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Ingles III

“Me And my professional Career At UTP”

Erika Elena Arnao Ojeda


- Zevallos Pijo Mario Nelson

- Leonidas España Meza
Final English project

A: Hotel paradise, good morning.

B: Good morning, could you please contact the


A: Yes, of course she speaks. How can we help you?

B: Look, Miss, I'm here to complain, because your hotel in paradise has


A: Excuse me, could you pass me your complaint to raise the report


B: Of course, if that's

what I'm talking about.

A: Okay, I'm listening ...

B: Look Miss August 10, I went to spend a comfortable vacation at

your hotel, because in the brochures everything is very good, very
beautiful and colorful ....

A: Well, so far I do not see any problem.

B: Yes, he does not see any problem because his advertising is


A: I apologized, sir. Why do you say that, I do not understand?

B: Well, look Miss, and being there no one helped me carry my

luggage to my room, the day I arrived nor dinner took me and this
my package included breakfast and dinner in the room, at night I
wanted to sleep with the window open to appreciate the moon and
hear the sound of the waves, but the annoying mosquitoes
prevented me.
A: Very good sir, but why you didn’t make your report while staying
at the hotel?

B: Because Miss the phone in my room had no line, there was no Wi-Fi
as they say in their brochures, in addition the TV in my room was
analog and without cable.

A: Well, sir, I will raise the report immediately and we can

compensate it with a week's holiday all paid at any of our hotels
throughout the country.

B: No, Miss, to have the same unpleasant experience, I prefer to

leave now.

A: It's fine as you prefer.

B: Okay, okay thanks.

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