Values Education Lesson Plan 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Bacolod City
Sta. Clara Subd., Brgy. Banago, Bacolod City


I. Objectives:
1.Understand the importance of respect in personal and social interactions
2.Identify examples of respectful behavior in various contexts.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Exploring Respectful Behavior
B. References:
GMRC Curriculum Guide
Articles or videos on respect
C. Materials:
Whiteboard and markers
Printed scenarios depicting respectful and disrespectful behavior

III. Procedure:
A. Reflective Thinking Activities (15 minutes):
1.Opening Discussion (5 minutes): Begin with a brief discussion on the meaning of respect. Ask students
to share their thoughts on what respect means to them.

2. Personal Reflection (5 minutes): Have students take a few minutes to reflect individually on a time
when they felt respected or disrespected. Encourage them to jot down their thoughts in a journal or

3. Pair Sharing (5 minutes): Pair students up and have them share their reflections with each other.
Encourage active listening and empathy.

B. Structured Values Activities (15 minutes):

1. Scenario Analysis (10 minutes): Present students with printed scenarios depicting various situations
involving respectful and disrespectful behavior. Have them analyze each scenario and identify the
respectful actions and the consequences of disrespectful behavior.

2. Guided Discussion (5 minutes): Facilitate a discussion based on the scenarios. Encourage students to
share their observations and insights. Emphasize the importance of respect in maintaining positive
relationships and fostering a healthy community.

C. Group Sharing and Reflection (10 minutes):

1. Group Discussion (7 minutes): Divide the class into small groups and have them discuss ways to
promote respect in their school and community. Encourage creativity and critical thinking.
2. Group Reflection (3 minutes): Reconvene as a whole class and ask each group to share one idea or
strategy they discussed. Emphasize the importance of collective responsibility in promoting respect.

IV. Feedback and Reinforcement (10 minutes):

1. Feedback (5 minutes): Provide positive feedback on students' participation and insights shared during
the activities. Address any questions or concerns that arise.

2. Reinforcement (5 minutes): Summarize the key points covered in the lesson and reinforce the
importance of respect in personal and social interactions. Assign a brief homework assignment, such as
journaling about a respectful interaction they observed or experienced.

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