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Task 1:

Some believe that since fresh water is scarce, the authorities should have control over its supply.
Meanwhile, others argue the opposite. While I agree that not controlling the water supply have many
benefits, I believe that it brings more drawbacks.

On the one hand, if the water is not control, people can use it freely. Water is a source that
helps people lives and function properly, so citizens should not be punished for using water. Moreover,
if the water is restricted, some low-income families will be difficulties, and there will be likely a budget
crisis occur. But there are people who is irresponsible, they are likely to waste all the fresh water that is
stored; also, there is nobody assume that individuals will receive water evenly.

On the other hand, if the governments control the water supply usage, there will be less
problems occur. For example, it will not be used recklessly by the citizens, this will help to preserve the
fresh water for future use. Moreover, if people keep on wasting water freely, this will lead to water
shortages, depletion, and devastate our world. Furthermore, the authorities have to spend a remarkable
amount of money to produce fresh water to use, this can become a financial burden to the
governments. Water should also be distributed everybody evenly and to the people who is in need,
Africa is an example.

In conclusion, although I agree that having no restriction to water supply can have some
benefits, I am for the idea that it cannot control the outcomes.

Task 2:

It is naturally essential to educate the young. Meanwhile, there are some believe that the
authorities should provide education for grown-ups in need. While I agree that the young need a lot of
education, I am for the idea that adults should still have education too.

On the one hand, young people hold the future of our world. They are fast learner, and they
have many creative ideas, so it is naturally to invest education to them. Some country also prioritized in
educating them to develop their society. But, there are some adults who lack knowledge, and they are
unemployment. So, it is very likely for them to be a burden to a country that slows down the
development of a society.
On the other hand, in some developing countries, there are still adults who lack educational
background. The literacy rate is still low in those countries, this will be likely a drawback to their country.
The adults who lack knowledge should be provide with education, so they will have more opportunities
to get to get a job, which will help reduce the unemployment rate. Moreover, during education, people
can acquire more knowledge and skills, they have more chance to get a better application or jobs.
Furthermore, in some countries, young people refuse to get married, so the population grew older.
Now, the main workforce is mainly adults, so it is essential to provide them knowledge, or the country
will lack of workforce.

In conclusion, although I agree that it is a norm to provide education to the young, I am for the
idea that the governments should invest on adults in need for it has a lot of benefits.

Task 3:

There are people who think that nuclear weapons have many benefits for the world in general.
While I agree that having nuclear weapons can have many benefits, I believe that it brings back many
more drawbacks to the world.

On the one hand, nuclear weapon has a massive destruction that can wipe out an entire city in
an instant. This is the reason why many countries afraid of the country that hold this weapon, so it wil
increase the national security. Which makes the citizen in the country that hold nuclear weapon feel
more safety living in that country. Moreover, nuclear weapons are also profitable, in some big countries
they can sell them to make money. But it contains a tremendous amount of toxic chemicals that is a
threat to many living beings.

On the other hand, nuclear weapon is very harmful for humans and nature for its massive
destruction and the consequences it causes. For example, America used to throw two nuclear bombs on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, many deaths have been recorded. There were survivors, but they cannot live
like they used to anymore, because they were affected by radioactive. As for the nature, the soil and
many constructions are damaged and people are still aware that there is still radiation in the soil, so
they do not eat fruits from the trees in that area. The animals also face changes, there are animals that
change to different forms: mutant cockroaches, rats and many other animals. The radiation also affect
humans gene, children some are dead after being born, and some are disabilities. Now if there is a war
occurred, humanity will be facing the end of mankind.

In conclusion, although I agree that nuclear weapons can have many benefits, I am for the idea
that it has too many side effects and drawbacks.
Task 4:

It is believed that people living in the 21st century experience better life quality than the past.
While I agree that life nowadays is better than the past, I still think that there are things that the past is
much better.

On the one hand, in the past, there are not many modern technologies for people to use. This
will make children to go outsides to do outdoors activities, which will increase their physical health.
Moreover, this helps deepen their bond with their friends and likely have much more attractive
activities. But, in the past, people face various of difficulties, there are more low-job entry at that time
than nowadays.

On the other hand, in 21st century, there has been more jobs to apply, and many more invention
for humans to use. For example, there are over 100 jobs available for people to choose, both
international and in your own country. Furthermore, now people are much more well-paid and get paid
equally. Moreover, women now get more respect and have better career; they no longer have to
depends on their husband’s family. The unemployment rate also decreased nowadays as children get to
go to school more, and the literacy rate also increased, which provide children the knowledge and skills
to apply a job.

In conclusion, although I think that there are things that is from the past is much better than
nowadays life, I am for the idea that life in the 21st century is much more convenient and better than the

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