Digital Literacy Short Research

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Digital Literacy

Technology is implemented in all aspects of our environment nowadays. It is integrated

into our academic careers, home lives, and social lives. As technology continues to make its way

into our daily lives, the importance of digital literacy increases as well. Digital literacy is

extremely important to attain because it prepares individuals for their professional lives,

promotes inclusivity in society, and aids in developing life-long skills.

Digital literacy is an individual’s ability to search for, evaluate, and successfully

communicate information through media platforms. Because technology is constantly evolving,

so is digital literacy. By attaining digital literacy skills, individuals are better prepared for their

professional lives. These days, digital literacy skills are necessary to succeed in the professional

world. For example, by creating online profiles, sending emails to your colleagues, creating

PowerPoints and spreadsheets, and using the internet to complete research projects, you are

practicing digital literacy skills. Nowadays, in professional careers such as being a doctor,

lawyer, teacher, and engineer, you must be able to use technology efficiently in order to succeed.

According to the National Skills Coalition, “92% of jobs analyzed require digital skills.” This

study and research go to show how fundamental digital literacy is in the workforce. Some people

may say that not all jobs require digital literacy, and while this is true, jobs that require digital

literacy skills have proven to pay more than those that do not. According to the National Skills

Coalition, “Workers that qualify for jobs that require even one digital skill can earn an average of

23 percent more than in a job requiring no digital skills. Moving from a job requiring no digital

skills to one requiring at least three can increase pay by an average of 45%.” These statistics go

to show that having even one digital literacy skill can call for a better lifestyle and create a huge

difference in how you go about your life.

Digital literacy is also crucial for creating communities and inclusivity within our society.
An example of this is the power of social media. Social media allows people to share

information, connect with people from various societies and places, and engage with different

environments and settings. For example, my cousin who is disabled always speaks of how social

media and the internet helped her overcome various barriers regarding communication and being

social and aided her in finding a community where she does not feel singled out. Similarly, my

mom who is an immigrant from Pakistan always tells my siblings and I how social media apps

played a significant role in her finding a social circle in the United States that did not make her

feel like an outsider. These people’s personal examples and experiences go to show that social

media and digital literacy can create a huge impact on society and can create safe and inclusive

spaces for individuals to come together.

Another example of the importance of digital literacy includes the fact that it aids in

creating life-long skills such as responsibility and professionalism. Digital literacy allows

individuals, especially the younger generations, to learn and understand how to use and

understand technology in a morally correct and ethical way. For example, cyber-bullying is a

very prominent issue within our society nowadays. Studies have shown that digital literacy skills

can aid in reducing and preventing these problems from occurring. According to a case study

conducted by Doctor Nuning Kurniasih in Indonesia, “The introduction of internet

characteristics, privacy awareness, understanding the legal consequences and internal policies are

important to convey to children so that children can avoid cyberbullying.” By teaching digital

literacy skills, the younger generations of our society can create an environment, physically and

digitally, that promotes positivity, respect, and responsibility.

Overall, digital literacy is a miscellaneous skill that consists of various other skill sets and

it contains several benefits. By effectively and responsibly using technology and digital media,

people can access information, connect with others, and engage in society.

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