E Learning in Uni

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In the modern era, e-learning has been offered by some universities rather than going to the

campus. While I agree that it will be very convenient if they can study from afar, I also for the idea that
this can leads to a negative effect to the undergraduates.

On the one hand, undergraduates can save more time and money as they do not have to travel
to the campus for study, and there will be fewer toxic gases excreted. As they have e-learning, they can
have more time to sleep, take care of themselves, or spend more time with their family to deepen the
bond. Moreover, they will have more flexible learning schedule as they have more time to prepare and
set up the timetable.

On the other hand, study from afar can leads to lack of face-to-face interaction, this can affect
the relationship between classmates. E-learning also leads to health problems, as they have an inactive
lifestyle, they will gain more weight and likely to get obesity. Furthermore, they will be likely to have
visual impairment for their eyes interact with electronic ray too much a day. As for mental health, the
lack of communication and living alone can make them feel depression, for they cannot endure the
loneliness. Moreover, the undergraduates that lacks self-discipline will make e-learning ineffective as
there is not anybody to keep an eye on them to check they are studying or not.

In conclusion, although e-learning will help undergraduates to study more flexible and save
more money, I have to say that the drawback is much bigger as they might have health problems and
poor communication.

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