6 Fascinating Differences Between Men and Women in The Workplace-Worksheet

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6 fascinating differences between men and

women in the workplace

Watch the video and complete the charts. Make sure you use:
 Complete sentences
 Accurate punctuation and spelling
 Accurate grammar

Fact # 1. Details, detail, details

Choose the best option for each of the numbers.

The prefrontal cortex is the decision center of the brain that controls social behavior,
judgment and consequential thinking.
1. A. Where
B. That
C. Who
2. A. social behavior, judgement, and stress levels.
B. risk taking, linear thinking, judgement.
C. social behavior, judgement and consequential thinking.

3. ¿How is the problem solving process different in men and women?

Men Women
Men try to defying and clarify a problem Woman will often define a problem in
and then begin eliminating and isolating broader terms and think in wide potential
issues. factors before to start to eliminate the

Fact # 2. Worry warts

4. The anterior cortex is the part of the brain where people
1. People process emotions
2. arrange memories
3. and ruminate

5. ¿What is the difference in the way men and women face problems?
Men Women
Men tend to depersonalize and externalize Women tend to personalize problems and
issues or problems giving them time to are more incline to want to talk about the
think in solutions issue

Fact # 3. Webs vs lines

6. ¿What does the difference in size of the corpus callosum imply for men and women?
Men Women
Men like to think in steps, processing one Women’s Corpus Collosum are 25%
fact at a time. bigger than men’s, this implies that women
are constantly bounding between emotions
and facts.

Fact # 4. Success vs failure

7 …men need to replenish their testosterone levels to feel successful and feel terrible
when their testosterone levels are low.
In this sentence, the word replenish means: that means, men need to refill their
testosterone hormone after a hard day.

8. According to Annis and Nesbitt, ¿why do men need to be alone after a loss or failure?
According to Annis and Nesbitt, men like to think through the issue alone because this
allows men to replenish their testosterone levels and gain the mental strength to drive
through the issue

Fact # 5. Effectiveness
Complete the following sentences.
9. Oxytocin helps us feel social attached.
10. A higher amount of oxytocin means there are more trust between people.
11. It helps reduce to reduce blood pressure and feelings of fear.

Fact # 6. Stress response

12. ¿What happens when cortisol levels are too high?
High levels of cortisol for too much time can reduce cognitive performance and can
make it hard to think clearly.

13. ¿What happens when women aren´t able to collaborate at work, or there´s no time to
attend to personal life events and needs?
When they aren’t able to collaborate at work, they don’t produce enough oxytocin, this
makes them difficult to recover from stress, therefore their stress and anxiety will

14. ¿What does she think about gender differences?

She thinks differences between women and men are necessary on a team and also says
that strengths and weaknesses are good.

15. ¿Do you agree? Why?

I agree with this thought, with those differences we can be a complement specie and we
can work, socialize and live together easily.

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