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GECREA – Assignment

Charles Balf A. Cadungo BSCE 1B

1. What is Historiography. Why is it important in history.

- Historiography is the study of how history itself is studied and written. It involves
examining the methods, theories, and principles that historians use to interpret and
understand the past. Imagine history as a story book, full of events, people, and
cultures. Historiography is like studying the writing process of that book. It delves
into the decision made by humans. It is important in history as it helps us understand
how historical narratives are formed, challenges biases and assumptions, enhances
critical thinking, and informs current historical discussions.

2. Narrate the following circumstances of the following historians:

a. Auguste Comte:
-Auguste Comte was a French philosopher and sociologist known for his theory of positivism,
which emphasized the importance of empirical observation and the scientific method in the study of
society. Comte believed that society progressed through three stages: the theological stage, the
metaphysical stage, and the positivist stage. He coined the term "sociology" and is often considered
one of the founders of the discipline. Comte's work had a significant impact on the development of
sociology and the social sciences.

b. Edward Said:
-Edward Said was a Palestinian-American literary theorist and cultural critic best known for his
book "Orientalism," in which he critiqued Western representations of the East. Said argued that
Western scholars and artists often portrayed the East in a stereotypical and demeaning manner, which
served to justify colonialism and imperialism. "Orientalism" has been highly influential in
postcolonial studies and has sparked debates about representation, power, and knowledge.

c. Herodotus:
-Herodotus was an ancient Greek historian often referred to as the "Father of History." He is best
known for his work "The Histories," which recounts the Greco-Persian Wars and provides a detailed
account of the cultures and peoples of the ancient world. Herodotus' approach to history was ground-
breaking in that he sought to explain historical events through human actions and motivations, rather
than attributing them to the whims of the gods. Herodotus' work has been highly regarded for its
narrative style and its focus on both the grand sweep of history and the everyday lives of ordinary

3. Using a particular era in Philippine history, write short essay using the concept of
postcolonialsm. You may use other historical sources for your reference.
- Examining post colonialism in the context of Philippine history, particularly during the eras of
Spanish and American colonization, is crucial to understanding the nation’s socio-cultural landscape.
Spanish colonization lasting over three centuries left deep imprints on the Philippines. It enforced
hierarchical social structures, cultural assimilation, and religious conversion among indigenous
peoples. The result was widespread poverty and marginalization due to resource exploitation and
discriminatory policies. The arrival of American colonizers after the Spanish-American War in 1898
promised liberation but continued exploitation. Despite introducing modernization efforts like
infrastructure development and educational reforms, these were often to benefit American interests
rather than Filipino welfare.
The legacy of colonialism persists in various aspects of Philippine society, from language to
governance. Postcolonial scholars argue that decolonization involves dismantling colonial ideologies
GECREA – Assignment
Charles Balf A. Cadungo BSCE 1B

and power structures that shape social relations. Moreover, postcolonial discourse prompts critical
reflection on identity, representation, and agency, challenging dominant narratives constructed by
colonial powers and amplifying marginalized voices.

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