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In my opinion studying online has their own pros and cons. It could be beneficial in a daily basis because
the students dont need to travel. In the other hand so many students could feel that they are lost with
the content of the subject. Both ways of seeing it are valids.

I think the possibility of studing online has many benefits for the student like the class material are
always avaible. You can talk with your teacher and they will respond fast. Also you can have more free
due to the travel save. And you will save a lot of money in transport.

However the students can feel lost with the subject if they don't attend to online classes or even if they
don't do the assigments. Also many students can feel depressed because they don't interact with treir
classmates on a daily basis.

To sum up, i think online classes are more easy and better. Everyone has acces to class material and the
teaches are avaible 24/7.


The intention of this report is to

In conclusion

My recommendation is that


Dear Ms conference

I am writing to ask for information about the place for a conference at the Four Seasons. Also i want to
know which is the number, size and capacity of the conference facilities. In the other hand i want to
know about the support service and equipment avaible, even if you have any type of information you
consider important i would like to hear it.

Best Regards.

Dora French.

Eco tourism.

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