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Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan & Konseling: Jurnal Kajian Psikologi Pendidikan dan Bimbingan Konseling

Volume 9 Nomor 2 December 2023. Hal 116-121

p-ISSN: 2443-2202 e-ISSN: 2477-2518

Early marriage and adolescent mindset

(A case study of early marriages in Donri-Donri Subdistrict,
Soppeng Regency)
Mauliadi Ramli
Social Sciences, State University of Makassar, Indonesia
Abdul Rahman
Social Sciences, State University of Makassar, Indonesia
Social Sciences, State University of Makassar, Indonesia
Coresspondent Author:
(received: 11-10-2023; revised: 1-12-2023; published: 10-12-2023)
Abstract: This study aims to investigate the mindset of adolescents who marry early and the
impacts of early marriages. This is a qualitative descriptive study with a case study design,
allowing in-depth exploration of a specific case. Following data collection through interviews,
observations, and documentation, data analysis was conducted to understand the context and the
characteristics of the case. The research informants were nine people from three adolescent
couples who married early. The location and informants in this research were identified using a
purposive sampling technique. The results of the study showed that: adolescent mindset is divided
into three processes, namely encoding, storage, and retrieval. This mindset is shaped by the
fulfilling of economic and familial needs, as the majority of adolescents originate from farming
families with limited educational backgrounds. The informants underwent the three processes
before and after getting married early. The impacts of early marriage include the loss of
opportunities for further education, leading to a reduced likelihood of obtaining better jobs and
finding the right partner. However, early marriage is negatively perceived by society as it has
more negative than positive outcomes.
Keywords: Early Marriage; Children; Parenting Style; Adolescents; Child Marriage.
Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana pola pikir remaja yang menikah
dini dan dampak yang ditimbulkan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan desain
penelitian studi kasus, metode ini merupakan pemahaman mendalam tentang suatu kasus yang
spesifik. Metode ini melibatkan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan
dokumentasi, kemudian menganalisis data tersebut untuk memahami konteks dan karakteristik
kasus. Informan penelitian berjumlah 9 orang dari tiga pasangan remaja nikah dini. Lokasi dan
informan dalam penelitian ini diidentifikasi menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola pikir remaja terbagi menjadi tiga proses yaitu proses
encoding, proses stroge dan proses retrival. Pola pikir tersebut berdasarkan pada pemenuhan
kebutuhan ekonomi dan keluarga, dikarenakan sebagian besar remaja berasal dari keluarga petani
dengan latar belakang pendidikan yang rendah. Ketiga proses ini dialami oleh tersebut dialami
sebelum dan setelah menjalani proses nikah dini. Dampak yang di akibatkan yaitu hilangnya
kesempatan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan, yang berdampak pada semakin minimnya
kesempatan untuk memperoleh kesempatan kerja yang layak, kesempatan untuk memilih
pasangan yang tepat juga demikian adanya, sedangkan dari segi persepsi sosial menolak adanya
pernikahan usia dini karena realitas sosial menunjukkan banyak terjadi dampak negative
dibandingkan dampak positifnya.
Kata kunci: Nikah Dini; Anak; Pola Asuh; Remaja; Pernikahan Anak.
Copyright © 2023 Universitas Negeri Makassar. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license ().

Ramli, Rahman, Saifuddin, Early marriage.. | 117

INTRODUCTION (SulbarNews, 2023). In Bulukumba Regency,

South Sulawesi, however, two junior high school
Early marriage refers to a union into students, a twelve-year-old boy and a fifteen-year-
which individuals enter at a young age, especially old girl, got married (kompas, 2022). According to
when they have not become medically and the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and
psychologically mature. It may happen due to Child Protection (PPPA), the three largest
individuals' urgent need to establish a legal numbers of marriage dispensations were issued in
recognition of the relationship between the bride's West Java, East Java, and South Sulawesi.
and the groom's families. Economic factors are Studies of early marriage have shown that
often associated with early marriage among the stunting has lifelong effects on a child’s motor,
poor, as it is believed to ease the financial burden language, and cognitive development and that
on parents. Early marriage can cause problems in these effects continue into the next generation.
the family, such as quarrels between the husband Raising awareness of the risks of early marriage
and wife. Quarrels can be caused by emotional plays a role in combating stunting (Metasari,
instability (Rubi'ah, 2023). Its most harmful 2022). Household conflicts may be more common
impact is psychological confusion. Various social in early marriage. Emotional immaturity is a
problems, particularly socioeconomically related, significant cause of such conflicts (Arifin, 2022).
commonly occur in early marriages, adversely Child marriages are not allowed because injustice
affecting the family’s prosperity. There are a to women may have negative effects on children
number of factors contributing to the occurrence (Rahayu, 2022). A study revealed that according
of early marriage, such as parental coercion, to the Kolimasan community, the contributing
promiscuity, unwed pregnancy, economic factors of the high prevalence of child marriages
reasons, cultural traditions and customs, personal include parental neglect, financial instability,
desires, and religious reasons (Ainur Rofiqoh, premarital sex, inadequate education, inadequate
2017). Early marriage occurs in various regions in religious knowledge, and media influence (Tiruk,
Indonesia. Adolescence is a period of transition 2022).
from childhood to adulthood, typically initiated Adolescents are faced with challenge of
with puberty (Maryani, 2022). having to plan for their future. They must adhere
The high incidence of early marriage in to life principals to achieve their life goals.
Indonesia necessitates serious attention and However, some adolescents may have a strong
realistic actions. Indonesia is ranked at number 10 desire to marry early. In October 2019, the
worldwide for having the highest number of child Indonesian government enacted Law of the
marriages. As a result, the Indonesian government Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2019
passed a 2019 law that mandates women to be at amending Law Number 1 of 1974 regarding
least 19 years old before they can legally marry Marriage. This law concerns the restriction on the
(Huda, 2022). In addition to Child Protection minimum age for marriage. Under this law, both
Regulation No. 35 of 2014, it is stipulated in men and women must be at least 19 years old to
Marriage Law No. 16 of 2019 Article 7 Paragraph marry. Marriage at 19 years of age may prevent
2 that individuals are not allowed to marry if they divorces as it is believed that both partners have
are underage. Marriages opposed by their parents psychologically matured and can produce healthy
offer the possibility of marrying other individuals offspring (Supriadi, 2022).
who are not yet of age. Violating government The Semarang City religious court
regulations, two articles that appear to conflict reported a 45% increase in the number of marriage
with the relevant laws are compared and their legal license requests in 2020, rising from 125 to 226
significance is analyzed using a normative legal applicants. One of the adverse impacts of early
approach (Muqaffi, 2022) marriage is the likelihood of becoming a mother at
In fact, the number of early marriages age 18 or less, thereby increasing the risk of
grew significantly at the beginning of 2023. delivering a baby with low birth weight. Also,
Marriage dispensations issued by the Religious mothers at the age of 18 or younger have a 60%
Courts in Central Java in January 2023 increased greater risk of infant mortality (Irawati, 2022).
to 50 cases, averagely proposed by adolescents Several research findings about early marriages in
under 17 years of age or still in high school. Soppeng district indicated that a significant
Religious courts in Polman Regency, West number of those who get married early in Larabata
Sulawesi reported that a total of 24 minors entered subdistrict are junior high school students. The
into early marriage at the beginning of 2023 reasons for early marriage are as follows: 1)
118 | Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan & Konseling Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2023

adhering to religious teachings, 2) demonstrating particularly in the Soppeng regency. The study
new social status, 3) providing financial assistance aims to understand the thought process of
to parents, and 4) strengthening relationships adolescents who opt for early marriages and
between families. However, the causes of early explore the impact of such marriages. To achieve
marriages in Larabata subdistrict of Soppeng this, interviews were conducted with the married
Regency are: 1) poor economic condition, 2) adolescents to obtain firsthand information. This
unwed pregnancy, 3) parents’ desire, and 4) poor study applied one of psychologist Jean Piaget’s
educational background. Different reasons of cognitive theories. Jean Piaget's theory of
early marriages may yield different impacts. The cognitive development is a theory that describes
latter factors may cause divorce and inharmonious how children are able to adapt and interpret
relationships between family members (Rahman, objects in their environment. Children learn from
2022). both the functional properties of objects they
Early marriage in Soppeng Regency is engage with, including toys, food, and household
a compelling topic for research due to the equipment, as well as from other social entities
objective observation data obtained from the such as themselves, family members, friends, and
Soppeng Regency Inquisition. Based on data from neighbors (Handika, 2022). To analyze
the Religious Affairs Office of Larabata adolescents’ mindsets and actions towards early
Subdistrict, Soppeng Regency, 15 young couples marriage, this study employed a prominent theory
married in 2011, 19 couples in 2019, 17 couples in from sociology: Therefore, this paper aims to
2020, and 20 couples in 2021. In Soppeng examine how adolescents understand and respond
Regency, the Donri Donri subdistrict stands out as to early marriage. Regarding this aim, Max
an area where several adolescents have married Weber’s theory of social action was adopted.
early. At least from the results of the initial Specifically, this theory asserts that individuals act
observations, there were 3 adolescent couples who based on their subjective meaning. Weber
married early and became the informants of this identified that behavior can only be understood
study. They married when they were still in junior objectively when based on the direction of a
high school and senior high school. The familial person's conduct. Weber distinguished social
backgrounds of all the three couples are farmers behavior into four types: relationships-based,
who work in rice fields. Most residents in Donri- values-based, tradition-based, and emotion-based
Donri subdistrict are engaged in rice farming. behavior (putra, 2022). Social behavior occurs
Furthermore, a significant number of their when individuals attach personal meaning to their
progenies support their parents in the fields while actions. According to Weber, social relations are
returning from school and on holidays. actions that connect diverse actors and coordinate
Previous research indicated that with others’ actions, as long as they possess
adolescent farmers in the Donri-Donri subdistrict significance. Each individual interacts and reacts
dropped out of school due to their preference for in these social encounters (Budaya, 2021). School
earning money from the harvest and working on plays a pivotal role in children’s social
farms, often transporting rice on motorbikes. development. It shapes their behavior and
Furthermore, parents' support for remaining in prepares them to become productive members of
school is decreasing, as education is viewed as society (Sugiantoro, 2022). Multiple studies
expensive and allowing children to work and earn suggest that the social behavior of married couples
their own money is seen as a viable alternative is only marginally significant in several areas,
(Mauliadi Ramli, 2022). In previous research on including socio-cultural and economic aspects
adolescents’ knowledge about early marriage, it (Iswandani, 2022).
was found that education significantly impacts
their decision to marry early and their ability to METHODS
make decisions as a married couple. Late
This qualitative descriptive study was
adolescents are better equipped to understand risks
conducted through a case study approach by
and overcome challenges compared to their early
involving three young couples. This approach
and middle adolescent counterparts, according to
allows an intensive and detailed examination on
the study (Supriadi, 2022).
specific cases. It also requires in-depth analysis,
Based on the aforementioned data
allowing the attainment of extensive and holistic
and research, it is crucial for researchers to
knowledge about the case. (Martono, 2021) The
analyze the facts and cases that frequently
informants of this study were three adolescent
transpire in the surrounding environment,
Ramli, Rahman, Saifuddin, Early marriage.. | 119

couples getting married at the age of 17, and were recognize that prolonged conflict can negatively
19 years of age at the time of data collection. The impact the continuity and harmony of their family.
location of the study was Donri-Donri Subdistrict, Lastly, during the retrieval process,
Soppeng Regency. The data was analyzed using adolescents are susceptible to less realistic
psychological social and sociological approaches mindsets, in which they tend to see themselves and
in order to explain the phenomenon of early others as they want, rather than as they are. As a
marriage. result, when their desires exceed their
expectations, disappointment can be difficult to
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION manage. This difficulty is exacerbated by the fact
that they have not yet achieved their family goals,
The results of the study showed that the an experience reported by most of the informants,
mindset of adolescents who married early is particularly among newlywed couples. Economic
divided into three processes, namely encoding, disagreements and conflicts often arise during this
storage, and retrieval. Cultural values can affect phase. These results suggest that adolescents view
the encoding, storage, and retrieval processes i early marriage as the solution to maintain their
adolescents. In the encoding process, the language good image. It is believed that having legal
and symbols affect adolescents in encoding marriage is better than having a romantic
information based on their cultural background. relationship while in school.
Moreover, cultural values also affect information Several aspects related to the adolescent
storage. During the storage process, adolescents mindset, particularly the perceptions and attitudes
store information that is consistent with their towards early marriage, suggest that most
cultural values. Lastly, in the retrieval process, informants do not support it due to concerns about
adolescents tend to retrieve information that aligns psychological and physiological unpreparedness,
with cultural values because it is easier to access as well as a lack of understanding of the concept.
such information in long-term memory. Different Having a stable household is important. However,
cultures may result in different ways of encoding, the lack of opportunity for further education can
storing, and retrieving information. The study negatively impact the chances of getting a decent
observed three processes among three pairs of job and choosing the right partner. Early marriage
informants, recorded through an encoding is often rejected in terms of social perception. In
process. These processes involved misperceptions reality, there are more negative than positive
occurring before the decision to marry and after impacts. This early marriage phenomenon was
undergoing early marriage. Before marriage, all analyzed using a cognitive theory.
participants shared a positive perception of According to Piaget, a child undergoes a
marriage, influenced by the positive feedback series of developmental stages to increase the
from the married people around them, including quantity and quality of their cognitive abilities.
relatives, friends, and parents. However, the Piaget’s cognitive development theory
conditions after marriage differ greatly from their can be used to examine adolescents’ perceptions
initial expectations, and getting there involved a of early marriage. At the concrete operational
process of varied interactions and communication. stage (ages of 7 and 11), adolescents can think
Negative experiences and interactions frequently logically about an event and understand the
occurred after marriage with their partners and concepts of causality. Regarding early marriage,
those around them, which contrasted sharply with students can logically and systematically consider
their original positive outlook. The informants the consequences of actions. At the formal
experienced unhappiness and conflicts after operational stage (age 11 and above), students can
marriage. They had no initial desire to marry early. make inferences about possibilities, and
However, parents’ advice, financial difficulties, understand abstract concepts, such as love,
and unaffordable education convinced them to responsibility, and future. Regarding early
marry at a young age. Then, in the storage process, marriage, students can logically and
adolescents perceive negative conditions more systematically consider abstract concepts of
strongly due to their lack of psychological marriage, such as emotional preparedness,
resilience when encountering conflict. This responsibilities, and future plans.
exacerbates their thought patterns, making them Max Weber classified social behaviors
increasingly overwhelming. Research shows that into several types, including an instrumental
the majority of respondents struggled to cope with rational social behavior, which prioritizes
conflicts within their families. Furthermore, they rationality in decision making. In the early
120 | Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan & Konseling Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2023

marriage context, rationality can help people Huda, M. (2022). Peran Nadlatul Ulama dalam
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