Vocabulary Mini Test 04

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Vocabulary Mini Test

By Hieu Nguyen| facebook.com/hieunguyenauy
Instruction: In each question, find the best definition of the given
word or phrase.

Question 1: What does "Useless" mean?

A. Faint
B. Reticent, Taciturn
C. Futile, Trivial
D. Unprecedented

Question 2: What does "Present-day" mean?

A. Ubiquitous, Omnipresent
B. Modern
C. Articulate, Cogent, eloquent
D. Prominent, Eminent, Prestigious

Question 3: What does "Lucky" mean?

A. Reticent, Taciturn
B. Fortunate
C. Stereotype, Monotonous, Bovine
D. Ancient

Question 4: What does "Something(birds or animals) which is at risk of

disappearing" mean?
A. Unprecedented
B. Extol
C. Endangered
D. Stereotype, Monotonous, Bovine

Question 5: What does "Reluctant" mean?

A. Reticent, Taciturn
B. Articulate, Cogent, eloquent
C. Fortunate
D. Extol

Question 6: What does "Rich" mean?

A. Prominent, Eminent, Prestigious
B. Affluent, Opulent
C. Unfortunate
D. Fortunate

Question 7: What does "Fluent" mean?

A. Ubiquitous, Omnipresent
B. Articulate, Cogent, eloquent
C. Reticent, Taciturn
D. Astute, Shrewd

Question 8: What does "Boring" mean?

A. Ubiquitous, Omnipresent
B. Affluent, Opulent
C. Stereotype, Monotonous, Bovine
D. Endangered
Question 9: What does "Something which is everywhere" mean?
A. Ubiquitous, Omnipresent
B. Flatter, Adulate
C. Unprecedented
D. Faint

Question 10: What does "Praise someone in a positive way" mean?

A. Prominent, Eminent, Prestigious
B. Medieval, Middle age, Gothic
C. Extol
D. Stereotype, Monotonous, Bovine

Question 11: What does "Unlucky" mean?

A. Articulate, Cogent, eloquent
B. Futile, Trivial
C. Unfortunate
D. Extinct

Question 12: What does "Someone who is mentally sharp" mean?

A. Ubiquitous, Omnipresent
B. Endangered
C. Medieval, Middle age, Gothic
D. Astute, Shrewd

Question 13: What does "Something(birds or animals) which has

already disappeared" mean?
A. Stereotype, Monotonous, Bovine
B. Reticent, Taciturn
C. Extinct
D. Ubiquitous, Omnipresent

Question 14: What does "Full of strength" mean?

A. Sturdy, Robust
B. Ancient
C. Unprecedented
D. Affluent, Opulent

Question 15: What does "Something which have happened first time in
history" mean?
A. Futile, Trivial
B. Prominent, Eminent, Prestigious
C. Flatter, Adulate
D. Unprecedented

Question 16: What does "Praise someone madly" mean?

A. Futile, Trivial
B. Endangered
C. Flatter, Adulate
D. Astute, Shrewd

Question 17: What does "Unconscious" mean?

A. Extol
B. Faint
C. Unfortunate
D. Futile, Trivial

Question 18: What does "Famous" mean?

A. Prominent, Eminent, Prestigious
B. Astute, Shrewd
C. Extinct
D. Ubiquitous, Omnipresent

Question 19: What does "In between ancient and modern" mean?
A. Flatter, Adulate
B. Medieval, Middle age, Gothic
C. Unprecedented
D. Extol

Question 20: What does "Something which is Very old" mean?

A. Ancient
B. Sturdy, Robust
C. Extol
D. Futile, Trivial
Answer Key
1C 2B 3B 4C
5A 6B 7B 8C
9A 10C 11C 12D
13C 14A 15D 16C
17B 18A 19B 20A

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