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Foliente, Freddie Rick L.

1.Identify a successful school. Find out what are the contributions of that school in the

**1. Academic Achievement:**

- High Tech High is known for its innovative approach to education, emphasizing project-
based learning across all subjects. The school consistently achieves high graduation rates
and college admission rates, demonstrating strong academic performance.

**2. Innovative Curriculum:**

- HTH focuses on integration of technology and hands-on projects, preparing students for
real-world challenges. This approach not only enhances student engagement but also
develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

**3. Community Involvement:**

- The school engages with local businesses and organizations for student projects and
internships, providing students with practical experiences and networking opportunities. These
partnerships benefit the community by contributing to local projects and initiatives.
- Students often work on community-based projects, such as environmental conservation
efforts or community service, embedding a sense of civic responsibility and contribution.

**4. Teacher Development:**

- High Tech High also runs a Graduate School of Education, focusing on training teachers
within its own philosophy and practices. This contributes to the broader educational
community by promoting innovative teaching methods and continuous professional

**5. Student Diversity and Inclusion:**

- The school emphasizes diversity and inclusion, striving to create a supportive environment
for students from various backgrounds. This approach fosters a more inclusive community
culture, both within and outside the school.

These factors illustrate how High Tech High not only excels academically but also makes
substantial contributions to its community through educational innovation, community
engagement, and inclusivity. Schools like High Tech High serve as models of how educational
institutions can have a profound impact on their local environments and beyond.
2.Identify a successful school. Find out what are the contributions of that school in the

1. **Orientation Week**: Also known as “O-Week” or “Freshers’ Week,” this is a time for
new students to get acquainted with the campus, participate in social activities, and meet
fellow students. It often includes tours, informational sessions, and welcome events.

2. **Homecoming**: A tradition in many universities, especially in the U.S., involving a

week of activities designed to unite alumni and current students. It often features a
football game, parade, dances, and class reunions.

3. **Spring Fest or Spring Fling**: A large, student-organized festival with concerts,

games, and food. This event is a great way for students to relax and unwind before final

4. **Commencement**: Graduation ceremonies are a pivotal tradition at every university,

marking the completion of students’ studies. These ceremonies are significant and often
include keynote speeches from prominent figures.

1. **Academic Integrity**: Most universities uphold a strong commitment to academic
integrity, with clear policies on plagiarism and cheating. This fosters a culture of honesty
and integrity in academic work.

2. **Diversity and Inclusion**: Many universities emphasize inclusivity, striving to create a

welcoming environment for students of all backgrounds. This includes support for
international students, students of different races and ethnicities, and LGBTQ+ students.

3. **Research and Innovation**: Universities often promote a culture of research and

innovation, encouraging students and faculty to engage in cutting-edge research projects
and entrepreneurial endeavors.

4. **Sustainability**: Many campuses foster a culture of sustainability, promoting eco-

friendly practices such as recycling programs, green building standards, and sustainability
in curriculum and research.

Each university will have its unique set of traditions and cultural norms, reflecting its history,
location, and the values it emphasizes. These traditions and the broader cultural environment
contribute significantly to the student experience and the institution's identity.

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