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John Paul College Criminal Justice Education

“Status of the Implementation of Magna Carta of Women (RA 9710)

in the Municipality of Roxas, Oriental Mindoro”

An Undergraduate Thesis

Presented to the Faculty of Criminal Justice Education


Odiong, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Criminology


John Paul F. Canubas

John Evric F. Lolor

April 2023

John Paul College Criminal Justice Education

Table of Contents

Title Page No.

Cover Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgment iv

Dedication v

Table of Contents vi

List of Tables

List of Figures

Chapter 1 The Problem and Its Background


Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem

Statement of Hypothesis

Significance of the Study

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Scope and Delimitation

Definition of Terms

Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies

Foreign Literature

Local Literature

Foreign Studies

Local Studies

Chapter III Methodology

Research Design

Respondents of the Study

Research Instrument

Data Gathering and Procedures

Statistical Treatment of Data

John Paul College Criminal Justice Education

Chapter I

The Problem and Its Background


The Magna Carta of Women is comprehensive women’s human

rights law that seeks to eliminate discrimination against women by

recognizing, protecting, fulfilling and promoting the rights of Filipino

women, especially those in marginalized sector of the society. It conveys

framework of rights for women based directly on international law.

The Magna Carta of Women establishes the Philippine

government’s pledge of commitment to the CONVENTION ON THE

Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women’s committee

(CEDAW) in its 36th session in 2006 and to the UN Human Rights Council

on its first Universal Periodic review in 2009. It is the local translation of

the provisions of the CEDAW, particularly in defining gender

discrimination, state obligations, substantive equality, and temporary

special measures. It also recognizes human rights guaranteed by the

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights (ICESCR).

Salient features of the law include: Increasing the number of

women in third level positions in government to achieve a fifty-fifty (50-50)

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gender balance within he next five years, while the composition of women

in all levels of development planning and program implementation will be

at least 40 percent; Leave benefits of two months will full pay based on

gross monthly compensation for women employees who undergo surgery

caused by gynaecological disorders, provided that they have rendered

continuous aggregate employment service of at least six months for last

twelve months; Non- discrimination in employment in the field of military,

police and other similar services that include according the same

promotional privileges and opportunities as their men counterpart,

including pay increases, additional benefits, and awards, based on

competency and quality of performance.

Provision for equal access and elimination of discrimination in

education, scholarships, and training. Thus, expulsion, non-readmission,

prohibiting enrolment, and other related discrimination of women students

and faculty due to pregnancy out of marriage shall be outlawed. Non-

discriminatory and non-derogatory portrayal of women in media and film to

raise the consciousness of the general public in recognizing the dignity of

women and the role and contribution of women in family, community and

the society through the strategic use of mass media; Equal status given to

men and women on the titling of the land and issuance of stewardship

contracts and patents. In addition to guaranteeing substantive rights, the

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MCW establishes the responsibility of the government to take actions in

order to end discrimination against women. It provides that the Philippines

government must ensure the substantive equality of men and women and

mandates the State to take steps to review, amend or repeal existing laws

that are discriminatory towards women.

Generally, education is referred as capacity of citizens participating

in the development process, including ethical, moral and social behaviours

of each participating individual efficiently (Eshetu, 2018). According to the

Engine (2018), education is not a charity rather a fundamental human right

for all people irrespective of their sex, race, economic status is the key to

sustainable development, peace and stability among countries. In any

society, the provision of education is a fundamental and basic for human

resource development. Education represents a major form of human

resources development.

According to (Brock & Cammish, 2019) stated that teachers’

attitudes, school factors and socioeconomic factors affect female students’

academic performance. The major factors contributed the female student’s

academic performance are included in; school related factors such as

distance from school; teachers’ qualification; pedagogy; leadership styles

of head teachers; and curriculum implementation (Adhiambo & Ward,

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2019). Many empirical researches conducted by African countries stated

that the major factors affecting female students’ academic performance in

schools are factors such as lack of resources or technology to research

the genetic differences (Bassey et al., 2019).

Other international studies reveal that poverty and family

background account for the difference in academic performance between

boys and girls (Chessman et al, 2020). Many girls in sub-Saharan Africa

doesn`t have the chance to get enrolled in school. Though female do

enroll, they drop out more frequently than boys and their academic

performance compared to that of boys is poor at every level of schooling

(Gobina, 2021). Establishing the determinants of academic performance is

pivotal in reducing the broader inequalities in society which reflect the fact

that women are lagging behind more frequently than men in educational

attainment and outcomes (UNESCO, 2021).

Based from MOE&S.,(2018) the Somaliland government has taken

a number of measures, particularly aimed at improving quality of

education, enhancing the major factors influencing female students'

academic performance in public secondary schools and in realizing the

importance of quality education However, as the government strives to

expand education, it has also faced challenges in minimizing the major

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factors affecting performance, especially those that are faced by female.

The ministry of education and science, and its Somaliland Education

Sector Strategic Plan (SESP, 2017-2021), in this document indicates the

major factors contribute female students’ academic performance is

constrained by economic, socio- cultural, familial personal and school


Moreover, empirical studies on effective schools have also been

conducted in East Africa countries. For instance, Verspoors (2019),

research on what determines education quality in sub- Saharan Africa

(SSA) identified the following school factors such (time, grouping

procedures, instructional strategies, curriculum, age difference, language,

communication, the school environment and others are key factors, which

are stimulated female students’ performance in publics secondary

schools. In addition, leadership emphasis and influences on academic

performances, achievement and administration school development that

improves and reinforces on educational performance, such as vision,

standards, resources, relevant curriculum, incentives for teachers. It also

provides direction, and improving community education, such as

promoting home environment, and support for education that can enhance

and ensure local relevance and ownership.

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Educating women is imperative because it enables women to

participate in the labour force and allows them to sustain her and the

needs of the family. This stems from the fact that in modern Filipino

Families, both husband and wife should engage in productive work to earn

enough for their family’s needs. Education has been a facilitating factor

towards women’s economic empowerment.

Aemiro, 2018 said that the participation and performance of the

girls in all primaries, secondary and tertiary education levels was lower

than that of the boys. Some of the challenges that female faces in

obtaining an education are the same for males, but, in females, the

challenge are more difficult.

In fact, the working municipal and barangay officials in the

Municipality of Roxas, Oriental Mindoro; the numbers of men officials are

more dominant compare to the numbers of women officers. But still the

gender equality is being implemented in the Roxas, Oriental Mindoro.

In the light of the given situation, this study was conducted to

evaluate the “Status of the Implementation of Magna Carta of Women

(RA 9710) in the Municipality of Roxas, Oriental Mindoro”

John Paul College Criminal Justice Education

Theoretical Framework


The central features of liberal feminism is women are assertion of

their equality with men and their demand for access to those roles and

position of public life traditionally regarded as the province of male. Liberal

feminism in education has been primarily apolitical /legislative battle

against the rules of exclusion. Through such strategies women and girls

have gained access to public life, which nevertheless tends to remain

male. Access in the first place, means the right to attend an educational

institution rules of exclusion operate through legislation, through

institutional structure and practice, through finding practical and so on.

Struggles to remove rules of exclusion have taken place at every level of

education removal of rules of exclusion has thus consumed and continues

to consume, most of the energy of those who are actively trying to bring

about gender equality. Women and girls have faced a long history of

resistance as have sought and continue to seek, entrance to the “male


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In radical feminism, the men symbolic order to which women

gained access through liberal feminism strategies, is seen as constitutive

of women’s operation and not something in which women can or should

function in the way men do maleness is questioned and female way of

being are extolled. In terms of social structure, single sex class has been

one the most prominent of radical feminist strategies. Removing women

and girls from an oppressive male presence at giving them the space in

which they can come to value themselves, in their own way, has been an

ideal informing such separatist strategies. Single sex schools, in contrast,

are not necessarily seen as compatible with these ideal and may well

create class divisions, such that middle class girls can establish

themselves as superior to working class ones. Further, single sex schools

have not decreased the sexism of boys, rather the reverse.


Feminist post centralist and practice in relation to schooling is

relatively new. However, it has had a profound effect on feminist

theorizing. In order to explore the material of social structure further, and

the effects of these on the individual psyche, feminist post cultural writers

have turned their attention to discourse and have begun to take place in

John Paul College Criminal Justice Education

the subject matter though in schools and are being picked up and develop

in this process. The recognition of hegemonic disciplines as essentially

masculinity constriction is being further revealed through an analysis of

the narrative structure, which informs the science, the humanity and the

art. The manner in which teaching is done also is shifting in light of

feminist post cultural theory, through the inevitable questioning of the auto

reactive voice of both male and female authors and teachers who make

claims to universal truth. Students, authors, and teachers were developing

skills with which to recognize the constitutive force of spoken and written

text and learn strategies of resistance to being constituted in unitary and

oppressive ways.


This theory posits that psychological characteristics of individual

students and their immediate psychological environments influence

educational outcomes (cognitive, behavioural, and attitudinal). Further,

Walberg’s identified nine key variables that influence educational

outcomes as: student ability/ prior achievement, motivation , age,

developmental level, quantity of instruction, classroom climate, home

environment, peer group, and exposure to mass media outside of the


John Paul College Criminal Justice Education

Statement of the Problem

The study will observe the “Status of the Implementation of Magna

Carta of Women (RA 9710) in the Municipality of Roxas, Oriental


Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the Extent of Implementation of Magna Carta of women in the

Municipality of Roxas in terms of:

1.1 Government Official Engagement

1.2 Law Enforcement

1.3 Community Participation

1.4 Awareness

2. What is the status the Implementation of Magna Carta of Women in the

Municipality of Roxas, Oriental Mindoro in terms of:

2.1 Working Industry

2.2 Self- esteem

2.3 Equality

2.4 Human Rights

John Paul College Criminal Justice Education

3. What are the implications of the findings of the study?

Conceptual Framework

Based on the foregoing theories, the conceptual framework is

hereby presented


What is the level Extent of The level of the status the

Implementation of Magna Implementation of Magna
Carta of women in the Carta of Women in the
Municipality of Roxas in Municipality of Roxas,
terms of: Oriental Mindoro in terms of:
1.1 Government Official
2.1 Working Industry
2.2 Self- esteem
1.2 Law Enforcement
2.3 Equality
1.3 Community Participation
2.4 Human Rights
1.4 Awareness


The diagram above shows the variables of the given study. The study has

two variables. The independent variable consists the level Extent of

John Paul College Criminal Justice Education

Implementation of Magna Carta of women in the Municipality of Roxas in terms

of Government Official Engagement, Law Enforcement, and Community

Participation and Awareness. The dependent variables pertain to the level of

the status the Implementation of Magna Carta of Women in the

Municipality of Roxas, Oriental Mindoro in terms of Working Industry, Self-

esteem, Equality and Human Rights. This implied that the variables have

significant relationship to one another.

Significance of the study

The researchers believed that this study would benefit the


Professors. This study will help the instructors and teachers to guide their

students that would benefit to the welfare of women students and gender


Present Researchers. This study would be beneficial to the present

researchers. This study may be one of the bases of new theory in learning

that will arise.

John Paul College Criminal Justice Education

Future Researchers. This study would serve as a guide for future

researchers to provide background on the related field or study for more

satisfying way of research.

Women students. This study would serve as their guide and inspiration to

continuously be competent in school despite of being a women.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The given study will focus on the Status of the Implementation of

Magna Carta (RA 9710) in the Municipality of Roxas, Oriental Mindoro.

The study will be conducted in Municipality of Roxas, Oriental

Mindoro from April 2023 onwards.

The respondents of the study were the selected women residing in

the Municipality of Roxas, Oriental Mindoro.

Definition of terms

In order to achieve clarity and understanding throughout the study

the researcher herby defines the following terms operationally.


-people who advocates for the equal rights of the women

John Paul College Criminal Justice Education





- It refers to the independent variables where the utilization of this

technology is measured in the study.





- it refers to the dependent variable of the study need to be measured.


- it will be the respondents of the study.


- it is where the study will be conducted.

John Paul College Criminal Justice Education



Foreign Literature

Henning-Stout and Close-Conoley, (2019) stated that females earn

higher grades than males, and some possible explanations have been

proposed by researchers. The reasons proposed are both biological and

environmental. In carefully controlled studies of learning disabilities, males

have been found to have more learning disabilities than females by a ratio

of two to one. Males are classified as emotionally disturbed at four times

the rate of females.

According to Starkweather, (2018) some researchers have

estimated that males are 10 times more likely to exhibit stuttering, a

language problem. There are four to five times more males who are

dyslexic than females (Stein 2018). Of course, one is taking a leap of faith

to assume that learning disability testing is not biased by sex stereotypes

as well. Males also display a greater amount of negative social behavior

than females in the classroom and this is thought to play a role in their

academic performance.

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According to Bericat & Sánchez Bermejo, 2018; Hsiao-Chin & Shu-

Ching Karam, 2019) education drives the movement of the social

conditions of these changing times as long as it is implemented in an

inclusive manner that will not contribute to the collective destruction of

nations and communities (UNESCO-MGIEP [Mahatma Gandhi Institute of

Education for Peace and Sustainable Development], 2017; United

Nations, 2018). In particular, education should be made accessible to

everyone regardless of gender and vulnerabilities. This inclusivity can be

actualized by streamlining curriculums and integrating inclusive

educational policies for female students. In the Philippines, several steps

have been considered to ensure that all women will get equal access to

quality education, notably the institution of laws that discourage

oppression of women, such as the Magna Carta of Women, Responsible

Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2019, and Gender

Streamlining of Higher Education.

Local Literature

According to National Science Foundation (2019) girls are now

taking biology and chemistry at a higher rate than boys; in 1998, more

girls took Algebra II and Geometry than in 1990, and the percentage of

females taking Pre-calculus has jumped from 31% to 44 % over the last

John Paul College Criminal Justice Education

decade. Traditionally, girls did not take as many math and science

courses as boys, and environmental factors certainly played. Girls and

young women are closing the gender gap, and a reason for this is

because there are more programs that help students become interested in

math courses while removing the preconceived fear of math, and also,

perhaps, removing the gender stereotype that math is for boys, not girls.

There may be some biological reasons for females traditionally avoiding

math courses. Researchers have consistently shown a difference in math

performance between males and females. Males perform better in visual-

spatial abilities than do females.

William C. (2020) stated that males are more apt to use imagery to solve

problems, especially problems that involve moving object.

According to Richard G. (2021) for many young people today, traditional

patterns guiding the relationships and transitions between family, school

and works are being challenged. Social relations that ensure a smooth

process of socialization are collapsing, lifestyle trajectories are becoming

more varied and less predictable. The restricting of the labor market, the

extension of the maturity gap and arguably. The more limited opportunities

to become an independent adult are all changes influencing relationships

with family and friends, educational opportunities an choice, labor market

John Paul College Criminal Justice Education

participations, leisure activities and lifestyle. It is not only the develop

countries that are facing this situation, in developing countries transition

from childhood to independence. Rapid population growth, the

unavailability of having support services, poverty, unemployment and

underemployment among youth. The decline in the authority of local

communities, overcrowding in urban areas, the disintegration of the family,

and ineffective educational systems are some of the pressures young

people must deal with.

Related Studies

The study of learning environments from the

student perspective in schools has a rich, but rather

recent history. Studies of learning environments, particular

during the past 40 years, have rapidlydrawn the interests of

educational researchers and theorists.

Several educational researchers, Bennett, (2021) have proposed

theoretical models to explain linkages existing among learning

variables and student’s educational outcomes. Specifically, each

theoretical model includes characteristics of the learner, the

John Paul College Criminal Justice Education

learning environment, and the quality of instruction the learner


Haertel, Walberg, & Weinstein, (2021) reviewed the

empirical literature on the correlates and predictors of

academic achievement,indicated that student characteristics

exhibit the most significant direct influence on achievement.

In recent decades, studies of learning

environments have been concerned with conceptualization

and theory development. Student ratings have also been

traditionally included in faculty and course evaluation in

higher education settings.

According to (Astin, 2021) Research on learning

environments show that psychosocial characteristics of classroom

learning environments demonstrate incremental validity in

predicting student achievement. These psychosocial

characteristics (such as self-concept, attitudes, behaviors,

intrinsic motivation, and overallstudent engagement in

learning) are useful in curriculum evaluation studies, and

can provide teachers with useful information to arrange

more optimally functioning classrooms. Researchers working on

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the assessment of learning environments have also

developed and validated constructivist-based, personal

forms of learning environment measures to tap students’

individual, rather than collective perspectives of classroom


Local studies

(Reyes 2018; Richard F. 2019) found out that research shows females

get better course grades than males even in traditionally male content

areas, such as physics and math, but males score higher on ability tests in

these subjects.

Henry T. (2018) studied that there’s a time when our nation is mourning

overall low math and technical scores, it seems that one group has

improved its performance. When sex is controlled, a significant decline is

apparent in school performance, especially among minorities and students

from low-income families. While every other group, in terms of race and

social class, had declined in performance levels, females actually

improved in the area of math and technology as reflected in classroom

performance. Females are now much more likely to take advanced math

and science classes and to perform competitively with their male

counterparts. Current research shows a common trend of females

John Paul College Criminal Justice Education

performing better than in the past. Women are also making strides in

fields that involve math and science that were at one time overwhelmingly

dominated by males.

According to the study of Stephen K. (2019) females have better

memory in general than males, and this includes all types of memory:

episodic, spatial, short-term, visual, and specific memories such as odor

and early memories.

John Paul College Criminal Justice Education

Chapter III


This chapter presents the methods that were used in the given


Research Design

The researchers will use the questionnaires method of research. This is

designed to obtain information from a large number of people and/or

people who may not have the time to attend an interview or take part in


In this method, researchers enable people to take their time, think

about it and come back to the questionnaire later. Respondents can state

their views or feelings privately without worrying about the possible

reaction of the researcher.

Questionnaires will contain attitude scales questions.

Questionnaires can be administered in a number of different ways (e.g.

sent by post, as email attachments or private message in social media

accounts, posted on Internet sites, handed out personally or administered

to captive audience (such as people attending conferences).

John Paul College Criminal Justice Education

It will aim to determine the “Status of the Implementation of Magna

Carta of Women (RA9710) in the Municipality of Roxas, Oriental Mindoro.”

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the given study will be the selected women in

the Municipality Roxas, Oriental Mindoro.

The respondents of the study were composed of 50 selected

women in the Municipality Roxas, Oriental Mindoro. Random sampling

technique will be used in the study.

Research Instrumentation

The researchers will use non-standardized questionnaire consisting

of two parts. Part one will be focused on the “Status of the Implementation

of Magna Carta of Women (RA9710) in the Municipality of Roxas, Oriental


Since the questionnaire was non-standardized, it was subjected to

the face and content validity. It was presented to the research advisers for

their comments and suggestions. After some modifications, it was

presented to the criminology adviser for final approval and it was

distributed to the target respondents.

John Paul College Criminal Justice Education

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will write a letter to the John Paul College

administration to ask for their permission to gather or conduct a research.

After securing the said permit, the researcher will distribute to the

respondents the questionnaires and will explaine to them what are they

going to do and what the study is all about.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical tools were used to the gathered data:

1. Weighted mean will be used to determine the level of Impact ofMagna

Carta of Women in terms of Academic Performance of John Paul College

students in the Municipality of the Roxas, Oriental Mindoro. The data will

be will tallied and will be interpreted by the researchers.

The formula for the getting the mean is as follows:

X= € fd


X= is the given mean

f= is the number of occurrences

John Paul College Criminal Justice Education

€fd= is the total sum of product

€N= is the total number of occurrences.

Evaluation and Scoring

To determine the level of Extent of Implementation of Magna Carta of

women in the Municipality of Roxas in terms of Government Official Engagement,

Law Enforcement, and Community Participation and Awareness , the following

measures were used:

Assigned Points Range Verbal Interpretation

1 1.00- 1.49 Very low

2 1.50- 2.49 Low

3 2.50- 3.49 Moderate

4 3.50- 4.49 High

5 4.50- 5.00 Very High

To determine the level of The dependent variables pertain to the

level of the status the Implementation of Magna Carta of Women in the

John Paul College Criminal Justice Education

Municipality of Roxas, Oriental Mindoro in terms of Working Industry, Self-

esteem, Equality and Human Rights, the following measures were used:

Assigned Points Range Verbal Interpretation

1 1.00- 1.49 Poor

2 1.50- 2.49 Fair

3 2.50- 3.49 Satisfactory

4 3.50- 4.49 Very Satisfactory

5 4.50- 5.00 Outstanding


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