Strategy For Working Aspirants - 1

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This strategy is made considering You have 9 hour for job + 2 hour for travel = 11 hours beyond your

2nd Assumption is Your Saturday and Sunday is Free

Hello future officers,

Sorry for this delay. But here are my opinions. You may modify it as per your need.

First thing first

1. Do not quit your job. There is a thin line of difference between idealism and pragmatism. Your
job is your confidence. Beside, leaving a job doesn’t guarantee selection. So, do it with your job.
UPSC does not demand resignation from job. Work – Life balance will boost your energy.
2. Right now you have sufficient time to prepare for PRE
3. Your 6-7 hours out of left 13 hours are needed for your dreams (on working day). It is tough, but
manageable. Remember, even those who do full time preparation does not give more than 10
hours generally. So, your focus can make a difference

Most Important Advice

1. Your time is limited. It means you can read limited. So, don’t increase resources. Rather, stick to
basic resources and focus on maximum revision. Infact, limited time demands limited resources
which is blessing in disguise.
2. Shut off your social Media except My telegram channel (for motivation and targets) if you
follow. If you follow any other selected candidate too, you can follow, but don’t follow too many
persons. You cant follow all. It is a kill of your precious time.
3. Stop seeing the strategy of all toppers. Everybody has a different journey and timezone. Yours is
different. You are the only real judge. Make a strategy and stick to it
4. Stop seeing all LBSNAA videos and toppers life. It is more of time-waste instead of motivation.
UPSC won’t ask what color shirt UPSC RANK 1 person wear in LBSNAA but they will ask definitely
about Indus Valley Civilization

Time table (assuming that you reach office at 10 am and leave at 7 pm)

1. After coming, our mind is exhausted. So, reverse the strategy if you can. When you come back
home, devote your max 1-1.30 hours for study. Sleep by 10 PM (1.30 hours study)
2. Must Wake up at 4 AM. Study from 4 AM to 8.30 am (4.30 hours straight) (Our mind is active
due to rest we gave to it. After work, it is already exhausted. If you can, even you can sleep at 9
PM and wake up at 3 AM) – See, what adjustment you can do as per your bodily capacity and
3. Then freshen up, breakfast etc in 30 min
4. Use your commutation time for AUDIO Lectures available on youtube. If you are unable to read
newspaper, listen to the audio of The Hindu of any institute. Do not waste your time for
commutation. Current affairs must be prepared in commutation and office hours. Don’t follow
too many channels. Follow any one.
5. Use your office time, commutation time etc by using Video/Audio lectures. You have to take the
pain of not enjoying travel by devoting it seeing the lectures etc on Youtube/Audio etc.
6. You can use the office hours to read newspaper. In office time, everybody has problem if you
read history, but if you read newspaper which comes in office, then nobody has problem if you
read newspaper
7. So, your material must be a mix of Audio+Video+Book
But, then, divide things. E.g. If you are preparing Ancient from Video, then don’t come and read
book on Ancient at home. Use the home time to read Laxmikanth or say Economy etc. Divide
your sources and keep one source for one thing.
8. After Prelims, if possible, take leave and go for your Mains.
9. If you haven’t decided optional, take a optional which is small but effective such as Sociology.
Optional such as GEOGRAPHY though a very good one, demands more time. So, choose wisely

I am not giving timetable to you but I have given a suggestion to you – what to do and what not to do.
As you know your strength. Nobody else. So, it may happen that your strength is Laxmikanth and so, you
can give more time to other subject (keeping Laxmikanth in revision in lesser time). So, instead of
looking for other people timetable, work on your strength and make a timetable which suits you needs.
As you know exactly your timetable and your strength and preparation level.

Use the weekend (1 full Sunday or 1 full Saturday for revision only. Consolidation is necessary). Other
weekend to cover up the subjects.

When last 2 months are left, full focus should be on Prelims as you will only write mains if you qualify
Prelims (2 test in 2 days of weekend is must)

Make goals for small topics. Important topic should be prepared first. E.g. Indus Valley vs Tughlaq
empire. Obviously, you must prepare Indus Valley first. Prioritize.

I have given my suggestions. I know you might be expecting a timetable but then, as I said, you are your
best judge. Nobody else. But yes, you may incorporate my suggestions in your routine if you found my
advice to be right. Afterall, if you don’t fight for your dreams, who else will. I hope it might help you a


Neelesh Kumar Singh

AIR 442 UPSC CSE 2021

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