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The final evaluation for the BCA 23CSA391A_Minor Project is scheduled to be

conducted from April 1, 2024, to April 6, 2024.

Coursera Mode

• Continuous Evaluation - 30%
o Coursera assessments (including certificate) (10%)
o Reports Proposal and Interim (20%)
• End Semester Exam – 70% (A final review by the department.)
o Presentation - (30%) (Presentation can be prepared using Microsoft
PowerPoint or any similar applications)
o Demo of the application developed or hands-on projects’ done (20%)
o Viva (10%)
o Final report submission that consists of a summary of the courses taken, the
projects done, the tools/methodologies learned and implemented (10%)
Each report will be evaluated for 10 marks and scaled according to the percentage
• Quality of the content: 5
• Organization and Structure: 3
• Presentation and Language: 2
• -2 marks for delayed submissions.
Presentation via MS Teams
For final review presentation content may include but is not limited to the following points:

1. Title
2. Overview
3. Introduction/Motivation
4. Course Summary
5. Project Summary with justification on time spent for hands-on.
6. Problem Statement (If multiple small projects then list each separately)
7. Design
8. Implementation details along with tools used
9. Results
10. Challenges Faced (If any)
11. Conclusion
12. References

The presentation will last for 30 minutes, including both PPT presentation and a viva

Individual Mode


• Continuous Evaluation - 30%

o Project Proposal submission (10%)
o Interim Report with problem statement, Background, Related work, High-
Level Design (20%)
• End Semester Exam – 70% (A final review conducted by the department)
o Presentation - (30%) (Presentation can be prepared using Microsoft PowerPoint
or any similar applications)
o Code review and Demo of the application developed. (20%)
o Viva (10%)
o Final report submission that amends interim report with Methodologies,
Algorithms/Tool developed, and Implementation details (10%)
Each report will be evaluated for 10 marks and scaled according to the percentage weightage.
• Quality of the content: 5
• Organization and Structure: 3
• Presentation and Language: 2
• -2 marks for delayed submissions.

Presentation via MS Teams

The following points can be included in the final review presentation (PPT).
1. Title
2. Overview
3. Introduction/Motivation
4. Problem Statement
5. Literature Review
6. High-Level Design
7. Implementation
8. Results
9. Challenges Faced (If any)
10. Conclusion
11. References

The presentation will last for 30 minutes, including both PPT presentation and a viva

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