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ASL Interpreting Student

“I got a sign language book from the library, I like sign language.”
- Journal entry 10/23/2012
Recently, when looking back on some diaries from my childhood, I found this entry.
While I wasn’t surprised by the sentiment of my eight-year-old self, it was fascinating to
find this passion was rooted in me before I even knew what it could become.
To satisfy my lifelong interest, I took ASL classes at a local community college during
my senior year of high school, but it wasn’t enough. I soon fell in love with the Deaf
culture and the language I was learning. After I graduated, I continued pursuing sign
language at the college before transferring to an interpreting program in South
Dakota where I am now.
This summer, which is a crucial time for my interpreting skills to continue to develop, I
decided to find an opportunity that would broaden my horizons. If an opportunity like
this were to become available, my highest priority would be to soak up every moment
and be ready to support in any way possible. Please notify me for further information.


Liliana Lorenzo

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