Histo 11 - LectureSept14

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September 14 – Histo 11

Boxer Codex
- Written by the Chinese in 1595 which contains illustrations of ethnic groups in
the Philippines at the time of their initial contact with their Spaniards.
- 75 coloured drawings

- Basic political unit
- Comprised of hierarchies
 Families in barangay were nomadic.
 As they grew in population became more complex, agricultural. Thus, they
needed to domesticate or undergo domestication.
 Communities formed from this process now became permanent.
 This led to the creation of the bahay-kubo.

Bahay Kubo
 Kubo comes from the Spanish word Cubo, which means cube.

 Houses
- The house of pre conquest Filipinos were similar to contemporary structures in
many rural areas today.
- They were uniformly constructed, four walled one room or two room dwellings
raised about three or four meters above the ground on bamboo and timber
posts. The walls were made of wood and bamboo and the roofs were Nipa
shingles in the coastal areas and cogon grass in the interior settlements.
- Bahay kubo should not be clumped together as it is prone to get on fire.
- Everything important is under the bahay kubo and covered with stilts. (ex.
Crops, Animals for food, etc.)
- Houses are elevated to protect the house owners against various factors under
the kubo (ex. Wild animals, insects, vegetation, etc)
- Bahay kubo represents territorial ownership and are part of a barangay.
- It is not durable and easy to replace.
- During the Spanish invasion, they made bahay na bato to make residences in
an effort to make residences permanent.
- Buwis – For protection
- If it cannot be paid, then they can move out of the barangay.

- Filipinos showed great dexterity in seizing his hair with one hand, while with
the other they cut off his head with one head stroke of the bararao and carry it
- They afterwards keep the heads suspended in their houses, where they may be
- This is seen from datu to datu.
- The losing side’s residents join the barangay of the winning datu.

- Highlights the most important resource of the Philippines, which is people.
- Spaniards realized that it is the most valuable resource of the Philippines.

Inter barangay
- Among the other cause of inter barangay raids were:
1. Unwarranted killing of natives in another town
2. Stealing of wives to lessen the reproduction rate of the other barangay.
3. Treachery when one goes in a friendly manner to another village trade.

- Loraca said that the major purpose of the raids was not only head taking, but
slavery. Among the near coastal up landers in Luzon, he stated that they:
 Took the enemy alive if possible, the Tinguianes fight after their harvest are
done; and since it is their custom to be enemies to those who are such to their
friends, they do not lack opportunity for fighting.
- Captives from chiefly class were offered for ransom in gold.
 It was usual for a man with forty or fifty associates or servants to attack a
village of poor people.

- Inter barangay marriages were among the various means of establishing inter-
barangay alliance system and of insuring security economically in time of peace
and in time of conflicts.
- Ancient Filipinos were monogamous although polygamy was practiced in many
- In many areas in Bisayas, a man was expected to have only one wife, although
there were no restrictions as long as the person was a wealthy man.
- 1st Wife – Asawa, 2nd – 5th – Kaibigan
- Many husbands are also allowed if you are wealthy enough.

- Next step if a man and woman like each other
- There are many types, which are:

1. Bride price
- Woman has a certain value that men should match up with.
- Theory 1 of why bride price was made is a compensation/payment for the cost
of rearing (rearing – pagpapalaki for the girl)

2. Payment for services lost

- Compby the parents if the girl decides to marry someone.

3. Investment
- Compensation to invest in another son’s marriage of the parents of the woman.

- Exists till this day, modernly known as mamanhikan.

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