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I/Identify each clause type (sentence structure) in the following sentences:

Example: He/ seems/ nice.

S V Cs

1. George, the team’s captain,/ is/ well-known for his tactics. (SVCs)

2. The judge/ told/ us/ the judgment sentencing the criminal to 2 years in prison. (SVOiOd)

3. My sister who was worried about the outcome of the trial/ left/ the courtroom/ quietly. (SVOdA)

4. Students/ should be/ polite to their teachers. (SVCs)

5. His mother/ found/ him/ a good wife. (SVOiOd)

6. The officer in charge of the case/ asked/ him/ several questions related to the accident. (SVOiOd)

7. Let/ us/ send him our greetings. (VOdCo)

8. We/ elected/ David/ the representative of the team. (SVOdCo)

9.Many of us/ believe/ adventure stories are exciting, offering engaging characters and action. (SVOd)

10.Today/ he/ remains/ a controversial yet widely popular figure in Western literature. (SVCo)

11. Making a nice birthday cake for her brother,/ she/ sang happily/ in the kitchen. (ASVA)
12. This/ is/ something for you to eat after your ballet lesson. (SVCs)
13. She/ loves/ reading books related to the Great Wall of China. (SVOd)
14. He/ tried/ to make a good impression. (SVOd)
15. She/ had/ no energy to run away. (SVOd)
16. Ms. Jacobs/ is/ excited/ about being the first person to get on the train. (SVCsA)
17. Vampires Dairies/ is/ my favorite television show starring my favourite actor. (SVCs)

18. The student dressed in pirates’ clothes/ attended/ the fancy dress party. (SVOd)

19. Trina and Hareem/ were/ afraid/ to tell their parents the whole truth. (SVCsA)

20. The employer/ caught/ the employee/ stealing some things from the company. (SVOiOd)

21. The most important part of homeopathic treatment/ lies in/ the lengthy interview which the homeopath conducts with
the patient. (SVOd)

22. The homeopath/ sees/ the symptoms/ as signs of the way the body is attempting to help itself. (SVOdA)

23. Their study/ concluded/ that no formal training could replace these first experiences. (SVOd)
24. They/ are really/ surprised/ at the news that they should give the company their unconditional loyalty and in return
they would have security and a job for life. (SVCsA)

25. Professor Shimamura of the university of California/ says/ there are three main ways in which mental functions
change. (SVOd)
26. Many sports organizations/ are now forced/ to do this type of training/ because of what is called ‘the golden age’ to
acquire the physical skills. (SVAA)

II. Analyse the following sentences by Descriptive Linguistic (3 marks)

E.g. I’m glad that my mother made me take piano lessons when I was a child.

M 1 : I’m glad

S 1 : that my mother made me take piano lessons: noun clause, complement of “glad”

S.1.1 : when I was a child: adverbial clause, Adjunct.

1. Since most college graduates who choose to go into an IT work environment will encounter some form of team work at
work, it is to their advantage that they are educated using collaborative learning and that they are taught the tools needed
to work with different people in achieving common goals or objectives.

M1: it is to their advantage.

S1: Since most college graduates will encounter some form of team work at work, (Adverbial clause of reason)

S1.1: who choose to go into an IT work environment (ADJ clause, post modifier of ‘graduates’)

S2: that they are educated using collaborative learning (ADJ clause, post modifier of ‘ADVANTAGE’)

S3: and that they are taught the tools needed to work with different people in achieving common goals or
objectives (ADJ clause, post modifier of ‘ADVANTAGE’)

2. Nobody knows the Artic as well as the locals, which is why they are not content simply to stand back and let outside
experts tell them what’s happening.

M1: Nobody knows the Artic as well as the locals,

S1: which is.

S1.1: why they are not content simply to stand back and let outside experts tell them (NOUN CLAUSE,

S1.1.1: what’s happening (NOUN CLAUSE, OBJECT OF ‘TELL’)

III. Combine the set of simple sentences into complex/compound complex sentence (1 mark)
1. He devoted himself to public affairs, he never took a holiday. This continued for thirty years.
 Because he devoted himself to public affairs, he never took a holiday, which continued for thirty years.
2. The boy was drowning. He shouted for help. A workman heard the boy's shouts. He plunged into the
river, he risked his own life
 When a workman heard the boy who was drowning, he plunged into the river, risking his own life
3. The traveler was toiling slowly over the desert, he suddenly turned round. He heard his companion's
voice. His companion was crying for help.
 When the traveler who was toiling slowly over the desert heard his companion who was crying for
help, he suddenly turned round.
4. He paid all of his father's debts. This was a very honest proceeding. It was very creditable to him.
 He paid all of his father's debts which was very creditable to him, being a very honest proceeding.
5. The thieves poisoned the dog. He had brought it from England. He had trained it carefully to protect his
 The thieves poisoned the dog. He had brought it from England. He had trained it carefully to protect
his property.
Although the thieves had trained it carefully to protect his property, he poisoned the dog which he had
brought from England.
6.The fishermen on the Bay of Bengal can now receive online weather reports. The reports tell them the
news. It is when it is safe to go out.

 The fishermen on the Bay of Bengal can now receive online weather reports which tell them the
news which is when it is safe to go out.

7. He does well. He is nervous as the start.

 Although he is nervous as the start, he does well.
8. Bruce was lying on his bed. He looked up to the roof. He saw the spider.
 When Bruce, lying on his bed, looked up to the roof, he saw the spider.
9. He was my school-fellow. He has become a great man. He has grown proud, he forgets his old friends.
 Though he was my school-fellow who has become a great man and has grown proud, he forgets his old
10. I did not see you. I should have spoken to you. I had important news. Delay was dangerous.
 I should have spoken important news to you whom I did not see, Delay was dangerous.
11. I lost my way. I asked the policeman to direct me. He was new to his work. He could not help me. He
called the gentleman passing by to my assistance.
 When the new policeman who I asked the policeman to direct me as I lost my way could not help me,
He called the gentleman passing by to my assistance.
12. Generally your conduct is good. You have been guilty of an act of folly. You will not be punished. I
advise you to be more prudent in future.
 Although generally your conduct is good and you will not punished for being guilty of an act of folly,
I advise you to be more prudent in future.
13. He has very bad health. He lives very carefully. It is inexplicable to the doctor. The doctor has
attended him for years. He told me this.
 Because he has very bad health, which is inexplicable to the doctor who has attended him for years and
who told me this, he lives very carefully
14. He wrote a letter. He wrote it for a certain reason to his superior. He told me about this.
 He wrote a letter which he wrote for a certain reason to his superior, which he told me about
15. He played exceedingly well in the match. His team won in consequence. The match was played
 He played exceedingly well in the match played yesterday, his team won in consequence.
IV. The following sentence is structurally ambiguous; analyze the two different sentence structures (SVOCA) to show
both possible meanings.

1.Sara/ caught/ the butterfly by the tree (SVOd)

Sara/ caught/ the butterfly/ by the tree (SVOdA)
2.The burglar/ threatened/ the student with the knife (SVOd)
The burglar/ threatened/ the student/ with the knife (SVOdA)
3.The girl/ hit/ the boy with a book (SVOd)
The girl/ hit/ the boy/ with a book (SVOdA)
4.Put/ the bottle/ on the table in the kitchen (VOdA)
Put/ the bottle on the table/ in the kitchen (VOdA)
5.The lecturer/ said/ on Friday she would take a pop quiz. (SVOd)
The lecturer/ said/ on Friday/ she would take a pop quiz. (SVAOd)
6.Can/ you/ call/ me/ an Uber, please? (SVOiOd)
Can/ you/ call/ me/ an Uber, please? (SVOiCo)
7.Sarah/ gave a bath/ to her dog wearing a pink t-shirt. (SVA)
Sarah/ gave a bath/ to her dog wearing a pink t-shirt.
8.Mr. Thompson/ left/ the board feeling frustrated. (SVOd)
Mr. Thompson/ left/ the board/ feeling frustrated. (SVOdCo)

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