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Introduction to Electrical Engineering Module 1

Conventional and Non-Conventional Energy Sources:

Natural energy supplies that are restricted in quantity and have been used for a long time are known as
conventional sources of energy. They’re considered non-renewable sources because once they’re
depleted, they can’t be produced at a rate that can keep up with the rate of use. They are made up of
decomposing materials that have accumulated over hundreds of millions of years. Due to their
continued use, these resources have been exhausted to a large amount
Coal, petroleum, natural gas, and electricity are all examples of traditional energy sources.

 Coal: Coal is a flammable sedimentary rock created by the decomposition of dead plants. Coal is mostly
made up of carbon, with traces of hydrogen, sulphur, oxygen, and nitrogen thrown in for good measure.
With the beginning of the industrial revolution in the 18th century, coal became widely used.
 Petroleum: Petroleum, often known as crude oil, is a naturally occurring fuel that is refined into a
variety of petroleum-based fuels after it is extracted. To separate the distinct components of petroleum,
fractional distillation is performed. Petroleum is a fossil fuel that is formed when high pressure and high
heat are applied to the dead and decaying materials of animals such as zooplankton and algae and
retrieved from beneath layers of sedimentary rock. Petroleum is used to make gasoline, propane,
kerosene, tar, and other products.
 Natural gas: Natural gas is a hydrocarbon gas made up primarily of methane with minor amounts of
carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulphide, and helium. Natural gas is a greenhouse gas that has a
significant impact on the environment once released. The end products of natural gas combustion, such
as carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide, are significantly more harmful.

Non-conventional energy sources are those that are replenished on a regular basis by natural processes.
Solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, biomass energy, and geothermal energy are examples of
renewable energy sources that cannot be readily depleted and can be used repeatedly. Energy derived
from non-traditional sources is referred to as non-conventional energy. These sources do not pollute the
environment and do not necessitate a significant investment. Renewable resources are those that can be
replaced at a rate equal to or greater than the rate at which they are depleted through natural processes.

 Hydropower: Even a small amount of water flowing naturally or artificially can be used to generate
power. Although there are many types of hydropower, hydroelectric dams and reservoirs are the most
common and established. Hydroelectric dams are constructed on rivers with a steady flow of water. The
river’s natural flow is then used to power turbines that are linked to generators. The generator produces
energy while the turbines revolve, which is stored and subsequently transported for consumption.
 Wind power: Windmills, also known as wind turbines, are installed in areas with a high and consistent
wind flow. Wind farms are areas with a large number of wind turbines for the generation of electricity.
Large blades are coupled to a generator in wind turbines. These blades revolve when there is a strong

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Introduction to Electrical Engineering Module 1

wind, which is subsequently turned to energy. The amount of electricity a wind turbine can generate is
proportional to the cube of the wind speed.
 Solar power: Solar energy is one of the purest forms of energy, and it has the greatest potential of
all the renewable energy sources. Photovoltaic cells, which are solar panels composed of
semiconductive materials, are capable of converting light to electricity. A number of panels are
positioned in the best possible position so that they receive steady sunshine throughout the day.
Solar panels are already being used as a primary source of electricity in some homes and
commercially in solar farms with hundreds of thousands of panels

General structure of electrical power systems using single line diagram approach.

The electrical energy is produced at generating stations, and through the transmission network, it is
transmitted to the consumers. Between the generating stations and the distribution stations, three
different levels of voltage (transmission, sub-transmission and distribution level of voltage) are used.
The high voltage is required for long distance transmission and, the low voltage is required for utility
purposes. The voltage level is going on decreasing from the transmission system to the distribution
system.The electrical energy is generated by the three-phase synchronous generator (alternators) as
shown in the figure below. The generation voltage is usually 11kV and 33 KV.

This voltage is too low for transmission over long distance. It is, therefore, stepped up to 132, 220, 400
KV, or more by step-up transformers. At that voltage, the electrical energy is transmitted to the bulk
power substation where energy is supplied from several power substations.
The voltage at these substations is stepped down to 66KV and fed to the sub-transmission system for
onward transmission to the distribution sub-stations. These substations are located in the region of the
load centres.
The voltage is further stepped down to 33KV and 11KV. The large industrial consumers are supplied
at the primary distribution level of 33KV while the smaller industrial consumer is supplied at 11KV.
The voltage is stepped down further by a distribution transformer located in the residential and
commercial area, where it is supplied to these consumers at the secondary distribution level of 400V
three phase and 230V single phase.

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Introduction to Electrical Engineering Module 1

Advantage of Interconnection of Generating Stations

1. The power system consists two or more generating stations which are connected by tie lines.
2. Interconnection of generating stations has the following important advantages.
3. It enables the mutual transfer of energy from surplus zone to deficit zone economically.
4. Lesser overall installed capacity to meet the peak demand.
Lesser standby reserve generating capacity is required.
5. It permits the generation of energy at the most efficient and cheapest station at every time.
6. It reduces the capital cost, operating cost and cost of energy generated.
7. If there is a major breakdown of a generating system unit in an interconnected system, then there is
no interruption of power supply.

Hydel Power Generation:

The generation of electricity by hydropower is one of the best methods of producing electric power. In
this article, we are going to discuss Hydroelectric Power Plant along with its Definition, Working,
Advantages, Disadvantages & Applications. Hydroelectric Power Plant is an area where hydraulic
energy is converted into electrical energy by the rise or flow of water which is driven by the turbine.

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Introduction to Electrical Engineering Module 1

Construction of Hydroelectric Power Plant:

The Hydroelectric Power Plant consists of following sections:

 Reservoir and Dam

 Control Gate
 Penstock
 Surge Tank
 Water Turbine
 Generator

Reservoir and Dam: The dam is constructed on a large river to ensure sufficient water storage and the
dam forms a large reservoir behind it. The height of the water level (called a water head) in the reservoir
determines the potential energy stored in it.
Control Gate: The amount of water released in the penstock can be controlled by a control gate.
Surge Tank: Surge tank is a small reservoir or tank which is open at the top and is fitted between the
reservoir and the powerhouse. The water level in the surge tank rises or falls to reduce the pressure
swings in the penstock.
Penstock: A penstock is a steel pipe which carries water from the reservoir to the turbine. The potential
energy of the water is converted into kinetic energy as it flows down through the penstock due to gravity.
Water Turbine: Water from the penstock is to be traveled to the water turbine and the turbine is
coupled to an electric generator. Kinetic energy (K.E.) of the water drives the turbine and consequently,
the generator gets driven.
Generator: A generator is placed or mounted in the powerhouse which is coupled to the shaft of the
turbine. The passage of water from the nozzle hits the turbine blades which makes the shaft of the
turbine to rotate. It drives the generator and electricity are produced.

The produced electricity will be Step up or Stepdown through a transformer and later on it will supply
to the domestic and industrial applications. The water passing through the turbine is discharged to the
tailrace which carries water away from the powerhouse after it has been passed through the turbine. The
dam is constructed on a large river to ensure sufficient water storage and the dam forms a reservoir
behind it. The height of the water level (called a water head) in the reservoir determines the potential
energy stored in it. The water is travelled from the reservoir passing through the gates. Water initially
with some potential energy is converted to high-pressure energy during the passage. A surge tank is
placed at the top and is fitted between the reservoir and the powerhouse. This water level rises or falls
to reduce the pressure in the penstock. The maximum amount of water is released through the penstock
when the control gate is fully opened. This kinetic energy is converted to electrical energy, as the turbine
is coupled to an electric generator. The passage of water from the nozzle hits the turbine blades which
makes the shaft of the turbine to rotate. It drives the generator and electricity are produced. The water
which moves away from the turbine enters into the afterbay via Tailrace.

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Introduction to Electrical Engineering Module 1

Nuclear Power plant:

1. Nuclear Reactor:-
Nuclear reactor is the main component of nuclear power plant and nuclear fuel is subjected to nuclear
fission. Nuclear fission is a process where a heavy nucleus is spitted into two or more smaller nuclei. .
A heavy isotope generally uranium-235(U-235) is used as a nuclear fuel in the nuclear reactor because
it has the ability to control the chain reaction in the nuclear reactor. Nuclear fission is done by
bombarding uranium nuclei with slow moving neutrons. The energy released by the fission of nuclei is
called nuclear fission energy or nuclear energy. By the braking of uranium atom, tremendous amount
of heat energy and radiation is formed in the reactor and the chain reaction is continuously running until
it is controlled by a reactor control chain reaction. A large amount of fission neutrons are removed in
this process, only small amount of fission uranium is used to generate the electrical power.

The nuclear reactor is cylindrical type shape. Main body of reactor is enclosed by reactor core, reflector
and thermal shielding. It prevent reactor wall from getting heated. It is also used to protect alpha ( α),
bita (β) , gama (γ) rays and neutrons which are bounce back at the time of fission within the reactor.
Mainly Nuclear reactor consists, some fuel rods of uranium, moderator and control rods. Fuel rods are
made of the fission materials and released large number of energy at the time of bombarding with slow
moving neutrons. Moderator consists full of graphite which is enclosed by the fuel rods. Moderator
maintains the chain reaction by releasing the neutrons in a suitable manner before they mixed with the
fissile materials. Control rods are made of boron-10 and cadmium or hafnium which is a highly neutron
absorber and it is inserted into the nuclear reactor. When control rods are push down into the reactor
core, it absorbs most of fission neutrons and power of the reactor is reduced. But when it is pulling out
from the reactor, it releases the fission neutrons and power is increased. Real practice, this arrangement
depends upon according to the requirement of load. A coolant, basically sodium metal is used to reduce
the heat produce in the reactor and it carries the heat to the heat exchanger.

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Introduction to Electrical Engineering Module 1

2. Heat Exchanger:-
Coolant is used to raise the heat of the heat exchanger which is utilised in raising the steam. After that,
it goes back to the reacto

3. Steam Turbine:-
Steam is coming from the heat exchanger to fed into the steam turbine through the valve. After that the
steam is exhausted to the condenser. This condensed steam is fed to the heat exchanger through feed
water pump.
4. Alternator:-
Steam turbine is coupled to an alternator which converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. The
output of alternator produces electrical energy to bus bars via major electrical apparatus like
transformer, circuit breakers, isolators etc.

Solar Power Generation:

The solar power plant is also known as the Photovoltaic (PV) power plant. It is a large-scale PV plant
designed to produce bulk electrical power from solar radiation. The solar power plant uses solar energy
to produce electrical power. Therefore, it is a conventional power plant.
Solar energy can be used directly to produce electrical energy using solar PV panels. Or there is another
way to produce electrical energy that is concentrated solar energy. In this type of plant, the radiation
energy of solar first converted into heat (thermal energy) and this heat is used to drive a conventional
generator. This method is difficult and not efficient to produce electrical power on a large scale.
Components of Solar Power Plant
The major components of the solar photovoltaic system are listed below.
 Photovoltaic (PV) panel
 Inverter
 Energy storage devices
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Introduction to Electrical Engineering Module 1

 Charge controller
 System balancing component
Photovoltaic (PV) Panel: PV panels or Photovoltaic panel is a most important component of a solar
power plant. It is made up of small solar cells. This is a device that is used to convert solar photon
energy into electrical energy. Generally, silicon is used as a semiconductor material in solar cells. The
typical rating of silicon solar cells is 0.5 V and 6 Amp. And it is equivalent to 3 W power. The number
of cells is connected in series or parallel and makes a module. The number of modules forms a solar
panel. According to the capacity of power plants, a number of plates are mounted and a group of panels
is also known as Photovoltaic (PV) array.
Inverter: The output of the solar panel is in the form of DC. The most of load connected to the power
system network is in the form of AC. Therefore, we need to convert DC output power into AC power.
For that, an inverter is used in solar power plants. For a large-scaled grid-tied power plant, the inverter
is connected with special protective devices. And a transformer is also connected with the inverter to
assures the output voltage and frequency as per the standard supply.
Energy storage devices: The batteries are used to store electrical energy generated by the solar power
plants. The storage components are the most important component in a power plant to meet the demand
and variation of the load. This component is used especially when the sunshine is not available for few
days. The capacity of a battery is that how much amount of electrical power it can store. The capacity
of batteries is measured in Ampere-hours (AH) rating.
Charge Controller: A charge controller is used to control the charging and discharging of the battery.
The charge controller is used to avoid the overcharging of the battery. The overcharging of a battery
may lead to corrosion and reduce plate growth. And in the worst condition, it may damage the
electrolyte of the battery. Sometimes, the charge controller is termed a solar battery charger. There are
many technologies used to make a charge controller. For example, the most popular technique is the
MPPT charge controller that is known as “Maximum Power Point Tracking”. This algorithm is used to
optimize the production of PV cells.
System balancing component: It is a set of components used to control, protect and distribute power
in the system. These devices ensure that the system working in proper condition and utilize energy in
the proper direction. And it ensures maximum output and security of other components of a solar power
Blocking diode: The solar PV panels are connected with a battery. And these panels are used to charge
the battery during sunlight is available. During charging of the battery, the current flows from panel to
battery. But when the sunlight is not available, the current can be flow in a reverse direction and it may
harm the solar panel. So, the blocking diode is a diode that is connected between the battery and panel
to avoid reversal current from battery to panel.
Voltage regulator: The output of solar panels depends on sunlight. And the sunlight is not constantly
available. It is continuously varying. Similarly, the output of the solar panel is also varying with respect

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Introduction to Electrical Engineering Module 1

to sunlight. This results in fluctuation in load current. The voltage regulators are used to maintain
fluctuation within an acceptable range.

Wind Power generation:

Wind power plants produce electricity by having an array of wind turbines in the same location. The
placement of a wind power plant is impacted by factors such as wind conditions, the surrounding terrain,
access to electric transmission, and other siting considerations. In a utility-scale wind plant, each turbine
generates electricity which runs to a substation where it then transfers to the grid where it powers our


Transmission lines carry electricity at high voltages over long distances from wind turbines and other
energy generators to areas where that energy is needed.


Transformers receive AC (alternating current) electricity at one voltage and increase or decrease the
voltage to deliver the electricity as needed. A wind power plant will use a step-up transformer to
increase the voltage (thus reducing the required current), which decreases the power losses that happen
when transmitting large amounts of current over long distances with transmission lines. When
electricity reaches a community, transformers reduce the voltage to make it safe and useable by
buildings and homes in that community.


A substation links the transmission system to the distribution system that delivers electricity to the
community. Within the substation, transformers convert electricity from high voltages to lower voltages
which can then be delivered safely to electricity consumers.

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Introduction to Electrical Engineering Module 1

Wind Turbine Tower

Made from tubular steel, the tower supports the structure of the turbine. Towers usually come in three
sections and are assembled on-site. Because wind speed increases with height, taller towers enable
turbines to capture more energy and generate more electricity. Winds at elevations of 30 meters (roughly
100 feet) or higher are also less turbulent.

Wind Direction

Determines the design of the turbine. Upwind turbines—like the one shown here—face into the wind
while downwind turbines face away. Most utility-scale land-based wind turbines are upwind turbines.

Wind Vane

The wind vane measures wind direction and communicates with the yaw drive to orient the turbine
properly with respect to the wind.


Most turbines have three blades which are made mostly of fiberglass. Turbine blades vary in size, but
a typical modern land-based wind turbine has blades of over 170 feet (52 meters). The largest turbine
is GE's Haliade-X offshore wind turbine, with blades 351 feet long (107 meters) – about the same length
as a football field. When wind flows across the blade, the air pressure on one side of the blade decreases.
The difference in air pressure across the two sides of the blade creates both lift and drag. The force of
the lift is stronger than the drag and this causes the rotor to spin.

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