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Hasena Normohamad
Mental Health

This article states mental health issues have become a significant concern in Canada,

affecting individuals, families, communities, and society as a whole. The prevalence of mental

health conditions has been on the rise in recent years, with millions of Canadians experiencing

mental illness at some point in their lives. This trend has profound implications for public health,

healthcare systems, and the overall well-being of Canadians.

Mental health is a big deal for communities because it influences a lot of things. It affects

how well people get along, how much money the community makes, how safe it is, and whether

everyone can get help when they need it. When individuals within a community experience

mental health challenges, it can strain social relationships, decrease productivity, increase

healthcare costs, and contribute to behaviors that pose risks to individuals and the community.

Addressing mental health in a community requires a flexible approach that involves

promoting awareness and education, improving access to services, building supportive

environments, collaborating with companies , empowering individuals and families, preventing

mental health issues, and supporting vulnerable populations. By implementing these strategies

collectively, communities can create environments that promote mental well-being, resilience,

and inclusion for all residents, reducing stigma, increasing access to care, and bringing social

connections and support systems. It is essential to engage multiple stakeholders, leverage

resources, and tailor initiatives to meet the specific needs of diverse populations within the
community, ultimately working towards a healthier and more supportive community for


Seven characteristics that evaluate Mental Health

Equity and Fairness: Mental health programs aim to ensure equitable access to services

and resources for all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances. This includes

addressing disparities in mental health care access and outcomes among different populations.

Collaboration: Mental health solutions often involve collaboration among various

companies, including healthcare providers, community organizations, government agencies, and

individuals with lived experience. By working together, these groups can develop comprehensive

approaches to addressing mental health needs.

Evidence-Based: Mental health interventions are informed by scientific research and

evidence-based practices. This ensures that interventions are effective, safe, and tailored to the

specific needs of individuals and communities.

Prevention-Oriented: Mental health promotion and prevention efforts focus on preventing

mental health problems before they occur, rather than solely treating them after they arise. This

includes promoting mental wellness, resilience, and coping strategies to reduce the risk of mental

Population Focus: Mental health initiatives address the mental health needs of entire

populations or communities, recognizing that mental health is influenced by social, economic,

and environmental factors. Programs may target specific populations, such as children, youth,

seniors, or marginalized communities, to address their unique mental health needs.

Holistic Approach: Mental health initiatives take a holistic approach to health,

considering the interconnectedness of mental, physical, and social well-being. Programs may

address social determinants of health, such as housing, education, employment, and access to

social support networks, to improve overall mental health outcomes.

Sustainability: Mental health programs aim to be sustainable and have long-term impact

by considering factors such as funding, resource allocation, scalability, and community

engagement. This ensures that mental health initiatives can be maintained and expanded over

time to meet the ongoing needs of individuals and communities.

Health practice(s) related to Mental Health

Mental Health Promotion: Promoting mental health involves raising awareness about

mental health issues, reducing stigma, and fostering positive attitudes toward mental well-being.

This can be done through educational campaigns, community events, and media messaging that

promote mental wellness and resilience.

Prevention and Early Intervention: Preventing mental health problems before they arise

and intervening early when signs of distress are detected are crucial practices. This can involve
implementing programs and services that build resilience, teach coping skills, and provide

support to individuals and communities.

Access to Mental Health Services: Ensuring access to affordable and culturally

appropriate mental health services is essential for addressing mental health needs. This includes

increasing the availability of mental health providers, expanding telehealth options, and reducing

barriers to accessing care such as cost and stigma.

Integration of Mental Health into Primary Care: Integrating mental health services into

primary care settings can improve access to care and promote early identification and treatment

of mental health conditions. This involves training primary care providers to screen for and

manage mental health issues and facilitating collaboration with mental health specialists.

Community Support and Social Services: Community-based support services play a

critical role in promoting mental health and providing ongoing support to individuals with

mental illness. This includes peer support groups, housing and employment assistance, crisis

intervention services, and other social services that address the social determinants of mental

Reference list entry

The Crisis is Real. (n.d.). CAMH.

Mental health | Public Health Ontario. (n.d.). Public Health Ontario.

Canadians short on access to care for mental health and substance use | CIHI. (2023, August 2).

Mental Health Commission of Canada. (n.d.). Making the case for investing in mental health in Canada.
In Making the Case for Investing in Mental Health.

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