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SAE x MegaTaxon Labeling (Part 1)

Note: In these instructions, document will be used to refer to any Ads or FB/IG Posts (text,
image, or video) that you may be evaluating


The labeling task is to determine if the core purpose of a document falls into one or more
MegaTaxon categories, and categorize the document into the best-fit category(s) that apply.
Use all of the information provided within the document to determine the core purpose of the


Left hand side (3 document types available):

FB post
IG Post
Right hand side:
Error Buttons

There are four types of issues you might come across when evaluating documents: Page Load
Error, Missing Content, Wrong Language, and Sensitive.
The following table describes what each of these errors might look like, as well as what you
should do if you come across them while categorizing.

Rating Instructions
1. Evaluate all components of the document, including watching the full play time of
2. Determine the core purpose of the document.
3. Do a side search if necessary: some documents may have an unclear purpose, product
or service and further context may be needed. Please do a side search in this case.
Wikipedia is a good place to start, but sometimes a broader search will be necessary.
(See standard side searching process below)
4. Select if the user is able to make a decision on this job
a. If yes, move forward to step 5
b. If not, select the most appropriate error category (see Error category definitions
above) and submit the job
5. Determine if the core purpose falls into any MegaTaxon categories:
a. Yes - MegaTaxon label A
b. Yes - MegaTaxon label B
c. Yes - both A & B
d. No - In the textbox field, type out the correct label(s). If there are more than one,
separate them with “,”

Standard side search process

1. Log in on Facebook & Instagram account
2. Use Google Chrome as default browser
3. Use only Google search as search engine
4. Set the locale/region settings to United States
5. Type “Keyword + Definition” in the search bar. Search only on the 1st page of search

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