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B1-Writing a Persuasive Paragraph

Members: Fernando Andrade, David Astudillo

Persuasive paragraphs usually consist of a topic sentence, body sentences, and a closing
sentence. The topic sentence includes the writer’s opinion, and the body sentences support
that opinion. Finally, the closing sentence restates the writer’s opinion.
Steps to writing a persuasive paragraph
Step 1. List three topics related to urban problems and solutions.
1. _Police control on the streets will help reduce violence.
2. __Drones will help reduce traffic.
3. ___Traffic signals helps preventing car accidents.
4. ___Firefighters control putting out the blaze
5. ____Speed camera controls vehicles that are going to fast in the highway.
6. ____Police man reduce robberies.

Step2. Brainstorming: Choose one topic and create your idea web.

The speed cameras in Cuenca controls speed vehicles in the highway.

Step 3. Outline- Write your Opinion Statement

Next, you must form your opinion (something you believe) about the topic of your choice. The next step
is writing an opinion statement using the following formula:

The Formula for Writing an Opinion Statement:

A specific subject
+ An opinion of that subject
= A good opinion statement

Your Opinion Statement /TOPIC SENTENCE:

I believe that Graffiti on walls is a form of urban expression that should be appreciated for its artistic

I believe that speed cameras in Cuenca that are ubicated in the highway helps controlling speed vehicles
that could generate cars accidents.

Gather Reasons

You will need to give good reasons to support your opinion. For a short persuasive paragraph,
three strong sentences will do. The following sentence starters should keep you on the right
Phrases to Initial phrases for Phrases to use when Phrases to finish off with
introduce the topic: reasons providing evidence My final point is . . .
I believe that . . . Surely, For example, Finally,
I think that . . . Firstly, I cite, as an example . . . In conclusion,
It seems to me that Secondly, My evidence to support this In summary,
... Thirdly, is . . . To conclude I would like to say . .
It is clear that . . . In addition, I would draw your attention .On the basis of the evidence
There is no doubt Furthermore, to . . . presented . . .
that . . . (There can Moreove I would refer to . . On balance . . .
be no doubt The evidence presented supports
that . . .) the view that . . .
I am convinced It is my sincere belief that . .
that . . .
It appears that . . .
It is obvious that . .

Remember that you may also ask and answer questions to make your point stronger. Questions
make the reader feel like you are speaking to them directly.

Write your reasons:

 I believe that speed cameras are a great idea in the highway because most of the cars
drive too fast.
 There is no doubt that from the moment that they put the speed cameras in the highway
the car accidents reduce.
 It is obvious that in Cuenca many people think that the highway is a speed way, that is
way the go too fast.

Step 4. Write the First Draft

After prewriting comes writing the first draft (180 words). The first draft of your paragraph
should start with your persuasive topic sentence, which states your opinion about the
paragraph’s subject. Your draft should also include body sentences that give their reasons
along with details and examples. Finally, the closing sentence can restate your opinion.

The speed cameras are a great idea to prevent car accidents due to the fact that in Cuenca we
have quite a few of those in the highway Cuenca-Azogues and Azogues-Cuenca, that happens
because people thinks that the highway is a speed way and for that reason they go pretty fast. I
would draw your attention to the fact that when we have these speed cameras in the highway
drives go in a normal speed even a slow speed, and if the go to over the speed limit they get a
fine, but in the moment that they take away the speed cameras we have plenty cars accidents, I
would say that maybe 5 accidents per month. For that reason, many citizens do not feel safe
driving or walking because of the fear of a car accident. That is why evidence presented
supports the point of view that speed cameras in the highway Cuenca-Azogues and Azogues-
Cuenca need to be use speed cameras to control the speed of the cars through, and maintain
the peace in the drivers and the citizens assuring them that the authorities are taking
responsibility in a sensitive topic.
Step 5. Revise Work

After writing your first draft, you must revise your work to improve the draft. Use the following
questions as a guide when revising:

1. Does the topic sentence provide an opinion? YES/NO

2. Do the body sentences support and give reasons for the argument?
3. Is the writing voice convincing?

Circle the errors or unclear sentences that you find in the text.

Sept 6. Edit and rewrite your paragraph

The radars in Cuenca were the most appropriate way to avoid many traffic accidents and
people's fear. In Cuenca, we have quite a few speed cameras on the highways between
Cuenca and Azogues. People mistakenly believe that the highway is a speedway, leading them
to drive excessively fast. When speed cameras are in place, drivers adhere to normal or even
slower speeds. If someone exceeds the speed limit, they receive a fine. However, when speed
cameras are removed, car accidents become more frequent (approximately 5 accidents per
month). Consequently, many citizens feel unsafe while driving or walking due to the fear of
accidents. The evidence supports the view that speed cameras on the Cuenca-Azogues and
Azogues-Cuenca highways are necessary to control car speeds and maintain safety for both
drivers and citizens. Authorities must take responsibility for this sensitive issue. Because the
new mayor eliminated most of the speed cameras. Only 5 were preserved in the entire city. The
installation of radars should be regulated, it should not be a means of corruption for the state,
but the safety of the "Cuencanos" should not be ignored either.

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