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Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that

commonly affects children but can also persist into adulthood. It is characterized by symptoms of
inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. People with ADHD may have difficulty managing
their behavior, paying attention, controlling overactivity, regulating their mood, staying
organized, concentrating, following directions, and sitting still. ADHD is a chronic condition that
can cause significant challenges in daily life if left untreated. However, effective treatment
options are available.

research suggests that genetics, differences in brain structure and activity, and neurotransmitter
imbalances may play a role. Other possible factors include lead exposure, brain anatomy,
substance use during pregnancy, premature birth, and low birth weight. It is important to note
that ADHD is not caused by allergies, immunizations, eating too much sugar, or poor parenting.

Behavioral therapy aims to teach individuals with ADHD positive behaviors, organizational
skills, and self-monitoring techniques
accommodations and strategies you can implement in the classroom to support students
with ADHD:

Minimize distractions by seating the student in a quiet area of the classroom, away from
windows, doors, or high-traffic areas.
Provide a structured and predictable classroom routine to help the student anticipate transitions
and activities.
Use visual aids, such as schedules, checklists, or timers, to help the student stay organized and on

Establish clear and consistent rules and expectations, and provide frequent positive
reinforcement for appropriate behavior.
Develop a discreet way to signal the student when their behavior needs to be redirected, such as a
hand gesture or a subtle cue.
Maintain regular communication with the student's parents or caregivers to share updates,
address concerns, and coordinate support strategies.

Gifted children frequently demonstrate advanced skills and knowledge in various academic
areas, such as reading, math, science, or language development, at a much earlier age compared
to their peers. They may be able to grasp complex concepts, learn quickly, and excel in school.
Gifted children often have unique social, emotional, and educational needs that require
specialized support and accommodations to help them thrive. They may experience social
difficulties, perfectionism, boredom in a standard classroom setting, or heightened sensitivity.


suggests that genetics play a significant role in the development of giftedness. Studies have
shown that gifted individuals often have more efficient and interconnected neural pathways,
which can contribute to their advanced cognitive abilities. The environment and experiences a
child is exposed to during their early years can significantly influence the development of


Provide gifted students with more advanced, challenging, and enriched curriculum that matches
their intellectual and academic abilities.

Develop personalized learning plans for gifted students that address their specific strengths,
interests, and learning needs
Recognize and validate the unique social and emotional needs of gifted students, such as their
heightened sensitivity, perfectionism, or difficulty fitting in.

Provide gifted students with access to a variety of enrichment activities, such as field trips, guest
speakers, workshops, or clubs, to expand their knowledge and explore their passions.

Maintain open communication with parents and caregivers to understand the student's needs,
share progress, and coordinate support strategies.

Regularly review and adjust the learning plan to ensure it continues to challenge and support the
student's growth.


Ejedio, Philip James

Course and Section: BSED 2A
PED 107
Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Why is it important for us to be aware of the different types of E/BD?

As a future teacher, it is crucial to have a deep understanding of the different types of

behavioral disorders that students may face. This knowledge allows you to implement
targeted accommodations and teaching strategies that can significantly support their
learning and overall success in the classroom.
When you are aware of the unique characteristics and needs associated with various
behavioral disorders, such as ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, or conduct
disorder, you can provide appropriate accommodations to address their specific
challenges. This may include adjusting the physical classroom environment to
minimize distractions, offering flexible seating options or movement breaks,
providing clear and structured instructions, and allowing extended time for
assignments or tests.
Choose one type of E/BD and discuss how will you handle a person with that kind of
I Choose ADHD, As an individual, when interacting with a person who has ADHD, it is
important to approach the situation with patience, understanding, and a willingness to adapt. First
and foremost, I would strive to create a calm and supportive environment, minimizing
distractions and providing clear, concise communication. I would also be mindful of the person's
need for frequent breaks and opportunities to move around, offering them the flexibility to
engage in activities that help them regulate their energy and attention.
As a future teacher, what can you do to become an effective teacher in handling students
with E/BD?
To become an effective educator for students with behavioral disorders, I'll focus on key
strategies. Firstly, I'll seek comprehensive training to understand various disorders and
interventions. This will help me tailor teaching methods to meet specific needs. I'll also build
strong relationships with counselors, psychologists, and parents for holistic support. In the
classroom, I'll create a structured environment with clear expectations and consistent behavior
management. Most importantly, I'll approach each student with empathy, patience, and a growth
mindset, nurturing their strengths and self-regulation skills.

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