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Visceral pain differs from deep pain in that it is

a. chemically mediated
b. dull and poorly localized
c. referred
d. associated with autonomic responses
e. associated with nearby skeletal muscle contraction
2. Match
a. sweet : dorsum of the tongue (anterior)
b. utricle : lateral tilt
c. endolymph ; high K+
d. rods : scotopic vision
e. myopia : bi-convex lens
3. Reflexes integrated in spinal cord include
a. micturition
b. tonic neck reflex
c. withdrawal reflex
d. righting reflex
e. knee jerk
4. Regarding reciprocal innervation,
a. it it tri-synaptic reflex
b. it is elicited by giving noxious stimulus
c. its afferent fiber is Ia fiber
d. there is relaxation of protagonist muscle
e. impulses cross the midline
5. A 35-year-old patient presented with spastic paresis of left lower limb. On
examination, biceps and triceps jerks of both upper limbs are normal, but knee
jerk and ankle jerk on left lower limb are exaggerated.
a. he has lesion in right cerebral hemisphere
b. he has lesion in spinal cord at lumbar 3,4,5 levels
c. micturition reflex may be normal and intact
d. pain sensation from right lower limb is reduced
e. he knows when his left big toe is touched with cotton wool
6. Decorticate rigidity
a. is found in those who have lesion between pons and medulla
b. is more severe than decerebrate rigidity
c. can be found in human subject with cardiovascular accident
d. is due to loss of supraspinal control of gamma activity
e. is manifested as flexion of upper limb and extension of lower limb
7. Correct/incorrect statement
a. SCN controls circhoral rhythm
b. leptin suppresses eating behavior
c. glucostat cells respond to blood glucose level
d. angiotensin II increases water intake
e. amphetamine decreases appetite
8. Functions of thalamus include
a. alert effect
b. language
c. recent memory
d. olfactory function
e. relay station for ascending impulses
9. The EEG
a. provides the indication of intelligence
b. tends to show waves of smaller amplitude during sleep than of alert state
c. rhythm having lowest frequency is delta
d. records cortical potential changes
e. shows waves with a lower frequency during intense thoughts
10. Regarding learning and memory
a. repeated pairing of US followed by CS is necessary for establishment of
conditioned reflex
b. habituation is non-associated learning
c. biofeedback has a survival value
d. prefrontal cortex stores information temporarily as working memory
e. amygdala encodes emotional memory
11. Correct/incorrect statement
a. damage to sensory area I of the cerebral cortex results in loss of perception of pain
b. phagocytosis in CNS is done by microglia
c. hypertonia indicates cerebellar lesion
d. vestibular fibers relay in floculonodular lobe of cerebellum
e. BBB is permeable to CO
12. All of the following manifestations are seen in cases of cerebellar lesion in human
beings except
a. loss of adjustment of vestibulo-ocular reflex
b. static tremor and rigidity
c. ataxia
d. nystagmus
e. motion sickness
13. In patients with increased intracranial pressure, the followings are true
a. the presenting features are vomiting and headache
b. it may be due to brain tumor
c. there may be reduction in cerebral function
d. increased daily production of brain ISF formation is the major cause for this feature
e. cerebral blood flow may be diminished
14. Match
a. GABA : post-synaptic inhibition
b. astrocytes : myelin
c. spastic paralysis : botulism
d. tonic receptors : quick adaption
e. nuclear bag fibers : muscle spindle
15. A 65-year-old gentle man was admitted with sudden onset of right sided
hemiparesis and difficulty in communication. He has similar history of temporary
right sided weakness one year ago. He gave history of diabetes mellitus and
hypertension for more than 10 years duration which has been irregularly treated.
He is chronic smoker and drinker. He had fluent aphasia. Which of the following
area is affected?
a. Broca’s area
b. Wernicke’s area
c. arcuate fascicular connecting Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas
d. area near the auditory cortex
e. angular gyrus
16. Modifiable cardiovascular risk factors for above patient include
a. hypertension
b. smoking
c. getting old
d. ethnic group
e. gender
17. This patient may also have the following clinical features
a. loss of touch sensation on the right lower limb
b. positive Babinski’s sign on the left lower limb
c. weakened biceps and triceps jerks
d. exaggerated knee jerk
e. muscle atrophy on right lower limb
18. Match
a. glial cells : functional unit of nervous system
b. astrocytes : formation of blood brain barrier
c. oligodendrogliocytes : myelin formation in peripheral nervous system
d. Schwann cells : glial cell in CNS
e. mircoglia : secretion of neurotropin
19. Regarding synapses
a. glutamate is the excitatory neurotransmitter
b. post synaptic potential can summate
c. serotonin causes presynaptic facilitation
d. EPSP can summate with IPSP on postsynaptic membrane
e. most synaptic transmissions are electrical
20. Indicate correct/incorrect match
a. GABA : presynaptic inhibition
b. Ach : neuromuscular transmission
c. IPSP : opening of cation channels
d. botulism : spastic paralysis
e. glycine :direct inhibition
21. Touch receptors are
a. myelinated nerve endings between tissue cells
b. expended endings including Kruse’s end-bulbs
c. encapsulated endings including Meissner’s corpuscles
d. nerve endings around hair follicles
e. most numerous in trunk
22. Regarding thermoreceptors
a. warm receptors respond to 30-46˚C
b. adequate stimuli for the temperature receptors are two degrees of warmth since cold
is a separate form of energy
c. tissue damage occurs at above 40˚C and the sensation becomes one of pain
d. those in the skin are called central thermoreceptors
e. cold spots are 4-10 times more numerous than the warm receptors
23. True/false
a. allodynia is pain produced in phantom limb
b. causalgia is spontaneous burning pain along after seemingly trivial injuries
c. itching occurs in deep tissues or viscera
d. pain originating in maxillary sinus is referred to the teeth with history of traumatic
dental work
e. receptors for vibration sense are Pacinian corpuscles
24. The following/s is/are true
a. defects in the cone opsins are inherited as sex-linked recessive
b. cones are responsible for color vision
c. myopia patient needs biconcave glasses to see near objects
d. accommodation is the process by which the lens become more convex when the
gaze shifts from far to near object
e. cochlear portion of the labyrinth is responsible for audition
25. Regarding vision
a. visual activity is greatest at fovea centralis
b. biconvex glasses are needed in hyperopia to see near objects
c. Na+ channels in cones open when light rays fall onto retina
d. dark adaption is quick in vitamin A deficiency
e. lens elasticity is decreased in old age
26. The stretch reflex of the skeletal muscle
a. maintains muscle length for a particular posture
b. is integrated in medulla oblongata
c. is controlled by supraspinal area of brain
d. is exaggerated in LMNL
e. is an example of monosynaptic reflex
27. Regarding muscle spindle
a. it has two types of fibers and acts as sense organ of reflex arc
b. annulospiral endings are present only on the nuclear bag fibers
c. it has distinct striations and oriented in parallel with extrafusal fibers
d. it contracts when it is stretched
e. it is supplied by γ-motor neuron in dorsal root of spinal cord
28. Withdrawal reflex
a. preempts the spinal pathway from any other reflexes
b. prolongs responses to stimulus due to reverberating circuits
c. has protective value
d. allows brisk meaningful movement
e. regulates the velocity of muscle contraction and muscle force
29. Which brain stem-derived descending tract produces actions similar to the lateral
corticospinal tract?
a. vestibulospinal tract
b. reticulospinal tract
c. spinocerebellar tract
d. rubrospinal tract
e. all of the above
30. Match the lesions of the motor system with their corresponding effects
a. lateral corticospinal tract : Babinski’s sign positive
b. medial corticospinal tract : loss of fine and skilled voluntary movement
c. vestibulocerebellum : motion sickness
d. basal ganglia disease : unintentional tremor
e. cerebellar disease : bradykinesia
31. Match the postural reflexes with their corresponding integrating centers
a. tonic neck reflex : medulla
b. optical righting reflex : midbrain
c. vestibular placing reaction : cerebral cortex
d. stretch reflex : medulla
e. body on body righting reflex : midbrain
32. Regarding basal ganglia
a. disorders of basal ganglia produce a marked loss of both sensation and motor
b. parkinsonism is caused by neuronal degeneration within the substantia nigra
c. the globus pallidus projects directly to the cerebral cortex
d. acetylcholine is the prominent neurotransmitter of the substantia nigra
e. intentional tremor is seen in basal ganglia disease
33. Main inhibitory neuronal pool on motor system in nervous system is/are
a. cerebellum
b. limbic system
c. cortex
d. basal ganglia
e. medulla oblongata
34. During REM sleep
a. muscle tone is decreased
b. active dreaming occurs
c. respiratory center sensitivity rises
d. enuresis may occur
e. somnambulism may occur
35. Regarding the role of cerebellum
a. the spinocerebellum is concerned with learning
b. excessive stimulation of neocerebellum causes motion sickness
c. vestibulocerebellum is concerned with control of body equilibrium
d. unintentional tremor is seen in cerebellar lesion
e. ballism and hemiballism occur when there is damage to cerebellum
36. In hemiplegia following right-sided cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
a. left-sided muscle weakness is evident
b. muscles in the left side of the body are unable to contract
c. muscles which act on both sides of the body such as respiratory muscles tend to be
d. skill movements are better preserved then unskilled movements
e. speech movements are better preserved than swallowing movements
37. Signs of brain stem death include
a. unconsciousness
b. loss of pupillary reaction to light
c. loss of tendon jerks in the arms and legs
d. loss of respiratory response to CO2 in the absence of hypoxia
e. nystagmus in response to cold water in the external auditory canal
38. Areas outside the blood brain barrier include
a. anterior pituitary
b. posterior pituitary
c. dorsal part of hypothalamus
d. area postrema
39. Reticular activating system
a. reveives collaterals from descending touch pathway
b. projects to the whole neocortex
c. is concerned with sleep and alertness
d. projects to specific sensory relay nuclei for alertness
e. activity produces primary evoked potential
40. Explicit memory includes
a. habituation
b. episodic memory
c. semantic memory
d. classical conditioning
e. memory for procedural skills
41. Correct/incorrect
a. Alzhimer’s disease is due to loss of cholinergic neurons in hippocampus
b. working memory is processed in temporal lobe
c. food aversion response has survival value
d. implicit memory can be expressed in declarative statement
e. explicit memory is often established in a single event
42. Regarding neurons
a. they are the functional units of the integrated neural activity
b. most of them are unmyelinated in CNS
c. they are more numerous than glial cells
d. they can generate action potential
e. they secrete synaptic transmitters
43. Adequate stimulus
a. means threshold stimulus that evokes the response
b. is a specific stimulus unique to pain receptors
c. for rods and cones is light energy
d. for hair cells is vibration in the air
e. produces nerve impulse in sensory receptors
44. Sensory receptor potentials
a. are generator potential
b. are graded in size, depending on stimulus intensity
c. are all or none
d. act as current sink
e. is a propagated nerve impulse
45. A 32-year-old female experienced the sudden onset of a severe cramping pain in
the abdominal region. She also became nauseated. Her pain
a. shows relatively rapid adaptation
b. is mediated by somatic sensory nerve fibers
c. is poorly localized
d. resembles fast pain produced by noxious stimulation of the skin
e. causes contraction of nearby skeletal muscles
46. True/false
a. synaptic conduction is mostly orthodromic because dendrites cannot be depolarized
b. synaptic potentials are propagated down the postsynaptic neurons
c. neurotransmitter glycine has both inhibitory and excitatory effects
d. posterior column conveys pain and temperature
e. sensory homunculus is proportionate to the representation of the body
47. Polysynaptic reflexes include
a. Babinski’s sign
b. reciprocal innervation
c. bicep reflexes
d. defecation reflexes
e. homeostatic reflexes
48. The nuclear bag fibers
a. are one type of extrafusal muscle fibers
b. detect dynamic changes in muscle length
c. give rise to group Ia afferent
d. are innervated by alpha motor neuron
e. are filled with many nuclei in the center
49. Muscle tone is increased in patient with
a. parkinson’s disease
b. pyramidal tract lesion
c. cerebellar lesion
d. vestibulospinal tract lesion
e. acute spinal cord injury
50. Regarding voluntary movements
a. ideas originate in premotor and motor cortex
b. the neocerebellum participates in execution of movements
c. thalamus is involved in regulation of posture
d. programming takes place in the brain stem
e. the reticulospinal pathways are not involved in the execution of movements

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