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Lesson Plan for Statistics and Probability

AY: 2023-2024 (2nd Semester)

I. Objectives: At the end of the 0ne (1) hour lesson, the Grade 11 shall be able to:
Cognitive Domain Illustrate a random variable (discrete and continuous) M11/12SP-IIIa-1

Affective Domain distinguishes between a discrete and a continuous

random variable. M11/12SP-IIIa-2
Psychomotor finds the possible values of a random variable. M11/12SP-IIIa-3
Topic/Lesson Exploring Random Variables
A. References Statistics and Probability by: Elisa S. Bacay & Rene R. Belecina, p. 2 - 8
B. Value Focus Fairness and Justice
C. Instructional PowerPoint presentation, LED TV, Laptop
D. Teaching Creative and Critical Thinking. Engaging students during the lecture times, and facilitating student success as an effort to
Philosophy maintain the field of applied mathematics and statistics as an interesting and applicable discipline.
II. Procedures
Parts of the Lesson Teacher’s Activity Students’ Responses RPMS-PPST Indicators
2.1 Introductory 1. Prayer
Activity 2. Checking of attendance.
3. Ask:
Have tried to order items online? Yes, sir.
How sure are you that your order is ok? Answers vary
Unlocking of Definition of Terms: Objective 2
Difficulties 1. Random variable – is a function that associates a 1.4.2 (Used a range of teaching
real number to each element in the sample space. It is a strategies that enhance learner
variable whose values are determined by chance. achievement in literacy and
2. Discrete random variable - A random variable is numeracy skills.)
a discrete random variable if its set of possible
outcomes is countable. Mostly, discrete random
variables represent count data, such as the
number of defective chairs produced in a factory.
3. Continuous random variable – a random
variable is a continuous random variable if it
takes on values on a continuous scale. Often,
continuous random variables represent
measured data, such as heights, weights, and

II.2 Activity Divide the class into three groups.

(the class perform the Objective 8
Give out activity sheet. One activity per group. activity) 3.5.2 (Adapted and used
(refer to activity sheet) culturally appropriate teaching
strategies to address the needs
of learners from indigenous

Objective 1
1.1.2 (Applied knowledge of
content within and across
curriculum teaching areas) –
2.3 Analysis Analyze the activity using the following questions:

a) In Activity 1, what variable is determined? Variable X Objective 3

b) What are the possible values of random variable X 0, 1, 2, 3 1.5.2 (Applied a range of
c) In Activity 2, what variable is determined? Variable Y teaching strategies to develop
d) What are the possible values of random variable Y 0, 1, 2, 3 critical and creative thinking, as
e) In Activity 3, what variable is determined? Variable Z well as other higher-order
f) What are the possible values of random variable Z 0, 1, 2, 3 thinking skills.) –
g) Are activities 1, 2 & 3 are similar? Yes, sir.
h) What kind of random variable is described in the Objective 7
activities? Discrete random variable 3.2.2 (Established a learner-
centered culture by using
Further discussion: teaching strategies that respond
Suppose an experiment is conducted to determine the to their linguistic, cultural,
distance that a certain type of car will travel using 10 liters socioeconomic and religious
of gasoline over a prescribed test course. If the distance is backgrounds.) –
random variable, then we have infinite number of
distances that cannot be equated to the number of whole
numbers. Continuous random variable
What kind of random variable is the experiment?
4.4 Abstraction a) How do you describe a discrete random variable? A random variable is a discrete
random variable if its set of possible
outcomes is countable. Mostly,
discrete random variables represent
count data, such as the number of
defective chairs produced in a
b) How do you describe a continuous random
variable? A random variable is a continuous
random variable if it takes on values
on a continuous scale. Often,
continuous random variables
represent measured data, such as
heights, weights, and temperatures.
4.5 Application Which of the following experiment is a discrete random Objective 10
variable and a continuous random variable? 5.3.2 (Used strategies for
a. The number of defects in a batch of 100 providing timely, accurate and
constructive feedback to
manufactured products
improve learner performance.)
b. The researcher needs to find participants with a
body fat percentage between 20 and 24 percent.
c. The number of items sold at a store on a certain Objective 7
day 3.2.2 (Established a learner-
d. The sum of the outcomes on rolling two dice centered culture by using
e. The height of an adult male or female. teaching strategies that respond
to their linguistic, cultural,
4.6 Assessment Four coins are tossed. Let Z be the random variable
socioeconomic and religious
representing the number of heads that turn up. Find the
values of the random variable Z. backgrounds.)
Possible Outcomes Value of the Random
Variable Z

4.7 Assignment From a box containing 4 black balls and 2 green balls, 3
balls are drawn in succession. Each ball is placed back in
the box before the next draw is made. Let G be a random
variable representing the number of green balls that can be
drawn. Find the values of the random variable G.
Possible Outcomes Value of the Random
Variable G

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher III Master Teacher I

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