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Vocabulary Mini Test 1 |Unit 1 | Book 4

By Hieu Nguyen|
Instruction: In each question, find the best definition of the given word or phrase.

Question 1: What does "presence" mean?

A. Something is characterized by computer technology.
B. A set of questions that are asked to a large number of people in order to find out
about opinions.
C. A general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing.
D. Bing in a particular place.

Question 2: What does "keyboard" mean?

A. A general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing.
B. Bing in a particular place.
C. To make someone feel that his or her ideas and feelings are respected.
D. Thing that has buttons marked with letters and numbers that are pressed to put
information into a computer.

Question 3: What does "media" mean?

A. The different ways of entertaining and giving information to the public.
B. Being responsible for the effects of your actions.
C. The unhappiness that is felt by someone if they do not have any friends.
D. To have a close connection to something.

Question 4: What does "agenda" mean?

A. A plan or goal that guides someone’s behavior.
B. To make someone feel that his or her ideas and feelings are respected.
C. The quality or state of being important, valuable, or significant.
D. Something is characterized by computer technology.
Question 5: What does "loneliness" mean?
A. Bing in a particular place.
B. Thing that has buttons marked with letters and numbers that are pressed to put
information into a computer.
C. The unhappiness that is felt by someone if they do not have any friends.
D. A general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing.

Question 6: What does "correlate" mean?

A. To create a new word or phrase that other people begin to use.
B. The different ways of entertaining and giving information to the public.
C. Being responsible for the effects of your actions.
D. To have a close connection to something.

Question 7: What does "addictive" mean?

A. A plan or goal that guides someone’s behavior.
B. Not as good as it could or should be.
C. Hard to stop doing something.
D. The quality or state of being important, valuable, or significant.

Question 8: What does "accountable" mean?

A. Being responsible for the effects of your actions.
B. To cause or force someone or something to experience something harmful or
C. The unhappiness that is felt by someone if they do not have any friends.
D. A general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing.

Question 9: What does "platform" mean?

A. Thing that has buttons marked with letters and numbers that are pressed to put
information into a computer.
B. The unhappiness that is felt by someone if they do not have any friends.
C. Hard to stop doing something.
D. Something that allows someone to tell a large number of people about an idea,
product, etc.
Question 10: What does "surge" mean?
A. Something that allows someone to tell a large number of people about an idea,
product, etc.
B. To cause or force someone or something to experience something harmful or
C. Thing that has buttons marked with letters and numbers that are pressed to put
information into a computer.
D. A sudden, large increase in something.

Question 11: What does "digital" mean?

A. Something is characterized by computer technology.
B. The unhappiness that is felt by someone if they do not have any friends.
C. Something that allows someone to tell a large number of people about an idea,
product, etc.
D. A plan or goal that guides someone’s behavior.

Question 12: What does "poor" mean?

A. To cause or force someone or something to experience something harmful or
B. Not as good as it could or should be.
C. A plan or goal that guides someone’s behavior.
D. Bing in a particular place.

Question 13: What does "validate" mean?

A. Bing in a particular place.
B. To have a close connection to something.
C. Thing that has buttons marked with letters and numbers that are pressed to put
information into a computer.
D. To make someone feel that his or her ideas and feelings are respected.

Question 14: What does "target" mean?

A. A general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing.
B. The different ways of entertaining and giving information to the public.
C. Something that allows someone to tell a large number of people about an idea,
product, etc.
D. To aim an attack at someone or something.

Question 15: What does "trend" mean?

A. A general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing.
B. Not as good as it could or should be.
C. To cause or force someone or something to experience something harmful or
D. Something is characterized by computer technology.

Question 16: What does "depression" mean?

A. The unhappiness that is felt by someone if they do not have any friends.
B. A medical condition that makes a person very unhappy for long periods of time
C. Being responsible for the effects of your actions.
D. The quality or state of being important, valuable, or significant.

Question 17: What does "subject" mean?

A. To cause or force someone or something to experience something harmful or
B. A general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing.
C. Bing in a particular place.
D. A plan or goal that guides someone’s behavior.

Question 18: What does "survey" mean?

A. A sudden, large increase in something.
B. To cause or force someone or something to experience something harmful or
C. To make someone feel that his or her ideas and feelings are respected.
D. A set of questions that are asked to a large number of people in order to find out
about opinions.

Question 19: What does "coin" mean?

A. The different ways of entertaining and giving information to the public.
B. A set of questions that are asked to a large number of people in order to find out
about opinions.
C. The quality or state of being important, valuable, or significant.
D. To create a new word or phrase that other people begin to use.

Question 20: What does "importance" mean?

A. A sudden, large increase in something.
B. Being responsible for the effects of your actions.
C. The quality or state of being important, valuable, or significant.
D. Something that allows someone to tell a large number of people about an idea,
product, etc.

Answer Key
1D 2D 3A 4A
5C 6D 7C 8A
9D 10D 11A 12B
13D 14D 15A 16B
17A 18D 19D 20C
Vocabulary Mini Test 2 |Unit 1 | Book 4
By Hieu Nguyen|
Instruction: In each question, find the best definition of the given word or phrase.

Question 1: What does "keyboard" mean?

A. To aim an attack at someone or something.
B. To create a new word or phrase that other people begin to use.
C. Thing that has buttons marked with letters and numbers that are pressed to put
information into a computer.
D. The different ways of entertaining and giving information to the public.

Question 2: What does "media" mean?

A. Thing that has buttons marked with letters and numbers that are pressed to put
information into a computer.
B. A plan or goal that guides someone’s behavior.
C. The different ways of entertaining and giving information to the public.
D. To create a new word or phrase that other people begin to use.

Question 3: What does "addictive" mean?

A. A plan or goal that guides someone’s behavior.
B. To have a close connection to something.
C. Hard to stop doing something.
D. To create a new word or phrase that other people begin to use.

Question 4: What does "poor" mean?

A. The different ways of entertaining and giving information to the public.
B. Not as good as it could or should be.
C. Bing in a particular place.
D. To have a close connection to something.
Question 5: What does "survey" mean?
A. To cause or force someone or something to experience something harmful or
B. A medical condition that makes a person very unhappy for long periods of time
C. Something is characterized by computer technology.
D. A set of questions that are asked to a large number of people in order to find out
about opinions.

Question 6: What does "validate" mean?

A. To make someone feel that his or her ideas and feelings are respected.
B. A sudden, large increase in something.
C. The different ways of entertaining and giving information to the public.
D. To cause or force someone or something to experience something harmful or

Question 7: What does "subject" mean?

A. A medical condition that makes a person very unhappy for long periods of time
B. A plan or goal that guides someone’s behavior.
C. Something that allows someone to tell a large number of people about an idea,
product, etc.
D. To cause or force someone or something to experience something harmful or

Question 8: What does "depression" mean?

A. Being responsible for the effects of your actions.
B. Not as good as it could or should be.
C. A medical condition that makes a person very unhappy for long periods of time
D. A general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing.

Question 9: What does "trend" mean?

A. Hard to stop doing something.
B. Thing that has buttons marked with letters and numbers that are pressed to put
information into a computer.
C. A sudden, large increase in something.
D. A general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing.

Question 10: What does "correlate" mean?

A. Not as good as it could or should be.
B. A plan or goal that guides someone’s behavior.
C. The unhappiness that is felt by someone if they do not have any friends.
D. To have a close connection to something.

Question 11: What does "surge" mean?

A. To create a new word or phrase that other people begin to use.
B. Being responsible for the effects of your actions.
C. To make someone feel that his or her ideas and feelings are respected.
D. A sudden, large increase in something.

Question 12: What does "coin" mean?

A. Something that allows someone to tell a large number of people about an idea,
product, etc.
B. To create a new word or phrase that other people begin to use.
C. Not as good as it could or should be.
D. Something is characterized by computer technology.

Question 13: What does "importance" mean?

A. A medical condition that makes a person very unhappy for long periods of time
B. To create a new word or phrase that other people begin to use.
C. To cause or force someone or something to experience something harmful or
D. The quality or state of being important, valuable, or significant.

Question 14: What does "presence" mean?

A. The quality or state of being important, valuable, or significant.
B. A plan or goal that guides someone’s behavior.
C. Bing in a particular place.
D. The different ways of entertaining and giving information to the public.
Question 15: What does "digital" mean?
A. Bing in a particular place.
B. Hard to stop doing something.
C. Being responsible for the effects of your actions.
D. Something is characterized by computer technology.

Question 16: What does "target" mean?

A. Hard to stop doing something.
B. The unhappiness that is felt by someone if they do not have any friends.
C. To create a new word or phrase that other people begin to use.
D. To aim an attack at someone or something.

Question 17: What does "accountable" mean?

A. The unhappiness that is felt by someone if they do not have any friends.
B. A plan or goal that guides someone’s behavior.
C. Being responsible for the effects of your actions.
D. To have a close connection to something.

Question 18: What does "loneliness" mean?

A. To aim an attack at someone or something.
B. A set of questions that are asked to a large number of people in order to find out
about opinions.
C. The unhappiness that is felt by someone if they do not have any friends.
D. The quality or state of being important, valuable, or significant.

Question 19: What does "platform" mean?

A. The unhappiness that is felt by someone if they do not have any friends.
B. A general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing.
C. To create a new word or phrase that other people begin to use.
D. Something that allows someone to tell a large number of people about an idea,
product, etc.
Question 20: What does "agenda" mean?
A. A plan or goal that guides someone’s behavior.
B. A sudden, large increase in something.
C. A general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing.
D. Something is characterized by computer technology.

Answer Key
1C 2C 3C 4B
5D 6A 7D 8C
9D 10D 11D 12B
13D 14C 15D 16D
17C 18C 19D 20A
Vocabulary Mini Test 3 |Unit 1 | Book 4
By Hieu Nguyen|
Instruction: In each question, find the best definition of the given word or phrase.

Question 1: What does "correlate" mean?

A. The different ways of entertaining and giving information to the public.
B. Not as good as it could or should be.
C. To have a close connection to something.
D. To make someone feel that his or her ideas and feelings are respected.

Question 2: What does "addictive" mean?

A. To cause or force someone or something to experience something harmful or
B. Being responsible for the effects of your actions.
C. Hard to stop doing something.
D. A plan or goal that guides someone’s behavior.

Question 3: What does "importance" mean?

A. The quality or state of being important, valuable, or significant.
B. The unhappiness that is felt by someone if they do not have any friends.
C. Something is characterized by computer technology.
D. A medical condition that makes a person very unhappy for long periods of time

Question 4: What does "survey" mean?

A. A set of questions that are asked to a large number of people in order to find out
about opinions.
B. To make someone feel that his or her ideas and feelings are respected.
C. Something that allows someone to tell a large number of people about an idea,
product, etc.
D. Hard to stop doing something.
Question 5: What does "trend" mean?
A. A general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing.
B. Something that allows someone to tell a large number of people about an idea,
product, etc.
C. To aim an attack at someone or something.
D. To create a new word or phrase that other people begin to use.

Question 6: What does "keyboard" mean?

A. To cause or force someone or something to experience something harmful or
B. A plan or goal that guides someone’s behavior.
C. A general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing.
D. Thing that has buttons marked with letters and numbers that are pressed to put
information into a computer.

Question 7: What does "coin" mean?

A. Something is characterized by computer technology.
B. To have a close connection to something.
C. To create a new word or phrase that other people begin to use.
D. A sudden, large increase in something.

Question 8: What does "digital" mean?

A. Hard to stop doing something.
B. A general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing.
C. Something is characterized by computer technology.
D. To have a close connection to something.

Question 9: What does "accountable" mean?

A. The different ways of entertaining and giving information to the public.
B. Being responsible for the effects of your actions.
C. To aim an attack at someone or something.
D. The quality or state of being important, valuable, or significant.
Question 10: What does "subject" mean?
A. Thing that has buttons marked with letters and numbers that are pressed to put
information into a computer.
B. Not as good as it could or should be.
C. A medical condition that makes a person very unhappy for long periods of time
D. To cause or force someone or something to experience something harmful or

Question 11: What does "platform" mean?

A. To have a close connection to something.
B. Not as good as it could or should be.
C. A general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing.
D. Something that allows someone to tell a large number of people about an idea,
product, etc.

Question 12: What does "surge" mean?

A. Something is characterized by computer technology.
B. Not as good as it could or should be.
C. A general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing.
D. A sudden, large increase in something.

Question 13: What does "target" mean?

A. Thing that has buttons marked with letters and numbers that are pressed to put
information into a computer.
B. To aim an attack at someone or something.
C. A plan or goal that guides someone’s behavior.
D. A medical condition that makes a person very unhappy for long periods of time

Question 14: What does "presence" mean?

A. The unhappiness that is felt by someone if they do not have any friends.
B. To aim an attack at someone or something.
C. A sudden, large increase in something.
D. Bing in a particular place.

Question 15: What does "depression" mean?

A. Hard to stop doing something.
B. A medical condition that makes a person very unhappy for long periods of time
C. A sudden, large increase in something.
D. A set of questions that are asked to a large number of people in order to find out
about opinions.

Question 16: What does "loneliness" mean?

A. To create a new word or phrase that other people begin to use.
B. Hard to stop doing something.
C. The unhappiness that is felt by someone if they do not have any friends.
D. The different ways of entertaining and giving information to the public.

Question 17: What does "media" mean?

A. Hard to stop doing something.
B. The different ways of entertaining and giving information to the public.
C. To create a new word or phrase that other people begin to use.
D. A set of questions that are asked to a large number of people in order to find out
about opinions.

Question 18: What does "agenda" mean?

A. A plan or goal that guides someone’s behavior.
B. To aim an attack at someone or something.
C. To create a new word or phrase that other people begin to use.
D. To have a close connection to something.

Question 19: What does "poor" mean?

A. The quality or state of being important, valuable, or significant.
B. Not as good as it could or should be.
C. Thing that has buttons marked with letters and numbers that are pressed to put
information into a computer.
D. To aim an attack at someone or something.

Question 20: What does "validate" mean?

A. To have a close connection to something.
B. To create a new word or phrase that other people begin to use.
C. The unhappiness that is felt by someone if they do not have any friends.
D. To make someone feel that his or her ideas and feelings are respected.

Answer Key
1C 2C 3A 4A
5A 6D 7C 8C
9B 10D 11D 12D
13B 14D 15B 16C
17B 18A 19B 20D

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