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Select the appropriate Prefix or Suffix from the option given to complete the gap.
1). ____chairman
A) Vice B) Wise C) Nice D) Un Answer: A
2). Fear___
A) hip B) less C) ous D) ant Answer: B
3). ___adventure
A) Sub B) Mis C) en D) mal Answer: D
4). Colon___
A) tion B) less C) ous D) isation Answer: D
5). Astro___
A) ist B) logo C) logist D) ant Answer: C
6). Block___
A) aid B) ade C) ail D) ant Answer: B
7). ___bolism
A) Theta B) Meta C) Mega D) Hypo Answer: B
8). ___ driven
A) Wise B) Self C) Em D) Ex Answer: B
9). __biotic
A) Anti B) Ex C) Im D) Ante Answer: A
10). ___stance
A) Ir B) Homo C) Ex D) Circum Answer: D
11). Collabor____
A) ate B) en C) ise D) ful Answer: A
12). Enchant___

A) ty B) ment C) tion D) acy Answer: B
13). ___sonic
A) De B) In C) Infra D) Il Answer: C
14). ___centre
A) Non B).Omni C).Un D) Epi Answer: D
15). Synthes__
A) ise B) Ex C) Im D) Ante Answer: A
16). Picture___
A) ward B) esque C) ible D) ive Answer: B
17). ___potent
A) Anti B) Omni C) Im D) Intra Answer: B
18). ___-terrestrial
A) Extra B) Ex C) Dis D) Epi Answer: A
19). Democr__
A) al B) acy C) ist D) ism Answer: B
20). Inquisit__
A) ive B) ish C) ous D) en Answer:A
Select the appropriate Question Tags:

21).You can’t take exams lightly.

A).can you? B) Could you? C) Can’t you D).Couldn’t you? Answer: A
22).Mother is so happy.
A) Was she? B) Isn’t she? C) Can’t she D) did she? Answer: B
23).We played well.
A) Didn’t we? B) Did we? C) Weren’t we? D) Don’t we? Answer: A
24). You are a student.
A).aren’t you? B). did we? C).are you? D).am I? Answer: A

25). He isn’t crazy.

A) is he? B) Are we? C) Did you? D) Shall we? Answer:

26). Kevin will come today.

A) Will Kevin? B) Won’t he? C) Is he? D) Will he? Answer: B

27).I’m clever.

A) Are I? B) Aren’t I? C) Is he? D) Did I? Answer: B

Antonyms: Choose the word that is opposite in meaning:

A) increase B) total C).stand D).subtract Answer: D
29). Wide:
A) full B) narrow C) congested D) small Answer: B
A) hazy B) similar C) different D) shadowed Answer: B

A) lowly B) humble C) humane D) inferior Answer:D
A) macro B) big C) vast D) massive Answer: A

Synonyms: Choose the word that is nearest in meaning


A) Afraid B) Pain C) sick D) laid Answer: A

A) very small B) Huge C) short D) dwarf Answer: B
A) affection B) admiration C) criticism D) cooperation Answer: B
36). Alien:
A) Insider B) refugee C) patriot D) a foreigner. Answer: D
37). Drag:
A) Sleepy B) Crush C) Proud D) Pull. Answer: D
38). Rectify:
A) Destroy B) Crush C) Correct D) Command. Answer: C
39). Synonyms defines____?
A).Similar B).Opposite C).Against D).Wrong Answer: A
40). Antonyms defines____?
A).Same B).Opposite C).Wrong D). Similar Answer: B
Choose the correct PARTS OF SPEECH of the underlined words.
41). The stars are shining above in the sky.
A).Conjunction B).Noun C).pronoun D).preposition Answer: D

42). I gently put the baby down for a nap.

A).Adjective B).Adverb C). Interjection D). Noun Answer: B

43). Oh, I didn't realize that it would be so dark in the forest.

A).Adjective B).Interjection C). Preposition D). Verb Answer: B

44).The plane flew over the rainclouds.

A).Conjunction B). Noun C). Pronoun D). Verb Answer: D

45). You may purchase tickets at the door but there will be an extra charge.
A).Interjection B). Conjunction C). Preposition D). Verb Answer: B
46).There is a beautiful picture.
A).Adjective B). Adverb C). Noun D). Pronoun Answer: A
47). Wow! I passed my English exam.

A).Interjection B). Noun C). Preposition D). Verb Answer:

48).She tried hard but did not succeed.

A).Adjective B). Pronoun C). Conjunction D). Noun Answer: B

49). Visiting Italy was an exciting trip for my family.

A).Interjection B). Noun C). Preposition D). Verb Answer: B

50).The Sun rises in the east.

A).Conjunction B).Noun C).Pronoun D).Preposition Answer: B

51).Which part of speech expresses a mild or sudden burst of emotion?

A). Adverb. B). Noun. C). Interjection. D). Conjunction. Answer: C

52).Which part of speech shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word in a sentence?
A).Adverb. B). Preposition. C). Interjection. D). Noun Answer: B


53). I am ___ entrepreneur.

A) A B) The C ) No Article D) An

54). Honesty is ___ best policy.

A) The B) A C) An D) No Article
55). _______ Principal sat in his chair.

A) The B) A C) An D) No Article

Choose the correct spelling words which are commonly miss-spelt.

1. A) Strategies B).Strategiee C).Strategiis D).Strategees Answer: A

2. A) Summury B) Summary C) Summeiy D) Summry Answer: B

3. A) Bibliography B) Bibliogriphy C) Bibligrophi D) Bibilgrpi Answer: A

4. A) Precisie B)Precisce C) Precise D) Pricise Answer: C

5. A) Coheranice B) Coherince C) Coheranice D) Coherence Answer: D

6. A) Abstract B) Abstrict C) Abstroke D) Abstrat Answer: A

7. A) Illustratation B) Illustration C) Illustreion D) Illustraeion Answer: B

8. A) Manuscriipete B) Manuscreept C) Manuscript D) Manuscreipt Answer: C

9. A) Paraphrase B) Paraprase C) Parepharase D) Pharaprase Answer: A

10. A) Appropreatie B)Appropriate C) Appropetrate D) Apprapriatie Answer: B

Select the appropriate One Word Substitutions.

1).Life history written by someone else. A).Language B).Linguistics C).Autobiography D).Biography

2).A book written by an unknown author. A).Anonymous B).Etymology C).Epicure D).Anatomy.

3). A life history written by oneself A).Biology B).Ornithology C).Autobiography D).Self Author.

Select the missing silent letter/s from the options given below each sentence:

1. Do you com__ to my house tomorrow? A). t B).u C).e D).a

2. Lis__en, I have something to tell you. A). z B). zh C).th D).t

3. There is a paradi__m shift in the making of economic structure of our country. A) .e B).g C).a D).o

4. Fas__en your seatbelt.A).Th B).en C).t D).i

5. I’d like to __rite better. A).w B).k C).q D).l

6. The _hole world knows that climate change is a serious issue. A).v B).w C).r D).p

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