Statement of Originality Mirees

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Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary research and studies on Eastern

Europe (MIREES)
With this statement I hereby declare that the submitted Master’s thesis is my own work and that, to the
best of my knowledge, it contains no sources or resources other than the ones mentioned and acknowledged.

The sources used have been stated in accordance with the rules and regulations applied at the Master of
Arts in Interdisciplinary research and studies on Eastern Europe (MIREES).
I have indicated all quotes, citations and references that were literally taken -in full, or parts of them- from
publications, i.e. books, journals, academic articles, whether published or unpublished, as well as web sources,
newspapers, reports, etc.

I also declare that the intellectual content of this thesis is the product of my own work, even though I
may have received assistance from others on style, presentation and language expression.

Furthermore, I have not submitted any essay, paper, or thesis with similar contents elsewhere.

I am fully aware that in case of proof that the thesis has not been written and structured in accordance
with this declaration, the Commission of the Master of Art in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern
Europe (MIREES) will consider the fact as negligence or as a deliberate and intentional act aimed at making it
impossible for the defence commission to give a correct judgment of the candidate’s expertise, insights and

I am also aware that submitting the work of another writer as one’s own constitutes a crime, according to the
Italian Act no. 475/1925 “Punishment of candidates for master’s degrees, diplomas, public positions,
qualifications and honours for the false quote of someone else’s works”¹

Place Date

Student's full name

Student's signature

Italian act no. 475/25 “Those who submit the work of another writer such as dissertations, studies, publications, technical designs as one’s own on
the occasion of exams or competitions, prescribed or required by authorities or public administrations for the assignment of master’s degrees or any
other school or academic degree or qualification, for the license to teach and practice a profession, for the issue of diplomas, shall be punished by
imprisonment from three months to one year. The imprisonment cannot be less than six months in case the intent is accomplished”.

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