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(An Autonomous Institute under VTU, Belagavi)

First Semester B.E Semester EndExamination Jan 2024/Feb 2024

C Course: Communicative English

Course Code: 23CENC16
Max Marks: 50 Duration: 02 Hours

Note: Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark.

1).The word Communication originated from which language?

A) Sanskrit. B) Arabic. C) Latin. D) Persian

2) .______ is the first enemy of communication.

A).Noise. B).Clarity. C).Politeness. D).Completeness

3).Which of the following is not a medium of Communication transmission?

A). Memos. B) Policy statements. C) Discussions. D).none of the above

4).Which is the root word of communication?

A) Communicater. B) Communicare. C) Commutation. D) Community.

5). Dictation comes under which form of communication?

A). Oral. B). Written. C).Media. D).Channel

6). Who will give the primary response/reply in the process of communication?
A).Sender B) Receiver. C) Third person. D) Media

7). Wrong assumption comes under which type of barrier?

A) Organizational. B) Interpersonal. C) Mass. D) Intrapersonal

8). Who encodes the message in the process of communication?

A) Sender. B) Receiver. C) Third person. D) Listener.

9).For effective communication, which of these commandments one shouldn’t follow?

A) Objective of communication. B) Inadequate medium. C) Clarity. D) Adequate medium

10).Which of these is not a commandment of effective communication?

A) Clarity in language. B) Listen poorly. C) Home communication skills. D) Adequate medium.

11). Who decodes the message in the process of communication?

A) Sender. B) Receiver. C) Third person. D) Channel

12).Which part of speech expresses a mild or sudden burst of emotion?

A). Adverb. B). Noun. C). Interjection. D). Conjunction.

13).Which part of speech shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word in a
sentence? . A). Adverb.
B). Preposition. C). Interjection. D). Noun

Choose the correct PARTS OF SPEECH of the underlined words. (Q.No.14 to 23)

14). The stars are shining above in the sky.

A).Conjunction B).Noun C).pronoun D).preposition
15). I gently put the baby down for a nap.
A).Adjective B).Adverb C). Interjection D). Noun

16). Oh, I didn't realize that it would be so dark in the forest.

A).Adjective B).Interjection C). Preposition D). Verb

17).The plane flew over the rainclouds.

A).Conjunction B). Noun C). Pronoun D). Verb

18). You may purchase tickets at the door but there will be an extra charge.
A).Interjection B). Conjunction C). Preposition D). Verb

19).There is a beautiful picture.

A).Adjective B). Adverb C). Noun D). Pronoun

20). Wow! I passed my English exam.

A).Interjection B). Noun C). Preposition D). Verb

21).She tried hard but did not succeed.

A).Adjective B). Pronoun C). Conjunction D). Noun

22). Visiting Italy was an exciting trip for my family.

A).Interjection B). Noun C). Preposition D). Verb

23).The Sun rises in the east.

A).Conjunction B).Noun C).Pronoun D).Preposition

Select the appropriate Prefix or Suffix from the option given to complete the gap.

24). ____chairman
A) Vice B) Wise C) Nice D) Un

25). Fear___

A) hip B) less C) ous D) ant

26). ___adventure
A) Sub B) Miss C) en D) mal
27). Colon___
A) tion B) less C) ous D) isation

28). Astro___
A) ist B) logo C) logist D) ant

29). ___bolism
A) Theta B) Meta C) Mega D) Hypo

Select the appropriate Question Tags:

30).You can’t take exams lightly.

A).can you? B) Could you? C) Can’t you D).Couldn’t you?

32).Mother is so happy.
A) Was she? B) Isn’t she? C) Can’t she D) did she?

33).We played well.

A) Didn’t we? B) Did we? C) Weren’t we? D) Don’t we?

34). You are a student.

A).aren’t you? B). did we? C).are you? D).am I?

35). He isn’t crazy.

A) is he? B) Are we? C) Did you? D) Shall we?

36). Kevin will come today.

A) Will Kevin? B) Won’t he? C) Is he? D) Will he?

Antonyms: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning:

A) increase B) total C).stand D).subtract

38). Wide:
A) full B) narrow C) congested D) small

A) hazy B) similar C) different D) shadowed

A) lowly B) humble C) humane D) inferior

Synonyms: Choose the word that is nearest in meaning

A) Afraid B) Pain C) sick D) laid

A) very small B) Huge C) short D) dwarf

A) affection B) admiration C) criticism D) cooperation

44). Rectify:
A) Destroy B) Crush C) Correct D) Command.


45). I am ___ entrepreneur.

A) The B) A C ) No Article D) An

46). Honesty is ___ best policy.

A) The B) A C) An D) No Article

47). _______ Principal sat in his chair.

A) The B) A C) An D) No Article

Choose the correct spelling words which are commonly miss-spelt.

48). A) Strategies B).Strategiee C).Strategiis D).Strategees

49). A) Summury B) Summary C) Summeiy D) Summry

50). A) Bibliography B) Bibliogriphy C) Bibligrophi D) Bibilgrpi


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