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Chapter III


This chapter contains the validity and reliability of the research design, locale of the

study, respondents/participants for the study the procedure and sampling design, the

instrument that is will be use in this research, the procedure of gathering data, and data


Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted at Ibajay Integrated School, a renowned institution

known for its special program in the arts curriculum. This school, located in Colongcolong,

Ibajay, Aklan, is recognized as one of the top-performing public schools in the area. It holds

the distinction of being the first integrated school in the municipality of Ibajay, offering

comprehensive education from elementary to senior high school. In the recent academic year,

the school had a total student population of consisting of elementary, junior high school, and

senior high school students.

Thus, this study will just represent the effects of PowerPoint Presentation on learning

and motivation of Grade 11 HUMSS students of Ibajay Integrated School. Data will be

collected within the classrooms and academic environments where the participants spend a

significant portion of their time. As such, this study will provide insights specifically

representative of this student population.

Respondents of the Study

The study only focuses on the Grade 11 HUMSS students of Ibajay Integrated School

(IIS) for the academic year 2023-2024. According to the most recent data from the school,
there are 63 students of Grade 11 has officially enrolled in HUMSS Strand consisting of 33

female and 30 male students. This population was calculated specifically for the recent Grade

11 HUMSS students.

These respondents will answer through survey questionnaires, which will they supply the

information needed for this study. The information they provide will be crucial to this study.

The 63 Grade 11 HUMSS students were chosen to participate in the study to investigate the

effectiveness of using PowerPoint presentations as an instructional method on their learning

outcomes and motivation levels.

The researchers will employ Purposive Sampling, a method of non-probability sampling. In

this method, the researchers select participants based on their knowledge and ability to

contribute to the research. In this case, the Grade 11 HUMSS students are chosen because

they are the ones directly experiencing the pedagogical tool being studied - the use of

PowerPoint presentations. Their insights and responses to the survey questionnaires and

interviews will provide valuable data that can help assess the effectiveness of this pedagogical

tool. The findings of this study could potentially inform future instructional strategies at

Ibajay Integrated School and other institutions with similar educational settings.

Research Design

The researcher will use descriptive research design in which information is collected.

Descriptive studies are usually the best methods for collecting information that will

demonstrate relationships and the world as it exists. The study is “PowerPoint Presentation as

a Pedagogical Tool: Its Effect on Learning and Motivation among Grade 11 HUMSS Students

in Ibajay Integrated School SY 2023-2024,”

(Note: Include In-text citation about the meaning or description of Descriptive Research

The study will be done to (the purpose of your study).

Sampling Design and Procedure

The sampling design employed in this study is purposive sampling. According to

Nikolopoulou (2023), purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling technique, also

known as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling, allows the researcher to select

participants who meet specific criteria. In this case, the criteria are Grade 11 HUMSS student

at Ibajay Integrated School during the school year 2023-2024.

The researchers decide to utilize the purposive sampling technique in our study,

“PowerPoint Presentation as a Pedagogical Tool: Its Effect on Learning and Motivation

among Grade 11 HUMSS Students in Ibajay Integrated School SY 2023-2024,” is primarily

driven by two factors. Firstly, our study is designed to explore the effects of PowerPoint

presentations on the learning and motivation of a specific demographic - the Grade 11

HUMSS students at Ibajay Integrated School for the academic year 2023-2024. The use of

purposive sampling enables us to concentrate our efforts on this particular group, thereby

ensuring that the data we collect is directly relevant to our research question.

Secondly, considering the unique nature of our research question, employing a

probability sampling technique would be impractical. Such a technique would necessitate a

larger and more diverse population, which may not be feasible for our study. In contrast,

purposive sampling allows us to gather comprehensive and in-depth information from a

smaller, more focused group, thereby enhancing the richness and relevance of our data. This

approach ensures that our research is both efficient and effective, providing valuable insights

into the pedagogical implications of PowerPoint presentations.

The criteria for our sample are students who are currently enrolled in Grade 11

HUMSS at Ibajay Integrated School during the school year 2023-2024, since they are

conveniently available participant in this study. The researchers will obtain a list of all Grade

11 HUMSS students from the school administration. Once the participants will be identified,
we will proceed with data collection as per the research design. By using this purposive

sampling technique, we aim to gather meaningful insights into the effect of PowerPoint

presentations on learning and motivation among our target group.

Research Instrument

In this study, research-made survey questionnaires will be used by the researchers.

This method was chosen because it allows for the efficient collection of data directly from the

respondents, which is crucial for the authenticity and reliability of the study, and which do not

take too much time to be answered by the respondents and can be easily measured its results

that identify problem and support to the claim of the study. The survey questionnaire is

designed to gather data on participant demographics, beliefs, and thoughts regarding the

effect of PowerPoint Presentation on their learning and motivation. It was constructed to fit

the kind of objects of this research and was divided into three (4) parts.

The survey begins with the Personal Information section, which gathers fundamental

demographic data such as the respondent’s gender and age. Following that, the Perceptions of

PowerPoint Presentations section is designed to identify and analyze the perceived pros and

cons of using PowerPoint presentations as a pedagogical tool in educational settings. This

could involve statements or inquiries about the effectiveness of PowerPoint presentations and

solicit students’ views on these aspects.

Next, the Learning Outcomes section is intended to evaluate the impact of

PowerPoint presentations on students’ learning results. This might include questions about

students’ comprehension of the material, their grades or performance in tests, and their overall

academic progress during the 2023-2024 academic year. The Motivation and Participation

section then examines the effect of PowerPoint presentations on students’ motivation levels

and active participation. This could involve questions about students’ interest in the subject
matter, their engagement in classroom activities and discussions, and their motivation to


Finally, the Open Thoughts section provides respondents with the opportunity to

freely express their thoughts on the use of PowerPoint presentations as a pedagogical tool in

their classroom. This could include any additional comments, suggestions, or insights they

might have. This comprehensive approach ensures a holistic understanding of the impact of

PowerPoint presentations on the learning process.

The use of a survey questionnaire in this study ensures that the data collected is

systematic, standardized, and can be easily quantified. This makes it easier to analyze the data

and draw meaningful conclusions. The survey questionnaire will be validated by the

researchers’ adviser in Practical Research to ensure its effectiveness and reliability. All

information collected will be used strictly for research purposes. The confidentiality of the

respondents is maintained, ensuring that the responses are genuine and unbiased.

Data Gathering Procedure

The study will be administered to the population of Grade 11 HUMSS students at IIS, who

have been selected to fit the qualifications needed by the researchers. Before carrying out the

surveys, the researchers will seek authorization from the school principal of IIS, Mr. Noriel C.

Seville, to perform the survey.

The researchers will prepare printed copies of the survey-questionnaire. Prior to distribution,

the survey questionnaire must undergo validation from the research adviser to ensure its

relevance and accuracy. Once validated, the questionnaires will be distributed to each section

of Grade 11 HUMSS, ensuring that every student in every section has the opportunity to

participate. The aim is to maximize the participation rate and gather valuable insights from a

diverse range of perspectives.

The survey will be conducted face-to-face. During the survey, the researchers will be present

to guide and assist the participants with their questions, inquiries or clarifications that may be

raised regarding the process. The researchers are committed to providing enough copies of the

questionnaire for each student in every section. They will also provide designated collection

boxes in each section. These collection boxes will serve as a centralized and convenient

location for students to submit their questionnaires, establishing a clear and organized system

for collecting the completed questionnaires from each student.

The answers of the chosen respondents will be gathered, analyzed, and summarized by the

researchers. During the process of this survey, health and safety protocols will be applied. All

of the information gathered and received is secured and will be used for research purposes

only. This ensures the privacy and safety of the students' information. With that data

gathering procedure, the researcher will receive first-hand information from the respondents.

Data Analysis

The research study titled “PowerPoint Presentation as a Pedagogical Tool: Its Effect

on Learning and Motivation among Grade 11 HUMSS Students in Ibajay Integrated

School SY 2023-2024” will employ both qualitative and quantitative data analysis


According to Bhnadari (2020), Qualitative analysis is a systematic process of

examining non-numerical data to extract meaning, patterns, and insights. It involves

collecting and analyzing non-numerical data (e.g., text, video, or audio) to understand

concepts, opinions, or experiences. This method is commonly used in the humanities

and social sciences, including education. It provides an in-depth understanding of

human behavior, experiences, and contexts that quantitative approaches might not

capture fully.

In this study, qualitative analysis will be used to gain and understand the underlying

reasons, opinions, and motivations related to the use of PowerPoint as a pedagogical

tool. This will be achieved through the analysis of the responses from the survey

questionnaires. The data collected will be transcribed and coded. The coding process

involves both categorizing qualitative data and identifying patterns within the data.

The researchers will use thematic analysis to identify patterns of meaning across the

dataset. These themes will provide insight into how PowerPoint presentations affect

students’ learning and motivation.

The researchers will ensure the validity and reliability of the data through

triangulation, member checking, and audit trails. Triangulation involves using

multiple data sources or perspectives to study a phenomenon. Member checking

involves presenting the findings to the participants to ensure the accuracy of the data.

Audit trails involve documenting the research process and decisions made during the


On the other hand, according to Ali (2021), Quantitative data analysis involves the

use of statistical methods to analyze numerical data. In this study, it will be used to

measure the results from the checklist and survey questionnaires regarding the

specific target variable - the effect of PowerPoint presentations on learning and

motivation among Grade 11 HUMSS students.

The researchers will conduct surveys to gain objective data. The survey seeks to find

out the effect of PowerPoint presentations on the learning and motivation of the
students. Please note that no interviews will be conducted in this study, and the data

will solely be collected through surveys.

Assessment of Effects

The researchers will use a Likert scale to assess the level of the effects of powerPoint

Presentation on students’ learning and motivation. The data gathered from the survey

will be carefully recorded in tables, analyzed, and interpreted. The researchers will

use frequency, mean, and rank in this process. The figure below shows the qualitative

description or verbal interpretation of the Likert scale based on the range of its mean.


5 4.20-5.00 (SA) Strongly Agree

4 3.40-4.19 (A) Agree

3 2.60-3.39 (N) Neutral

2 1.80-2.59 (D)Disagree

1 1.00-1.79 (SD) Strongly Disagree

This rigorous data analysis aims to provide a rich, detailed, and nuanced

understanding of the effects of PowerPoint presentations as pedagogical tools on

learning and motivation among Grade 11 HUMSS students.

Create the Data Analysis part of chapter 3 methodology manuscript for research

proposal in where the study is not till been conducted. The study is all about

“PowerPoint Presentation as a Pedagogical Tool: Its Effect on Learning and Motivation

among Grade 11 HUMSS Students in Ibajay Integrated School SY 2023-2024,” supply and

add some of the parts in this frst draft to make it more good for defense.

The researchers will use qualitative analysis. Qualitative analysis is used to gain and

understand underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations.(Latest In-text citation of the

purpose and description of qualitative analysis). Quantitative data analysis is used to measure

the results from the checklist and survey questionnaires regarding specific target variable. The

researcher will conduct surveys and interviews to gain subjective data. The interview seeks to

find out the (your research study).

Data Analysis

The data analysis for this research will be conducted using qualitative methods to

provide an in-depth understanding of the effects of PowerPoint presentations as

pedagogical tools on learning and motivation among Grade 11 HUMSS students in

Ibajay Integrated School for the academic year 2023-2024.

Qualitative analysis is a research method used to gain insight into people’s attitudes,

behaviors, value systems, concerns, motivations, aspirations, culture, or lifestyles. It

helps us understand the problems, develop hypotheses, and identify determinants. In

this study, qualitative analysis will be used to explore the underlying reasons and

motivations for the students’ responses to the use of PowerPoint presentations in their

learning process.
The data collected will be transcribed and coded. The coding process involves both

categorizing qualitative data and identifying patterns within the data. The researchers

will use thematic analysis to identify patterns of meaning across the dataset. These

themes will provide insight into how PowerPoint presentations affect students’

learning and motivation.

The researchers will ensure the validity and reliability of the data through

triangulation, member checking, and audit trails. Triangulation involves using

multiple data sources or perspectives to study a phenomenon. Member checking

involves presenting the findings to the participants to ensure the accuracy of the data.

Audit trails involve documenting the research process and decisions made during the


Through this rigorous qualitative analysis, the researchers aim to provide a rich,

detailed, and nuanced understanding of the effects of PowerPoint presentations as

pedagogical tools on learning and motivation among Grade 11 HUMSS students.

Sure, I can help you refine the Data Analysis section of your methodology
manuscript. Here’s a revised version:

3. Data Analysis

The research study titled “PowerPoint Presentation as a Pedagogical Tool: Its Effect
on Learning and Motivation among Grade 11 HUMSS Students in Ibajay Integrated
School SY 2023-2024” will employ both qualitative and quantitative data analysis

Qualitative Analysis

Qualitative analysis is a systematic process of examining non-numerical data to

extract meaning, patterns, and insights1. It involves collecting and analyzing non-
numerical data (e.g., text, video, or audio) to understand concepts, opinions, or
experiences2. This method is commonly used in the humanities and social sciences,
including education2. It provides an in-depth understanding of human behavior,
experiences, and contexts that quantitative approaches might not capture fully1.

In this study, qualitative analysis will be used to gain and understand the underlying
reasons, opinions, and motivations related to the use of PowerPoint as a pedagogical
tool. This will be achieved through the analysis of the responses from the survey

Quantitative Analysis

Quantitative data analysis, on the other hand, involves the use of statistical methods to
analyze numerical data1. In this study, it will be used to measure the results from the
checklist and survey questionnaires regarding the specific target variable - the effect
of PowerPoint presentations on learning and motivation among Grade 11 HUMSS

The researchers will conduct surveys to gain objective data. The survey seeks to find
out the effect of PowerPoint presentations on the learning and motivation of the
students. Please note that no interviews will be conducted in this study, and the data
will solely be collected through surveys.

When it comes to analyzing the decision-making process of grade 11

students in choosing the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics) strand, there are various statistical tools and techniques that

can be utilized. These tools can help you understand patterns, trends, and

factors that influence their decision-making. Here are a few statistical tools

that could be relevant:

1. Likert Scale: The data that would be gathered from the test will be carefully

recorded in the tables, analyzed, and interpreted .In this, the researchers will

use frequency, mean, and rank.

1. Qualitative Analysis:
2. Quantitative Analysis


The figure below shows the qualitative description or verbal

interpretation of the likert scale based the range of its mean.



5 4.20-5.00 (EI) Extremely Influential

4 3.40-4.19 (VI) Very Influential

3 2.60-3.39 (I) Influential

2 1.80-2.59 (SI)Slightly Influential

1 1.00-1.79 (SI) Not Influential

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