Tony Danza Paper Wing Yan Hui

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EDU-211-26523 Behavior Observation in Education Wing Yan Hui

Tony Danza and the First Years Teaching Paper

After reading Tony Danza’s book and watching Teach the First 9 months, please reflect and

answer the following questions:

What were the first years teachers or Tony Danza’s biggest struggles? How did they

overcome these struggles (cite examples from the book or from the first years


I think the first year teachers have to deal with the classroom materials, classroom

management, routines and procedures, and behavioral management as well. For example,

Renee Caraballo in the video is a 5th grade teacher and she had to deal with a long to-do-

list before back-to-school night. Becky Brandy is a kindergarten teacher and the students

didn’t know much about rules and she had to do the classroom management. During

dismissal, she accidently sent a little girl home on the bus that shouldn’t have been on the

bus. The girl doesn’t live in the address that she got.

What were Tony Danza’s strengths (cite specific examples)? What strategies did he use

to his advantage?

He is sensitive to the students’ needs because he cares them. In chapter 2, when Mr. Danza

asked Al to do the assignment, he recognized Al just studied the air above his head. He

asked Al to hand in both assignments on the next day. Mr. Danza can recognize students
EDU-211-26523 Behavior Observation in Education Wing Yan Hui

well and let students know he is watching all the time.

What type of teaching style did Tony Danza and the teachers in the documentary


Tony Danza was using positive reinforcement. In chapter 1, when the students were doing

self-introduction, he kept giving positive response to let students know he was listening. I

think he is a delegator to observe the students while students collaborate and engage in


The teachers in the documentary used differentiated instruction because they have students

with different needs. Also, they do group learning to put students sitting in a group.

What resources did he or they utilize?

Tony Danza had a support from teachers Joe Connelly and Harry Gilbert to share the

experience to him.

How did Tony Danza change over the course of his year teaching? Use specific examples

to support how he has changed.

In the chapter three, he mentioned he had been warned that forget about the smiling and

never let students see him cry. When he was dealing with the off-task behavior of Eric, he

didn’t let Eric have a choice. He put the little paper wreath in Eric’s pocket and told him

they both need to focus. It is a good behavioral management to let students know what is
EDU-211-26523 Behavior Observation in Education Wing Yan Hui

allowed and what is not allowed. Also, re-state what teacher wants students to do is

important as well.

Do you think what they went through is something all first year teachers go through?

Why or why not?

Yes. Having a class to teach is different to play with a class. During teaching, teacher has

to deal with behavioral management, lesson plan, students with different needs, check with

the understanding or adjust the instructions. Also, there are parents that teacher has to

communicate as well. As a first-year teacher with full of passion, she may want to do every

thing perfectly. However, it is overwhelming because there are a lot of work to do and she

still need to get used to teacher life.

Describe one situation that he handled. How would you have handled the situation


In the first day of school, he wanted the students write down their name on the card that

placed on the desk. Later, he let the students to introduce themselves. I would play a game

with the students to get to know them better like a card game. They are in tenth grade and

they should be able to know the card games’ rule. Also, it can build the relationship with

students. The teacher will eventually know the names through their different characteristics.
EDU-211-26523 Behavior Observation in Education Wing Yan Hui

Describe one thing you learned from the book or the documentary that will help you in

your future classrooms

The letter that from Harry Gilbert to Tony Danza is really helpful. He said never embarrass

a student in front of others. Embarrass yourself, often to relieve the tension, but do not

paint them into a corner. Also, he mentioned that for the first year, teacher should keep it

simple stupid. These two things are really helpful for me in the future classroom to let me

not get too frustrated. Furthermore, embarrass myself might help me down to students and

build relationship with them.

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