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Product Catalogue Amway CONTENTS Nutrilite™ Supplements 1 Nutrilite™ Brand Introduction 2-3 9 Steps Trecetilty 405 Protein 6 Vitamins and Minerals 7-10 Functional Health N-14 Weight Management 6-17 Beverage B Children's Health 19 Beauty Supplement 20 Nuttite™ Grashic index by Function 21 XS Products 22 ARTISTRY™ 23 ARTISTRY Brand Introduction 24-25 Beauty Products Intensive Skincore 26-29 Signature Select™ 30-35 Skin Nutition™ 36-39 Ideal Radiance™ 40-41 Sheet Mask™ 42 General skincare a3 essentials by ARTSTRY™ 444s ARTISTRY™ Men 46-47 Special Treatment 48-49 Foundation 50-52 Eyes Cosmetics 53-55 ‘Cheeks and Lips Cosmetics 56-57 Cosmetics Accessories 58 Personal Care Products 59 Bath and Body Care 60-61 Oral Care 62-65 Disinfection 66 Hair Care 67-70 HomeTech Products 7 Water Putter 2-15 Ai Purer 76-85 Car Air Treatment System 86-89 Bathroom Water Treatment System. 90 - 93 ‘Cookware 94-98 Home Care Products 99 Amway Home™ Introduction 100 - 101 Laundry Care 102-103, Household Core 104 -106 Dish Care & Accessories 107 - 108 * Please log onto Amway Hong Kong website for the latest product information. te fe ce es SOR wo O re ee Nutrilite™ Supplements if Certified Organic Farms Nutrilite™ is the only global vitamin and dietary supplement brand to grow, harvest and process plants on their own certified organic farms.** It has large-scale organic operations in the U.S., Mexico and Brazil where plants are grown, extracted and manufactured into quality food supplements. Global Sales No.1 Nutriite™ is the world’s #1 selling vitamin and dietary supplement brand’. Natural Brand No.1 Nutriite™ is the Only Global Vitamin and Dietary Supplement Brand to Grow, Harvest, and Process Plants on Their Own Certified Organic Farms™. SoureeEuromentornematona Lintoc: Vitsrine and Dietary Suppemen ‘Varin and Dietary supplomont manufacturers thar ownorchip of th entire Producten process. rom erga am Yo manulaclng. Ererantor does ot aoogpt er assume roeponstty fo ary tr partyin eepoct thi la tally Friendly System Ecological Balance Nutriite™'s organic farms make use of natural resources to control weeds, insects and other harmful predators rather than using pesticides or herbicides, thus maintaining ecological balance. + Beneficial insects such as ladybugs instead of pesticides are used to get rid of pest. + Sheep are employed during the fallow period to help control weeds. Meanwhile they can provide natural fertilizer for the sol + Owls are used to scare away rats and predators, which may destroy the crops. + Earthworms are used to loosen the soll. They help increase the oxygen content of the soil so as to maintain a perfect condition for plant growth. Science No. 1 Nutrilite™ supplements have always been the product, of science and nature. It employs sophisticated farming, research and manufacturing techniques to extract the maximum goodness from crops. The production of Nutrilite™ products are strictly monitored, to comply with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) as established by the United States Food and Drug ‘Administration, Nutrite™ has been inducted into the GMP Institute Hall of Frame. Nutrition No. 1 Nutrlite™ launched the first multivitamin/multimineral supplement in 1934 in North America and has been committed to extracting nutrients from natural plants. since then. 9 Steps Traceability Choose the botanical We have 1,800 phytonutrient fingerprinted botaricals in our functional target librery that (uides us to the best ingredients and ingredient combinations, e Choose the Farm (Over 6,000 acres of new organic farmland is just the beginning. f we can't grow it ourselves, we find the best periner farms, Choose the Botanical & @ Grow Evory botanical has a birth cortficate — and each is grown 99% weed free, without the use of chemical pesticides. Extract ‘Sn, seeds, rots, leaves... We concentrate or dry the parts ofthe pint that give us the highest level of nutrients @ Packeaing Shoke, squeeze, twist, Xray... We test our packages more than 80,000 times each year. © Seed Selection Milions of seeds are planted each year, and ‘not just any will do! We test our seeds for things such as their orgenic nature, putty, and germination rate. Choose the Farm = Mi Seed Selection Harvest The time it takos to move plants from the fields to on-site dryers is as litle as 20 minuites, helping to ensure the highest nuriont levels, Manufacture \We conduct 500,000 quality checks on our ingredients each yeer. You (Our traceability process begins end ends with you. Pure. Safe. Effective The World’s #1 Selling Protein Supplements Brand* Wish o abso more protsin Protein Powder - butdo not wantto eat « huge dumpling? Sean the OR Cade to ire fing the anener FAVORITE eae All Plant Protein Powder + 0415/1504 . 4509/9009 + AbPlat Pots Ponder i natal dvd from soyabeans, whet nd pea does not conan aciose and cholstrl, sauce of ow fat rte, © Contans rine essental amino acis in the best proportions, ths facitatng the body's sort. + hth Poti Digstity Corected Aino ‘aids Score (POCABS) of 1, inating 1005 protan absorption, it can he the cll metaboloms ard repar. Boe ‘AllPlant Protein Powder * Source Euromonitor Intemational Limited ‘amine and Dietary Supplements, Work GBN, Petal Value RP, 9 breaidown, 2020, A Pate Gono Naons ® ee + Reto woah ge ee w@ + Contnsine essntalamino ac the best proportions, thus fcitaing the boos abecrpion, + Delicous green ea and chocolate favours valle, ® Enhanced Antioxidant Protection DOUBLE x PHYTO “PROTEGT: DOUBLE x Double X + 1694/85 eA» 6/62/62 > %) 1+ Provides 12wtamin, 10 mina and 21 plant concerts. + Parts PHYTOPROTECT™ blond of Rostmary, Tumbic and Orion = halos your body delend agans re radicals wus) + Refacive Window Dri technology alow fo ness prtonuient canceaton ard potency wha alr ae ® + moro fomua wth mee pupl phytondins tat hp fi helaget ytonwio aes Be Daily The nutritional basis for daily needs + a2 + wom 1+ Conta 18 vtains and minerals to provid a daly nutiional basis or 00d heath, + Ervched wih botanical extracts icing alata. pasty, cele, srinach, acer ciy and bea-carcene to powidsthe plytonsinants tht are benef! to haath “+ Suitable fr hose who aren a heathy state and have ust started taking food suspen. eae 1 Vitamin B Plus Dual-Action The time to block fatigue is before it blocks you 1+ Packed wih 8 essental 8 vine and natural Spina “+ Hapsrtase energy fom foods and emances vty. 1 Duahacton, bilayer design with instant and Grou edended reese technologes dvr the gt amount at he re tne. ‘+ Sutabe for nose who reeds energy suport. a @ Natural Multi Carontene ‘Mucous membrane and respiratory health booster + 7200 + soso + Contansbeta carte, pha carctne, isn and zezsathin, provideg a anced blend of carcenois fr al-ourd retecton 1+ Extacod fom tree natural sources: dna sla alas, palm fut of ‘xd marigld towers. + Catteni are antoscanis protecting blood vessel of te ungs. + Promotes bone and oval gow, and maintans stn and mucous membrane heath, mua Bhs ® = ® Iron-Folic Plus For the wellness of mothers-o-be and their babies + 5924 + 12080 ‘+ Exractd tom spinach conoentat, conan anand fle acc. 1+ roves frous fumarate and fous gluconate - two pes rons thst, canbe easly absorbed by our body. + tons an essential part ofhemagcbn that reramits oxygen nthe blood, Ina enkeross cur metabolam. + Fole acids cuca tothe foraton of red bid eas and synthesis of otis nthe bess essential to the grown ofa foes, 8-Hour Extended Release for Better Absorption Vitamin C Extended Release Each abet provides 500g of tain C which’ approximately equivalent fo that of ght ranges. ‘hour omraase formula fr eflectveirtke and minimizes waste, Crete tom acerca chevis, on of rat's most concerted forms of vain ©. © Lemon biotavonoidcompsexis adc to boos the absorption of vain, “Take one table cyto sxcpo the irmunegstem against bactr ‘Varin Cis a natural antosidant tat hel balance fre radicals to keep chron diseases at bay as wel as the fomaton of colagen and sft bones. oe tLe Lecithin E/Hon E Leci Powder The blood vessels cleaner + sens + 2000259 + Lectin ips te body absorb vain E which is 2 fat soul vain via vitamin € protects nate athe body cals ram axa, Ths combat ors he greatest bent. + Lectin rom soybean ana vitamin € tom vegeta i “+ Lecahinian euler that hp break down ats, thus ping to maintain ean heat ang ood esse + Leottinis used by the bod to produce the neutanemite aetycholne, help to ep a dsr mind, + Lectin helps talance the ski's moisture and eval for a supple and skys, aaa Parselenium E Dual antioxidant protection + 261 + cor “+ Comtahe selenium and vitamin E. The comaraton of the two rata antoxcans proves double anaxidant protection, ‘+ Seen is 8 ratwally occuring mineral, and vlan E comes om vegetable ol and parsley concent, ‘+ Asn antxant,vtarn Eis the body's si, potactng als rom the smtack ora ree radoas. ‘+ Asaminea, selon promotes normal ol gow and pei the best antoxcant rtecten 10 ex c= © cal Mag D ‘Builds strong bones with calcium, magnesium & vitamin D + 1406 + 18010 + Our natura renewable calssn source -caiiodseawead - comes tom aNusrCert™ carted frm acura th coat of an, ‘+ tthas more vitamin D than 3 cups of rogdarmik to enance caium sbserption anc hep your body use calcum mor efit with adaonal magnesia. Taps ee en chould the dietory cupplemente be taken? With meals or after eneake? In the moming or afteraon? How mony toblets chavtd be taken at one tie? Jo data reflected when wil be an ideal timing to take the dietary supplement. Taking with food helps to slow the release and dilute the concentration ‘ofthe nutrients and do not upset the digestive system. However, supplementation with calcium should be taken with juice and a meal Forbetter result ofthe detary supplement consumption, its encouraged to divide the dose throughout the day EE © @ e ‘Salmon Omega-3 Complex ‘Supports healthy blood flow and heart function 298 + soso ‘+ eracted tom mackerel, sardines and anchovy hanestad fom the Lnpolted seas in Norvay and Per and are rh in cmoga fatty acs. 1 Uses vacuum ecriqueo xract the eh ol and atonal as vitamin E fr ani-ondaton. The producten ofeach sfige fished win 72 our since the erection of sh cto acheve its best teshrecs. ‘+ EPAand DHA contained fh allan reduce leo nd ee and the ik feat seas, arma and stoke Siberian Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba Improves blood flow for a sound mind + 5865 + toot + Contains Sboran ghseng exact grkgo bioba exact pus acerca chery concentrate to support and bares te body ures, + Sberan ginseng supports bood cretion, adding val 2nd power ferranoes one and load fow to the ran, ndDng to keen a clr rina. ‘+ Girkgo bloba keeps blood, oxigen and nutes foving to he bran and te body's extremes, heong to increase stamina anc mantan memory conan antioxidant agent that heps combat agahst tee radical attacks. muy ® ® Coenzyme Q10 Complex Eneray booster for celular activities + 8601 + cocapsles + Coerzyme G10, ao caled Vian, ia vtarintke substance 1 Miccnondal eraynes of the oxidative phospheniaon pathway ae essen for the production of the high-energy phosohate, adenosne ‘niohosphate (ATE, upon which al cell functions depen + tos doun oxidation process ofthe body end eduoes the damage of ‘reads + oomtans L-caitne which hebs with the tanstomaton of fats ito energy and suppor he actities oF he major cgans and muscles nour body. osu Bilberry and Marigold Altround protection for your eyes + 0087 + castes + Bibory moisturizes he eye membrane, entances bod ckeuaton and ops marta narmal ee press, 1 Margold contain high amourt of isn hat can help prevent maciar egeneraten and ertance he heath of the tia, + DHAis essential for eye heath and development + Cus biotaxoncids provide antic rotecton forthe ees. " ory Green Tea Plus Natural way to maintain cholesterol health + 1070 + east ‘+ Tea pobphera reduees the absorption of cholestrol tom food arc regulates biod clestra oe, ‘+ Tea peypherois an efetveanticant ht combats re aca. ‘+ Green Tea Pus contains much ss care than tea. “+ Evry abet of Gran Tea Pus conta 236mg of catch. = «6 —= © istle Allround liver protection + e004 + cor ‘Conta a nature antcnidat. symarin, that helps protect oer ots. ach coring conars 130Mg o Shin, the most eect comeanant of hymen tht promotes er heath ‘+ Forme to contain a consistent ameunt 89% othe active rede. + Conta dandeton and turmeric exacts to provide abrourd lve protection, n Sera pe he — Primos Pls ‘Beats the monthly blues + e060 + 120sohge + Recommend for women of lage. ‘+ Contin essen ome faty ci (GLA) that lps matin the body's omen balance and alla premensinlsypicms. kis also good for boosting the sn ea + Contains Dong Gus, a welknown Chinese heb that imroves blood creation, boosts mekabots, montrs the menstua jc ard rleves pan. rene ® Saw Palmetto Frontline protection for men + e004 + toosohge + ver three sos provide 920mg of saw pat extract tat is ch nay acids, prong the nutntsnooded to mina men's prostate eth. 1+ Not rots ae picky pant grown in tempera cmt. thas been used since ancient Gress to prcmots hs an works best wi saw pet, ‘+ Exraced pumokn sed il hos marsh rosa, ladder ad uretva heh. Combined wih saw pameto ard net rots, & oes an a-round protection for men's pasate eat, i re —s @ Chewable Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables The best partner for vitamins + Phtorutints help edoe free radical damage and boost he ierune system. Combined with viarins and minerals, artorutients rove feciveantoxant protection. * Datted fom coven fits and vegetables of seven ferent colts = deen, rosemary, Busbery, aco chery, caret, sprach, bocca tomato, ange, omegranate and marigld. Eatng 2 varity of rot cobs of rus and vegetables every day can ersure that we get enough Phyfonuients or beter heath ‘+ Conta key phytonutients cudng lag act, hespeidn hgh arc yeopene. Zs @ — 9» Maintaining healthy, clear nasal passages 22735 + 10rd “Sparen roodes rave boon used due to thir antbactrl and at Intamatry act. ‘+ Cnanon exact tas boen shown to postvely aetna health, ‘+The fitotheaceola cheny te conabs high eve of vain C whichis benef forbes breathing, ‘+ To take Sparen needs, crramon exact and acstoa chery exact togeher to reduce nasa dscorot mere eectely than they dO India. rie Glucosamine The best protection for joints + e086 + 120capales + Daly serng of Nuite™ lucocaine contains 100m ofthe active ingredient glucosamine HO, proving enough nutes to promete jot eh "+ Glucosamine HCI has twice he acti glucosamine content ofthe suite form used in matcher products inthe rar. + Combined wih bosvella, teman and aoerle chery concerts to hangs te fexbiy othe. 1+ Bxractod tom shimps raed in unplized vate that ae rch minerals ade rom tao substanoes. Triple Guard Echinacea Immunity boost when you need it most + 5986 + 120006 “+The only product n the market ofleeng forma which blends thee cecact tom two species of echinacoa,ghng th broads Dont to you body's natural doer, ‘+ Tile quad echinacea blend habs booting immunological and wound. heding bens. ‘+ Carus mutflavonid concertates exacted rom hitand pod of crue, ganefuts ard eons grenghen ectinaceas defense agar om 13 Sleep Health Enhances sleep quality + Coniahs Chinese herb jyiba exact and ganmaamincbuttic ack (GAB toh reve sess and erhance eon cu + Ganmaaminobutyic acd (GABA) is an amino acd that acts as a rneotarsmiter. hes releve hyperactivity, neousres and sess, ‘+ Jjuba can cam ners and hip to acoso the aut of GABAn the brain remoting ha aflets of GABA ar Garlic and Pepper Promoting cardiovascular health + 94st + 120tab ‘+ Contin concentrated gatic pow to provide clricaly skirt eels of alin ard aon, berecian promoing cacdovasclar heath and strengthening boos immune system. + Concentrate derived fom gate that detyckated witout addtes or exces heat ha patented process to ensure thats rata cuales re ‘eared. + Hops to tlease rutionts io intestines to maximize oectienoss and suppress the urpiasant ocr of gare wih special cotng an natural beoperi. Men's Energy Pack ‘Women’s Vital Pack Golden Pack Energetic wih healthy ver and body. Healthy and beautiful from inside Out. thor with energy and power 8 Experience healthier and better skin support your daily ito. Live your ito to tho fullest everyday. 25+ copes Manyestorday. 4126» copsde 4127» Copacs + 12hndsotvtamins, kndsofmingalsand + *12indsofvtarrs,1Okrdsof meals and + 12k of tains, 10k of mera and 2 kno shytonaiens. 21K of ponents. 2 ers of vores + EPAard DHA naps protect haart + ePAand DHA aps protect hart neath + €PAand OHA nebs protect ea neath + Contnsbibery exact and iui or eye «+ Provides hm exon ican forefcert + Contr bibary exact ara en for oe preecton and ight ectanoe soon. proeton ard sit esr + Indica! package, cay to cary ound. *—‘Inchichal package, easy to camy sound. + ncn package, sary to cay aru Secor. By pk sa pase TaN FAVORITE ay = @ Diet Supplement Fat burning formula that boosts metabolism + Contains garcia cabo, chitosan, gymrera syveste and koa nut Preven he accumulaten of glucose ad ft, wich hinders weights. + Ganida cambogia reduoss the chance of excess glucose beng tuned io fas, + Critsan dosorbsexoss fats a eschrgos them out of the bod + Gyrmema sete reduesthe demand for sugar rake. + ola na acoskrats metabokom an promotes at bung, ee — FAVORITE wee 2 eon Carb Bloc Keeps calories at bay + 0193 + som + Contains natural ngeients including white Kidney bean extract, soybean tetract and parse cancantat at et he Breakonn a ssorpion of guose and monosaccharides. + The oradents are efectne in Imtng the producton of excess ‘monosaccharides that canbe absorbed bythe body and can unto fa + art ste to weight conscious peonke wha havea king or sechy and soe foo. Fa FAVORITE — wy crite = @ Safflower and Citrus Reconstructs the proportion of fat and muscle + 7573 + 12osetgels 1 Contin Conjugated Lindi Aci (CLA hat promotes rosin an fat, metal, thus recut bodyfat while rearing or enharcing musce vole. 1 Reconstruct the proportion of fat and muscle, eduoes the musc oss veto 2909. + Frm up louer abdomen. + poids weight ebound an FAVORITE ey Slimmetry Tho ideal choice to reduce fat + 7085 + catab ‘+ Provides soomg of Greenssoct Prytosome™ caine re groan tea ead. 1+ Improves testinal sorption wh he patented GSP technology fecvely reduces fat absorption, 15 Nutri Fibre Blend Chewable Tablets Promotes intestinal health + 4283 + 3006 “+ ach tablet contains 17 grams oft dtry foe. a balanced bend of soil an inscluble foes damned rom 13 natal source of vegetables as wel as FOS, which help to ib the rout of harm bacteria “+ Solve fore hos day gastic emobing wich resus in inteased ‘salty is als benekial n manag noel ood sugar ves and choker ee. ‘+ neluble fie ss in altar a heathy ‘gu and ramateg nomad bowel equa aN FAVORITE wy BodyKey Meal Replacement Shake (owcsiiteryareLate) Slimming with a balanced nutrition + s4po4senusea + 14pouthes 1+ Aboance of pros, catbohyctate and * Comahe 12 vtarins, 9 mina, $709 of calsum, ‘+ Conta righ poten (179) The main protan ngedee is soy poten, hich provides 9 esentilamino acids, wih aceon chia proton. “Conta hig tary ber (Sto extend sat 1+ Aa th water to execute your weight management plan aya 16 Nutri Fiber Powder Your convenient fiber supplement 1 ach sachet of Nut ibe Powder delves four grams of water-soluble fers, and is non git, odou-fee and easy 10 mix wth food fx & coment fer supplement. 1 Adal ake of nee grams of water sable fer hes meintin poms chester ee. 1+ The wate-soutle far hebs encourage the growth of heathy bacteria wich in tum promotes heat towel movement. The heathy bate so work to break doan accunulted inetnal waste and promte god ‘tena heath + The oer powder habs enhance sections of aun, which contol: ope, and provdesafeeing of flrs to Pep us eatin moderation, bodykey BodyKey Nutritional Drink Mix jabccPspsiuroom You fresh choice for healthy slimming + Ading sojbsan and cats asthe main sauce fron. + ichin prot, etary fer, vias and mineral, + Rich ast, longer lstng sate. + No rane tat BodyKey by Nutrilite™ Nutrition Bar - Seaweed Flavor Healthy and delicious treat +2595 + 7s “Baked wth uinoa, soybeans and nuts 1+ Contahs sy poten ar etary fbr, croving you wih energy, rutiton and say. ‘+ Tis heathy and decous snack provides wonderful corbiraton ofthe Intense aroma cuts with atouch of say, soy seaweed. bodykey e® BodyKey Meal Bar (nin nicmtine tani Healthy and delicious anytime, anywhere bars + ach bar pow lance nti. 1 About 12-16 ams of roe. +2 ypes of tain, minerals and ruins Indu packs, easy to cary, and provides you with energy and mtiton inatimey mame ies FAVORITE way ree @eS Balance Within™ Probiotic Promotes intestinal health and consolidates immunity + isrinsra + aaposiekpade + Each sachet cont upto 83 bilo active probs bacteria to promote 'ntsil Meth and resume fat bly * Contains 5 functional stains proven by sic research snd chica. Wah HNOT@ ane NCFM™ as he man svar, suppor by 100 scenic researches. + Prebiacs ~ uin, which is exacted rom the root of European lat cooy, a water soll prebite fer. his used a a food for aobiotics| ‘nthe intestine and promotes the growth aed acy of obits, @ nn’ by Nutri (e Diet Jelly Having pretty face and good shape is not a dream 64696 + vasicks + Garcia camboga erat promotes metabolism and ints the comerson of cessive sugar nt fat. 1 Cotagen mehes te skin smocter + Grae favor, 7 PhytoPOWDER™ (Defend Cherry) ‘Supports a strong immune system ‘Each sick provides 46mg of tar Grom acerolacheres goun on cur ‘oun Nutt gan esto fatty you body natal cefenses. + Flchin tytonutents and adstonalyadoed ane an warn B to keep youyekated while srengthering your mane syste. PhytoPOWDER™ (Refresh Lemon) Provides essential nurients and rehydrates your body + sama + 2609 ‘+ The botanical tut blond of Keon, pineapple, soa buckthom sn Pomeryanat provides a ras tat “Conta ch vitamin Cand 8 oerent types of tain that re nessery forthe formato of energyinthe body, Keecnayoureeshed andhycated ada on, 18 PhytoPOWDER™ (Electrolyte Orange) Roplenishes electrolytes during activity + Contains @ power antioxidant ingedent, Red Orenge Compex™ to strengthen cele enix by. ‘+ Replnishes eectohtes dung activity, nepng you to stay Myra ana aya the ee, mea OW Chewables The ground rules forchilren’s health ‘+ Contains 10 vitamins plus ron o provide chien wah absenoed et for ‘hele nermal gout, * Deried rom various nuttous materi + Chewable, and expanced wih natural range favour Chewable Iron ‘Keeps the brain smart + Contsns ferous att hats easly absotbed by cicten. Essential tothe famatin of hemaglbdn boo that cares caygen toa bats ofthe body abo enhances metabo 1+ Promotes bran development of chien. 1+ Chewable wah naa vaniaustard favour. — a0@ Berry Protein Powder For the healthy growth of children ‘+ “Two scoops of Nutilie™ Beny Frotsn contah nine essential amino 120 inthe best proportions and gro eight crams of quay protein 0 romete the growth of muscle and bones, ‘Two scoops of Nutita™ Bony Protein conan 260 of clea that is essential forthe heaty grout of bones and tet + Two scoops of Nutite™ Ben Poth contan aOmng of tain C to sengten the immune stem. Cal Charge Soft Candy (Cocoa Flavor) Three essential nutrients for healthy bones of chittron + Contsins tree wel-baaned nuts hat are essonta for heathy bores ard gout of chide, eflecive proving chicken wth calcu, vin Dad magnest that ae cut or them toch fro regdar meals Calum s essential for chien to bu healthy bones and tet ‘+ Vitamin D and magnesisn can hep to optnie calsum absorption, promoting bone and musce heath, ‘Crary, cance tecture in corna far 19 TRUE BEAUTY STARTS FROM WITHIN Nutrilite™, a world-renowned leader in nutrition supplement science, reveals a breakthrough in moisture protection. The new premium, plant-based Truvivity by Nutrilite™ brings together the advanced technology of Nutrilite™ and the expertise of ARTISTRY™ which is designed to help strengthen, support and protect the skin's foundational moisture structure from the inside by targeting its main components. I's your inside secret to reveal your captivating beauty. BEAUTY SUPPLEMENT ® For Moisture Protection at Night - + 9408 + cot + Specialy dosgned to work ise your body ding the ‘Seop when rfl ep and evialzaion proceso se most aciv, Contains patted Phyto Comex and PhtyoCeranide Complex designed to lp support the ‘od founda moist Suture. You wake ana ‘tart your day wih fe eat tokng sn, a a C(D) For Moisture Protection Anytime + 0097 + sosscats + ues PhytoCeramide Comox viamin Cand Ccarbery to ep support moistsied, heathy skn ak yong, +A light pleasant dink wit natal gapeut favor CContzins ro arial tavos, coors o presente. + Comes inconvenient sachets and is special ‘omuiated to provide areesting boost at any ime of the cy. ‘Complex fo sepport hyaluronic acid les and hap protect te skin's fundatonal moisture structure. noredents incu: g ‘Specialy form Grane Seed Exact + Lyol Fructus rack * Cherckee Rosehip Exact 2 The PhytoCeramide Complex {Designed to protect the skn’s moist bare, hp kin osture, outsh ry ck oa, ard boost sknhycation om win nord noc: Wheat Brant * Cranbory Beract + Aooroia Chery Concentrate TRUVIVITY “ by 4 NUTRILITE 20 iE i) g a i @ © © ®) Immune System Health @ D> @ iS Heart Heath o a e = Bone Health 69 Men's Health 6 ® @&) © with EPA, @ eS Fundamental Health Sentimental Health Liver Health Joints Heath Women's Health with DHA Antioxidant Mental Heatth i 5 Nasal Health Baby's Health Soy Ingredients Energy ‘Supplement Weight Management Health Growth children’s Health Suitable for Vegetarians LIVE ES, Builds lean muscle, bums fat and gets the body in shape xstraBURN™ = xs as + 1929 Blueberry Green Apple + 36 grams of patented arrino acid an Lime ie ‘hcan combi, coising 9 eset aro + 5791 cn + 4220 cn + ran ce ph canoe eset ino ad 1 83804Gan) + 1807 cand 149m 240) + 96224 Can) ee aos acon + vith exocke can tee noease muscle swiss + Helps improve perormance dung exercise and impos tbe sate beloe and. ater 2 ARTISTRY Beauty Products The Heart of Artistry™ Remiee: Mme ee UNnc eu taee sMar CUM sal teed ie ARTISTRY™ lio features skincare, makeup and holistic beauty ee Mnitin cacacecucce acl eset) individual cS nh Pr Erte) ARTISTRY™ products are extracted from Nutrilite™-sourced ingredients ees ieee outa NCmenurelelecmecdn iis Mun sues Taube ae Tul seaaatian encom sea ral SU ae 60-plus years of advanced skin care technology, togetherwith collaborations Ori mea Neteller sel acne GUISUG Nar) oro Ng eng Sree CRM omc sona MeN Masso ee Clean and Traceable When it comes to the research and development of new products, ARTISTRY’s focus is always on safety and reliability. Using Nutrilite™- sourced ingredients, the aim is to ensure that the products you use adhere to rigorous production standards that allow unprecedented “seed-to-skin” PEM euch time ull cuenie Personalized for You Over the years, ARTISTRY has put a strong focus on research and development, aiming to develop products that are personalized to individual needs. Customers are able to find the most suitable products for different RR Couch eect cmcaclinteh alah woaeclimeute Kelle isn from within. Ae Nature Baer) eae) eae) - 7 ARTISTRY [pirate Sctemnp aieciunserticracsea ania Reise I eager Peres na ie ie ieee a nee Ran ihe eRe es ee RRA ee en acs ‘Advanced Skin Refinisher a he +The Reristing Complex ofan exchsve bend of opicl dues and natant visibly ttten pores. OR eee eee ee eee ee tes Oe) ee CR ee et) seal. Petry Restores A Younger Look ~ In Just 14 Nights Semen etn) Oren erro ee eee ed erent ieee er ee ee ce eed Ne i a eee eee eens Seo irs Neer ee) oe ee een ene Ce eae eee See Ce eee oe cee Deed ‘Awakens Skin Vitalty Overnight Dee ree ene een ees Cette ted a cetera erecta rrr ara Oe et eau aee Coes ening reas eet eae i Pras Se ee Baca th platnum thou, suitable fo sertive skin Se ee ee ay eee EO ey Ce ae ea a De ree Ce ce ee SNe eee ee tc Cee el a ee ee ne ee ee a ee cy [ee seneetenre seco nomen | eee teeta ee eee SNe ure ee or Preteen nc baie rd natural et ats eee nee er ee Peete Cena frances Pema ae eo SANS eet eN REN eocmom er by Adding as before Essence ssl MYM Iciceeeue MOCO Curate Ma Cor Cue ARTISTRY™ Boosting Infusion is powered by two scientific breakthroughs, Smart Oxygenating Detox Complex and Liquid hnology, to bring you the three unparalleled skincare ‘ ir skin appears awakened and vibrantly healthy, with gem Me Ue Re Ce tua Ta a i = SUnparalleled Skincare Benefits + Detox Remove he polutonts and imputisin in + Oxygen Up. increcie stn'sonvgen lever rote by more than four Hes" cere es csc Meee grein ne neniettar et Oko cca ruNcyts a Resins eames eos peepee Eaiey iene rai. an rerer pai Rohe edad Dt aero Ree (ea eae Prete ee eC cs looking complexion. Ree eC eel eee ee De ee eRe ae) Pee Ce ee} Ger ua) environmental stressors and allows skin to better absorb skincare ingredients, UR amen elke Mee ee eens eee ene ees eee eed gta ceca eS surface layers, rather than staying on top. It helps boost delivery by more than four eee eee ay ena ce pees Boosting Infusion can instantly plump and revitalize the skin’s surface and set the og rece eure ey ese Anti-Aging Breakthrough Reduce the Look of Expression Lines Overall ARTISTRY™ Advanced Vitamin C + HA Treatment” is inspired by dermatologist- injected filler treatments to deliver an unprecedented level of 100% Vita-C Complex and Bi-Action Hyaluronic Acid Blend with an innovative activating cap, addressing the three key factors of expression lines for skin's natural plumpness and creating a younger, smoother and healthier look! * Results rot equivalent to surgcaVoamticprocades GaN. FAVORITE 7 2 Powerful Technologies for Smooth Skin Bi-Action Hyaluronic Acid Blend ‘The carefully constructed Bi-Action Hyaluronic Acid Blend incorporated two different sizes of HA polymers that target different levels of skin’s surface to address, ‘the natural loss of HA as we age. Because HA can bind approximately 1,000 times its weight in water, this Blend can dramatically increase skin's inner hydration. ‘At every level, skin regains plumpness, filing out with a smooth healthy look. Vita-C Complex Vitamin C is one of the strongest natural antioxidants. It can neutralize the harmful free radicals that cause Visible signs of aging. Combining 100% Pure Vitamin C Powder in the activating cap and Nutrilite™ approved, Acerola Cherry Extract in the serum, Vita-C Complex helps to repair the appearance of expression lines and, also serves as an exceptional antioxidant. ARTISTRY™ Signature Select™ Personalized Serum Facial Analysis Computer Evaluation System F.A.C.E.S., Artistry’s exclusive database. Over 32,000 subjects ay OF WOMEN have multiple skin concerns en CONCERNS A total of 25 different combinations TaN. FAVORITE Syso ea Narita Ariery Advanced Technology CONNECTING NATURE & SCIENCE = Base Serum Formulation contains 100% (E> Phyto-infused water and five Nutriite™- GNUTRILITE: sourced botanicals, increases penetration by up to 175%". * Rost bythe mix of Ampliirs wit Base Serum POWER INFUSED TECHNOLOGY Power Infused Technology is exclusive to Artistry, first and only to the beauty industry. Special chamber protects key performance ingredients from oxidation and loss of potency. 60% higher concentration of key performance ingredients than Artistry daily serums. 5 Amplifiers Technology Signature Select™ Hydration Amplifier Hydration-Probiotic Technology Maintains skin condition that prevents moisture from escaping Ingredients that stimulate the good bacteria on skin Moisturizing fore surface consists of sugars / ingredients that aim 3 jicama plant juice to stimulate for ultimate hydration B-defensins Norwegian Ford Increased Hydration By 233%" 100% of women showed an improvement in skin softness Signature Select™ Brightening Amplifier cane +1557 © am Radiance-Renewal Technology coda to a brightening eftect Polymer with amino acids that stimulates a specific enzyme Algos sin texture lmao inthe skin tat contls and leads to skin that = D) exfoliation (SCCE}, supports “ 1s abundantly bright the turnover of the skin ‘Star Lily 100% of woman showed improved brightness and overall complexion” Signature Select™ Anti-Wrinkle Amplifier Line-Diminishing Technology Refines skin from wrinkles, and leads to young looking skin that is full of resilience Focusing on the longevity genes Red Algae is nurtured through that hold the key to “ay light cultivation technology, skin fespan,asing Sftengtnens the skin sroctare goog {9% of woman nats an skin Litesiet Scie meinesand omnes Signature Select™ Firming Amplifier Skin-Tightening Technology vera Firms the skin, creating a feeling of lift and a refined impression Dill Extract stimulates the Sanco cage toting ot . . pb Soe creo esching 22 cl woman expetenced dng aiagon = f= rae {80% of woman experienced firmer skin" Signature Select™ Anti-Spot Amplifier Spot-Targeting Vitamin C Technology Fixes skin that has spots and freckles. Oil Soluble Vitamin C derivative that helps inhibit the enzyme Effectively blocks erates eeepemnemnee the conversion of 97% of woman had an mmlanosomes ito f= improvement inthe sevety of melanin Star Lily ddatk spots, which includes the ‘ize, color and contrast of spots” “Result by the mc of ampli wth base serum 3 ARTISTRY™ Signature Select™ Mask Targeted Masks: (Our skincare masks target the top five most common skin concerns: dryness, large pores, Uneven tenure, lows of Saetety and uneven skin tone VSION Each mask is powered by an infusion of skin-loving Nutrilte™-sourced botanicals and NUTRILITE perfected by Artistry" skincare expertise. I) aus Injust // minutes, your customers will enjoy healthier, more beautiful-ooking skin. What is Multi-Masking? CONNECTING NATURE & SCIENCE Multi-masking means using multiple masks on different face zones at once, or as part of a multi-day routine. How to Muli-Masking Polishing Mask mn + 1009 yeu experiencing rough skin texture or ekress—oriyou just want to reesh and seth sin's sutece—yeull lve the simulating senbang acton of Ansty Signature Select™ Polshng Mask fused wih Nutvite™ sured black cura extract o Pep lea sk feng Soft and nourished, and natural sugarcane crystal n cere sizes to polsh away ded, dl ‘kin cls gery or smocthe si fade. Mai on forehead ard T-20re Can be Used 23 times per week anon atest dys Brightening Mask Ho + 1009 ‘Skin ooking dul and else? Tae to tun up he radiance withthe ener fect ofthe ‘ety Senate Sekct™ Brighierng Mask. Sky mousse wih Nurite™- sourced white cia ‘seed ect les skn lurinous wih cew vialy. lends wth ba beads for exoltion and lola ans io aerate keratin metabolem to bocst ary brghisning sxcareegire. "Maniy on ere'ead,-zone, cheeks ad chin, Canbe used 3-4 ines per week and on alerts as Firming Mask pti + 1359 It you sense tat saggea feng, rfl your skin losing elscty—or even jst need 2 tle rnourshment—you need the “power uno" of Artsy Signature Slect™ Fring Mask. Honey gl wth Nutit™-sourced pomegrarae extract wansforn toa creamy whtemask, vith waming technology to Create a deh warming sensaton after genty massage for 1-2 mites that hobs skin fel em, evtalzed and renewed ard imoroxesmirooreuaton. ‘Many on forenead, cheek, ane and neck. Can be used daly Purifying Mask 2a + 1005 \Wnen sn craves a dep clean and pores needa purge he puting power of Aris Signature ‘Slec™ Pthing Mok comes tothe rescue. fused wih Nutito™ sourced cus exact ‘hich eect reduces sn ol seereon rd dence Frnch clay which mena aber ‘exces face ol, eases the nore ke @ mating ragne, roves det on tho skin's eutace ‘and reves shines on T-zene to brng you mt skin ore a ay fg. Oates! socthes coro ster ceasing and brings a sere of calm deepte the srosas of He. Mayon fered ard zane. Can be used 3:4 tines pr week aon atest care. Hydrating Mask 23 + 1008 ener skin feels cy, toht or uncomionabe, ste to teat to the mega-moisue- Inuson of the Atty Signature Selet™ Hycatng Mask. fused wih Nuta™-sowced (gen toa exact which i known forts aré-cxdat ower, as wal asa special moist linosome and sodium hyaluorate that lave skin fing rstantytycated Light teste ke oped sauté elbs boost any hydtating skncar regen. Maly on forehead, zone, choaksion an neck Can be used daly, 33 Sean the OR Code for Signature Slact™ Macks ideo ARTISTRY™ Signature Select™ Body Care Collection Mix up your body beauty routine! Our first collection of five high performance body products is derived from nature and perfected by science. Experience powerful, nature-inspired ingredients from Nutrilite™’s organic farm, develop your personalized body care regime EIS to cater to unique needs, and reveal your best body skin yet. GNuTRIWAY. ew The products are not tested on animals and are formulated without mineral oils, parabens, phthalates and sulfate surfactants — all to trust the pure, safe and effective results of formulas. Dermatologist tested, allergy tested and suitable for all skin types. TST SIGNATURE SELECT Partying Body Con "etoyant Patan pours Cope Purifying Body Cleanser 3859 + 2009 Gontly ceansos skin rom impuites—incudng sweat, dit and pllsion micro dust (PME5 ‘This aly cleaners oma is rtused wih Nuite™-soucedcins extract, pala and evening primes ols proactiely help srngten sins barr and Plp defend aganst dyes 1 Tea teeing sot. smooth, masturzed nd prepped to recive ate benef om your fl body car routine. Polishing Body Scrub 60 + 1979 ‘This nstant-acon eolatng soub i made with exra-ne tambo grin that gery werk to sueep aay the but of dl dry suracecels and reveal eh, smooth, dling sin Underneath. Nuite™”- sourced black cura extract ls a bland of essentials aa uit, ‘erenng primrose cl and pila ci hp nourish skin sot stays baby-so fr days. Firming Body Lotion 61 + 2009 ‘Ags the appearance of cet ard gen the sagging sk, Tis serum oon = pomeredby ‘Ntsty Skate Select ™ skin ming complex (cole sed o, cafene, algae adipose) ~ halos sb smoot and then ski ge you gs, bal and ams afemer appearance vith cated wee. tao contains Nuvita™-souess paregiarala exact which roves ant-st sn nef protect and soote skin tom tation caused by sx pes of polars Incuding PN2.S, PMO, des exhaust, cigarette smoke, urban dust, and pahoycic aromatic hycrocabons roate hytocarbons.. Hydrating Body Gel (Quech yrs sk wih dee cation for un to hours Ts aang hte geltomde sefredus to you custom reeds and ele most whi and where kn nds fest Ferme win Nite ™ sourced geen te and pesch tower exacts, era and evering recs ls tat lp ee arson presen Yom fee aia, polis, rc purtes tohepstengten ski's moisture briny o keepng sn webct cay and ih + Mesourement akan 48 hour ater toe daly use Brightening Body Cream 262 + 2009 ‘Show of skin's gow and reveal your ier Goddess. Powered by Arisiy™ Skin Bightening (Complex, this Xacton fomula reed vs brighter, renamed skn. Wah every apeticaten, Nurite™-sourced white cha seed exact, aowela chary exact and evening xmvese i hit help imorove and right ul skin, 35 Sean the QR Code for Body Care Collection video Artistry Skin Nutrition™ - Balancing & Hydrating Artistry uses Nutrilite™ phyto ingredients to develop the repair complex composed of acerola cherry, blackberry and Australian daisy, which is effective in boosting skin's natural defense by 350%", preserving skins youthful condition by 200%** and helping to maintain youthful skin matrix by 180%**. Ec eatng Balancing Jelly Cleanser + smn ism + Conia pants shiso pela and aloe vera blend, @ succulent lant ‘tract to help seco skins and amino cis which are mid eansng agers tht gen emove impute. “+ Sozo-fee fous is proven to remove inatng polsion and imputtes {ncucng PM 2.) om kn. Thishelos soothe onset often before can begh anc helps keep skin's defense baer na came tate EZ Balancing Matte Gel Lotion Balancing Fresh Shake Toner + 279+ 200ml + Contsins wich hae, natal deme poe cafe to help lace sks less; and prebiotics, a microbe balncng exact tom white cha 02d 9e that eps support sk bari function. + Conta o ara aves sin wth a sofa fish 1 Provides sinha ech bust ofhncraton ater cleansing. Skin fs esh and smooth, wihout ay sick reste, + Aloette Balancing Matte Day Lotion SPF30 PA++++ 797 + Som ‘Contains plant plankton, a marne-dred ingrecient that absorbs excess ‘whe manag skr's naturel yc: and zne POA. @ sebum bance complex that helps corto olf a shine-fee ook. ‘+ Contolsoland ecices shinies troughouthe cy, Bs sper meisieng owe: hes prevent sgrs of ar, ava poluton stmt, + i not iog pores and cause ane i Hydrating Mousse Cleanser + Contahs patted shso potla and aloe wera Bend, a succulent plant extract to help soothe skin; and ana acids which are mid eansing agents that gan remove impute, ‘+ Sozo-fee cleansing mausse snseos away dt, drs end oherimputtes fromthe sk, {+ Garleaino acid ucts (cleansing ingredients are used ands are- fulyomulted to helo kep ska its heathest oH evel Hydrating Day Lotion SPF30 PA++++ + 3200 + sont ‘+ Contahs red algae, 2 marine plant exact to hep foht against skh Cetycraton; and camosine, a peptce to proce protection against ‘sin-damagg bie ight and inane it. “+ ods sn wth nou hyation Skin is restored and purpad with moist, wit a vated appucance. “Contos sooting ingens to nour and comfort skin. Sk natural moist improved and pores anges reduced, 1 Socivay protects your skin fom UVB utravlt rays, bie It, inary and poluton damage. ED Hydrating Eye Gel Cream + Contains qunca seed, a grain extract 0 help reduce the appesanoe ot dark crs; ar optical iter, the mcr ight ating partes whch provide stant bigtenieg. + Redes the look of multileeay sgn of aging, tke ines and dures. Lessee the lok of dk cles as wel os pares. + Fragance-e, sul for serstive skin, sae or contact lens users. + Contains meadowswost, an herb etract o hep keep oly skin in blancs: sand cana, a peptide fo povde poiacion aginst skr-damagng bie ght and ined tht. ‘Absorbs quick, leaving a soft mate look thats heathy, balanced and shire tee, +The meat ats 24 nous. Pores look ess wie and sin stays es hey. + Efctiely protects your skin fom WVAVLNB ula rays, be ight ‘nrared rays an polton damage, Hydrating Smoothing Toner + Contns toric, rot etvact used to calm the skin; and prebiotes, ‘amicebomebalaneng exact rom white cia gal that heps suppor skn bari uncon, 1 ntused itn white chi seed ge it roids ves supnor det to tins mice 1 Proaciveystabies, strengthens the skin, and hes Kee the skin in tadance by ming the emation fits. + Achat oa, Hydrating Gel Cream + 278 + somi * Contains be agave, @ succulent plant erat to hep reinor skins natura craton evs end ce prot, a prot to eo prevent damage to sk’ suppor sistem and protect aga signs of aig. + Impacts and hos prevent isle signs of premature agng, ncn fe Ines, duless, poor tee and uneven sn ene, I helps stengten sk to protect against envtonmenta apgressors. + Specialy designed to prime kn for makeup appt. 37 Artistry Skin Nutrition™ - Renewing & Firming RENEWING SOorrENING omen Artistry uses Nutrilite™ phyto ingredients to develop the repair complex composed of spinach, tea olive flower and turmeric, which is effective in restoring skin's youthful condition by 600%", helping reverse the signs of aging, reducing skin stressors by 90%" and revitalizing mature skin to a more youthful condition by 220%**. for Skin Nutaiton™ vdeo Exo teatng 38 I Renewing Foaming Cleanser + mar + 59 “+ Contains ghosin, a naucly dered huectont that dees Iense rmajtue dung Gearing: ard amino acid, mid eng gor rat (er remove mount. “+The ric, creamy foam gent cleanses skin tom dit, makeup reste, pluton and otter impure rom sk. Renewing Reactivation Day Lotion SPF30 PA+-++ + conan eater win moses ses rd anne ie Canes ncn roves poten pat sen cara he it ad ‘tneaion “+ Provides mostureatin, WV ard pluton petcton to revert moderate sersofagng. “+e in protecting skin tom the six mejor types of potion 3 wal as ciate camago cased ty oo radcat. “+ the prac way to prma hn for makeup apileaton eect fro tects your skn fom UYALUVB uta as, bu light infared rays and pluton damage. EI Renewing Reactivation Eye Cream srt 50 + Contains oat extract which hls frm te delat eye re; and penis ‘whch reduces unde ofiness. + Delers deep hatin wth 24 hous to the delicate skin round he eyes and hs to eaivete sn’ ably around the ees. “Under eye cepines minimized to rete a brigter and hes look around trees, Renewing Softening Toner 3783 + 200ml * Contin oat pros, a tint rch in pots tht gon refines and sronitens sks sutace: ar prebiotics: a miroiome bang exact ‘rom whe ca sed ge that hes sunpat kn ba incon. + Easily abootbed by skin it proactiely stbibes, strengthens and keen kas mizcbiome n balance to prevent sqns of lation. ‘Motors and it helps mahi ski's pH balance. Renewing Reactivation Cream + cams sora heh sangre e's ean fe og srg Inne andro od wn ears atc, sting We irene ‘+ Pohts against the appearance of Ines and winkes. Restores a younger, heater look of skin, vs reducing exsing damage + Skins fang supple and bounce Firming Ultra Lifting Cream 786 + 509 1 Contin sive ful skn cling extract to hep estore dul, aged sk and epi which reduces the aopeeranceof winks ard hep fm on 1 Achy etcieeant-aging moisturize whic protects skin aga int. tions tom potion, + Deecy penaates to ech skin's mals levels for 24 hours and fms ‘he appecrance of sagging sk. + Restues thelockftie,doop set rts, expression Ines and dot tions to estore the oy, youth gow of kn, 39 Ideal Radiance™ a ARTISTRY, IDEAL RADIANCE OERERADIANCE Phin soe weal 3c weet RTISTRY DEAL RADIANCE == “a ae + Ingredients ss sseeeeeeeeeee STARLILY BLEND ‘Minimize the look of uneven skin tone and spots [AA2G SKIN-BRIGHTENING TECHNOLOGY Reduce the appearance of skin pigmentation and even skin tone. PEARL PROTEIN Diminish the appearance of dark spots and discolorations 40 lMluminating Foam Cleanser 618 + 125m ‘+ Pelented Oat Extract ont removes impute force sk that el sot and smooth “+ Hops real a radiant glow over tine whle protecting sk's mosture oes. Illuminating Milky Emulsion + 9621 + 100m “Conta patented White Chia Seca and Pomenranate Exact, which fare grown and hand-picked on Nurito™ fam, have anti-oxidant and ‘rgitening berets that heb dscourage the aopecrance ofboth uneven sntone and dark soos. “+ Ughttedured Miley Elson i stable for nomalo-comtinaton sn andl sn which irpcves n't for amare evetoned, Mealy looking comolexer. UV Protect SPF50 PA++++ + 7209 + 20m + Una ghtweight sunecren tines protect skn against UVB, WYAand ‘emformental aggressors that can cause dark spots and discobratons ‘+ Fora brotter, more adant ook. a Illuminating Softening Lotion 9619 + 200m efesrng fornia with acvanoed brightening naredints gies skh an instar surge of mature whe eaves skin looking fesh and glow. ‘Prepares sin to ecahe te maxenum bghtening beets tom flowing IDEAL RADIANCE™ products EF ittuminating Moisture Cream + 9622 + Som (Contains patted White Chia Seed and Pomesranato Erect, which ‘are foun and hand picked on Nutite™ fas, have antiga and Drohtening bones that hep dscourege tho appearance ofboth ungren skntane and dark spots. Sof, sivight Moisture Cream is sutzle for nomalody skin and dy skin which leaves sk feng Geepy moisturized, sof, smooth and suppl. Sheet Mask ey HD Ampoule Mask + 7886 + abocotspes + 240l/pc ‘+ The deep Metaing system contains a highly concerted ampoule formula which contains Norwecien ford water, Hawaln aca, obs Inesronc ec, tat has the abil to store mor than 100 tes ts won wean, thus stay hykaing the ekin, which then entanoes the skin bane a Reprogramming Mask + 0714 © aborofspes + s4mi/pc LUSH, -exendng Medteranesn botanical exact, reprogrsmies the {uty o skin fore more youtllook. ‘The excuse and patented McrX8 Pepi hess rap skin damage and boos colagen product, _ican acta fut extract provides high ator power and brings youth beck to sin Gz Oo Cette! ARTISTRY Creamy Massage Enhances blood circulation and the delivery of ingredients to skin + 7655 + 100m ‘+ Contans natural jojoba, svorato, ac str, meedowem seed ol and steabuter tad massage. ‘+ Itcanimprove ood cteulston and etal the appearance of kn when applied wth massage. As ares, sks radanco is estored, ecg sot, ‘hy, moat and moisturized Micellar Makeup Remover + Cleanser Immediately removes the day's look + 3791 + 200m + Contains watermelon, a rit exact to hap protect sk rom damage cave foe racials and micas, magnet ke releces ata andi ‘ay pure. + The troe-tee fomua Inmedatay removes tenacious long-wean, \weterroo,ransler-eistart or sme prof fomuls. fo removes pluton ang wth makeup. ARTISTRY ARTISTRY | arristRY | Stee Cream Makeup Remover ‘Removes makeup amazingly well 37m nag + Contains meadowosm sood oan emit that los eave kn fing sof and mach an vitamin , a power antioxidant to help root kn ‘fom roe racials. + ven tenacious ong-wos,watrro0,terse-restant or smudge srooh ‘mules coud be easy removed. *Hytates,condons and soothes kn, lain it felng sof supple and ‘comfotabia, Helos boost srs esklanesagast exer sesso. Makeup Remover + Cleansing Oil Works wonder to remove your makeup, with no excessive rubbing Contains Agen Oi, a raturaly deve blended oo help conton sk; ‘and yarn, apowerl anova taal protect sk fom readies, 1+ Sutbie for comparative oy skin + Hap elective even on teracious ger, waterxoo ransteresstant ‘or smudge- poo fouls, 43 essentials by ARTISTRY + Cucumber: Anti-oxidant, Soothing Chamomile: Soothing, Age-defying _Vitamin E: Moisturizing, Anti-oxidant Lemon: Clarifying Coconut: Moisturizing, Rehydrating _—_Witch Hazel: Soothing, Protecting “4 a Gel Cleanser + 1547 125m + Gare waterbsoed, olf gel tat deeply and elec claroes skh and removes makeup restves,mouttes, cogging dt and exces is + Aaded cucumber ard acacia chery ftom Nutlte™ for antioxidant protection ote kn ‘+ Forrulated wih witch hae and white wilow barkto conte cand reduce sine; and aoe and chamomile fe sooting. Multi-Protect Lotion SPF30 PA+++ + 62 + son + Features nature's cocont water and Afican watermelon o he nourish and ycate sk. + Hops protect against he sun's harmful WE rys, Anti-Blemish Gel Treatment + 1658 + 20m + Fragrance-tee,norintating wih wich hare, sly acid and green tea. + enetates pore to Clear most acne blemishes, reduce the severity of emishes or pimples, scothng the skin ad caning echess a Anti-Blemish Pore Refreshing Toner 1657 + 200m) + Formulated withiamon, salve acdand aoe tate to cay, pry and urcog sk, + Hops to mhinze the appearance of pores ard conta problems such 25 eres ol acne blmshes, whteads and blackheads, Soughing of ‘dea sn oa atthe sara tne, Light Lotion 1548 + som! + Contns chamomile fr sothing and canta. ‘+ Formuated with Vitamin. acerca chery om Nite™ and anions ‘o protect agains the ereronmet. a Makeup Removing Wipes +159 + 5p + Guickty ae easily removes heavy makeup nung foundation, fp coke, ‘ye makeup and pore-clogging moar. + Gant Sorrua contin vitamin E thet protects the misture baer and ossnt eae ski dry or ht 45 le SNe men artistev | a TISTRY ‘men Ig na) NANT our aes Pe ta si ala 207 el sau Vela a tole ote The story of ARTISTRY™ Men is a story of advancing men. By knowing men and giving them exactly what they need to accomplish their goals. Today's man understands the importance of good skin and putting his best face forward. He deserves and demands high caliber products. He is interested in grooming for himself, He is looking for an advantage in a competitive world. Sea ee URC Nao nt really for him, That helps him get where he wants to go, eee a CeCe Cee ee Cea eee ate ea an et eee una) Cr eee ey sansmveer EQRMULATED FOR SUCCESS Ingredients ‘isan Aloe Complex Jojoba Gucamanna ‘ends core and Hore Chestnut Compe Mutvoom auc sso Send Caagsenan andl ‘Seaweed, amboo a Pea Exncts ‘gue src and Wheat Lote and Gtr Unis ols Themis Themerhies DermaSyne™ Complex. Exclusive to ARTISTRY™ Men Prouldeshydation and ol contol and helps smchronize men’ skin condition toachiveits best look Gentle Face Wash Effectively removes excess dirt and oil saa 6 115m ‘+ Removes exces dt and all hile retin tal mosur. Leaves sk clan, rested and condoned ~ not ht or cy. Cleanses ore, Enviving Emulsion Delivers eight hours of moisturizing ‘and soothing benefits 1+ Keops men's sin meisurze for mere than ‘ght hous. It comfos the sk. protects ‘agains most Toes and. dyness. by restoring the o's tual I barr. a7 Balancing Hydrator Balances skin condition as it smoothes and moistures the skin after shaving 9237 + Som + Ssmoothes, protects and moistres the skin ‘ter shaving. hs excess land shines. Helos protect agaist stesses ard dress by moistrng the skin and maianieg the protetve ind bari. Serum Concentrate Energizes skin cells to restore youthful looking skin + 9028 + 30m + Long-asing formula that moist and imines te appeerance of fe ines. The Patented oat exacts are natal exlators ‘hat help you achive brigtr and sof sn, CRU B Re E a cceloid nee er ere Poa eee on entre pepryinrelar sisson a ool Ce eee eee ed Cee ee ee er eee See ce calueraecut eal fon eerr Roca d en eee erro ee reece) coer ee ee ee ee ee eee ee ey protect the skin from the harmlul and oge-ceealeraling ne ee eee ete ee een eer a ane eee eee eS See eee eaieieb amit bemeatenbekaerad art Mehr ree eed Ai he ero kre ee seas eT aca) Se eer eee ree eee tes Eesttesiete feces eee renee cr eee co ST ee ees ca ected et a hee ee arnt Ce Tec ma ae Eo DN ea, eae FR ee Es Ne a cue corrected eee U IDEAL RADIANCE™ Illuminating CC Cream SPF50PA+++ Gives your skin light radiant fnish instantly + 20m + Customized formua wen Pear Protans that brighten and boost your ski's natura radance, dmnshing dak soos, ines and ‘ter imprtectons. 4+ Mut-cimersonalFnshing Complex eves recess, evens your skin tone and parets your look win a awess fish ‘Specialy designed emusion with excise Mulia Blend yates end smooths the ‘kn, alons foundation to glde on for mare ‘even applcaton and extends foundaton 1 SPF50 UVNLNB Pass protets skin fom Uv rays and minimizes the eles of tee rescas an ervrenmenta damage, ght un wi YOUTH XTEND™ Lifting Smoothing Foundation SPF20 PA+++ A youthful and radiabt finish that is extended into the future + 30m + YOUTH XTENO™ Technology eles toast ‘ks natura frees ard ast, ‘+ High resolution Light-Retecting Optics ‘sal soters ie ines and winks. + DuskAcing Sodium Hyak onate keeps skin cate, + Helos grotect skin am damage caused by WW expesseradicas and envronmental amage. cubis Bsus con won we cchifon Netra How to Choose TELEMEA your Onn ronceton 50 HYDRA-V™ Sheer Weightless Foundation SPF15 PA++ Delivers a watery-resh, sheer and Nawless coverage = 30m Norwegian Ford Water and Hawaian Aca hob deivea watey-Fech, sheer ard tawess coverage Lasieg fis for smoother tot. SPFIS PAs provides protection agsinst (vB and UVA rays to mnie skin exposure ‘ohm ays, ropoer applicator ges youthe ight clfewncaten Fragrance-tee. Dermatologist, non comedegne,ron-senegen ‘Sutabl for al sin types cng senstive sn habia Blague 1s we od ccniten 1140 Tawny EXACT FIT™ Longwearing Foundation SPF15 PA++ Look in the 24-hour look of fawioss perfection + 30m ++ rnovatne Color Lock Technology fr a 24 aur longasteg wer ‘+ Tatian Pees and Ofc! Prisms fer ht {ovably bz mperectons analock of pores ‘or ahigh-centon, tans ook +A fesble tansterresstnt flm toms @ ‘matic wih surface rested pigments holding the fora n place, paecty mick the ‘natal look fel sk + Contains Sodium Hyakeorate, Viamin E ‘and puro Norwegian wate, ightwoignt, ‘oxrishig and al absnting, + Fragrance re. cles ansafetouse around the cele eye sea. t 6 darmatlogit- tested, noncemedogeric ard won't log pores. chabie aque fat 1091 7693 7088 clon Naural Sana Tony EXACT FIT™ Powder Foundation (Refill) SPF20 PA+++ Helps skin retum to a flawless ‘complexion even through heat, hummilty and activity +15 ‘+ Tabtan Pests and Optic! Prisms ~ rete natural mate, nc it ih + are Amazonian Mines ~ prevent ol ard shine, + SPF20 PAL++ provides UVAVUVE sun protection Bisa But tural Send 51 EXACT FIT™ Perfecting Loose Powder For a invisibly and naturally minous look + Contais an EXACT FIT™ Bleed made ot Tatan Pets and Optical Prisms for overall transparency anc perfection without seting ino fe Ines or wine. The sky and sot texte reflects ight to ghe a natural radiant look ‘+ Helps carrot and shine without feng dry con an, eaving skin natraly mat, * Gan be woen over moisturizer or over foundaton to gi ira ook, oo 695 ght Mic [ EXACT FIT™ Perfecting Concealer Creates perfect radiant skin + Color Lock Techniogy for akay long ling wear that stays n pace comity, Contains the excuse Artiry EXACT FIT enc of finaly balanced Tahitian peas ‘and optical prim to instant reduoe the appearance of skn imperfections tke dark crcles, disk spos, redness, pores, Demises, Ines and werk, creating 2 fanless complexion with an insbiy ‘soamiess 1 Indus a miner to make touch-ups easier onthe, 1 Alegy tested. Dermatologist testod. Non ‘comedogenc, ron-scregenic and won tog ores. Sutabe fora sk yes, Sale for use ‘wound eye ae +The Bightene shade is aso avelble. Tis shade can be used by most skin toes to hight and ighten. can abo be used under your eyes to anaken the appearance ‘of eyes by miming the look of dark ‘ois, Theta saces may be used as an ‘eyeshadoprimer tohep extend the weer of your eyeshadow. 361 oe Ugh Mein Meciam oe 036s Miu Dowp egttone Soothing Cooler Tone-up Sun Cushion SPASO+ PAH++ Soothes and cools instantly, keeps UV damage away 9 + Contains patented soothing cooker complex and pink calanine, wich lover skin temperature inmedatey, remove excessive hea, ping boost he trod and intated skin wih her sooting and cooling fects. + Mein ingrecients of patented soothing cooler complor Aloe, Yam, Vil, Daud ein root and Keb, + Mesculous selection of more than. 20 ratal rors, indung the Nuite™ bsckcuran, that wl keep your skin hey al day v9, 1 Autsy’s new, skr-eserbiant rgradint "Upidue” bings ample hyckatrg power to your skin, reaing watertigbarir locing skin mote right fom the surface. Mik Protein is ace to op retain skn moisture. + Contains phystl and chemical sunscreen pedis, which block the ulraibet ays ‘hat cause skin agg and suroum. 22 52 EXACT FIT™ Cushion Foundation Alll Day Cover SPF50+PA+++ With tiple functions of reducing wrinkle, ‘brightening and UV protection + 292 + Asinjs excite miccpeptioe x0 prometes the proliferation ofcolagn, whe smoothing and dishing fee lees. and wrk. + Otter main ingredients nce mic ing ‘nd, Nonway Ford walr and atin pea + Shield - Bue Light Protection wih Luter: Lutein helps prevent the eroosue of be Ig to skn cele ard sterathers satu comeum by mergng te it & and create ‘bologeal tel, protecing the skin om UY rays and preening fom further a9ng and agnenttion, +The formula base is netted hobs formula adnero tothe skn natural every, increases Smoothness when apching and minimize poner camping and separaton. + Px ct™ Technology: Light retecton wih coated mica event foms the Optical Layer to express smooth and even skin tone and make sen ratrally sing. This technology hips to express smooth skin tone by coveing pore and wine ard arc colorant aggomeratn. The colorant can easly be spread on the skin, achieung beter color wiess quay. ame am 2 ed Neal So re he (Ew Get Color - Coordinated Quick As A Click Signature Color™ Signature Color™ Longwearing Eye Pencil Automatic Eyebrow Pencil (Refill) Longwearing Liquid Liner Long-wearing formula with highly pigmented color Designed for easy application Define gorgeous eyes lasting all day s129 «018s + asm “ LUnes and dene easy ith smooth een, #*-Gsateatine, medium, or tick ne smoatiy. __*-_—Dafin you eyes wth precise perfection and nay paren ‘The antoxdant van € shapes and dais eee + Long-woaing and waterproo oma wears ‘ons fora natural mate nish 1 Weerrcof technology and day to ight Up to 12 hous that holds up trough heat, umiy and ong days witout smudging 2éshour stayng power hos up in heat + Leng-wesing and rata clo. humity, and constant actity without ssnesing ‘ancl or sud + Geamy-ight formula erriched with condtionrg Joba ol, Veamin € and cotonseed ol makes scploston es easy a itis longwearng. Opihamoiogst and \amatoiogst tested sole for senstve eyes and contact ens wearers oom om 1+ Shuspner sald senate. tape Sof Black Blak Uh, (1, (0, (4, Block Blown Graphite Punbery Shimmer ARTISTRY For Voluminous Lashes ARTISTRY STUDIO Lash Boosting 3-In-1 Mascara Signature Color™ Lipstick | Brilianthigh-shine color, leaving lips looking full and plump “+ Atractve gold packaging, Fomulted wi a translucent base to fe the rich anc [ur color sine hugh an ter ry skn tone + Noneatneng ,non‘ieedng fora is infused with vain E anda compostion| cof natural ols that haps eck 36% more mosture, avg ips fang smooth, sf and beyond supp f ) f ) ) ) 0 ssa sn ‘woot Bch Thar Ly Daring Rec su Beige Poach ich Covoe a= Nutmeg Paiose Sougainlos ) ) | @ Pu Phd ‘sic atta Rose wwe Vatet i Signature Color™ Sheer Lipstick + aa9 + Mysterious black design The new fost delves the perfect balance of elagat color and shee shine, wi aighveiht felon is. + Provo tense yraon wth vitamin Eto hele deep euvenate and soften ps, ‘+ Cea Balm includes SPF 16 top protec ps om UV sin and enronmental damage. —— _ >_> Ee; ear am pens recone ip cris om G2 G> oD san sao soe sas etc aco canoy Natural i Henoy 56 ‘Automatic LipLiner Pencil (Refill) Long-lasting fpliner to shape your lips - 029 “+ Hap covet ne contour of your ps or ats a a bas for Ipstck or oss ‘+ Tre antiga vitamin € forula prevents clour rom beeing ar fsterng, > + % Dit owe Spiced Wine Sean the OR Code for Signature Color™ Light Up Lip Glos video Signature Color™ Light Up Lip Gloss +69 + Colo-eneped, ator hous Ip goss wth thee-censional per o creat rant aking Ios + us rat coat nd aa sw a caus eres he daca | ois der ana pistes an cap Po. ++ Comes wih ul ight and miner frees ouch up 2567 a7 as ass = Pint Nede ukyPeach Swetlon RealRed Pk SuparRovePetal MMsyhaure Rtpery Signature Color™ Blush (Refill) Gorgeous and stay trie colors fora perfect look + Specialy incrporatd with tious miro-fne pigments and color traveling peas, gies a rain and 20 sweep of color origin, contour and complete any maken ook, +The Golden Light ca be used to sweep under cheekbones, jain and along henner rae ofthe nose fr srmirg, contorted fc. + Gorgeous natural texture and stay tue cor lets throughout the dy. olden ot Peachy Pink FoshConl—Sotose Sweet Pk 37 Premium Cosmetic Brush Set EXACT FIT™ Powder Compact (8 Pieces) (without Puff) Powder Foundation Sponge + Indus onePonder Brush, Bsher Brush Foundaton Brush, Eyecader Brush Pit Brush, Concer Brash, Eyebrow Brash, [Up Brush anda rein Mekoun Pouch Ss ih Signature Color™ Compact Eyecolour Applicator Cosmetic Sponges ‘Automatic Eyebrow Pencil Holder ns ‘ i9 | = — Automatic LipLiner Pencil Signature Color™ Longwearing Holder Eye Pencil Sharpener Artistry Mask Brush Set 58 PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS G&H Body Care Collection NOURISH, PROTECT AND REFRESH YOUR SKIN WITH CARE Take your body care to a whole new level with nature's wholesome, effective, good-for-your-skin formulas. Discover the G&H body care collections— NOURISH+", PROTECT+™ and REFRESH#™ i ou (GEH 7 G8&H G8&H roa ROUAST NE eres RESO, REST G8&H NOURISH+™ Body Wash + 8107 + 400m + Foruianourshes and ences sin wth cation, + Formula conta patted a tation col, can get lance sk, + Blodegradable tomas de, suse and ticosar-ee. + Dermatologist and ally tested, NOURISH+™ Complexion Bar + 112 + 2505 + Nanning forma with stn sofring moisture to maith skin's raza meisture lance and morove skin complxon. ‘+ Mid and gets. Urique brescapart design so that ne complson bar can be kept saoazate for fave and boy use. Stable or al facil skin ‘ypes. + Biodegradable frais suet and idosan-ee, + Dermatol and ary ested PROTECT#™ Bar Soap 16» inpackot6(1509%6) 1a, gent, tclosan-fee fonda efectvely srtecs fm gems and removes dt ol and puri, + Non-dyng formula wih ch lather marians sks natural maitre ‘balance, avng skin okhng heat and feeng conioned. + Proven and exclusive MlodorFragranoe Techncagy o rec the skin against body odor. Leaves kh smaing ies, + Blockoradable oma seu roo. Dermatologist and aly tte. PROTECT+™ Deodorant Roll-On + 8120 + 100m! + Mid and gente on sk. Up to 48-hour of welness and deodorant protection. ‘+ Forulated to reduoe sk intaon and dscokraton. Ckar and fat- ‘yng, dos nt eave white marks on skin or cahes. + Bicusve and proven fagance encapsuaion tectnlogy to dalier longe lasing feng of estness thn Wadtona ragranced deodorants! antperspiants. *+ Dermatologist and alery tasted. Dee. ED REFRESH+™ Body Milk + s104 + 4001 + Unique lightweight yet mostureich formula spreads easy, absorbs stant. + Proves upto 24-hour masturzaton. Skin fees meisturaed al day ng. 1+ Hops rebut ns moist bare and helo protect against skr-chyng feeenment damage. NOURISH+™ Body Lotion 8102 + 400m + ich, ceany bon reads efrisn, aban easy 1 stant meistrzation improes skin's moisture ve by 125% for up to 24 rs. 1 Hops rebulé stn's most barie and helps protect skin tom sine ‘yng enironmental damage. + Dermatologist and alergy teste, NOURISH+™ Hand Cream + 8114 eIpackor30mbe3) + Unquelipd blend moistuizes hands fr upto 24 hous ater a singe use. + Wioeresitant formula hos hands feel sot and moisturized ven afer ‘wasting + 6% of conser fe sate hands aera single use. + Dematlogis and alergy teste, I PROTECT+™ Liquid Hand Soap ‘+ Prov and exchsive Maloor Fragrance Technology, cleanses deen to remove inpures ane naarszessrong ood odor, avin skh ting ton ‘+ Nandhing, gone yet efctve fora manta skin's natural moisture bbalznoe tole avoid dynes associated wih equa hand washing. “+ Blodogradabe formula oye ard sutsto-te, + Damatoogst and alg ested. ED REFRESH+™ Body Wash + e110 + «oom 1 Ugh ay foam ganty cleanses sn, + ncludes patented entiation complex makes it gente onthe kn. 1 Biodegradable ola soap‘, slate and tlosarres. + Dermatologist and aergy teste, ONAL CARE 8S! aw wi a idly Al=\ VO) 6-1 S1= arto) 8] Glister Concentrated Mouth Wash (Anti-plaque formula) Glister Glister Advanced Toothbrush Anti-bactorial formula to reduce plaque formation + 9099 + som "+ Reduces bulkhup of plaque fh st two wesks; 28% mre eect han ‘sting alone, “+ Removes fod residue lft ater sting and rfeshes your baa “Concentrate mouthwash provides ver 100 uses per bate Glister Mouth Refresher Spray Retreshes breath instantly + 0351 + im “+ Conta mnt and aise favour thst eaves your beat sh ‘+ Hendy, convenient and eso use, + Sugartoe. 2 Thinner head, unique bristles + 0857 + apices + 46 thier head ges easy access to haro-each spaces, hebng wih fective caring, Flbie neck reduces excesie pressure dung brushing. preventing damage to he teth and guns. + 78% more bss for beter caning, The psterted combination of sot ‘nd medium bristles can massage the gum while proving efectie clearing and pianve era Unique gi design th anon feature makes teat contol bring ‘and hp for more thorough oath ening. Fourmainteatres fcister © @ havanced Tethonush 1 Slim head 2 Uniquebrisles 4 Patoied hance (aN FAVORITE Glister Fluoride Toothpaste (Multiple Action) Protects tooth enamel Contains REMINAGT™' Ruri fomua which srerghens tooth eras nd prevents tooth decay. Sica halos remove surace stains and plaque caused by smoking or coe. + Contin oa and eteshing mt favour (Cleans thinner enamel and fights cavity + Fomuate for cikren ages two and above, the tootpaste sate deans icren's eth which hae thinner eran than au eth, + xcsve REMINACT™ func formu help repack essential ata mines back ro enamels hap make teth sengor and mare estat to docay, nd hing cavity at tne sama tne, ‘+ Transoarert red strate cured gal forma chicteted and approved to helo encourage youngeters fo bh Kalo eshens tir beat sme fora thet gay cleans developing teh + Suge-too gel and ary tested + Feats dent recommended sot rss, Specaly + Easyto-gi, nono custioned handle or sale hancs, wth aay ert, SSE Cleans delicate tooth and gums 0522 + Inpackors esgres to carefor ‘evoping and ceca eth ana guns, gen Gearing al ech ncucng ‘he hard reach one dls or sy sonication, 1 BPA.teo, PYC-tee and Phthalate. + Each peck oftoahbrushes ue ‘ourunaue coeur combinations. e ONAL CARE aw iia a sistem soneteamons Sunerior Clean Beyond Imagination Powered by photocatalyst technology and high-speed sonic (ses) vibrations, glistern Sonic Toothbrush combines 4 types of _Diisties which make it easier to clean hard-to-reach areas of your mouth than a regular manual toothbrush. Your teeth and gums are left clean and fresh - a superior clean beyond your imagination. Bi - glisterm Sonic Toothbrush + Ines one relacement head. Ecagltha OR Code for Sonic Toothbrush veo oa Photocatalyst Technology Patented photocatalyst technology combines UV LED light and to prevent the building up of dental plaque. Disinfects, deodorizes and breaks down organic matters to inhibit tooth decay and the formation of tartar. High-Speed Sonic Vibrations Up 031,000 times per minute of high-speed sonic vibrations deep cleanse hard-to-reach ‘areas by regular toothbrushes and massages ‘gums to promote blood circulation. 3 Cleaning Modes Choose between Quick, Normal and ‘Sensitive Modes which vibrate up to 31,000 times, 24,000 times and 18,000 times’ per minute respectively. Enjoy a personalized experience. Smart Timer ‘The toothbrush will pause every 15 second as a reminder on switching sections and will stop automatically after 1 minute when ‘operating at Quick Mode; it wil also pause ‘every 30 second as a reminder on switching sections and will stop automatically after 2 minutes when operating at Normal and ‘Sensitive Modes, helping you clean your teeth effectively. Ge®w ® glisterm Sonic Toothbrush Replacement Heads + 0596+ apestoox Quiet and Comfortable Operation Weighs only 90 grams and operates at a ‘sound level less than 50 dB for a quiet and ‘comfortable experience. 4 Types of Bristles in 2 Layers Ultea-soft bristles only 0.01mm in diameter are gentle on the teeth and ‘along the gum line. 4 types of bristles in 2 layers to clean hard-to-reach areas between the teeth and gums. Identification Rings in 4 Colors ‘Comes with 4 replacement heads, and each has an identification ring in a different color {or families, Comprehensive Oral Care ‘Switch to the tongue brush head to clean away any bad-breath bacteria on your tongue. 9 Scan the OR Code | for Sonic Toothbru | = Spreedent Replacement Tongue Brush Head (For glister Sonic Toothbrush) + $9146 Apa 65 tetas Keep Bacterial at Bay! Safeguard the Health of Your Family Staphylococcus aureus - ‘Cou induce sariour eearer such aslung infection | Escherichia coll - ‘Sous induce seriou clothe and otherness Candida albicans - ~~ coud nce rly ct econ Supported by Authoritative Experiment Report 1 The average pH value is 6.30, which is weakly acidic. Gentle and low irritation. do not hurt your hands after use. 2 Effectively neutralize Escherichia coll Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus. 3 Three repeated tests, effectively eliminates harmful bacteria in hands. pursue™ Antiseptic Hand Gel ‘Keeps Bacterial at Bay! Safeguards the Health of Your Family “+ Conta 65% tana! that elminats haf bacteria on yourhands tat. + No-inse ormuta thal evaporates uct after boty anpled tothe hands. fcdtieysiinaes hamid backeial such as Escherichia col, Staphococcus ayes and Candia abicans. SATINIQUE™ Hair Care Collection Scan the QR cede now PERSONAL CARE When hair is damaged, it has a negative charge. It becomes frizzy, brittle and weak, causing it to look dry, dull and lifeless. ENERJUVE™istechnologically formulated to charge hair with health and vitality. This exclusive, patented, positively charged complex of strengthening lipids, reinforcing creatine, and smoothing 18- MEA (18 Methyl Eicosinoic Acid) joins with botanicals and nutrients to counter the negative charge found in damaged hair. It works where it is needed most, addressing multiple signs of damage to transform each strand, bringing back a positive, energized and healthy-looking state. yeah ER ENERJUVE™ - The Science Behind Sensational Hair @ ACTION 1; REBUILD Surrounds the hair and Scan the OR code now introduction video @ ACTION 3: RESTORE selecivelyDindstodamaged @ ACTION 2: REVITALIZE EMEA binds to hairs outer areas to help rebuild week Lipids and creatine penetrate through hai’s layer to hep protect, restore and spots. Har looks and fee's __coretohelpreparand eval fiomtheinside smooth the surtce, Ha becomes Instantly stronger. out. Strength and elasticity are improved shiny and healthy. o ‘Smooth Moisture Shampoo/Conditioner For dry, unruly hair + 0655/0564 280% + 16560585750. 1 Restores ital meistre t ae 1+ Formula wih botanic blend o uu see ol and prositamin BS helps improve asi st retycrates ano protects, Extra Volume Shampoo/Conditioner Fring, ft hair ‘+ Helps maimize an boost ha volune “+ Ads fulness, body and eto at ha, 1+ Ferma wih a botanical blero soy protee anc macadamia net oad softness and shine, mproves tecure and strength, 68 for SATINIQUE™ ‘ Glossy Repair Shampoo/Conditioner For damaged, color-treated hair + 16630671280 49484040750 1+ Keeps coer er, lenge for un to 45 washes. ‘+ Fomus with botanical blend of pomegranate anc grape seed extracts alps revtaize cl dryhat asi protets. Anti-Hairfall Shampoo/Conditioner For fragile, thinning hair + 05596822 2800 + 485246624750 1 Saves upto 1.800 strands for thicker, tle okra 1+ Hops energze and stimulate te soap with massage, + Formula wih a botarical blend of ghseng and mubery leat exact revalzes du, cry hae, protec and hal sugpod the rout of raw, ay hae la | Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Revitalizing Mask For dry initated scalp For damaged, coorteated hat + 0570 280ml + 4953750m +1598 + 20m! 1+ eps rece dant. ‘+ Seengtnens har uo tose ies, 1+ Hes reve cyitchy sca. + esuraoes and eis hair's cuticle. “+ Ferra vith botrical blend of avocado {and vismin heps mais ad protect. row far the product demonstration of Scalp Torie 5 ‘Scalp Tonic Texturing Matte Wax For scalp heatth For medium hold and definition + 0686 + 200i + 0575+ 509 + Helps promote ticker tulrlookingarand «+ TH waxisren-stehy,pongeasy. srl scp resent “+ Cresestextre and dition fora ook tat ‘+ The patented Scalp Revtalzig Complex lasts al oy agencies sorparata eoand iGo ears hap sire arse * MOU Yc wh 2 meek thickening and reduce scalp ntaton. Overnight Repair Treatment For spit end repair © 0677 + 100% 1+ 100% repair sit ends ater only ene use. 4 Hops mend opit ends and resutaces the cc o rest damage. ‘+ Helps rena severely damaged har or fog lesingsotness and smootnness. Final Step Finishing Spray For medium hold + oma + 2159 4+ rashes ancsets sy foralong-ating hic. + Proves 24-towr humidity resetance, rmaxinsm cota an fizz cert. ONAL CARE 8S! aw wi a sarmave™ Hair Color Premium & Fashion Touch + Features various. hair protection ingrecionts: patented SATINQUE™ unique ingredient | ENERJUVE™ comple, two natural proteins, fne natural derivative ols and three herb extracts, hair dyeing, and hair care are perormed simultaneously, bringing stronger, more supple, and shiny har after dyeing, * Unique oatmeal extract and patented OMO™ sunscreen technology that halp the hair dye to penetrate the core, protect the hair after dyeing and bring enger lasting color. tpg, * ttmoia ree and no pungent sl 4 Hous (dorless and low iritation. L2G}, + Color rendering technology specaly Ste (| designed for Asien black hair helping get rid of gray har, adding youthful vitally to your everyday Took, ‘+ Made in Korea, Color video Dark Brown 6DB Light Brown 4LB (Premium Touch) (Premium Touch) + 9103 + ae r Grae Shoe ba score RE o> Lessa Recta a ne gi | oo = if ‘Satinique™ EX Colourant Applicator Red Brown 4RB Honey Orange OHO (Premium Touch) (Fashion Touch) “ — || so ill 70 For easier and more ‘convenient hair dyeing. i ~~

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