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Catch-up Fridays _ Reading Passage About Kindness

Story 1: The Cow and The Pig

On the farm, a cow saw a pig. The pig is feeling sad. The cow shared the hay.
The pig smiled. In simple acts, friends made joy. In the barn, the two friends
showed they are kind.

Story 2: The Monkey and The Lion

In the jungle, a lion saw a tired monkey. The lion shared the shade. The
monkey felt thankful. With kindness, they became friends. The small acts in
the jungle made others happy. The two became friends.

Story 3: The Hen and The Goat

In a very quiet barn, a hen got tired. He cannot find food. The goat saw the
hen. The goat is kind. He gave seeds to the hen. The hen clucked happily.
The farm animals followed the kindness of the goat.

Story 4: The Fish and The Turtle

In the sea, a fish saw a turtle tangled or trapped in plastic. The fish, with care, untangled
the turtle. The turtle shared a safe path. Thankful, the turtle swam happily. Through small
acts, the sea friends showed kindness. They keep their home clean. They keep their hearts

Story 5: The Eagle and The Sparrow

In the sky, an eagle noticed or saw a tired sparrow. The eagle, with benevolence, offered a
ride on its broad wings. The sparrow, grateful, chirped happily. Above the clouds, they
shared flight. They taught small acts of kindness among the sky dwellers. In the vastness
of the sky, the small acts made a soaring bond of kindness.

Story 6: The Camel and The Beetle

Amidst the scorching desert, Camel noticed a weary Beetle struggling in the heat. Camel,
with compassion, shared its shade and water. Beetle, revived, expressed heartfelt gratitude.
In the arid land, their encounter demonstrated that even in desolation, an act of kindness
can bloom like an oasis, quenching the thirst for warmth and companionship.

Catch-up Fridays _ Reading Passage About Kindness

Story 7: Sarah

In the playground, Tim saw Sara sitting alone. Feeling her sadness, he invited her to play.
Sara's face brightened, and they shared giggles on the swings. In their simple act of
friendship, compassion turned loneliness into joy, proving that even little friends can make
a big difference.

Story 8: Joe and Ben

One day, Joe felt sad because he couldn't find his favorite toy. His older brother, Ben,
noticed and decided to help. Ben, with a smile, suggested looking together. They searched
high and low until, finally, Ben found the toy hiding under the bed. Joe's face lit up with
joy, and he hugged Ben tightly. In this simple act of compassion, Ben showed that
brothers look out for each other, turning a frown into a happy brotherly bond.

Story 9: Emma and Lily

In a cozy home, Lily accidentally broke Emma’s favorite toy. Instead of getting angry,
Emma saw Lily’s worried face and hugged her, saying, “It’s okay, Lily. We can fix it
together.” Lily, surprised by Emma’s kindness, felt relieved. They gathered the toy’s
pieces, and with glue and laughter, they mended it. Emma’s compassion turned a mishap
into a bonding moment, teaching Lily that sisters share not only toys but also love and
understanding. In their world, compassion was the glue that made their sisterhood
unbreakable, creating a treasure of shared memories and enduring love.

Story 10: Sofia

One day, a young girl named Sofia approached Mr. Garcia with a handful of coins. "It's not much, but I
want to thank you for being so kind," she said. Mr. Garcia, touched by her gesture, replied, "Your
kindness is worth more than gold, Sofia."

In this bustling marketplace, Mr. Garcia's compassion became the cornerstone of a community where
people didn't just exchange goods but also shared smiles, empathy, and a sense of togetherness. The
simple act of giving, sparked by Mr. Garcia's warm heart, created a ripple effect that made the market not
just a place of commerce, but a place where compassion was the currency of the heart.

Story 11: Jake and Lily

Once upon a time, in a cozy little house, lived a family of four: Mom, Dad, and two siblings named Lily
and Jake. One sunny day, Jake wasn’t feeling well, and everyone noticed his gloomy face. Lily, being the
caring sister, decided to make a surprise for him. She spent her afternoon crafting a colorful get-well card
with drawings of funny animals and a heartfelt message.
Catch-up Fridays _ Reading Passage About Kindness

During dinner, Lily handed the card to Jake, who was touched by the gesture. Mom and Dad smiled,
witnessing the compassion between their children. To make Jake feel even better, they all gathered for a
family movie night, watching Jake’s favorite funny movie.

In this simple act of kindness, Lily showed compassion by understanding and caring for her brother. The
warmth of love in that small family setting made everyone realize that sometimes, it’s the little things that
create the biggest smiles.

Story 12: Mia, Ben, and Emma

Once in a vibrant neighborhood, there were three best friends – Mia, Ben, and Emma. One day, Mia fell
down while playing in the park and hurt her knee. Ben and Emma rushed to her side, concern written on
their faces. Emma, with her caring heart, quickly ran to get a bandage from her house, while Ben stayed
with Mia, offering comforting words.

When Emma returned, she gently cleaned Mia's scraped knee and carefully put on the bandage. Ben,
always the joker, cracked a few silly jokes to lift Mia's spirits. The friends then decided to play a board
game, as Mia's knee needed some rest.

Through this simple act of compassion, Ben and Emma showed Mia that friends are like a soft blanket on
a chilly day – comforting and warm. Mia felt grateful for her caring friends, realizing that in moments of
pain, their kindness made everything better. In their small world, compassion among friends was the glue
that made their bond even stronger.
Story 13: Sam and Lily

In a bustling classroom filled with colorful drawings and friendly chatter, there was a boy named Sam
who loved to read but struggled with some words. One day, their teacher, Mrs. Taylor, noticed Sam
feeling a bit left out during a reading activity. She saw his furrowed brow and decided to take a
compassionate step.

During recess, Mrs. Taylor approached Lily, a book-loving student, and asked if she would be willing to
read with Sam. Lily, with a warm smile, agreed. The next day, Mrs. Taylor set up a cozy reading corner
with cushions, where Lily and Sam could explore books together.

Lily, understanding Sam's challenge, patiently read aloud, pointing to words and helping him sound them
out. As days passed, the duo spent more time reading together, and Sam's confidence blossomed. Lily's
kindness not only improved Sam's reading but also created a friendship filled with shared stories and

Mrs. Taylor, observing this beautiful bond, realized that compassion in the classroom not only helps
academically but also nurtures a supportive environment where everyone can thrive. Sam's progress
became a testament to the power of a simple act of kindness, proving that in a classroom filled with
compassion, every student can shine.

Story 14: Mr. Garcia

Catch-up Fridays _ Reading Passage About Kindness

In a lively marketplace where colorful stalls lined the streets, there was a kind-hearted fruit vendor named
Mr. Garcia. Every day, he would arrange his fruits with care, creating a vibrant display that caught the
eyes of passersby.

One scorching afternoon, Mrs. Rodriguez, a regular customer, approached Mr. Garcia with a tired
expression. She explained that times had been tough, and she could only afford a few oranges for her
family. Mr. Garcia, known for his compassionate nature, smiled warmly and insisted, "Take these
oranges, Mrs. Rodriguez. Family comes first."
Grateful tears welled up in Mrs. Rodriguez's eyes as she accepted the gift. This act of compassion didn't
go unnoticed by others in the market. The word spread, and soon, neighbors started sharing stories of Mr.
Garcia's generosity.

In the following days, customers started bringing a little extra when they visited Mr. Garcia's stall. Some
offered a coin, while others shared a friendly chat. The marketplace transformed into a community of
compassion, each person inspired by Mr. Garcia's simple yet profound kindness.

Story 15: Mrs. Taylor

In a bustling classroom filled with colorful drawings and friendly chatter, there was a boy named Sam who loved to
read but struggled with some words. One day, their teacher, Mrs. Taylor, noticed Sam feeling a bit left out during a
reading activity. She saw his furrowed brow and decided to take a compassionate step.

During recess, Mrs. Taylor approached Lily, a book-loving student, and asked if she would be willing to read with
Sam. Lily, with a warm smile, agreed. The next day, Mrs. Taylor set up a cozy reading corner with cushions, where
Lily and Sam could explore books together.

Lily, understanding Sam's challenge, patiently read aloud, pointing to words and helping him sound them out. As
days passed, the duo spent more time reading together, and Sam's confidence blossomed. Lily's kindness not only
improved Sam's reading but also created a friendship filled with shared stories and laughter.

Mrs. Taylor, observing this beautiful bond, realized that compassion in the classroom not only helps academically
but also nurtures a supportive environment where everyone can thrive. Sam's progress became a testament to the
power of a simple act of kindness, proving that in a classroom filled with compassion, every student can shine.

Story 16: Mr. Garcia and Mrs. Rodriguez

In a lively marketplace where colorful stalls lined the streets, there was a kind-hearted fruit vendor named Mr.
Garcia. Every day, he would arrange his fruits with care, creating a vibrant display that caught the eyes of

One scorching afternoon, Mrs. Rodriguez, a regular customer, approached Mr. Garcia with a tired expression. She
explained that times had been tough, and she could only afford a few oranges for her family. Mr. Garcia, known for
his compassionate nature, smiled warmly and insisted, "Take these oranges, Mrs. Rodriguez. Family comes first."

Grateful tears welled up in Mrs. Rodriguez's eyes as she accepted the gift. This act of compassion didn't go
unnoticed by others in the market. The word spread, and soon, neighbors started sharing stories of Mr. Garcia's
Catch-up Fridays _ Reading Passage About Kindness

In the following days, customers started bringing a little extra when they visited Mr. Garcia's stall. Some offered a
coin, while others shared a friendly chat. The marketplace transformed into a community of compassion, each
person inspired by Mr. Garcia's simple yet profound kindness.

One day, a young girl named Sofia approached Mr. Garcia with a handful of coins. "It's not much, but I want to
thank you for being so kind," she said. Mr. Garcia, touched by her gesture, replied, "Your kindness is worth more
than gold, Sofia."

In this bustling marketplace, Mr. Garcia's compassion became the cornerstone of a community where people didn't
just exchange goods but also shared smiles, empathy, and a sense of togetherness. The simple act of giving,
sparked by Mr. Garcia's warm heart, created a ripple effect that made the market not just a place of commerce, but
a place where compassion was the currency of the heart.

Story 17: Timmy

One sunny day in the small town of Harmonyville, strange things started happening. Everyday objects disappeared,
leaving residents puzzled. The mystery deepened as nobody could explain the sudden vanishing acts.

The mayor, Mr. Thompson, called an emergency town meeting. "Folks, we've got a mystery on our hands," he
declared, scratching his head. The townspeople shared puzzled glances, their faces reflecting a mix of concern and

That night, little Timmy discovered his favorite toy missing. His parents, determined to solve the mystery, decided
to set up a surveillance camera. To their surprise, the footage revealed a peculiar figure appearing out of thin air,
snatching the toy, and disappearing into the night.

The townspeople, now convinced they were dealing with something otherworldly, began to fear for their safety.
However, an unexpected turn of events unfolded when a spaceship landed in the town square.

Out stepped Zara, a friendly alien with shimmering green skin and three eyes. The townspeople gasped, unsure of
what to expect. Zara, sensing their fear, communicated through a universal translator, "Greetings, Earthlings! I
come in peace."

As it turned out, Zara had inadvertently caused the mysterious disappearances. She was fascinated by human
objects and wanted to study them on her home planet. However, she didn't understand the emotional value these
items held for the residents of Harmonyville.

Touched by the kindness and understanding of the townspeople, Zara decided to return the missing items. With a
wave of her three-fingered hand, everything reappeared in its original place. Timmy was overjoyed to find his
favorite toy back on his shelf.

The townspeople, once fearful, now saw Zara as a friend. They shared stories, laughter, and even threw a
welcoming party in her honor. Zara, grateful for their kindness, promised to visit Earth and Harmonyville whenever
she could, turning a mysterious dilemma into an intergalactic friendship.

Catch-up Fridays _ Reading Passage About Kindness

Story 18: Captain Emily Clarke and Engineer Alex Rodriguez

In the vastness of space, aboard the Harmony Voyager, a team of astronauts embarked on a groundbreaking
mission to explore a distant galaxy. Among them were Captain Emily Clarke and Engineer Alex Rodriguez. They
faced challenges, but camaraderie flourished.

One day, as they approached a mysterious asteroid belt, their ship encountered unforeseen turbulence. Alarms
blared, lights flickered, and anxiety filled the air. Amid the chaos, Alex noticed Dr. Maria Singh, the team's
botanist, looking pale and disoriented.

Driven by compassion, Alex rushed to Dr. Singh's side. "Are you okay?" he asked, steadying her. Dr. Singh,
weakened by space sickness, managed a weak smile. The situation demanded quick thinking, and Alex took charge.
With a calm demeanor, Alex guided Dr. Singh to a secure area, ensuring she was safe and comfortable. He then
addressed the rest of the crew, outlining a plan to navigate through the asteroid belt. Captain Clarke, impressed by
Alex's leadership, nodded in approval.

As they maneuvered through the treacherous asteroids, Dr. Singh recovered under Alex's watchful eye. The crew,
inspired by Alex's compassion and quick decision-making, worked cohesively to ensure the mission's success.

Days later, they reached their destination—a celestial body with potential for groundbreaking discoveries. Captain
Clarke commended the team's resilience and unity. However, Alex remained humble, emphasizing the importance
of compassion in challenging situations.

Back on Earth, news of their successful mission reached the space agency. The astronauts became heroes, not only
for their scientific achievements but also for their display of humanity in the vastness of the cosmos.

The story of the Harmony Voyager crew echoed through space exploration history, becoming a beacon of
compassion and teamwork. Captain Emily Clarke and Engineer Alex Rodriguez, through their actions, proved that
in the cold expanse of space, kindness and empathy could create warmth and unity, making them pioneers not just
in science but also in the art of human connection.

Catch-up Fridays _ Reading Passage About Kindness

Verse Choir/Jazz Chant

Key Stage 1

Kind and sweet, a magic word,
Helping hands, like a friendly bird.
Smiles spread, a joyous herd,
In our hearts, kindness stirred.
Words so warm, like a cozy hug,
Little acts, a friendship rug.
In the world, let kindness tug,
A dance of love, a gentle shrug.
Whispers of care, like a soft breeze,
Bringing peace, putting hearts at ease.
Kindness grows, among the trees,
In our place, there is peace.

Verse Choir/Jazz Chant

Key Stage 2
Catch-up Fridays _ Reading Passage About Kindness

Kindness blooms, like a bright sunbeam,
Helping hands, in a gentle dream.
Hearts entwined, like a cozy stream,
Love, a melody, in every theme.
In the dance of joy, a simple rhyme,
Smiles connect, like bells that chime.
Warmth spreads, like sweet, golden thyme,
In the realm of kindness, a timeless climb.
Words like petals, soft and kind,
In every action, love we find.
A tapestry woven, thread by bind,
In the symphony of compassion, hearts entwined.
Let's chant of kindness, far and near,
Whispered softly in every ear.
In the circle of love, crystal clear,
Kindness reigns, a treasure to hold dear.

Verse Choir/Jazz Chant

Key Stage 3

Catch-up Fridays _ Reading Passage About Kindness

Kindness, a spark, in hearts it ignites,

Gentle flames glowing, in day and night.
A ripple of warmth, a comforting grace,
In the world's embrace, love finds its place.
A helping hand, when burdens are carried,
Kindness, a melody, in hearts it's married.
A symphony of compassion, echoing wide,
In the dance of empathy, where souls confide.
Through stormy seas or skies so clear,
Kindness, a compass, steering sincere.
A beacon of light, in the darkest hour,
In the tapestry of life, a thread so pure.
In words spoken softly or a tender smile,
Kindness, a language, transcending the mile.
A bridge between hearts, where connections bloom,
In the garden of humanity, kindness will loom.
From strangers to kin, the circle expands,
Kindness, a circle, joining hearts and hands.
A chorus of love, in unity it sings,
In the tapestry of kindness, heart springs.
So let's chant together, a song of the heart,
Kindness, the rhythm, where friendships start.
In the dance of compassion, let's all take part,
For in kindness, we find, a world set apart.

Verse Choir/Jazz Chant

Key Stage 4
In the realm of kindness, a gentle grace,
A warm embrace, in life's vast space.
Like whispers of wind, a soft caress,
Catch-up Fridays _ Reading Passage About Kindness

Kindness, a language, we all possess.

In every smile, a sunlit ray,
Brightening paths along the way.
A helping hand, a comforting touch,
Kindness, a language, that means so much.

In words that lift, like a songbird's tune,
Soothing hearts beneath the moon.
Acts of love, like petals unfurled,
Kindness, a dance, that spins the world.

Through storms and sunshine, kindness prevails,
A ship of hope, in compassion's sails.
In shared laughter, in joyous cheers,
Kindness, a melody, calming fears.

In the tapestry of life, threads of care,
Woven in moments, precious and rare.
A bridge that connects, hearts entwined,
Kindness, a magic, in every mind.

So let kindness ripple, let it flow,
In the garden of hearts, let it grow.
A symphony of love, in every rhyme,
Kindness, a language, for all of time.


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