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Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama Siswa :

Kelas : III (Tiga) No. Ujian :
Hari / Tanggal : Nilai :

A. Choose the correct answer from the following questions!

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dari soal berikut!

1. What is this?
a. This is hair c. This is hand
b. This is chin d. This is foot
2. What is that?
a. That is shoulder c. That is thumb
b. That is hair d. That is elbow
3. How to say "12" in english ?
a. Eleven c. Tweny one
b. two d. Twelve
4. I have 10 “ “ ?

a. Ten rices c. Ten breads

b. Ten drinks d. Ten choholate
5. Is this eye?
a. Yes, it is c. No, this is not eye. This is nose
b. Yes, that is d. No, this is not eye. This is mouth
6. Is there a blanket in the bedroom?
a. Yes, there are c. Yes, there is
b. No, there are not d. Yes, this is
7. Do you have a pencil?
a. Yes, I have c. Yes I has
b. Yes, you have d. No, you have not
8. Does Zainab has a big bedroom?
a. No, he has not c. Yes, he has
b. Yes, she has d. No, she have not

PAS GANJIL 1 TP 2022/2023 Bahasa Inggris kelas 3


9. Does Ahmad has a bicycle?

a. No, she hasn't c. No, he haven't
b. Yes, he has d. Yes, she has

10. What is objects in the badroom?

a. Knife c. Pillow
b. Blackboard d. Motocycle

B. Fill in the point bellow correctly!

Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini dengan benar!

1. .......this a pencil? Yes, it…….

2. …….those teeth? No, they…….not teeth. They…….lips
3. A : Is this a book?
B : No,……. ……. not. That is a pencil
4. A : Are these foot?
B : Yes,……. …….
5. What is that?....... is a nose.
6. Are there pillows in the garden? No, ……. ……. not
7. …….your hands before asking the questions
8. Is there a bed in the bedroom? Yes, ……. ……..
9. How many pancils ……you need? I need two pencils.
10.They………football in the evening.
11.When does he get up? He gets up at….…(05:00)
12. When does he go to school? He goes to school at…….(06:30)
13. When does he have lunch? He has lunch at…….(01:30)
14. Nabil…….two pecils.
15. They…….4 doughnuts

Count and change them into sentences!

Hitung dan ubahlah ke dalam kalimat!

16. 25 – 5 =
17. 6 + 9 =
18. 20 + 4 =
19. 9 : 3 =
20. 11 x 2 =

C. Arrange the following words to make a complete sentence!

Susunlah kata-kata berikut hingga menjadi kalimat yang sempurna!

1. I - school - past - at - six - half - go to

2. Play – I – friends – my - with
3. Small – have – bed – I
4. Before – your – eating – wash - hands
5. She – a – pink – has – hat

PAS GANJIL 1 TP 2022/2023 Bahasa Inggris kelas 3



1. A
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. D


1. Is this thumb? Yes, it is

2. Are those teeth? No, they are not teeth. They are arms
3. A : Are these feet?
B : No, They are not feet. They are knees
4. A : Is this chest?
B : Yes, it is
5. What is that? That is chest
6. What are those? Those are bolsters
7. Don’t step your feet on the grass
8. Open your mouth. Doctor needs to see your teeth
9. There is a lamp
10. There are ten students
11. He has comic books
12. We have a large bed
13. Budi has two bolsters
14. Is there a bed in the bedroom? Yes, there is
15. Are there pillows in the garden? No, there aren’t


1. We eat food to live

2. Food is like petrol for cars
3. My chair is blue
4. Wash your hands before eating
5. She have a wardrobe on the corner

PAS GANJIL 1 TP 2022/2023 Bahasa Inggris kelas 3

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