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Indian Journal of Chemistry

Vol. 27A, May 1988, pp. 387-389

Composition of Chromate & Chromate-Phosphate Conversion Coatings on

Aluminium using Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy
Department of Chemistry, University of Port Harcourt, P.M.B. 5323, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Received 8 June 198}; accepted 8 September1987

Compositions of chromate and chromate-phosphate conversion coatings formed by natural immersion of alu-
minium specimens in the respective coating baths have been studied by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy
(RBS). The chromate coating consists mainly of chromium oxide whereas the coating formed from the chromate-
phosphate bath consists essentially of chromium phasphate.

Conversion coatings on aluminium and other me- The RBS arrangement and calculations of the
tals provide an adherent base for subsequent elemental compositions of the coatings closely fol-
paint application 1. In addition, the coatings afford lowed those described by Skeldon3.4. However,
some degree of corrosion resistance on the sub- 4He + ion beams were employed to obtain the
strate metaF. spectra in the present study. The specimens were
The chromate or chromate-phosphate coatings tilted at an angle of 30° to the incident beam in
are usually developed in solutions containing fluo- the system with a background vacuum level of ap-
ride ions which activate the metal followed by ca- proximately 10 - 4Pa. Scattered particles from the
thodic reduction of Cr(VI) species in solution, in targets were detected at an angle of 165° to the
addition to hydrogen evolution reaction. incident beam direction by an annular silicon sur-
The present Rutherford backscattering spec- face barrier detector. The operating current em-
troscopy investigation seeks to know the composi- ployed was in the range of 1-15 nA
tion of these coatings in order to formulate a gen-
eral mechanism for their formation. An under- Results and Discussions
standing of the mechanism of formation of the The RBS spectra for the chromate and chrom-
coatings may lead to the formulation of better ate-phosphate conversion coated specimens are
corrosion resistant coatings. displayed in Figs. 1 and 2 respectively.
For the chromate specimen (Fig. 1) the major
Materials and Methods peaks identified are from chromium and oxygen,
Spade-like electrodes, made of 99.999% pure whereas oxygen, chromium and phosphorous are
aluminium (0.002% Cu; 0.004% Fe; 0.003% Si) identifiable from Fig.2. The oxygen to the other
were electropolished at - 5°C and 20-22V in atom atomic ratios, calculated from the peak
perchloric acid- ethanol mixture for 5 min. After yields are: oxygen to chromium ratio 0.53 + 0.03
electropolishing, the specimens were rinsed in dis- (Fig.1) and oxygen to chromium ratio 0.160 ±
tilled water and dried by passing a cold stream of 0.005 (Fig.2) and oxygen to phosphorous ratib
aIr. 0.187 ± 0.005. In both cases, the ratios are con-
The two conversion coating baths employed stant throughout the bulk of the coatings, i.e. from
had the following compositions: Chromate: 4g the coating! environment interface to the metal!
Cr03, 3g NazCrz07 and 0.8g NaP, and chromate- coating interface. The ratios indicate that the
phosphate: 100g H3P04, 4g Cr03 and Ig NaP. atomic compositions of the coatings are:
The coating baths were made up to 1 litre with Cr1.59±O.09'03 for the chromate specimen and
distilled water. Conversion coating procedure was CrO,64±O,OZ' PO,75±O.OOZ'
04 for chromate"'phosphate
performed by fully immersing the electropolished specimen. For both the coatings the approximated
specimens in the individual coating solution for 2 atomic ratios will be CrZ03 and CrP04 respect-
min at 25°C. The specimens were then rinsed in ively.
distilled water and dried in air. In a similar studys, XPS investigation revealed
Rutherfordbackscattering spectroscopic (RBS) that the chromate conversioncbating was com-
examination of the two specimens was carried out posed mainly of hydrated Cr(m) oxide, with
with a6 MeV Vail de Graaff accelerator at the about 10%' ofthedlfomitim content' being in' + 6
University of Manchester, UK. oxidation state~ The same investigation showed'

INDIAN J. CHEM., VOL. 27 A, MAY 1988

, u'" 4096 '" ~

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100 200' '300

100 400

Fig. I - Rf3S spectrum for chromate conversion coating deve- Fig. 2 - RBS spectrum for chromate-phosphate conversion
, loped on aluminium for 2 min coating developed on aluminium for 2 min

that the: composition of the specimen treated in From investigations using Scanning electron Mic-
the chtomate-phosphate bath was hydrated roscopy (SEM) and ultramicrotomy/ Transmission
CrPO 4' ifhese results are in agreement with the etectron Microscopy (TEM) techniques 8, some of
findings fof Traverton and Davies6 who employed the cracks present in the coatings are observed to
XPS te¢hniques with argon etching to study penetrate to the metal/coating interface. It is like-
chromat~ and chromate-phosphate conversion ly that the aluminium yield is partly derived from
coatings Ion aluminium. In the present study, there such cracked regions. In addition, during the acti-
is no in~ication for the presence of water of hy- vation of aluminium substrate by the complexing
dration. ifhis may be due to the age of the coating action of the fluoride species present in the coat-
- two t'eeks, prior to analysis. During this peri- ing baths, cathodic reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III)
od the qoatings would have dried up completely. species is accompanied by hydrogen evolution.
In additibn, the water of hydration may have dri- The liberation of hydrogen, obviously, leads to in-
ed up in the high vacuum operating in the Van de
I, crease in the pH of the solution. The theory9,IO
Graaff aqcelerator before analysis was completed. which supports the hydrogen evolution reaction
In Figf 1, a small peak from aluminium is ob- also indicated the deposition of hydrated alumini-
servable! at channel number 210. Whereas, in um oxide-from AP + generated during the activa-
Fig.2, it ,S not clear whether aluminium is present tion of the substrate by F-. Such hydrated alumi-
in the cdating. The edge corresponding to scatter- nium oxide may be trapped within the growing
ing fro~ aluminium is overlapped by the phos- coating and this will partly account for the alumi-
phorous peak, indicating, the phosphorous yield
I, nium yields observed.
includes some contribution due to aluminium if
If the aluminium yield is derived from the coat-
the latte~ were present in the coating. However, in ings and its distribution within the coating thick-
both cases the aluminium yield may be derived ness assumed to be constant, the aluminium oxy-
from wi~n the coatings and/or from the sub- gen ratio (from Fig.1) comes out to be
strates a~ spalled or cracked regions. 'Mud-crack- 0.074.± 0.005. This leads to the composition of
ing' is a i characteristic feature of both coatings7. AlO,22±0.Q2· CrI.59±009' 03' On the other hand, the


aluminium oxygen ratio in the chromate-phosph- former is lower than that of the latter. Thus, reac-
ate specimens is < < 0.01. The presence of alu- tion (5) becomes predominant.
minium species in the coatings agrees with the
findings of Abd Rabbo et apt and that of Traver- ... (5)
ton and Davies6 who respectively employed SIMS
and XPS techniques to study conversion coatings The presence of Cr203 in chromate-phosphate
on aluminium. Such aluminium species a{e either coating' was reported by Traverton and' Oavies6•
AlP3 or AlOE However, they further stated that it might have
From the atomic composition obtained by the been generated from CrP04 during argon sputter-
RBS technique, the formation of the coatings can ing prior to XPS analysis. It is likely that reaction
proceed through the following steps. (4) takes place as well; however, the product,
(i) Activation of aluminium substrate achieved Cr203, is largely converted into CrP04 in the
by the complexing action of fluoride in the coat- presence of excess phosphate ions.
ing baths (Eqs 1 and 2),
F- Acknowledgement
Al203 --+ AlOF (soluble) ... (1) The author wishes to thank Dr M Skeldon of
UMIST, UK, for the provision of time during
or RBS analysis and Dr G E Thompson for his guid-
ance .
... (2)
It has been shown by potential-time measure- 1 WernicJs S & Pinner R, The surface treatment and finish-
ments for electropolished aluminium 1911itre NaF ing of aluminium and its alloys (Robert Draper, Ted-
solution that fluoride maintains aluminium substr- dington) 1972.
2 Katzman H A, Malouf G M, Baner R & Stupian G, Appl
ate active at a potential of about -0.9Y. This is Surf Sci, 2 (1979) 416.
consistent with activation of substrate by fluoride 3 Skeldon P, Shimizu K, Thompson G E & Wood G C,
species in the solutions. o SurfaceInterface Ana~ 5 (1983) 252.
(ii) The exposed, reactive aluminium surface 4 Skeldon P, Shimizu K, Thompson G E & Wood G C,
acts as a source of electrons for the reduction of Surface Interface Ana~ 5 (1983)247.
5 Asami K, Oki M, Thompson G E, Wood G C & Ash-
Cr(VI), in contact with it, to Cr(III) species (Eq.3). worth Y, Electrochim Acta, 32(2) (1987) 337.
6 Treverton J A & Davies N C, Metals Technology, 4
... (3) (1977) 480.
7 Treverton J A & Arnor M P, Trans Inst Metal Finishing,
60 (1982) 92.
When the solubility product for Cr 203 is ex-
8 Oki M, Conversion coatings on aluminium, Ph D Thesis,
ceeded, it deposits on the metal via the quilibri- UMIST, UK, 1985.
urn reaction (Eq.4). 9 Sutton W H, Pitting corrosion of aluminium, Ph D The-
sis, University of Manchester, UK, 1971 .
... (4) 10 Wood G C, Sutton W H, Richardson J A, Riley T K &
Natherbe A C, Proceeding of U R Evans Conference
on Localized Corrosion, National Association of Cor-
However, in the presence of PO 43 - in the rosion Engineers Houston, Texas.
chromate-phosphate bath, CrP04 is deposited in 11 Abd Rabbo M F, Richardson J A & Wood G C, Corr Sci,
preference to Cr203. the solubility product of the 18(1978) 117.


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