ensuring justice, peace, equality and plans to host SCO-RATS counter-terror
dignity for the Tamils of Sri Lanka. exercises.
What are the issues faced by Sri Lankan
Email :  On the other hand, the
Air Force
Tamils? took part in the Australian 'Pitch Black'
 In the post-war years, Sri Lanka's exercises, and the Indian Army is
human rights defenders have planning exercises with the U.S. (Yudh
frequently flagged concerns over Abhyas).
persisting militarisation, especially in


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This shows India is the only country that framework that counters the China-Pakistan-
would form the intersection, a part of all of Economic Corridor from Gwadar.
those groupings.
India's engagement with Pakistan: The
How does India's all alignment policy decision by the Pakistan government in 2019
function within the SCO grouping and what that no trade with India is possible without
India can do in the upcoming SCO Summit? a reversal of India's Article 370 moves in
India's ties with Russia: India has refused Jammu and Kashmir has ended formal
to heed pleas from the U.S. and Europe to communication between both the countries.
endorse resolutions critical of Russia at the
United Nations. India often abstained from With Pakistan reeling from massive floods,
voting on the Ukraine crisis. Further, India's an economic crisis, and growing worries of
imports of Russian oil jumped from 0.66 an unstable Afghanistan Pakistan might look
million tonnes in the first quarter to 8.42 for a way to hold a conversation with India.
million tonnes in the second this year.

All this shows India fights for its unique
In the recent Eastern Economic Forum
meeting, India outlines it wants to further
brand of multi-alignment or "all-alignment"
with partners worldwide, without having to
strengthen energy ties, building on the $16

billion investment Indian public sector units
already have in Russian oil and gas fields.
choose between them.

India's ties with China: The two leaders of
India and China met 18 times between 2014-
About Shanghai Cooperation Organization
 Shanghai Cooperation Organization is

2019. But have not spoken directly once since
the standoff that began in April 2020
a permanent intergovernmental
international organisation.

between the Indian Army and the People's  Its creation was announced on 15 June

Liberation Army (PLA). India-China
bilateral ties have come to a virtual
2001 in Shanghai (China) by the
Republic of Kazakhstan, the People's
Republic of China, the Kyrgyz
of trade. C
standstill on most fronts, with the exception
Republic, the Russian Federation, the
Republic of Tajikistan, and the
Republic of Uzbekistan.
During the Doklam conflict, it was a "brush
by" meeting between two leaders at the G-  It was preceded by the Shanghai Five
20 summit that led to the "breakthrough" in mechanism.
talks. So a similar thing can happen in the  The Shanghai Cooperation
upcoming SCO summit or the G20 Summit. Organisation Charter was signed
India's engagement with Iran: The SCO during the St. Petersburg SCO Heads
meeting is expected to pitch the Chabahar of State meeting in June 2002, and
port terminal India is developing as an entered into force on 19 September
important route for trade to Central Asia and 2003.
Russia.  The SCO's official languages are
Russian and Chinese.
Email Iran has asked for India's support
with "above ground" equipment and parts
for its plans to extend the rail line from the
Afghan border outpost to Turkmenistan, the
shortest possible route for India. This is in
line with India's plan to build a connectivity


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international political and economic
 Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure
(RATS) of SCO is a permanent body
based in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The
objective of RATS is based upon the
Shanghai Convention on Combating
Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism.
RATS possess information on terrorist
organisations and terrorists.
 The military exercise 'Peace Mission
Member Countries 2018' was conducted in Russia and
 SCO comprises eight member states, became the first platform after UN
namely the Republic of India, the Peace Mission Peacekeeping Missions
Republic of Kazakhstan, the People's
for joint military engagement between
India and Pakistan.
Republic of China, the Kyrgyz
Republic, the Islamic Republic of
Mains Point: Discuss the age old concept of

Republic of Tajikistan, and the

Republic of Uzbekistan. AD
Pakistan, the Russian Federation, the NON alignment of India has to be operated
in the new age of global politics

The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan,
the Republic of Belarus, the Islamic
10. Abraham Accords have led to
greater regional cooperation,

Republic of Iran and the Republic of
Mongolia are the observer states in
expanding opportunities for India

I About Abraham Accords
 The Abraham Accords are a series of

SCO has six dialogue partners, viz, the
Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic
treaties normalising diplomatic
relations between Israel, the United

of Armenia, the Kingdom of
Cambodia, the Federal Democratic
Republic of Nepal, the Republic of
Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Sudan,
and Morocco, facilitated by the U.S.
Administration between August and
Turkey, and the Democratic Socialist December, 2020. In the span of five
Republic of Sri Lanka. short months, these four Arab states
Goals and Objective joined Egypt and Jordan in making
 Promoting mutual trust and peace with Israel.
neighbourliness.  It aims towards normalisation of ties
 Promoting cooperation in politics, by bringing Israel closer to the Gulf
trade, economy, research, technology nations and taking forward the peace
and culture. initiative.
 Enhancing ties in areas like education,  The benefits of this agreement continue
energy, transport, tourism, to grow, which can be seen by the
environmental protection and deepening people-to-people ties and
Email :healthcare. business opportunities.
 Maintaining and ensuring peace,  New joint ventures are also being
security and stability in the region. undertaken in critical sectors such as
 Moving towards establishment of clean energy, health, innovation, etc
democratic, fair and rational  The Accords were called 'the Abraham
Accords' as the three major
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monotheistic religions of the world, traditional adversaries in West Asia-
Islam, Christianity and Judaism, all Israel and the Arab This would open
find their roots in Prophet Abraham. new doors for India's engagement in the
 The Accords were named 'the region.
Abraham Accords' to reiterate that  Group formation: The Accords have
though the history of the three faiths is helped in the formation of the I2U2
rife with war, animosity and conflict, Group. This group is established by
their broad beliefs and faith are shared Israel, India, the UAE, and the United
and they are children of the same God. States.
Rising importance of the Middle East
region for India:
 Energy Security: The Middle- East
region plays a significant role in India's
economy, as it provides about two-
thirds of India's total oil imports.

Remittances: Millions of Indian

migrants have been moved to search for
jobs in the Middle-Eastern Countries

AD becoming a significant part of the total

remittance received from out of the

AC  Strategic Region: The Persian Gulf is a

very important zone for India's

A S maritime security, and the Strait of

Hormuz is a strategic point.
I  Rising FDI from this region: Saudi is

Significance of Abraham Accord for India:
planning investments in India worth
$100 billion. Other countries have also

Regional connectivity: Abraham
Accords have improved the regional 
shown interest in investment in India.
Countering Pakistan: Pakistan is very
active in the Middle-east. Using the
connectivity between the member
countries. This regional connectivity platform of OIC and making
has also helped Indians. connections with particular Arab
 For example, the Indian diaspora in the countries like Turkey Pakistan is trying
Gulf can now fly directly from the UAE to get support on the Kashmir issue
to Israel or from Israel to Bahrain. and blocking India to get support in
NSG. Thus, by conducting
 Technology cooperation: Beyond
sophisticated balance-of-power
trade, there is potential for India, UAE,
diplomacy, India is trying to counter
and Israel to collaborate in many areas
Pakistani influence in the Gulf region.
- from space to defence technology.
 Defence Imports: Israel has been very
 'Extended' neighbourhood: This
important to India due to its technical,
engagement will open the door for
intelligence, and military support.
Email :extending the collaboration with other
Israel has been one of the major
regional partners like Egypt, having
military equipment providers in India
much more impact in the region.,
and also an important trading partner.
 Peace and Stability in West Asia:
Agreement opens the doors to the first
big rapprochement between
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 Security Challenge: Rising terrorism in making the council reflective of current
this region has a direct and indirect order.
impact on India. Challenges faced by G4 countries:
Mains Point : Discuss Abraham Accords  Resistance from P-5 countries as these
countries are reluctant to share the
11. G4 countries highlight 'urgent exclusive power with new entrants.
need' for reform in the U.N.  Absence of consensus on complex
Security Council issues such as the size of the expansion
About G4 Nations in the permanent and non-permanent
 G4 Countries It was formed in 2004 categories, regional distribution, the
with India, Brazil, Germany and Japan working methods of the Security
as its members. Council, its relationship with the
UNGA, and veto powers.
 The group is primarily focused on
UNSC reforms, and permanent  Opposition from other countries -
membership of the body for G4 Pakistan along with the Uniting for
members, among others. Y
Consensus (UFC) countries have been
Why do G4 nations demand for UNSC
reform matter?
leading the opposition to India's

 UNSC reforms are imperative to

ensure equitable representation and
AD  UFC comprises countries like Pakistan,
Italy, Mexico, Egypt, South Korea etc.
Uniting for Consensus (UfC),

reflect the geopolitical and economic
realities of the present world order.
nicknamed the Coffee Club, is a
movement that developed in the 1990s

G4 countries represent the changing
world and must be represented in
in opposition to the possible expansion
of permanent seats in the United
I Nations Security Council.

The USA is now in favour of a
permanent seat without veto power.
The UK shares a similar view. France
 China Factor - Rise of India threatens
China by creating its own rival power

has been closest with intention to
provide both seat and veto.
structure. Hence, it does not want India
to be a member of the Security Council.
The Intergovernmental Negotiations (IGN)
 Recently, U.S. President Biden on Security Council (SC) reform
emphasised U.S. support for  IGN is a group of nation-states working
expanding permanent and non- within the United Nations to further
permanent seats on the Council, reform of the UNSC.
during his UNGA address.
 The IGN is composed of several
different international organisations,
 The African Union;
 The G4 nations;
 The Uniting for Consensus Group
(UfC), also known as the Coffee Club;
Email :
 The L.69 Group of Developing
 The Arab League; and
 Expanded members would have the
same responsibilities and obligations,  The Caribbean Community
as current permanent members, thus (CARICOM).


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 Each group represents a different set  India's focus is still on geopolitical
of positions vis-a-vis reforming the aspects rather than geo-economics
United Nations Security Council. while the advanced economies have
Note : The United Nations Security Council moved beyond that.
(UNSC)  This is evident from India's decision to
 Established by the United Nations stay away from the trade pillar of the
charter in 1945, the Security Council Indo-Pacific Economic Framework
has the primary responsibility of (IPEF) and walking out of the
maintaining international peace and negotiations of the Regional
security. Comprehensive Economic Partnership
 The Security Council has 15 members. (RCEP).
 There are five permanent members: the  Both agreements provided India with
United States, the Russian Federation, a chance to enter geo-economics and
France, China and the United improve its economy in the Indo-
Kingdom. Pacific region.
 The non-permanent members of the 
However, these examples show that
India is interested only in bilateral
Security Council are elected for a term
of two years.
trade agreements and not in
multilateral or plurilateral agreements.
 Each member of the Security Council

has one vote. Decisions of the Security
For example, the signing of the free
trade agreement (FTA) with the UAE
Council on matters are made by an
affirmative vote of nine members
including the concurring votes of the
and the signing of Early Harvest
Agreements with Australia and the
United Kingdom.

permanent members. A "No" vote from
one of the five permanent members What will be the potential impacts on India

blocks the passage of the resolution. for neglecting geo-economics?

Any member of the United Nations
which is not a member of the Security
 India has shown a lack of geopolitical
interest in the Indo-Pacific region by not
joining the trade pillar of IPEF and the
Council may participate, without vote,
in the discussion of any question
brought before the Security Council
decision to stay away from the
multilateral trade agreement can affect
whenever the latter considers that the India's interest in multiple ways.
interests of that member are specially  An advantage for China: India's
affected. absence from various regional trading
Mains point: G4 countries demand for platforms will automatically boost
reform for UN security council, Justify China's geo-economic hegemony in
Asia. India-China trade has only
increased in the past years despite the
12. Geopolitics without geoecono- increasing tension at the border.
mics, a fool's errand  There is a fear that China can misuse
Context: India has shown a great desire to its increasing trade ties with India for
be a part of the geopolitical developments geopolitical gains. It was also a great
in the Indo-Pacific. However, the efforts opportunity for India to be the part of
Email by India seem to be insufficient as the trade pillar of IPEF and
find an
India requires shifting from geopolitical to alternative to China's trade as it is
geo-economic policy. impossible to completely end trade ties
The current situation of India in geo- with China.
economics  Hamper's supply chains: It would be
hard for India to integrate itself into the
CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
regional and global supply chains  Third, India can start by joining IPEF
without being a part of important and CPTPP which China is not a
regional multilateral trading member of.
agreements.  Fourth, India should also actively show
 Loses business opportunities: Since its interest in joining the Minerals
the U.S. is looking to find an alternative Security Partnership (MSP). It is led by
to China's trade there are some the US and focuses on securing supply
businesses that are moving away from chains of critical minerals.
China and shifting to countries like  Fifth, India has cleared that IPEF and
Vietnam. These investments or QUAD are not military agreements. If
businesses could have shifted to India they are not military agreements then
if India would have joined multilateral they can be considered as geo-
trade agreements such as IPEF. economic agreements that can also help
 These businesses and investments are members to pursue their geo-political
important for India's growth. interests.
 Hinders maritime security: India is
serious about its maritime security, Y
but it cannot only rely on the military
for its security. This also requires E M
13. Energising India-Nepal ties, the
hydropower way

involving other countries in the Indo-

Pacific to create economic stakes in
AD Context:Nepal's move to involve India in
completing the West Seti and Seti River (SR6)
joint storage project has the potential to

 India has an FTA with the ASEAN

India as it is already done by China. enhance much-needed cross-border power

countries but it is equally important
for India to become part of trading
 Nepal signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with India to
arrangements which have major non-
regional states. This would help India
develop 1200 MW West Seti and

to become a major part of the region's
supply chains. 
EastSeti River (SR6) projects.
Early in the 1980s, the initiative was
 C
Result in economic isolation of India:
If India stayed away from joining
conceived. From 1997 until 2011, the
Australian corporation worked on the
project's development. A Chinese firm
regional multilateral trading was given the project in 2011. After
arrangements then it would be China withdrew from the project in
economically isolated. 2018, Nepal redesigned it as the
What can be done to improve India's combined East and West Seti River
participation in geo economics? project.
 First, India should rethink its geo- Importance of the Project
economic preferences if it is serious  Relationship improvement may give
about enhancing its geopolitical India the necessary leverage for future
influence in the Indo-Pacific region. hydropower collaboration. In western
There is still an opportunity for India and eastern Nepal, India is already
to join the trade pillar of IPEF and it working on the Mahakali Treaty (6,480
should also think of joining RECP. MW), the Upper Karnali Project (900
Email :
 Second, it can also seek to join the MW), and the Arun Three projects (900
Comprehensive and Progressive MW). The project could improve cross-
Agreement for Trans-Pacific border power transfers between the
Partnership (CPTPP). The US has two countries.
walked out of this agreement and
China is seeking to join it.
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 In addition, it will help India permanent member of the United Nations
strengthen its presence in Nepal and Security Council.
reduce China's geopolitical influence.  UNSC remains the only exclusive club,
A significant Chinese project under the where none of the new emerging
Belt and Road Initiative was the West countries has entered. Otherwise, even
Seti Hydroelectric Project. the exclusive Nuclear Club has been
Benefits to Nepal: The export of electricity breached by India, Pakistan, North
from Nepal to India is anticipated to boost Korea, and Israel.
the country's foreign exchange reserves and
reduce power shortages. If the hydropower
potential is completely utilised, Nepal is
predicted to be able to export electricity to
India and earn 1,069 billion rupees annually
by 2045.

Benefits for India: The West Seti

Hydroelectric Project may offer a different Y
way to alleviate India's power shortages.
Ways a head
AD Various issues concerning With UNSC
 For some nations, the ability to vote
 Exploring new possibilities and

project have gone up. At the AC

alternatives is necessary. Costs for the
alongside permanent UNSC members
has been a source of concern. This
authority has been regularly utilised to

preliminary stage, a thorough analysis
of investment scenarios, distribution
thwart attempts to undermine any

and transmission networks, and the

permanent UNSC member.
For instance, while the Palestinian issue
price of resettling and rehabilitation is
was being discussed, Western
participants used their special position

Nepal is concerned that the rates and
availability of energy from India are
insufficient to fulfil the growing
to defend Israel. Veto power was also
used to block the imposition of
sanctions against South Africa's
demands. This has to be resolved. apartheid government.
 The Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal  Russian vetoes have been used more
(BBIN) framework for transnational often than those of the three western
energy cooperation allows the project UN members. However, it has
to be expanded to additional regional frequently gone in India's favour as
partners. It is possible to establish a well. For instance, Russia has
cross-border energy market that frequently supported India with regard
includes Nepal, Bhutan, and India's to the Kashmir issue.
northeastern states.
 Russia additionally supported India by
Mains point : Discuss the strategic exercising its veto against adverse
importance of Nepal in our neighbourhood decisions during the 1971 Bangladesh
Email : Liberation War. However,
given the
14. Permanent membership of the current circumstances, India cannot be
UNSC is another story certain that Russia will assist it in the
Context:There is a buzz in India about the future on the Kashmir issue or any
prospects of the country becoming a other negative situation.


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 India cannot count on the United States  India shouldn't accept permanent
or the United Kingdom to vote against membership without the ability to veto,
Pakistan. India already faces hostility according to some analysts. While
from China. It is evident in the Chinese some contend that even permanent
blockade of the UNSC resolution membership without the right to vote
listing sanctioned Pakistani terrorists would be extremely beneficial in
who have been verified to be terrorists. advancing our interests.
Challenges Mains point: Justy India's membership
 None of the P-5 nations favours the demand in UNSC
UNSC adding any new members.
Currently, there is no representation in
the permanent category from Africa,
Latin America, or the Caribbean.
 Africa is seeking two permanent seats,
although it has not yet decided which
two African nations will be
represented. India, Japan, Brazil, and Y
Germany are the four officially stated
contenders for permanent E M
membership, together known as the G-
 The opposition to G-4 permanent
participation is a source of concern. As

an illustration, China will never help
Japan or India. It will be against

Last but not least, even if India receives
unanimous support for permanent
membership, other nations will join
the organisation as well.
 Looking at the present geopolitical
divide India's dream of a seat at the
highest table is unlikely to get fulfilled
in near future. India must analyse the
utility of UNSC membership for
securing its national interest. India
should not give up anything in bargain
against the UNSC seat which harms its
international interest.
 A new class of semi-permanent
members has been proposed by a
committee of specialists. Countries
Email :
would be able to run for reelection after
serving an eight to ten-year term in
office. India should seriously consider
this approach as well.


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875

Science & Technology

1. Overseeing an ocean: INS Vikrant  Similarly, operationally deploying
joins the navy's fleet three carriers would require a four-
Context:Indian Naval Ship (INS) Vikrant is carrier fleet.
commissioned into the navy's fleet. The The significance of warships:
articles discuss the further challenges before
 Naval forces have an unparalleled
India in securing the vast ocean.
capability for dispensing humanitarian
 It was the second aircraft carrier with aid and disaster relief as the Indian
India, first one being the INS Navy did after the Asian tsunami of
Vikramaditya, that was bought from 2004.
Russia. It will enter India into the
 The US has come up with the National
exclusive club of only 5 countries, with
2 aircraft carriers. Y
Defence Authorisation Act that
specifies the annual defence budget
 However, it will still not be sufficient
to tackle the challenges in front of
and expenditures under various heads.
It has for the first time; the US has given
The issues India might still face:
AD the navy legal and budgetary powers
to discharge a clear peacetime as well
 The Indian navy required two

deployed carriers, minimum: One forC 
as its combat role.
India plays a role of security provider
the east coast (the Bay of Bengal and
Malacca Strait) and a second for the
in the Indian Ocean Region. It has a role
and interest in protecting sea lines of

west coast (the Arabian Sea, the
Pakistan coast and West Asia).
communication (SLOCs) that carry 70
per cent of global trade.

Lately, the navy has begun suggesting
for a third deployed carrier to carry out
 China's expanding navy poses a threat
to India. China's warship is building
power projection at longer ranges
across the Indian Ocean Region.
yards in Dalian and constructing four-
five large and sophisticated destroyers
 Now, India's 2 aircraft carriers don't simultaneously.
mean that both will be deployed. The The challenges in front of India:
naval fleet must have three aircraft  India is facing a dilemma whether it
carriers to have two carriers should focus on sea or land borders to
operationally available. Because most counter China.
of the time one of those three would
 India is the only member country of the
be in the dockyard for maintenance.
Quadrilateral that shares a land border
 For example, out of US's 11 carriers, with China. PLA's multiple
only three US Navy carrier strike encroachments, across the LAC, have
groups (CSG) were operationally heightened the tensions on India's land
deployed. borders.
 The Indian Navy's two aircraft carriers  However, the US and Australia are
Email :would
mostly amount to just a single
pushing India to focus on the Indian
operationally deployed carrier. Ocean Region.
 India must resolve its stand since
India's own economic prosperity


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
depends upon keeping open its the carriers or carrier classes in the
SLOCs in the Indian Ocean. world.
The strategic advantages of aircraft carriers
like IAC Vikrant:
 Access to littoral spaces: In peace and
in war, no platform provides access to
littoral spaces as thoroughly and
emphatically as the aircraft carrier.
 India's proactive maritime strategy:
Vikrant will boost India's maritime
capability in the Indo-Pacific and the
Important features of INS Vikrant Indian Ocean Region. It will also aid
 Vikrant is the first aircraft carrier India's 'SAGAR' or Security and Growth
designed and built in India. It has over for All in the Region initiative.
76% of the material and equipment 
Trade benefits: A strong Navy is critical

which is indigenous.
The ship has over 2400 compartments.
to India's ambition to grow its share in
global trade. This is because India's
It has a maximum designed speed of
28 knots with an endurance of 7,500
AD merchandise exports are largely

around 14,000 km.

nautical miles which is equivalent to  Economic empowerment: One
shipyard job leads to the creation of 5-
6 jobs in ancillary industries. Over 500
 Around 16,000 crew members can fit
into the carrier. It can accommodate
Indian firms and 100 MSMEs
contributed to building INS Vikrant.
around 30 aircraft on board. It also has
specialised cabins to accommodate For example, Vikrant generated

women officers and sailors.
It has a 16-bed hospital and an
employment opportunities for almost
15,000 personnel across various

emergency medical care unit along
with an Intensive Care Unit, a

segments including 2,000 personnel at
the Cochin Shipyard.
The versatility of aircraft carriers: With
radiology wing and other medical
facilities. Vikrant, India's aircraft carriers can be
used as versatile assets, switching
 Using a novel aircraft-operation mode
between power projection, soft and
known as STOBAR (Short Take-Off but
hard power diplomacies. This is
Arrested Landing), the carrier is
because the navy earlier had only one
equipped with a ski-jump for
aircraft carrier.
launching aircraft and a set of 'arrester
wires' for their recovery onboard.  Counter China: INS Vikrant
significantly expands the Indian Navy's
Significance of INS Vikrant
footprint in the backdrop of increasing
 With the launch of INS Vikrant, India Chinese activity in the region. For
also joins the elite group of nations - instance, Under the People's Liberation
the US, Russia, France, the UK and Army Navy's (PLAN) "far-seas"
Email :China - who are capable of designing
strategy, China deploys 7-8 vessels in
and constructing aircraft carriers. the IOR at any given time. There will
 Also, with a displacement of 43,000 be a Chinese Carrier battle group
tonnes when fully loaded, INS Vikrant (CBG) moving into the IOR on a near-
is set to be the seventh largest among permanent basis in the future.


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The challenges raised while building taking a call on the second indigenous
aircraft carriers: aircraft carrier.
 Critics were concerned about the Mains point:Defense Technology -
relevance of aircraft carriers in the Indigenization of technologies
contemporary world. They say there is
little point in spending billions for a 2. The world of clean hydrogen
carrier strike force to protect the Bay buzzing with activity
of Bengal or the Arabian Sea. This is
because a Context:Green hydrogen has a critical role
to play in decarbonisation and the
a) The near-seas defence can be easily achievement of net-zero emissions.
ensured from airbases on India's
island territories, Green Hydrogen:
b) Aircraft carriers are logistically
unviable and highly vulnerable to new
hypersonic weapons and disruptive
c) Susceptibility to enemy attack: The
flattop of aircraft carriers is
defenceless(a virtual sitting duck)
against modern-day underwater
attacks, long-range strategic airpower
and ballistic missiles;
d) Prized target for enemies: In a conflict
 There are various ways to produce
hydrogen gas that can be used for

scenario, the destruction of the
opponent's aircraft carrier is a priority
commercial purposes. The most
common method is Steam Methane
I Reforming which uses methane gas.

India move ahead after IAC Vikrant:
Increase indigenous content: The IAC
Sometimes propane, gasoline, or coal
are also used. The by-products of this

Vikrant has 76% of indigenous content
overall, but its critical technology has
been imported. This points out the
process are carbon dioxide and carbon
monoxide i.e., the process has high
carbon footprint. The hydrogen
need for persistence and increases produced through this process is called
further indigenisation. grey hydrogen.
 Build a second indigenous aircraft  Green Hydrogen is the clean hydrogen
carrier: The Indian Navy's ambition is generated by using renewable energy
to have three aircraft carriers. (INS such as solar and wind energy instead
Vikramaditya procured from Russia is of fossil fuels. The electricity produced
undergoing a major repair-and- through solar/wind energy is used to
maintenance cycle). The expertise undertake electrolysis of water (in
gained from building Vikrant could electrolysers) to produce hydrogen.
now be used to build a second, more The carbon footprint of green hydrogen
capable, indigenous carrier. is negligible compared to other
 Solve the fighter jet conundrum: methods of production.
Email :
India's plans to develop its own twin-  The Green Hydrogen Policy defines
engine deck-based fighter remain a Green Hydrogen/Ammonia as
distant dream. So, India should resolve hydrogen/ammonia 'produced by way
the fighter jet conundrum while also of electrolysis of water using renewable
energy' including banked renewable


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
energy and 'hydrogen and ammonia  The Adani Group announced a
produced from biomass'. partnership with Total Energies for its
 According to the certification green hydrogen push.
standards of CertifHy (established by  The company targets production of 1
European Commission and Fuel Cell million tonnes of green hydrogen per
and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH year by 2030.
JU)) the hydrogen needs to be The steps have been taken worldwide:
produced from renewable energy  The US has recently passed the Inflation
sources and should have a carbon Reduction Act. It is the world's first tax
footprint that is below 36.4 g CO2equ/ credit for hydrogen.
MJ to be classified as Green Hydrogen.
 Amazon announced to buy almost
11,000 tonnes of liquid green hydrogen
from Plug Power annually.
 Walmart had signed a similar deal with
Plug Power to get up to 20 tonnes per
day of carbon free hydrogen to power

material-handling lift trucks in the US.
Canada is aiming to become a major

AD producer and exporter of hydrogen as

well as related clean technologies.

AC  Germany is aiming to import

significant amounts of renewable
hydrogen to decarbonise its hard-to-

To increasing the production of Green
abate sectors in line with its 2045

Hydrogen: I climate neutrality target.

Mains point: Energy and associated issues.

Green hydrogen has a critical role to
play in decarbonization and the
3. Hydration of proteins could act as
achievement of net-zero emissions.
There are four things needed to scale it up:
a potential marker for an early
detection of neuro-degenerative
 Competitively priced renewable diseases.
energy Context:A study has found that hydration
 Electrolysers dynamics of proteins play a pivotal role in
 Supporting physical infrastructure the aggregation of several proteins which is
 Policy push a preliminary step toward various
neurodegenerative diseases
One of India's advantages is cost-
competitive renewable energy. Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation(LLPS):
The steps have been taken in India:  Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation(LLPS)
is a self-aggregated system. It is an
 Reliance is one of the largest producers
intermediate step during the formation
of grey hydrogen globally.
of stable protein aggregates.
 It has announced plans to deliver
Email :green
 This process plays an important role in
hydrogen at the lowest cost and
the formation of cells organelles like P
to progressively commence transition
bodies, nucleolus which are
from grey hydrogen to green hydrogen
membrane-less compartments in the
by 2025.
cytoplasm of cells
 This will be supported by a giga-scale
electrolyser manufacturing facility.
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 LLPS and neurodegenerative diseases:  Fuel Efficiency: The other related
Protein aggregation is the main reason is the need for fuel efficiency.
hallmark of neurodegenerative There is no refuelling opportunity in
diseases. Many proteins found in space. And, the more fuel the rocket
pathological inclusions are known to carries, the heavier it becomes, which
undergo liquid-liquid phase again means more fuel is required to
separation. propel it.
The study conducted by scientists: Other Factors
 Scientists have explored how the  Weather: A space mission cannot be
hydration of proteins gets altered as launched if the temperature is too cold
LLPS sets in. or too hot or if the wind is blowing at a
 They found that hydration dynamics very strong speed. Rainfall, humidity,
of proteins play a pivotal role in the lightning, cloud or smoke are all factors
aggregation of several proteins which that need to be considered for a safe
is a preliminary step toward various and successful launch.
neurodegenerative diseases. 
Favourable weather conditions are
required not just at the time of the
 Thus, the aggregation process could be
spotted early by detecting altering M
launch, but also during the fuelling of
the engines.
water network dynamics and
modulated using inactive substances
that serve as the vehicle or medium for
Background key points:
Artemis Mission
a drug or other active substance.
Mains point:neurodegenerative diseasesAC  NASA's Artemis mission is touted as
the next generation of lunar

A S exploration, and is named after the

twin sister of Apollo from Greek
NASA scheduled its Artemis-1
mission launch at 11.47 pm, why mythology.

so precise?
Context:After an aborted attempt, NASA
 Artemis is also the goddess of the

was to make another bid to launch its
Artemis-1 mission.
 It is the first in a series of increasingly
complex missions that will enable
 There was a two-hour window to human exploration to the Moon and
launch the mission. However, the Mars.
mission was aborted for a second time  With the Artemis programme, NASA
due to a hydrogen leak. aims to land humans on the moon by
The launch windows for space missions: 2024, and it also plans to land the first
 Space missions cannot be launched woman and first person of colour on
anytime they are ready to go. Very the moon.
precise time slots are calculated for  NASA will establish an Artemis Base
their launch. Camp on the surface and a gateway (the
Two main factors lunar outpost around the Moon) in
lunar orbit to aid exploration by robots
 Shortest Distance: Nothing in space is and astronauts.
stationary. The origin (Earth) is
Email :
moving, and so is the destination  The gateway is a critical component of

(Moon, or any other planetary body the NASA's sustainable lunar operations
mission is headed to).Hence, one and will serve as a multi-purpose
reason for scheduling a launch outpost orbiting the moon.
window is to look for the shortest
distance to the destination.
CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
 Chemically packaged urea is 46%
nitrogen which means a 45 kg sack
contains about 20 kg of nitrogen.
Contrastingly, Nano Urea sold in 500
ml bottles has only 4% nitrogen (or
around 20 gm). How this can
compensate for the kilogrammes of
nitrogen normally required puzzles
 Urea is highly water soluble and
already reaches the lowest form of
concentration when absorbed. How
nanoparticles can increase the
Prelims cum mains point:Artemis-1 effectiveness of nitrogen uptake by
mission being still smaller is unclear.

5. Scientists are unsure about how Liquid Nano Urea: Y

Background key points:

'Nano Urea' benefits crop"

Context:Nano Urea (a fertilizer) has been

It is essentially urea in the form of a

approved by the government for commercial

use because of its potential to substantially
nanoparticle. Urea is chemical nitrogen
fertilizer, white in colour which
artificially provides nitrogen, a major

reduce the import bill, but several experts
have questioned the science underlying its 
nutrient required by plants.
Purpose: It has been developed to

A S reduce the burden of urea subsidy,

reduce the unbalanced and
I indiscriminate use of conventional

SB urea, increase crop productivity and

reduce soil, water, and air pollution.

C  Developed by: Indian Farmers

Fertilizer Cooperative (IFFCO)'s Nano
Biotechnology Research Center(NBRC)
at Kalol.
The advantages of Liquid Nano Urea over
Conventional Urea:
 Higher Efficiency: While conventional
urea has an efficiency of about 25%, the
efficiency of liquid nano urea can be as
high as 85-90%.
 Gets Directly absorbed by plant:
About the efficacy of Nano Urea: Conventional urea fails to have the
 Plants need nitrogen to make protein desired impact on crops as it is often
and they source almost all of it from applied incorrectly and the nitrogen in
soil bacteria which live in a plant's
Email :
it is vaporised or lost as a gas. On the
roots and have the ability to break other hand, liquid nano urea is sprayed
down atmospheric nitrogen or from directly on the leaves and gets
chemicals such as urea into a form absorbed by the plant.
usable by plants.  Higher Shelf Life: Liquid nano urea has
a shelf life of a year and farmers need


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not be worried about "caking" when it Liquified Natural Gas (LNG):
comes in contact with moisture.  Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural
 No Burden of Urea Subsidy: Liquid gas that has been cooled to a liquid
nano urea produced by IFFCO comes state, at about -260° Fahrenheit, for
in a half-litre bottle priced at Rs 240, shipping and storage.
and carries no burden of subsidy  The volume of natural gas in its liquid
currently. By contrast, a farmer pays state is about 600 times smaller than its
around Rs 300 for a 50-kg bag of volume in its gaseous state. This
heavily subsidised urea. process makes it possible to transport
Mains point:Nano Urea' benefits crop natural gas to places where pipelines
do not reach.
6. Blue Energy Motors unveils India's Benefits of LNG:
first LNG-fuelled green truck near  Reduces greenhouse gas emissions: It
Pune. generates 30% less carbon dioxide than
Context:Blue Energy Motors has launched fuel oil and 45% less than coal. The
India's first Liquified Natural Gas(LNG) Y
combustion of natural gas evaporates
fuelled green truck manufacturing facility
at Chakan in Pune.
much more quickly in the air,
compared to fossil fuel, leaving no
Liquified Natural Gas(LNG) trucks work:
 Liquefied natural gas (LNG) vehicles
AD particles or residue. So, there's far less
spreading of oils after LNG spills. It
contributes to far lower carbon
work much like gasoline-powered

vehicles with a spark-ignited internal
combustion engine. 
emissions also.
Consistency and reliable supply: LNG

The natural gas is supercooled and
has a higher energy density, which
means, in comparison to crude oil,
cryogenically stored in liquid form,
usually in a tank on the side of the
more energy can be stored and

Because it is a liquid, the energy
transported for the same amount of

density of LNG is greater than CNG,
so more fuel can be stored on board
 Cost effective: LNG's volume has been
reduced to 1/600th of its un-liquified
state, making it easier to contain and
the vehicle. transport. LNG also weighs less than
one-half as much as water, so it is
lighter also.
 Cleaner atmosphere and more efficient:
Natural gas burns extremely
efficiently, producing mainly heat and
water vapour, and it's much more cost-
 It reduces nitrogen oxide emissions,
does not emit soot, dust or fumes, and
produces insignificant amounts of
sulphur dioxide, mercury, and other
Email :
particulates compared to other fuels.
Mains point:India's first Liquified Natural
Gas(LNG) fuelled green truck.


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7. Bharat Biotech's intra-nasal  Eliminates needle-associated risks
COVID vaccine gets emergency (injuries and infections),
use approval.  High compliance - ideally suits
Context:Bharat Biotech International children and adults and
Limited (BBIL) gas announced that the  Scalable manufacturing - able to meet
iNCOVACC (BBV154) vaccine has received global demand.
approval under Restricted Use in Mains point:iNCOVACC (BBV154) vaccine
Emergency Situation for ages 18 and above. .
iNCOVACC: 8. Coming: cyborg cockroaches to
help in urban search-rescue
Context:An international team of researchers
has devised a system that can create cyborg
Cyborg Cockroaches:
 Y
Cyborg Cockroaches are part insect and

part machine. These insect movements
are controlled by tiny integrated

AD 
Purpose: These cockroaches can be

Source: Hindustan Times AC used to conduct surveillance in

procedures like urban search and
rescue, environmental monitoring and

It is an intra-nasal Covid-19 vaccine. inspection of areas dangerous to

Developed by: Bharat Biotech
International Limited (BBIL)
Scientists make Cyborg Cockroaches:

Working: It is a recombinant
replication-deficient adenovirus
vectored vaccine with a prefusion
stabilised spike protein. It uses a
modified chimpanzee adenovirus
which cannot replicate in the body to
carry Covid spike protein to induce
 Usage: This vaccine will be used for
primary immunisation against
 Scientists used the Madagascar hissing
COVID-19 in the 18+ age group for
cockroach. This cockroach is not only
restricted use in emergency situations.
the largest species of cockroach but is
 Storage: The vaccine is stable between also known for making hissing sounds
two and eight degrees Celsius for easy when disturbed, which they make by
storage and distribution. expelling air from the openings on their
The benefits of iNCOVACC: back.
Email :
 Likely to block both infection and  The scientists fitted this cockroach with
transmission of COVID-19, a thin electronic backpack which they
 Non-invasive and needle-free, had created on the upper section of its
 Easy to administer as it does not body. As this was so lightweight, it had
require trained healthcare workers, very little impact on the insect's ability
to move around with ease.
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 The backpack contained a 10. From promise to reality: 10 years
rechargeable battery and what's after breakthrough, a CRISPR
known as a wireless control module solution to problems of health
which enabled the researchers to begins to take shape.
control the cockroach's movements Context: In the 10 years since the CRISPR
remotely. technology has been developed, it has begun
 A solar cell module was attached to the to deliver on its unlimited potential which
lower section of the cockroach. This will help in improving the quality of human
meant the backpack could be life.
recharged using artificial sunlight CRISPR Technology:
which would come in handy if the
cockroach is out on missions.
Prelims point: Cyborg Cockroaches

9. James Webb Space Telescope

captures image of near-perfect
'Einstein ring'
Context:The James Webb Space Telescope
has captured an image of an almost perfect
"Einstein ring."
The Einstein Ring:

The Einstein Ring is created when the
light from a galaxy or star passes by a
massive object en route to the Earth.

Due to the effects of gravitation (called
gravitational lensing), the light is

diverted, which makes it seem to come
from different places. If the light

source, lens, and observer are all in
perfect alignment, the light appears as
a ring.
 The first example of an "Einstein Ring"
was discovered in 1988.  CRISPR is short for Clustered
The James Webb Telescope discover an Regularly Interspaced Short
Einstein Ring: Palindromic Repeats.
 The James Webb Telescope discovered  It is a powerful gene editing
an Einstein Ring formed from the light technology which replicates natural
of a distant galaxy SPT-S J041839- defense mechanisms in bacteria to fight
4751.8, which is around 12 billion light- virus attacks using a special protein
years away from earth, which also called Cas9.
makes it one of the oldest galaxies in  Working: CRISPR-Cas9 technology
the universe. behaves like a cut-and-paste
Mains :
point:Einstein ring' mechanism on DNA strands that
contain genetic information.
 The specific location of the genetic
codes that need to be changed, or
edited, is identified on the DNA strand,
and then, using the Cas9 protein, which


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acts like a pair of scissors, that location scientists currently want the technology
is cut off from the strand. to be used for, and
 A DNA strand, when broken, has a  The changes were made in the embryo
natural tendency to repair itself. itself which means the newly acquired
Scientists intervene during this auto- traits were likely to be passed to future
repair process, supplying the desired generations. CRISPR is not 100%
sequence of genetic codes that binds precise and could induce a few errors
itself with the broken DNA strand. as well, making changes in other genes.
 Applications: It has many potential This has the possibility of being
applications, including correcting inherited by successive generations.
genetic defects, treating and Prelims and Main point: CRISPR
preventing the spread of diseases, and Technology.
improving the growth and resilience
of crops. 11. National List of Essential
CRISPR technology being used in different Medicines(NLEM): 384 drugs on
essential medicines list.
 Health: Several therapeutic
interventions using CRISPR for M
Context:The Ministry of Health and Family

Welfare has released the National List of

anaemia have gone into clinical trials,

mainly in the United States, and the AD
diseases like thalassaemia or sickle cell Essential Medicines (NLEM) list.
 It has added 34 new medicines and

initial results have been flawless.
In India, researchers at CSIR's Institute
dropped 26 old ones from the previous
list.A total of 384 medicines now
features on NLEM 2022 under 27

of Genomics and Integrative Biology
have indigenously developed a
therapeutic categories.

CRISPR-based therapeutic solution for
Note: This revised list has come out after a
gap of seven years.

sickle cell anaemia, which is now being
readied for clinical trials. The National List of Essential

Agriculture: Japan has approved the
commercial cultivation of a tomato
variety that has been improved using
CRISPR-based intervention.
 In India, several research groups are
working on CRISPR-based
enhancements for various crops
including rice and banana.
The ethical concerns related to CRISPR
 In 2018, a Chinese researcher disclosed Source: Business Standard
that he had altered the genes of a
 Essential medicines are those that
human embryo to prevent the infection
satisfy the priority health care needs,
of HIV. This was the first documented
based on efficacy, safety, quality and
case of creating a 'designer baby'.
Email : total cost of the treatment.
This has caused widespread concern in the
 The primary purpose of NLEM is to
scientific community because:
promote the rational use of medicines
 Preventive interventions to obtain considering the three important aspects
special traits are not something that i.e. cost, safety and efficacy.


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 The NLEM was first formulated in 1996 banking "Trojan" virus that is currently
and has been revised in 2003, 2011, and targeting Indian customers.
 In NLEM, the medicines are
categorised based on the level of the
healthcare system as P- Primary; S-
Secondary and T- Tertiary.
 Medicines that feature in the NLEM
are called scheduled drugs. The
National Pharmaceutical Pricing  SOVA is a new mobile banking 'Trojan'
Authority(NPPA) fixes the prices of virus.
these drugs based on the wholesale  Note: Trojan is a file, program, or piece
price index inflation. of code that appears to be legitimate
 For other drugs, companies are and safe but is actually malware.
allowed to take a maximum hike of up Malware is software intentionally
designed to cause disruption to gain
to 10% annually.
unauthorised access to information or
 Currently, scheduled drugs roughly
constitute 17-18% of the estimated Rs M
SOVA targeting users:
1.6-trillion domestic pharma market.
The significance of NLEM:
AD  SOVA malware hides itself within fake
Android applications that show up
 NLEM plays an important role in

ensuring the accessibility of affordable
quality medicines at all levels of
with the logo of a few famous legitimate
apps like Chrome, Amazon, NFT (non-
fungible token linked to

healthcare. This will give a boost to
cost-effective, quality medicines and
cryptocurrency) platform to deceive

contribute to the reduction in Out of

users into installing them.
Once the fake android application is

Pocket Expenditure on healthcare for
the citizens. installed on the phone, it sends the list
of all applications installed on the

This is critical because the recently
released National Health Accounts
Estimates 2018-19 point to a high
device to the C2 (command and control
server) controlled by the threat actor in
order to obtain the list of targeted
burden on households to pay for
healthcare which is a key reason
pushing Indians into poverty. The information can SOVA collect:
 For instance, in Uttar Pradesh, out-of-  SOVA can collect keystrokes, steal
pocket health expenditure accounts for cookies, intercept multi-factor
71.3% of the state's total health authentication (MFA) tokens, take
expenditure. For India, the figure was screenshots and record video from a
48.2%. webcam and can perform gestures like
screen click, swipe using the android
Mains point:The National List of Essential
accessibility service. It also has the
Medicines (NLEM) list.
capability to encrypt all data on an
Android phone and hold it to ransom.
Email :What
12. is the Sova virus? All you
Application be deleted from the phone:
need to know about the new
 SOVA protects itself from different
mobile banking virus.
victim actions For example, if the user
Context:Indian Computer Emergency tries to uninstall the malware from the
Response Team (CERT-IN) has given settings or pressing the icon, SOVA is
advisory on SOVA virus - a novel mobile
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able to intercept these actions and  This process ensures that the virus is
prevent them by returning to the home inactivated or destroyed.
screen and showing a toast (small LSD has become a challenge for India:
popup) displaying "This app is  India is the world's largest milk
secured". producer and it also has the largest
Prelims point :Sova virus number of cattle and buffalo
13. The lumpy skin disease  The disease has reduced the milk
Context:Lumpy Skin Disease has spread in supply which will affect the dairy
India and it has severe implications on the sector in India.
economy of India.  It will also affect the livelihoods of
smaller poultry farmers.
The government doing to control the
The Food and Agriculture

Organisation (FAO) has suggested a

Lumpy Skin Disease LSD:

few measures to control the disease. It
includes vaccination of the cattle with
 Virus: It is caused by lumpy skin
disease virus (LSDV) which belongs to
AD more than 80% coverage, controlling the
movement of animals, etc.

a part of the poxviridae family.

the genus capripoxvirus. This virus is  The government has informed that
Goat Pox Vaccine is very effective
against LSD. It is being used across
Smallpox and monkeypox viruses are

also a part of the same family.
affected States to contain the spread.

The LSDV shares antigenic similarities
with the sheep pox virus (SPPV) and
 The affected States have put bans on the
movement of cattle. They are also

the goat pox virus (GTPV) and it is
similar in the immune response to
isolating infected cattle and buffaloes,
spraying insecticides to kill vectors like

those viruses.
Effect of LSD: LSD affects the lymph 
mosquitoes, etc.
Some affected States are also setting up
nodes of the infected animal causing dedicated control rooms and helpline
the nodes to enlarge and appear like numbers to guide farmers whose cattle
lumps on the skin. The nodules may have been infected.
turn into ulcers which can develop Mains point:Lumpy Skin Disease and
scabs over the skin. challenges associated with it.
 Incubation period: According to the
FAO, the time between infection and 14. Cabinet approves Production
symptoms is about 28 days. Linked Incentive Scheme on
It safe to consume the milk of affected cattle: 'National programme on High
 LSD is a non-zoonotic disease therefore Efficiency Solar PV Modules' for
it is safe to drink milk from the infected achieving manufacturing capacity
cattle. of Giga Watt (GW) scale in High
Email :
Efficiency Solar PV Modules.
 Moreover, a large portion of milk
produced is either pasteurised or Context:Cabinet has approved the
boiled, or dried in order to make milk implementation of the Production Linked
powder. Incentive Scheme on 'National programme
on High Efficiency Solar PV Modules'.


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The National programme on High
Efficiency Solar PV Modules:
 Nodal Ministry: Ministry of New &
Renewable Energy
 Aim: To build an ecosystem for
manufacturing of high efficiency solar
PV modules in India and thus reduce
import dependence in the area of
Renewable Energy.
 Under the scheme, Solar PV
manufacturers will be selected through
a transparent selection process. The
PLI will be disbursed for five years
post commissioning of solar PV
manufacturing plants on sales of high
efficiency solar PV modules from the
domestic market will be incentivised. Y
Expected Benefits of the scheme:

Source: Economic Times
eSIMs were first established a decade
1) It is estimated that about 65,000 MW
per annum manufacturing capacity of
fully and partially integrated, solar PV 
ago in 2012.
It is an embedded SIM. It essentially

modules would be installed,
Generate employment and direct AC has the same hardware of a regular SIM
card chip but now it is permanently

A S embedded in the motherboard of a

watch or smartphone.
Import substitution of approximately
Rs.1.37 lakh crore and
 Just like a traditional SIM card, an eSIM
also consists of some components,
Provide impetus to Research and
Development to achieve higher
which are part of a phone's internal
organs. They also function the same
efficiencies in Solar PV Modules.
Solar PV Modules:
way, acting as a unique identifier for
telecom operators and other
 Solar PV modules are created by consumers to reach your exact
joining together solar cells with smartphone when they make a call or
photovoltaic (PV) cells. They are send a text.
produced using semiconductors like  However, being attached to the
crystalline silicon. Solar modules motherboard also allows re-
transform solar energy into electric programming, letting users switch
energy. operators without having to replace
any physical SIM cards.
15. Tech InDepth: Understanding The advantages of eSIM:
eSIMs, their advantages and  Provides Security: An eSIM provides
disadvantages. security to sim theft, as there is no
Context:Apple Inc, an American physical element to pull out and use
Email :
multinational technology company has in another device.Attackers cannot use
come up without a physical SIM slot or an your phone after being robbed to
eSIM in order to access mobile networks. breach your social media or bank
eSIM: accounts.


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 Saves space in the phone: One less The key provisions of the Bill:
opening on the frame of your phone  Inclusion of OTTs in the definition of
reduces the likelihood of elements like Telecommunications services: The Bill
dust and water entering the phone.It proposes to bring over-the-top (or
also saves some space on the inside of OTT) communications services such as
the phone to be used elsewhere. WhatsApp, Telegram, satellite-based
 Emergencies: If a phone stops communication services and the
working, runs out of battery or simply internet into the definition of
falls and gets a cracked screen, then the telecommunication services.
communication with the person is  So, OTT communication services have
brought to a complete standstill with to take a licence now and be subjected
eSIMs. Traditional SIMs, meanwhile, to the same conditions governing
can be quickly pulled out of the telecom players in India, like the
affected phone and into another backup quality of service and security rules,
device or secondary phone. etc.
 Unusable in countries with no eSIM
support: eSIM phones cannot be used

Assigning of Spectrum: The Bill laid
down a clear statutory framework and
in a country where the telecom
operators simply don't support the
regulations on assigning spectrum. It
says spectrum should primarily be

technology yet.
Telcos have more control: An eSIM
AD 
given through auction.
For specific functions related to the
may save one's initial trip to the

telecom operator's store to get a SIM
government and public interest like
defence, transportation and research,
card, but one has to rely on the
operator while switching one's phone.
the Bill proposes assignment through
the administrative process.
Prelims : eSim
I  Trading of Spectrum: The Bill enables

16. Draft Indian Telecommunication
sharing, trading, leasing, surrender of
spectrum assigned and a process to
return unutilised spectrum.
Context:The Department of Telecommuni-
cations(DoT) has issued the draft Indian
 The government will also have the
power to terminate spectrum
Telecommunication Bill, 2022. allocations partly or in full if it
The purpose of the Draft Indian determines that the assigned spectrum
Telecommunication Bill, 2022: has remained unutilised for insufficient
reasons over a period of time.
 Moreover, the bill says that if a telecom
entity in possession of spectrum goes
through bankruptcy or insolvency, the
assigned spectrum will revert to the
control of the Center.
 Right of Way(ROW): The Bill tries to
 The Bill consolidates three separate achieve through law a 'right of way'
acts that govern the (ROW) enforceable at the state- and at
Email :
telecommunications sector - Indian the municipal-corporation level.
Telegraph Act 1885, Indian Wireless  It lays down a framework in which a
Telegraphy Act 1933, and The public entity that owns the land has to
Telegraph Wires, (Unlawful grant 'right of way' permission
Protection) Act 1950.


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expeditiously unless it gives a DART Spacecraft:
substantive ground for refusal.
 Cyber Security: To prevent cyber
fraud, the Bill provides that the
identity of the person sending a
message through telecom services
shall be available to a user receiving
 Telecommunication Development
Fund(TDF): The Bill proposes to
replace the Universal Service
Obligation Fund(USOF) with the
Telecommunication Development
 USOF is the pool of funds generated
by the 5% Universal Service Levy that
is charged upon all telecom fund Y
operators on their Adjusted Gross
Revenue. E M
 The USOF has largely been used to aid
rural connectivity. However, with theAD
TDF, the objective is also to boost
connectivity in underserved urban
areas, R&D, skill development etc.

17. Explained | The NASA spacecraft-

asteroid collision".

Context:NASA's DART (Double Asteroid
Redirection Test) spacecraft has collided
NASA undertook this mission:
with the asteroid Dimorphous.
 NASA undertook the 'kick' technique.
Compared to the massive Dimorphos,
Asteroids: DART is a tiny Goliath.
 Asteroids are small, rocky objects that  Yet crashing at a breakneck speed of
orbit the Sun. Although asteroids orbit 23,760 kilometres per hour, the
the Sun like planets, they are much momentum is adequate to slash the
smaller than planets. angular momentum of Dimorphos,
 There are lots of asteroids in our solar making it speed up and move closer
system. Most of them are located in the to Didymos.
main asteroid belt - a region between  All of these reduce the orbital period
the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. and the time taken for the moonlet to
go around the primary asteroid. The
Email :
pair's trajectory is thus deflected as the
net result of these dynamics.
 Consider it like this: a fast-moving
moped slamming into a truck is sure
to undergo a massive crash and burn,


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
yet will veer the massive truck a bit.  The roadmap also provides
This is the essence of the 'kick' policymakers with a strategic
technique. framework to establish a rising R&D
The impact assessment: portfolio over the next five years,
 The DART craft carried a high- specific financing proposals across the
resolution DRACO (Didymos entire spectrum of vital Biorefinery
Reconnaissance and Asteroid Camera technologies and rapid action
for Optical navigation) camera to suggestions.
observe the collision and its Mission Integrated Biorefineries:
consequences. The close-up images  Launched under Mission Innovation
until its fatal crash are being analysed. and Co-Led by: India and Netherlands
There other countries launching similar  Develop and demonstrate innovative
missions: solutions to accelerate the
 China is set to deflect a 40 m diameter commercialization of integrated
earth-crossing asteroid called 2020 PN1 biorefineries, with a target of replacing
sometime in 2026.
10% of fossil-based fuels, chemicals and
materials with bio-based alternatives
Prelims and Mains : NASA's DART
programme M
by 2030.
18. India announces the launch of the
AD  The mission is a PPP (Public Private
Participation) mode initiative that
unites countries, international
"Innovation Roadmap of the
Mission Integrated Biorefineries"
developed by co-leads and active AC organisations, the corporate sector,
academic institutions and civil society

inputs from Brazil, Canada, EC and
to accelerate innovation for renewable
fuels, chemicals, and materials for a
the UK.
Context:The Government of India has
low-carbon future.

announced the launch of the "Innovation
Roadmap of the Mission Integrated
 Other Countries Involved in the
Mission: The other countries involved
are Brazil and Canada as core members
Biorefineries" at the Global Clean Energy
Action Forum in Pittsburgh in the United
and the European Commission and the
United Kingdom as supporting
States. members.
 Note: Global Clean Energy Action The other initiatives mentioned:
Forum is an international clean energy
event organised jointly by the 13th  Hydrogen Valley Platform: It is a global
Clean Energy Ministerial and the 7th initiative to optimise the hydrogen
Mission Innovation ministerial. demand and supply by onsite
generation and utilisation. The
The Innovation Roadmap of the Mission platform utilises renewable resources
Integrated Biorefineries: effectively, and water in excess areas
 Mission Integrated Biorefineries was with geographical identity.
Launched by India with active inputs  Note: DST has committed to facilitate
from Brazil, Canada, EC and the UK the delivery of three clean hydrogen
 To fill the void by identifying gaps and valleys in India by 2030.
Email :challenges
in current biorefining value
 National Funding Opportunity on
chains, prioritising Eight key actions Sustainable Aviation Fuels: It aims to
to support the Mission and guiding support and conduct RD&D (Research,
the Mission's overall path in achieving Development & Demonstration) to
its goal.


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foster technological innovations in
advanced biofuels for aviation
 Three Material Acceleration
Platforms(MAP): It has been set up by
the Department of Science and
Technology (DST). These platforms
would leverage emerging capabilities
in next-generation computing, artificial The criteria for food Rating:
intelligence (AI) and machine learning  Contribution of energy
and robotics to accelerate the pace of
 Content of saturated fat, sugar,
materials discovery up to 10 times
sodium, fruit and vegetables (FV), nuts,
legumes, and millets (NLM), dietary
Prelims and mains point: Mission fiber, and protein per 100 gm of solid
Integrated Biorefineries or 100 ml of liquid foods.

Solid food with a score of more than 25
19. Nutrition rating stars set to
appear soon on food pack labels.
will be given 0.5 stars and those with a
score less than minus 11 (-11) will get 5
Context:The Food Safety and Standards

notification on front-of-package labelling A

Authority of India(FSSAI) has issued a draftD stars.
Exempted Products from the star rating:

which proposes "Indian Nutrition

Rating"(INR) on food packets. AC  Food such as milk and milk products,
whey, butter oil, ghee, vegetable oil
and fat, fresh and frozen fruit and

A S vegetables, fresh and frozen meat, egg,

fish, flour and sweeteners will not have
This move is aimed at letting consumers
know the items with high salt, fat and sugar to display the star rating.

and to allow them to make informed choices
while purchasing them.
 Carbonated beverages without any
energy or sugar will also not be eligible

Indian Nutrition Rating(INR):
 The INR system rates the overall
for declaring the rating.

nutritional profile for packaged food 20. Nasa's risk focus adds up and so
by assigning it a rating from ½ % star does the US Fed's.
(least healthy) to 5 stars (healthiest). Context: NASA is estimated to have invested
 More stars indicate the food product above $320 million in Dart (Double Asteroid
is better positioned to provide for the Redirection Test). It is the US space agency's
daily human need of nutrients. project to protect the planet from hitting any
 The rating shall be displayed close in asteroid headed for earth.
proximity to the name or brand name  NASA launched its Dart (Double
of the product on front of pack. Asteroid Redirection Test) spacecraft in
 To generate the star-rating logo for the November 2021 with Didymos in its
product, food businesses have to target sights.
submit nutritional profiles of the  Didymos is a large asteroid which is
Email :products
concerned on FSSAI's FoSCoS 11 million km away. NASA
(Food Safety Compliance System) to hit the asteroid with Dart.
portal. The use of Dart project:
 America's Dart project assures
everyone on the earth to save the world


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from any such situation arising out of  RH-200 is a part of the Rohini-sounding
the asteroid hitting the earth. rocket family used by the ISRO for
 It would coordinate with other space atmospheric studies. It has completed
agencies of the countries to execute the 198 consecutive successful flights so
mission in saving the earth. far.
The problems associated with such space  Features: It is a two-stage rocket
missions: capable of climbing to a height of 70
 Cost: The cost of the mission is huge km bearing scientific payloads. The
when compared to the probability of first and second stages of RH-200 are
an asteroid hitting the Earth. powered by solid motors.
 Alteration in data: Further, drones at  Note: The '200' in the name denotes the
over 25,000 kmph may alter the diameter of the rocket in mm.
orbiter's speed and make it difficult for Sounding Rockets:
NASA to detect and study.  Sounding rockets are usually one or
 Probability: The probability for an two-stage solid propellant rockets.
asteroid to hit the earth is very low. Till Y
They are primarily intended for
now, Nasa knows of no asteroid or
comet that is on course to hit the earth.
probing the upper atmospheric
regions using rocket-borne
 For example, last year Asteroid
Bennu's was estimated to crash into
AD 
They also serve as platforms for testing
prototypes of new components or

to happen. AC
Earth till 2300 CE. Its probability was
1 in 1,750 and it's still highly unlikely subsystems intended for use in launch
vehicles and satellites.

However, Dart can be useful in the bad
History of Sounding Rockets in India:

times when such a situation arises.
Mains point:problems associated with
space weaponization.
21. ISRO eyeing 200th successful
launch of RH-200 sounding rocket
in a row.
Source: ISRO
Context: The Indian Space Research
Organization(ISRO) is planning the 200th  The launch of the first sounding rocket
successful launch of the Rohini RH-200 US made 'Nike Apache' from Thumba
sounding rocket in a row. near Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala in
1963 marked the beginning of the
Indian Space Programme.
 Later days saw the launching of two-
stage rockets imported from Russia (M-
100) and France (Centaure).
 In 1967, ISRO started launching a series
of its own sounding rockets named
Email :
Rohini from the Thumba Equatorial
Rocket Launching Station(TERLS).
 RH-75 was the first truly Indian-
sounding rocket which was followed
by RH-100 and RH-125 rockets.


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 Currently, the RH200, RH300 MkII and  However, the manufacturers,
RH560 Mk-III rockets are operational. including companies like Samsung,
Prelims point : ISRO RH200 Xiaomi and Apple are worried about
the elevated costs and disruptions as
the move requires hardware changes.
22. AVGAS 100 LL, special aviation
fuel meant for piston engine NavIC;
aircrafts and Unmanned Ariel
Vehicles launched .
Context:The Ministry of Petroleum and
Natural Gas has launched indigenously-
developed AVGAS 100 LL.
 AVGAS 100 LL is a special aviation
fuel meant for piston engine aircrafts
and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Currently, India is importing this  Y
NavIC, or Navigation with Indian

product from European countries.
Indian Oil Corporation(IOC) has
Constellation is an independent stand-
alone navigation satellite system
indigenously-produced AVGAS 100

LL at its Vadodara Refinery in Gujarat.
developed by the Indian Space
Research Organization(ISRO).

This fuel is designed for use in turbo-
charged reciprocating piston engine
 NavIC was originally approved in
2006. It was expected to be completed
aircraft mainly used by Flying Training by late 2011 but only became

Organisations(FTOs) and defence operational in 2018.

 I
forces for training pilots.
It is a higher-octane Aviation fuel
 NavIC consists of eight satellites and
covers the whole of India's landmass

meeting the product specifications
with superior performance quality
and up to 1,500 km from its boundaries.
NavIC used currently:
standards as compared to imported
 Currently, NavIC's use is limited. It is
being used in public vehicle tracking
The significance of this development: in India, for providing emergency
 The indigenous availability of AVGAS warning alerts to fishermen venturing
100 LL will help reduce dependence into the deep sea where there is no
on imports and address the associated terrestrial network connectivity, and for
logistical challenges. tracking and providing information
 The country will be able to save related to natural disasters.
precious foreign exchange with the The NavIC work compared to other satellite
inhouse availability of this product. navigation systems like GPS:
Prelims point:.AVGAS 100 LL  The main difference is the serviceable
area covered by these systems. GPS
23. NavIC system: Why is the Centre caters to users across the globe and its
satellites circle the earth twice a day
Email :promoting this home-grown
alternative to GPS. while NavIC is currently for use in
India and adjacent areas.
Context: India is pushing tech giants to make
their smartphones compatible with its  Moreover, like GPS, there are three
NavIC system. more navigation systems that have a
global coverage - Galileo from the


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European Union, Russia-owned laboratories and Indian Industry
GLONASS and China's Beidou. Partners.
 QZSS operated by Japan is another  Purpose: To neutralise low-altitude
regional navigation system covering aerial threats at short ranges.
the Asia-Oceania region with a focus  Features: The missile is propelled by a
on Japan. dual-thrust solid motor. It also
India promoting NavIC: incorporates a number of novel
 India says NavIC is conceived with the technologies, including a miniaturised
aim of removing dependence on Reaction Control System and integrated
foreign satellite systems for navigation avionics.
service requirements, particularly for  Significance: VSHORAD is considered
strategic sectors. extremely vital for the defence of any
 Relying on systems like GPS and major city or any strategically
GLONASS may not always be reliable important location. The present stock
as those are operated by the defence with the Indian Army like the Air
agencies of respective nations, and it
Defence Guns L-70 and the ZU-23 is
over four decades old and hence totally
is possible that civilian services can be
degraded or denied. M
Prelims and Mains point: .NavIC system

24. Successful Flight Tests of Very
Short Range Air Defence
System(VSHORADS) Missile by AC
Context:The Defense Research and
Development Organization(DRDO) has

conducted two successful test flights of the
Very Short Range Air Defense


A Very Short Range Air Defense

 VSHORADS is an indigenously
Email :designed and developed Man
Portable Air Defence System
 Developed by: DRDO's Research
Center Imarat(RCI), Hyderabad in
collaboration with other DRDO


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Environmental Science
1. Effecting the ban on single-use
Context:The Ministry of Environment, Forest
and Climate Change has notified the Plastic
Waste Management Amendment Rules,
2021. Since July 1, 2022, India has banned
the manufacture, import, stocking,
distribution, sale, and use of single-use
plastic (SUP) items with low utility and high
littering potential.
Plastic Waste Management Amendment
 plastic Waste Management
(Amendment) Rules, 2021: The rules M
Source: NITI Aayog UNDP Handbook on
Plastic Waste Management
aim to prohibit the use of specific
single-use plastic items, which have
"low utility and high littering AD  Domestic Targets: It would help the
Government meet its targets in a more
potential" by 2022.
The significance of the new rules: AC effective way e.g., the latest deadline
for eliminating the single-use plastic

Manage High Usage: India has more
than 1.3 billion people whose plastic 
waste is July 2022.
Ease of Trading: These norms seek to
usage has witnessed a considerable create a market for the sale, purchase

rise in the pandemic times. New rules
will help manage the increasing
and sharing of EPR compliance
certificates on the lines of the carbon

demand of plastic and result in
decreasing plastic pollution.
Circular Economy: The rules seem to 
trading mechanism for mitigating
climate change.
Substitute promotion: The enhanced
evolve a circular economy in the penalties and stricter norms would
plastics sector by encouraging induce the manufacturers to shift to
recycling, sharing, leasing, trading and more environmentally friendly
safe disposal of the end-of-life plastic alternatives like jute.
materials.  Landfill Reduction: The country is
witnessing a rise in landfill creation
especially across major cities like
Delhi, Mumbai etc. The Ghazipur
landfill in Delhi is soon expected to
surpass the height of Qutub Minar. The
promising provisions of new rules will
reduce their creation.
Email :
Other countries that banned SUPs:
.  Bangladesh became the first country to
ban thin plastic bags in 2002; New
Zealand banned plastic bags in July
2019. China had issued a ban on plastic


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bags in 2020 with a phased cancers, birth defects, impaired
implementation. immune
The international commitment that led to The measures taken to enforce the ban on
banning SUPs: SUPs:
 India is a party to the United Nations  In an effort to empower citizens to help
Environment Assembly (UNEA). India curb the plastic menace, the Central
has also signed a resolution to draw Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has
up an agreement in the future that will launched a grievance redressal
make it legally binding for signatories application.
to address the full life cycle of plastics,  The Government has been taking
from production to disposal. measures for awareness generation
 India also piloted a resolution on towards the elimination of single-use
single-use plastics pollution at the 4th plastics. The awareness campaign has
United Nations Environment brought together entrepreneurs and
Assembly in 2019, recognising the start-ups, industry, Central, State and
urgent need for the global community
to address this issue. This resolution Y
local Governments, regulatory bodies,
experts, citizen organisations, etc.
was adopted at the UN Environment
Assembly as an important step E M
The challenges in enforcing the ban on

Single-use plastics harmful: AD SUPs:
 Issue of providing alternative
opportunities: Millions of workers are
 Pollution: Plastic bags pollute the
land and water, since they are AC involved in producing SUPs in
thousands of factories. In the past, no

lightweight, plastic materials can
travel long distances by wind and
attempts were made to rehabilitate
them. Similarly, no plan has been put
I in place to support the industry,

Non-renewable: When plastic remains
in the environment for long periods of 
especially the MSME sector.
Unprepared for the ban: Consumers are

time and does not decay, it turns into
microplastics - first entering our food
sources and then the human body.
not ready to sacrifice convenience.
Most market surveys show that SUPs
are widely sold, and alternatives are
 Energy intensive: Production of plastic expensive or unavailable.
material is very energy intensive. They  Seeking extension: All India Plastic
require a lot of water for their Manufacturers Association (AIPMA) is
production. seeking an extension of 6-12 months on
 Threat to aquatic life: Being non- the ban, citing issues like unavailability
recyclable, plastic bags end up in the of alternatives, economic infeasibility
oceans. While they reach, they break and demand-supply gap, which will
up into tiny little pieces and are increase the cost of their product
consumed by wildlife. Thereby packaging.
leading to health issues or even death. Note: An extension of six months was already
Many animals also get entangled or granted to the industry, to transition
trapped in plastic bags. away from single-use plastic items
Email :
 Harmful to human health: Toxic listed for phase-out.
chemicals from plastic bags can To properly enforce the ban on SUPs:
damage the blood and tissues.  The solution to the plastic pollution
Frequent exposures can lead to problem is not the responsibility of the
government alone, but of industries,


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brands, manufacturers and most
importantly consumers,
 Greener alternatives to plastic may be
considered a sustainable option. For
example, compostable and
biodegradable plastic, etc.
Background point:
Single-Use Plastic (SUP) and magnitude of
its usage:
 It refers to plastic items that are used
once and discarded. The Plastic Waste
Management Rules, amended in 2021, Fungi:
define single-use plastic as a plastic  They are neither plants nor animals.
item intended to be used once for the They are a body of species. They vary
same purpose before being disposed in size
of or recycled.  Y
Yeast, moulds, lichens, mushrooms,
 There are different types of plastic:
PET, High-density Polyethylene, Low- 
and conks or wood are types of fungi.
Fungi decompose matter. They also
density Polyethylene, Linear low-
density polyethene (LLDPE), PVC,
Polypropylene and Styrofoam. AD perform a symbiotic role. Plants can
only synthesize nutrients from the soil

AC 
with the help of fungi.
Fungi are impacted by climate change,
use of chemicals, habitat loss, and

A S fragmentation.

I  Some fungi are critically endangered.

SB The uses of fungi:

 Some fungi cause diseases and some

C provide essential goods. For example,

Yeasts give us food preservation and
liquid sterilization technique.
Antibiotics come from moulds and
penicillin and statins from fungus.
Medicines needed for organ
transplants come from fungi.
Types of Plastics and their Applications.
To save fungi:
Source: NITI Aayog-UNDP Handbook
Sustainable Urban Plastic Waste  The IUCN Red List should be applied
Management to fungi as well.
Mains Point: :the ban on SUPs(single-use  They need to be added to flora and
plastics). fauna in environment legislation.
 Fungi are dependent on plants and
animals to grow. In order to preserve
Email : fungi we should preserve those trees
2. Fungi form a kingdom of life - they and animals.
show us how we all need others
 Fungal conservation is integral habitat
to live
Context:The fungi and problems associated
Mains point:fungi and its uses
with it.


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3. Microbes enable all life - and they Context:The Government of India is
adapt constantly considering pushing toward coarse cereals
Context:Microbes and issues related to as climate change is affecting wheat and
them. paddy cultivation.
Microbes Coarse Cereals:

 Coarse cereals are a broad sub-group

of several short-duration warm
weather (Kharif) crops such as Jowar
 They have the ability to respond to the
(Sorghum), Bajra (Pearl Millet), Maize,
Ragi (Finger Millet) etc.
environment by constantly adapting to
the environment. 
They are used in food, fodder, fuel;
value added products and also fast
 Microbes have groups of molecules or
proteins that behave like sensors when
they see sugar and light. A 
food products.
In India, coarse cereals are mainly

they move in that direction. AC
They pass this information to cells and grown in poor agro-climatic regions,
particularly rainfed areas of the

This process of movement is called

These crops are grown in areas with
 I
They have a photoreceptor that senses high temperatures and are called

different molecules and light
wavelengths including infrared.
dryland crops because they can be
grown in areas with 50-100 cm rainfall.

The problems with microbes:
Fertilisers entering into lakes allow
 These crops are also less sensitive to
soil deficiencies and can be grown in
an inferior alluvial or loamy soil.
microbes to grow into algal blooms.
Coarse Cereals Production in India
 Algal blooms expand very fast and
suck up nutrients and release viruses  Coarse cereals have been sown in 17.63
and toxins which can poison animals. million hectares in 2022 as against 16.93
million hectares in 2021.
 About 50 million tonnes of coarse
 It is a type of microbe.
cereals are produced in the country at
 They are blue-green in colour because present. Maize and millets are grown
they have pigments which let them the most.
absorb lights for photosynthesis.
 The major coarse cereals growing states
 They have existed for about two in India are Rajasthan, Maharashtra,
billion years and over the time they Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya
Email :became mineralized. Pradesh and Gujarat.
Mains point:Biodiversity The Government shifting focus toward
coarse cereals:
4. Government pushes to coarse  Climate change has affected the
cereals as climate change affects production of wheat and paddy in the
wheat, paddy cultivation.
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country, indicating a need to shift focus Dark Sky Reserve:
to coarse cereals.  A Dark Sky Reserve is a designation
 Coarse cereals have characteristics like given to a place that has policies in
drought tolerance, photo-insensitivity place to ensure that a tract of land or
and resilience to climate change etc. region has minimal artificial light
 The cost of cultivation of coarse cereals interference.
is less compared to summer paddy  The International Dark Sky Association
cultivation and also it requires a lesser is a U.S.-based non-profit that
quantity of water for irrigation. designates places as International Dark
Mains point:coarse cereals as climate Sky Places, Parks, Sanctuaries and
change is affecting wheat and paddy Reserves depending on the criteria they
cultivation. meet. Several such reserves exist
around the world but none so far in
5. India's first-ever "Night Sky
Sanctuary" to be set up in Ladakh; The Hanle chosen for setting up Dark Sky
the proposed Dark Sky Reserve Reserve:
will be completed at Hanle in
Ladakh within 3 months

Hanle is best suited for the project as it
is located in Ladakh's cold desert
Context: The Department of Science &
Technology (DST) has announced the setting
AD region with clear sky and dry weather
conditions throughout the year and
away from human disturbance.
Ladakh in the next three months.
India's First ever Dark Sky Reserve: AC
up of India's first Dark Sky Reserve in Hanle,
Mains point: Dark Sky Reserve.

A S 6. Difficult to implement, what is the

I idea of climate reparation.

Context:Pakistan has been facing the worst

SB flooding disaster in its history. Due to this,

Pakistan has been demanding Climate

C Reparations or compensation from the rich

countries that are mainly responsible for
causing climate change.
Climate reparations:

 Located at: Hanle in Ladakh as a part

of Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary.
 To be Developed by: Ladakh
administration will work with Ladakh
Autonomous Hill Development
Council(LAHDC) and the Indian
Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) for
developing this reserve.  Climate reparations are about
rectifying climate injustice. It is a
 Significance: The reserve will boost
Email :Astro framework where those most
tourism in India and will be one
responsible for climate change must
of the world's highest-located sites for
provide support to those who have
optical, infrared, and gamma-ray
been wronged.
 This demand for climate reparations is
an extension of the universally


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acknowledged "Polluter Pays"  It makes it very clear that rich countries
principle. This principle makes the must provide both finance and
polluter liable for paying not just for technology to developing nations to
the cost of remedial action, but also for help them tackle climate change.
compensating the victims of  It is this mandate that later evolved into
environmental damage caused by their the $100 billion amount that the rich
actions. countries agreed to provide every year
Historically responsible for Climate to the developing world.
Change:  While this promise is yet to be met, this
 In the climate change framework, the $100 billion per year amount is not
burden of responsibility falls on those meant for loss and damage.
rich countries that have contributed  Warsaw International Mechanism
most of the greenhouse gas emissions (WIM): The WIM for Loss and
since 1850, generally considered to be Damages, was set up in 2013. It was the
the beginning of the industrial age. first formal acknowledgement of the
 The United States and the European
Union including the UK, account for Y
need to compensate developing
countries struck by climate disasters.
over 50% of all emissions during this

However, the progress on this front has

too are included, the combined AD
If Russia, Canada, Japan, and Australia
been painfully slow. No funding
mechanism, or even a promise to
provide funds, has come about.

two-thirds of all emissions.

contribution goes past 65% or almost Developed countries provided funds for
Climate reparations:

Historical responsibility is important
because carbon dioxide remains in the
 Developed countries are struggling to
even put together the $100 billion per
atmosphere for hundreds of years, and year flow that they had reluctantly

it is the cumulative accumulation of
carbon dioxide that causes global

agreed to provide.
Further, loss and damage claims can

The developing countries like India and
easily spiral into billions of dollars or
even more. According to a UN report,
annual funding requests related to
 A country like India, currently the third climate-linked disasters averaged $15.5
largest emitter, accounts for only 3% billion in the three-year period
of historical emissions. between 2019 and 2021.
 China, which is the world's biggest  The report also said that the United
emitter for over 15 years now, has States alone is estimated to have
contributed about 11% to total inflicted more than $1.9 trillion in
emissions since 1850. damages to other countries due to its
The institutional mechanisms for climate emissions.
finance: Mains point:Climate reparations
 UN Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) (1994): It 7. Delhi: How national clean air plan
Email :lays down the broad principles of the has failed to make a dent"
global effort to fight climate change. It Context:An analysis by the Center for Science
explicitly acknowledges this and Environment(CSE) has found that there
differentiated responsibility of is barely any difference in trends in
nations. particulate matter pollution (PM2.5) between
the group of cities under the National Clean
CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
Air Programme(NCAP) and those outside The analysis of CSE on the NCAP
its ambit. programme:
The National Clean Air Programme

 Launched in: 2019 by the Ministry of
Environment, Forests and Climate
Source: TOI

Aim: To bring a 20%-30% reduction in
AD  Performance of NCAP cities on PM2.5
levels (2019-21): Only 43 NCAP cities

levels as a base year. AC

pollution levels from PM2.5 and PM10
particles by 2024, using 2017 pollution
have adequate PM 2.5 data for the
period 2019-2021.Out of this, only 14
of 43 (NCAP) cities registered a 10% or

Cities covered: The program covers

more reduction in their PM2.5 levels.
On the other hand, out of 46 non-NCAP
132 of India's most polluted or so-
called non-attainment cities. This is cities with adequate data, 21 recorded

defined as a city whose air quality did
not meet the national ambient air
significant improvement in their
annual PM2.5 value with 5% or more

quality standards from 2011 to 2015.
Funding: Under the programme, cities 
decline between 2019 and 2021.
Only about half of NCAP cities have
real-time monitoring: In 2019, only 51
are required to quantify improvement
starting 2020-21, which requires a 15% out 132 NCAP cities had real-time
and more reduction in the annual monitoring stations. The number grew
average PM10 concentration and a to 63 in 2021; six more NCAP cities have
concurrent increase in "good air" days installed real-time monitors in 2022 so
to at least 200. Anything fewer will be far.
considered 'low' and the funding Mains point:The National Clean Air
consequently reduced. Programme(NCAP)
 Note: For disbursing funds, the Central
Pollution Control Board(CPCB) only 8. Battling Global Crises Locally"
considers levels of PM10, the relatively Context:The difficulty in collective response
larger, coarser particles. However, at international level, as seen in the case of
Email :PM2.5, the smaller, more dangerous Covid and climate change. Thus,
particles, aren't monitored as robustly level policy responses are required to
in all cities mostly due to the lack of compensate for it.
The challenges associated with collective
response at international level:


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 Benefits of global public goods like countries. Therefore, it was beneficial
climate change are enjoyed by other for countries that discovered vaccines
countries also due to its spillover against coronavirus to share it with
effects in terms of reduced global other countries. Yet, there was limited
warming. response to it.
 But the burden falls exclusively on The suggestions for countries:
countries reducing emission levels,  When it comes to global public goods,
they are not even incentivized to countries must take supplementary
reduce emissions. Thus, countries pass actions at the national level to
on this responsibility to each other. compensate for suboptimal actions at
 The only way to solve the problem is the international level.
through international cooperation.  According to a recent book by public
UNFCCC is an example of joint servants.
understanding at international level.  India must expand its production of
The result has been significant yet solar and wind energy. It will not just
insufficient progress toward reducing
the danger of global warming. Y
meet its NDC obligations but also to

The current challenges faced by the existing

global framework to fight climate change E M
satisfy the extra demand for Air
conditioning that would arise from

 According to its latest IPCC AD emission-induced increases in
temperatures. States will have to play
a critical role in promoting climate
assessment, beyond 2020, the world
can add only another 500 billion metric
resilient livestock production, climate-
smart agriculture and water

tons of carbon to the existing stock. It
will cap the increase in temperature at 
Response to pandemic will have to
1. 5°C above its pre-industrial level. become an integral part of future

But China, US, EU, UK, India, Russia
and Japan alone would end up adding
594 billion metric tons of carbon to the
disaster risk management strategy of
India. It will have to include
developing systems to minimise the
atmosphere before bringing their net
emission to zero under their nationally
spillover effects of epidemics from
outside of national borders.
determined commitments. Mains point:Environmental Pollution and
 The US and EU-28 account for more Degradation.
than 45% of the existing carbon stock
in the atmosphere. They have less than 9. The governance model to take on
15% share in the world population and climate change.
have the highest living standards in the
Context:The collaborative governance model
needed to manage the ongoing transition in
 Therefore, the remaining carbon space the world economy.
of 500 billion metric tons can be
allocated to poorer nations. There scepticism about the government's
ability to lead the transition:
The collective global response against
Covid pandemic:  Polarisation and authoritarian
Email : populism have undermined the
 Given its global public goods nature, capacity of societies to mount collective
no single country could eradicate the action at local and international levels.
infection fully on its own because there
was threat of its reappearance as long  Government has neither sufficient
as the virus remained active in other information nor the capabilities
necessary to achieve positive structural
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change in the economy. If given too public collaborations. They bring
much power, they will direct resources together training programs,
toward the wrong places. They will businesses, non-profit groups and
promote special interests. public officials.
The policy challenges on climate: The proper strategy:
 Governance is difficult here. The  We should start out with ambitious,
regulations must not only be effective somewhat ill-defined goals. Program
at the national level, they also must be leaders must acknowledge deep
negotiated globally among states with uncertainty and hence the likelihood of
different interests and circumstances. mistakes.
The Montreal protocol successful in  We must use a carrot and stick
comparison with UNFCCC: approach. There must be incentives for
 Both have similar challenges because the parties with the most detailed and
both involve significant scientific and accurate information. There must also
technological uncertainty. There are be a threat of regulation.
also major differences among the 
There is a need for frequent
positions of advanced and developing
economies. This is the reason why
reassessments and revisions, setting
milestones and monitoring progress.
UNFCCC took Montreal protocol as its
Case of Montreal protocol- Montreal AD When solutions do emerge, they can be
generalised in the form of standards or

which ODS emitting firms joined AC

Protocol created sectoral committees in  This kind of policy making differs from
current approaches. The 'state versus

national regulators and scientists in
seeking technological alternatives.
market' dichotomy is simply
irrelevant. States and markets are
 I
These groups multiplied as complementary. The standard top-

knowledge was accumulated,
capabilities were acquired and trust
down, principal-agent model of
regulation is not useful.

 C
was built among parties.
This approach worked because the
problem solving was devolved to local
Mains point:the governance model to take
on climate change.

actors called firms with the requisite 10. Cheetahs will do well as India has
technological know-how. a history of their Presence.
 Case of UNFCCC- Under the climate
regime, firms have been kept at arm's Context:The government action plan for
length from regulators. This has African Cheetah reintroduction to Kuno
created conflicts of interest and National Park.
hampered innovation.
The other successful examples:
 Eight African Cheetahs will be
 There are examples like the US reintroduced to Kuno national park.
Advanced Research Projects Agency-
Energy (ARPA-E) Ireland's  The last Cheetah was recorded in 1947.
agricultural-pollution regime. After independence, it became extinct.
Email :
 In each case, ground level
experimentation is coupled with The plan for the Cheetah reintroduction to
higher level goal setting. Kuno:
 At the local level, the most successful
initiatives took the form of private-
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and leopards. Cheetahs thrive in
grasslands while tigers and leopards
survive in dry deciduous forests.
The factors favouring its reintroduction:
 It can survive in Indian habitats. Kuno
is the same place where cheetahs once
existed. The area has grasslands and
forest habitats appropriate for this
 African and Indian cheetahs have little
genetic difference.
The reintroduction of the species:
 Bringing back cheetahs will restore the
historic evolutionary balance. Dryland
ecosystems of India will have a chance
to return to their natural state as it is
 The cheetahs will be first released in
large fenced areas for adapting to the 
the flagship species of grasslands.
It will also uplift the livelihood of the
new environment. They will be fitted
with satellite collars to track their
AD indigenous forest communities. It will
increase tourism as India is the only


After a short stay, they will be released
into a large enclosure to make them 
country where all the six big cat species
are found.
In saving the cheetah, grassland-
familiar with the new environment.
dependent species like caracal, which

Here they will remain for around a
month before being released into the 
are on the brink, will also be saved.
Project Cheetah will boost the


Their movements will be monitored by
ecosystem and biodiversity where it
will live.

The issues related to reintroduction:
The needs to be done:
 Other cats that are extinct like caracals
 The animals being brought are also need attention.
southeast African Cheetah. It is a  We need to focus upon other Indian
different subspecies from Asiatic animals like great Indian bustards and
Cheetah. vultures.
 Instead of being allowed to run wild,  Cheetah conservation can be used for
they will be held up in tightly consolidation of grassland and
controlled Kuno national park. shrubland that are languishing.
 Earlier plans to relocate Asiatic lions Mains point:About species reintroduction.
from Gujarat to Kuno national park
were not successful.
11. Climate change as business: Crisis,
 Other cats will have to be removed opportunity and everything in
first. Recently, leopards entered between.
Email :
enclosures meant for Cheetah into
Context:There is a need to take steps towards
Kuno national park.
climate change and adopt net zero emission
 It will have to survive alongside tigers targets as soon as possible.
and leopards. The habitat of cheetahs
 This net zero target will not only have
is totally different from that of tigers
a positive impact on the climate but it
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will also change the economic  This will lead to a change in the
activities of the nation. traditional methods of communicating
The net zero goal change the economy: or living.
 It will help in transformational  For example, daily travel will be
economic change through massive changed with virtual meetings and
investment. offline education with online
 This change will be seen in almost education, etc. These will have impacts
every major industry and it will also on long-term lifestyle changes.
give a boost to businesses like solar Mains point:Climate Change.
panels and batteries amongst others.
 For example, new hydrogen pipeline 12. Reducing air pollution: Stubble
grids may supplement existing ones burning needs economic solutions.
for gas and oil, and charging stations Context:As the paddy-harvesting season is
could be found everywhere. near, none of the northern rice-growing states
 Therefore, net zero target has led to the seems to have a workable strategy in place
opportunity for new businesses. Y
to prevent farmers from burning crop
The climate change has led to different
business opportunities:
residues. This might aggravate air pollution
in the National Capital Region in October-
 Reliance has asked the Gujarat
government for 1,800 sq km of land in
AD November.
The stubble burning:

Kutch for its green energy project.

Public sector companies like Indian Oil
 Stubble burning refers to the practice
of farmers setting fire to plant debris
that remain in farms after harvest.
and NTPC, Larsen & Toubro and

ReNew Power, among others, are also  Stubble burning is practised

opportunities. I
in the race to catch the new predominantly by farmers in north

Ola has already taken advantage of e-
 It is to be noted that, before the 1980s,
farmers used to till the remaining
 C
Investment by big companies now
focuses on electric cars and scooters,
debris back into the soil after
harvesting the crops manually.
electric traction for the railways, and The farmers resort to stubble burning:
scaling up of solar and wind energy Advent of the Green Revolution: It resulted
farms. in increased production of rice and wheat
 Even though climate change brings which simultaneously increased stubble
new opportunities for businesses, post-harvest.
there are many businesses that will  Mechanised harvesting: Machines
suffer. used in combined harvesting
 Businesses like travel and hospitality, technique is not efficient as they leave
office-wear market, cinema halls and behind one-foot-tall stalks.
commercial real estate are some of the  Economic reason: Due to the limited
businesses that will suffer because of time period of 20-25 days between
the change in human activities. harvesting one crop and sowing
Email :
The climate change will impact human another, Stubble burning offered a low-
activities: cost and speedy solution to farmers.
 Digitization, virtual communication The negative impacts of Stubble burning:
and data revolution will help in  Source for toxic gases: It releases
decarbonizing human activities. harmful gases including nitrogen oxide


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and carbon monoxide into the ordinance. It will replace the Justice
atmosphere. Madan B. Lokur Commission.
 Air pollution: It creates vast smoke The way forward:
blankets across the Indo-Gangetic  Setting up Custom Hiring Centres: it
Plains. As per TERI (The Energy and will facilitate farmers removing stubble
Resources Institute) report, in 2019 the by providing them with machinery
air pollution in New Delhi and other such as the happy seeder, rotavator,
parts of north India was 20 times higher paddy straw chopper, etc.
than the safe threshold level as  Innovative solutions: For example, the
prescribed by the World Health Union government is testing an
Organization. innovative method, the PUSA
 Impact on crop production: It degrades Decomposer. It helps the paddy straw
soil fertility, destroys organic to decompose at a much faster rate
fertilizers and reduces ground water than usual.
levels.  Technological innovations can offer a
 Impact on Health: Stubble burning
during a pandemic could worsen the Y
better solution for problems like

situation by making lungs weaker and

people more susceptible to disease. E M
stubble burning. The application of
happy seeders and super SMS

The Steps taken to control stubble burning:

Laws & Regulations AD machines along with innovative
solutions like PUSA Decomposer will
not only reduce air pollution bur also
 In 2013, the Punjab government-
imposed a ban on stubble burning.AC increase soil fertility and agricultural

Later, in 2015, the National Green Mains point: Stubble burning needs
economic solutions
Tribunal imposed a ban on stubble
burning in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh,

Haryana and Punjab.
Stubble burning is an offence under
13. The 'triple dip' La Niña, and its
likely impact in India.

Section 188 of the Indian Penal Code
and the Air (Prevention and Control of
Context:The World Meteorological
Organization(WMO) is predicting that the
Pollution) Act of 1981. current La Niña phase will likely continue
Technological intervention for the next six months, making it a Triple
 To control stubble burning, the NGT dip La Nina.
directed the government to assist El Nino and La Nina:
farmers by obtaining equipment like  El Nino and La Nina, which mean 'the
happy seeders and rotavators. boy' and 'the girl' in Spanish, are
Setting up of independent Commissions mutually opposite phenomena.
 Recently, in Aditya Dubey v. Union of  La Niña refers to the phase in which
India, the Supreme Court appointed a sea-surface temperatures are cooler
one-man committee under Justice than normal. The warmer phase is
Madan B. Lokur to monitor and known as El Niño.
provide steps to prevent stubble  Together they constitute what is known
Email :burning
activities in Punjab, Haryana
as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation
and U.P. Haryana. system, or ENSO for short.
 Presently, a permanent commission  Normally, El Nino and La Nina occur
for air quality management was set up every four to five years. El Nino
by the Union government through an episodes occur more frequently and are
usually associated with more impactful
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weather events. La Niña, on the other  For instance, the La Niña phenomenon
hand, has a longer run. started building up in September 2020
and will continue for another six
months. There is a 70% chance of this
phenomenon to continue from
September to November 2022 and a
55% chance of it continuing through
December 2022 - February 2023.
Its impact:
 The continuance of La Niña further into
2023 is not bad news from the Indian
standpoint. But it is not the same for
many other regions where La Niña has
very different impacts.
 In most parts of the United States, for

example, La Niña is associated with
very dry winters. In Australia and

Indonesia, and generally in the tropical
region, La Niña is expected to bring

AD 
more rainfall.
The excessive rainfall in Pakistan,

AC which is experiencing its worst

flooding disaster, can also be blamed

A S in part on La Niña.
Mains point: Triple Dip La Nina:
La Nina and El Nino impact the Indian
14. The failure of safety norms.
Context:The reason behind the incident of

El Niño years in India have witnessed
fire at a hotel in Telangana and the steps that
need to take place to prevent such accidents.
The reasons behind the fire accident:
extreme heat and below-normal
rainfall levels during monsoon, even  There was absence of set-back spaces
though El Niño might not be the only and escape routes.
factor or even have direct links to them.  Fire Fighting equipment was defunct.
In 2014, an El Niño year, India received  Spiral staircase around the elevator
12% deficient rainfall from June to shaft.
September.  The basement was utilised illegally for
 On the other hand, La Nina years are commercial purposes.
known to favour the Indian summer  Absence of smoke management and
monsoon. This year, India has received emergency lighting.
740.3 mm of rainfall, quantitatively 7%
The issues with fire safety norms of the state
higher than the seasonal average till
Email :August government:
 The Building Registration Scheme of
Triple Dip La Nina:
the state government allowed builders
 'Triple Dip' La Niña is a period where to circumvent the norms.
the La Niña period extends for up to
 Applicability of fire safety norms is
three consecutive winters.
another issue. Only buildings above a
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certain height are required to seek  Cultural significance-Millets have a
safety clearance. rich cultural history in India. They have
The needs to be done: been a traditional source of nutrition
 Amendment to fire safety norms to for southern and northeastern India. In
include all commercial buildings rainfed farming areas, millet
irrespective of their height within the cultivation provides livelihood to 50%
ambit of fire safety norms. of tribal and rural population.
 There should be proper enforcement The market scenario for millets:
of fire safety norms.  It is overall positive.
 MSP for millets has been continuously
15. The seed of idea: How millets can increasing.
help mitigate climate impacts on  India declared 2018 as the "National
food. year of millets".
Context:The need for increasing millet  2023 was declared as the "International
production in the context of climate change. year of millets" by the UN.
It also discusses the methods to improve the The way forward: Y
yield of millet.
The impacts of climate change:

We have to enhance millet cultivation.
There is a need to increase crop area
 Climate change is impacting
agriculture production, food stability 
under millet cultivation.
We need to research programmes to

and nutritional security.

Increasing temperature, erratic rainfall
develop seeds for millets that are high-
yielding, stress-resistant, have higher
biomass and nutritional value.
and prolonged drought are having

severe effects on plant growth. It is  These varieties need to be popularised

causing shorter grain filing periods,
reduced yield and biomass of grains.
through frontline demonstration and
extension activities.

However, Indian agriculture needs to
safeguard the nutritional requirements
 Millets should be included in PDS
(Public Distribution System).
of over a billion people. Thus,
growing millets can be a way forward.
 There is a need to promote agribusiness
startup incubation centres and increase
The benefits of promoting millets: popular awareness of benefits of
 Nutritional benefits- They are a rich millets among consumers.
source of macronutrients and  We need to have a national regulatory
micronutrients like calcium, protein policy and institutional framework to
and iron. bolster the entire value chain for
 They have a low glycemic index that millets.
prevents type 2 diabetes. Mains point:Adaptation to climate change.
 They can help to prevent
cardiovascular diseases, lower blood 16. Burning fuel to carry fuel: Govt's
pressure. ethanol programme to face
 Climate resilient- They have higher transport challenges.
Email :photosynthetic efficiency. Their Context:The need to have a
potential yield is unaffected by higher arrangement for transporting ethanol. It also
carbon dioxide levels. proposes solutions for transporting it.
 Water efficient- They require less  India's ethanol production for blending
water. It is about one-third of rice, with petrol has soared to an estimated
wheat and sugarcane.


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450 crore litres in the current 2021-22 The Monsoon withdrawal:
supply year.  The monsoon is a sea breeze that has
 The government has set the target of consistently landed in the Indian sub-
20 per cent blending by 2025-26 that is continent for thousands of years.
projected at 1,016 crore litres by NITI  It enters mainland India between the
Aayog. It is creating new logistical last week of May and the first week of
challenges. June - through June 1 is its official onset
The logistical challenges: date over Kerala.
 Currently, the entire quantity of  The IMD only counts the rainfall
ethanol is being transported by road between June 1 and September 30 as
on truck-tankers. Carrying the monsoon rainfall. This doesn't mean
projected 1,016 crore litres would that the monsoon system ceases to pour
require about 3.5 lakh tankers. rain over India from October 1.
 This will prove very costly. It will also  In fact, monsoon-related rain can
result in greenhouse gas emissions of continue well into the first fortnight of
around 76 million tonnes.
October and only really retreats from
The needs to be done:
 The government can consider 
India by late October.
It is then replaced by the retreating, or
alternative options for ethanol
movement, including through
AD northeast monsoon in November
which is the key source of rainfall for
several parts of Tamil Nadu, Andhra

and ferries in coastal areas.
dedicated pipelines, rail tank wagons

They can also look at the RORO (roll-

Pradesh and north interior Karnataka.
The monsoon withdraw:

on/roll-off) model of moving ethanol  The monsoon begins its withdrawal

 I
truck-tankers themselves by rail.
In Brazil, the entire movement of oil
from the last State it reaches, which is

and ethanol is through pipelines,
railway and coastal ships.
 Around September 15, cyclonic
systems from the Arabian Sea and the

There is no need for dedicated
pipelines for ethanol. We can use
Bay of Bengal that fuels the monsoon
from June-September are replaced by
multi-product pipelines. an 'anticyclone' circulation which
 There is a need for precautions because means dry, windless conditions start to
ethanol is a solvent that dissolves the prevail over western and northern
gums formed in gasoline and India.
accumulated in tanks. We need to have  Monsoon rainfall in India has been
filters in fuel hose pipes to resolve this surplus by around 7% this year though
issue. with extreme inequity.
Mains point:Ethanol blending programme.  Central and southern India saw a sharp
surge in rainfall. Rains in Central India
were surplus by 20% and in southern
17. Explained | Shifting monsoon India by 25%, with the last month seeing
patterns. several instances of flooding in Kerala,
Context:The India Meteorological
Email : Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh.
Department (IMD) has said that the  On the other hand, large parts of the
monsoon has begun to retreat from U.P, Bihar, and Odisha have seen large
Rajasthan. deficits. The east and northeast of India
have reported a 17% shortfall and the
northwest 2%.


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The excessive rains in Southern and Central  IUCN Status: Least Concern
 These heavy rains are due to La Nina,
the converse phenomenon of El Nino
and characterised by cooler than
normal sea surface temperatures in the
central Pacific.
 While El Ninas are linked to reduced
rains over India, La Ninas indicate
surplus rainfall.
 India is seeing an extended spell of the
La Nina, called a 'triple dip' La Nina Nanjarayan Tank Bird Sanctuary:
which is a phenomenon lasting across  Nanjarayan Tank, a biodiversity
three winter seasons in the Northern hotspot has recently been announced
Hemisphere. This is only the third time as the 17th bird sanctuary of Tamil
since 1950 that a triple-dip La Nina has
been observed.
Nanjarayan Tank, also known as Sarkar

Periyapalayam Reservoir, is located on
the outskirts of Tirupur city near
18. Broad-billed sandpiper spotted for
the first time at Nanjarayan tank
bird sanctuary. AD Koolipalayam about 60 kilometres
from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
Context:Broad-billed sandpiper (Calidris
falcinellus) has been spotted for the first time
 The tank was built by the then-local
King Nanjarayan as a source for

at Nanjarayan tank bird sanctuary in Tamil irrigation and is a haven for migratory
a Broad-billed sandpiper: I
SB 19. Thamirabarani: Govt, ATREE
adopt 'hyper local' approach to

C restore one of south Asia's oldest

Context:The district administration of
Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu along with
Bengaluru-based non-profit Ashoka Trust for
Research in Ecology and the Environment
(ATREE) are using a 'hyper local' approach
to restore the Thamirabarani River.
The Thamirabarani River:
 Broad-billed sandpiper is a migratory
bird species found in Northern
Europe, particularly in the Nordic
Countries such as Norway, Sweden,
Finland, and in Siberia.
Email :The
 bird spends its non-breeding
season foraging on insects and
crustaceans in the shallow waters and
mud flats, mostly in the coastal belt of
the eastern part of Africa, South Asia  Thamirabarani is the only perennial
and Southeast Asia. river in Tamil Nadu.


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 It originates in the Pothigai Hills of the 20. How climate change is
Western Ghats in Tirunelveli district. threatening Himalayan
 The river flows through Tirunelveli hydropower projects.
and then neighbouring Thoothukudi
and ends in the Gulf of Mannar at Context:According to a study, more than 650
Punakayil. It thus originates and ends hydropower projects planned or under
in the same state. construction in the Himalayan region are at
 Significance: The river supports risk from hazards related to melting glaciers.
wildlife such as the Nilgiri marten,
slender loris, lion-tailed macaque, The study on Hydropower projects in the
white spotted bush frog, galaxy frog, Himalayas:
Sri Lankan Atlas moth and the great
hornbill.  Hydropower as a low-carbon source of
energy is projected to play an
 Besides the ecosystem services it important role in meeting the rising
provides, the river also has historical energy demands in South Asia.
value for the people of the state. It is
mentioned extensively in Sangam Era  Y
For instance, hydropower potential in
the Himalayas are mostly untapped
with 650-odd projects representing
 Threats: The river is stressed because
of industrial effluent release, sewage
and water hyacinth. Initial study AD 
around 260 gigawatts of power.
However, these hydropower projects

due to industrial discharge and the

suggests that the river gets polluted are facing hazardous threats due to
climate change. These hazards include
landslides, rock-ice avalanches, debris

dumping of solid waste, especially in
the form of clothes and flowers by flow and lake outburst floods, all of
I which could increase with glacier melt
and slope destabilization.

The TamiraSES project:
District administration of Tirunelveli
 For example, the avalanche-triggered
flood in Chamoli, Uttarakhand in

in Tamil Nadu along with Bengaluru-
based non-profit ATREE Launched
the project
February last year destroyed two
hydropower projects.
 Global warming is also expected to
 To restore the Social Ecological lead to more glacier melt and extreme
Systems of the Tamiraparani precipitation events in the region.
riverscape from head-waters to the Increased development in the
estuary to enable conditions for native mountains could also aggravate risks.
biodiversity to thrive and maintain
and enhance multiple ecosystem  The biggest threat may be lake outburst
services to local stakeholders. floods including landslide-driven lake
outbursts and glacial lake outburst
 Five social ecological observatories floods (GLOFS).
will be set up as part of the first phase
of the project. These will serve as Note: GLOFS refer to the sudden release of
pilots to scale up from the learnings water from a lake formed by glacial
from these sites. melt.
Email :
 The idea is to rejuvenate not just the
Thamirabarani but all the water bodies
in the riverscape of Tirunelveli.


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Glacial burst:
21. Dvorak: How this cyclone intensity
estimation technique has helped
save millions of lives
Context: The American meteorologist
Vernon Dvorak passed away at the age of
100. In the era of advanced satellite
technology, Machine Learning (ML),
Artificial Intelligence (AI), this key technique,
named after him, continues to be widely
relied upon by forecasters till date.
Vernon Dvorak
 Dvorak was an American
 Retreating glaciers usually result in
meteorologist best credited for
the formation of lakes at their tips.
developing the Dvorak (read as Do-
These lakes are called proglacial lakes.
These proglacial lakes are often bound Y
rak) technique in the early 1970s. The
by sediments, boulders, and moraines.
technique has been upgraded multiple
times since then, and after a recent

 If the boundaries of these lakes are

breached, then flooding will take place
D software update in May this year, it has
been named the Advanced Dvorak
Technique (ADT), coined by the

downstream of that glacial lake. This
is called a Glacial Lake Outburst Flood
National Hurricane Centre of the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric

or GLOF.

The occurrence of GLOF will release a 
Administration (NOAA).
The updated technique, the American
significant amount of water retained in
a glacial lake. A large amount of water
meteorologists had said, would

rush down to nearby streams and
rivers (like the recent glacial burst that
improve the tropical storm forecasts by
many folds as they would have access
to sharper and detailed images than
flooded the Rishiganga river). This
further gathers momentum by picking 
ever before.
Advanced Dvorak Technique(ADT) is
up sediments, rocks, and other a widely used system to estimate
materials on the way. tropical cyclone intensity. This
 In conclusion, GLOF will result in technique utilises the available satellite
large-scale flooding downstream. images obtained from polar-orbiting
These GLOFs have three major satellites to examine the features of the
characteristics. They are, developing tropical storms (hurricanes,
1. There will be a sudden release of water cyclones and typhoons).
and sometimes this might be cyclic in  During the daytime, images in the
nature. visible spectrum were used while at
2. GLOFs are generally rapid events. night, the ocean would be observed
They can range from a few hours to using infrared images.This technique
days. cannot help make any predictions, or
Email : measure wind or pressure
any other
3. GLOFs result in large downstream
meteorological parameters associated
discharges in the river. (This often
with the cyclone. But it is a guide to
depends on the amount of glacial lake
estimate the storm's intensity and
size, level of the breach in the
possible intensification.
boundary of the glacial lake, etc).


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Importance: The Dvorak technique, said to manufacturers (UMs) of plastic are in
be one of the greatest meteorological charge of gathering and processing
innovations, has undergone several garbage.
advancements since its inception. Even in  They must establish collecting systems
the present day, when forecasters have access and collaborate with local and state
to several state-of-the-art tools like model governments as well as the pollution
guidance, animations, artificial intelligence, control boards. It will make sure the
machine learning and satellite technology, garbage gets to the producers and
it is the advanced versions of the 50-year- recyclers.
old technique that continues to be widely  However, the connected economy has
used. It has saved the lives of millions of prevented this system from
people across the world and will continue succeeding. For instance, Rs 8 out of
to do so. every 100 was spent on packing the
Prelims point:Advanced Dvorak Technique product, whereas the materials for
packaging only cost about Rs 1.
22. What is the solution to India's
garbage disposal problem?

Even with the most cutting-edge
recycling equipment, the final
Context: There is a garbage problem
producer would only consider the trash
in our hands to be worth less than 50
everywhere around the country. Companies
make the product but they are unable to take
this garbage back to the recycling plants due
pence. Therefore, returning the
garbage to the producer is just not cost-
to the low cost of the packaged material.
 AC
A consumption tax based on concrete 
This makes the last mile options for our

aspects of sustainability, and its local
devolution, would create the right
recycling system-garbage dumps,
ragpickers, and neighbourhood

incentives for a scientific analysis of kabaddi shops-necessarily the only
ones available.
garbage and the logistics of its

disposal.  A reasonable amount of money can be
imposed as a sustainability tax on a

In a large consumer goods (FMCG)
company's most recent annual report,
it is stated that of every 100 rupees
product's packaging and transportation
costs. The administration of this tax and
spent on the company's products, Rs. its transmission to the districts and
5 are lost in vehicle emissions and Rs. towns are simple.
8 are spent on the packages we hold in  This would give the business a sizable
our hands. sum to deal with their rubbish disposal
 Because the products have a lengthy issue. A consumption tax based on
shelf life and can survive heat, sustainability would therefore provide
sunshine, and severe handling during the proper incentives for a scientific
transportation, this packaging is investigation of waste and the logistics
necessary. Following use, customers of its disposal.
toss the product in the trash, which is  Additionally, it will produce a
visible littering the road and clogging collection of expert businesses that
drains. Different laws, nevertheless, specialise in this industry and offer
Email :are
in place to deal with the issue. their services to hundreds
cities and
Government steps to address the issue towns.
 Despite having several laws, the Mains Point: Garbage disposal problem in
government does not enforce them. India : Solutions ahead discuss
The law states that the ultimate


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23. MoHUA to launch 'Swachh

Toycathon', a unique competition
to make toys from 'Waste'
 Swachh Toycathon is a convergence
between the National Action Plan for
Toys (NAPT) and Swachh Bharat
Mission phase two(SBM 2.0). With a
major objective of using waste in the
manufacture of toys.
 Ministry of Housing and Urban
Affairs(MoHUA) has launched the
"Swachh Toycathon" under the Swachh
Amrit Mahotsav. The major focus will
be on bringinging efficient designs to
replicate larger scale manufacturing and
the toys produced should meet all the Y
safety standards and aesthetics should
be maintained. The Center for Creative
Learning, IIT Gandhinagar is the
knowledge partner for the initiative.

Gandhinagar is the knowledge partnerC
The Center for Creative Learning, IIT

for the initiative.

Prelims point:Swachh Toycathon
24. Dibang hydel project: Arunachal
says no land for national park, NGT
drops its own case
Context:In February this year, the NGT took
"suo motu notice" of a report in The Indian
Express on six mega projects that did not
comply with stringent clearance conditions
imposed to compensate for their high
environmental impact.
 National Green Tribunal (NGT) has
dismissed the case it took up suo motu
on the grant of forest clearance for the
3000-MW Dibang hydel project without
meeting the precondition of declaring a
National Park.
 The NGT did so after it was informed
by Arunachal Pradesh that the local
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people are not willing to part with their
land for the declaration of National Park.


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875

1. PIN code @50 years important books of his was Viloma
Context:The 75th Independence Day Kavya which is considered a literary
coincides with another milestone in the masterpiece because it comprises
country's history - it was on August 15, 1972, verses in praise of Lord Rama when
that the Postal Index Number(PIN) was read from one side and, when read
introduced in India. backwards, it transformed into verses
As the PIN Code turns 50 this year, let us dedicated to Lord Krishna.
look at the history of PIN Code: The PIN Code still relevant:
The PIN Code introduced:  In today's world where emails have
 At the time of independence, there replaced letters, and WhatsApp,
were 23,344 post offices primarily in Instagram and other social media
urban areas in India. But, the country Y
platforms have become means of
was growing rapidly, and the postal
network had to keep pace.
communication, one may think that the
'pin code' does not hold the same
 The PIN code was then introduced to

ease the process of mail sorting andD 
However, as more and more e-

delivery in a country where different

places, often, have the same or similar
names and letters written in a wide
commerce platforms, couriers and food
delivery services set up shop, the pin
code is still required to avoid
variety of languages.
A S duplication and identify the correct
The PIN Code work:
 I
The PIN is made up of six digits. The Prelims and Mains point: Importance of

first number indicates the postal
region - Northern, Eastern, Western,
PINCODE in connecting the world

Southern; and the number 9, which
signifies the Army Postal Service. The
2. Online portal "E-Baal Nidan" for
redressal of grievances against
second number denotes a sub-region, violation of child rights revamped
and the third represents the sorting Context:To facilitate much better in resolving
district. The remaining numbers the grievances against violation of child
narrow the geography further to the rights portal E -BaaL Nidan has been
specific post office making the enhanced as per supreme court
delivery. observations..National Commission for
The person behind the PIN Code initiative: Protection of Child Rights(NCPCR) has
 The person behind the initiative was added several new features to the "E-Baal
Shriram Bhikaji Velankar, an Nidan" portal.
additional secretary in the Union E-Baal Nidan Portal
Ministry of Communications and a  National Commission for Protection of
senior member of the Posts and Child Rights(NCPCR) in 2015
Email :Telegraphs Board.
launched the portal E-Baal Nidan. Any
 Note: Shriram Velankar was also a person can register a complaint
Sanskrit poet of eminence who had reporting any violation committed
been conferred the President's Award against a child in this portal.
for Sanskrit in 1996. One of his most


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 Complainants can track the status of gathering information under the
the complaint from the portal time to Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties
time. In order for the State (MLATs) on those involved in the
Commissions for Protection of Child racket.
Rights (SCPCRs) to evaluate the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties (MLATs)
complaints submitted to the portal and  Mutual Legal Assistance is a
take appropriate action, NCPCR will mechanism whereby countries
first provide user IDs and passwords cooperate with one another in order to
to SCPCRs. The NCPCR-registered provide and obtain formal assistance
complaints may also be forwarded to in prevention, suppression,
the relevant State Commission via the investigation and prosecution of crime
portal. to ensure that the criminals do not
 If the state commissions wish the escape or sabotage the due process of
NCPCR to be involved in the handling law for want of evidence available in
of complaints, they will also have the different countries.
option of conducting a joint probe.
Based on the type of complaint,

A mutual legal assistance request is
commonly used to formally interrogate
complaints will be divided into subject
areas such juvenile justice, POCSO,
a suspect in a criminal case, when the
suspect resides in a foreign country.
labour, and education.
National Commission for Protection of Child
AD  The Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties
(MLATs) in criminal matters are the
Rights(NCPCR): NCPCR is a statutory body
constituted under Section 3 of the
Commission for Protection of Child Rights
C bilateral treaties entered between the
countries for providing international

(CPCR) Act,2005 to protect child rights and
cooperation and assistance. India has
entered into Mutual Legal Assistance

other related matters in the country. The
Commission is further mandated to monitor
Treaties/Agreements with 42 countries
(November 2019).

the proper and effective implementation of
the Protection of Children from Sexual Benefits of Treaty:

Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012; Juvenile Justice
(Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015
and the Right to Free and Compulsory
 Investigation and Prosecution of
Crime: It will enhance effectiveness of
both the countries in investigation and
Education (RTE) Act, 2009. prosecution of crime, through
Prelims Point : E-Baal Nidan cooperation and mutual legal
assistance in criminal matters.
 Transnational Crime and its Linkages
3. Operation Megh Chakra to Terrorism: It will provide a broad
 The Central Bureau of Investigation legal framework for bilateral
(CBI) conducted searches at 59 cooperation with Poland in
locations across 20 States and one investigation and prosecution of crime
Union Territory, as part of a pan ­India as well as in tracing, restrain and
drive against the circulation and confiscation of proceeds and
sharing of child sexual abuse material. instruments of crime as well as the
 In November 2021, the agency had funds meant to finance terrorist acts.
Email :launched
a similar exercise code
 Gaining Better Inputs: It will be
­named "Operation Carbon", searching instrumental in gaining better inputs
the premises of suspects in 13 States and insights in the modus operandi of
and one Union Territory. organized criminals and terrorists.
 The CBI decided to send requests to
several countries for sharing and
CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
 These in turn can be used to fine tune  India is uniquely placed to play a
policy decisions in the field of internal pivotal role in the metaverse with a
security. large talent pool of creators,
Nodal Agency in India: developers and a vibrant technology
 The Ministry of Home Affairs is the ecosystem. The world looks to it for
nodal Ministry and the Central supply technology, innovation and
authority for seeking and providing talent to cater to the greater demand for
mutual legal assistance in criminal law digital products.
 The Ministry of External Affairs may 5. Moonlighting is neither ethical nor
be involved in this process when such a work trend
requests are routed through Context:Wipro has sacked 300 employees it
diplomatic channels by these found guilty of working for its competitors,
Ministries. drawing a hard line in the 'moonlighting'
Legal Basis: debate.
 Section 105 of the Criminal Procedure Moonlighting
Code (CrPC) speaks of reciprocal
arrangements to be made by the

Moonlighting is the practice of doing a
second job after regular business hours.
Central Government with the Foreign

Governments with regard to the service
of summons/warrants/judicial
D An individual may moonlight by
working for another company,
typically in the evening or at night, in

India has entered into Mutual Legal
C addition to a normal 9 to 5 job as their
primary source of income.

Assistance Treaties/Agreements with
42 countries (November 2019)
 Moonlighting is the term for working
a hidden job, especially at night.
Prelims point: Operation Megh Chakra Employees would choose to work

4. SB
MeitY Startup Hub and Meta
"under the moonlight," or at night, after
finishing their day shifts at their

collaborate to accelerate XR
technology startups in India 
principal job.
Moonlighting is not a new concept. We
may remember some of our teachers,
 MeitY Startup Hub (MSH) in who worked in the school from 9 am to
collaboration with Meta will launch a 5 pm and provided tuition to kids in
program to support and accelerate XR the evenings or on weekends.
technology startups across India.The
MeitY Startup Hub, an initiative of  Doctors who work full-time in private
MeitY, is a national platform focused hospitals may also occasionally do
on promoting technology innovation, part-time private practice at home. At
start-ups, and the creation of times when we are ill and want to
intellectual properties. consult a doctor, we may do so at their
private clinic close to their residence.
 It currently supports more than three
thousand IT organisations, with an aim  During the COVID-19 lockdown, when
to grow to more than ten thousand everyone started working from home,
Email :businesses in the following three to
especially IT employees got more time
five years. on their hands. Further, there was no
continuous supervision that usually
 This collaboration is part of the happens in office jobs.
Government's efforts for skilling in
emerging and future technologies.


CSB IAS ACADEMY Contact us: 9966436875
Setbacks with Moon Lighting
 Because they frequently handle client
data that needs to be kept private and
because moonlighting personnel may
jeopardise their credibility, IT
companies are opposed to the practice.
Moonlighting can be avoided : It's not
necessary for a gig economy to be more
employee-friendly. Aligning corporate
principles and missions is important in
differentiating one organisation from
another. Additionally, stronger value
addition and greater job satisfaction are
provided by employment security.
Employees should be aware that
moonlighting is neither moral nor popular
in the workplace. Y
Prelims and main point : .Moonlighting is
new corporate culture or challenge E M
6. Kyrgyzstan tajikistan border map AD
 Borders drawn by the former Soviet
Union regardless of ethnic, political,

economic, and cultural factors caused
critical issues between the newly
independent Central Asian countries

Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, which are

neighbours in the Fergana Valley, were
the states that faced off due to the
border problem. The territorial claim
between the two countries, issues
related to the use of water resources
and plateaus came to the forefront

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