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Bahasa Inggris


Tahun 2021/2022
Choose options, A, B, C or D as The Best Answer for the question below !

Read the following text and answer question 1 to 2

To. daddy

I’m so happy that I’ve just bought a house in Bali. It’s

near a beautiful beach. I can look nice view from my
bedroom. My dream come true and my hard work is
paid off. I plan to leave the apartment next week.


1. Which the following statement is wrong based on the text ?

A. Ezelia will leave the apartment next week
B. Daddy feel sad because he bought a house
C. Ezelia so happy because she bought a house in Bali
D. The view of her house is nice because It’s near a beautiful beach.

2. When does she plan to leave the apartment...

A. Last week
B. Next week
C. Two weeks
D. Next month

Read the text and answer questions 3 to 5.


To all student of SMP Harapan Nasional

To commemorate the National Sport Day, our school will hold some sports
competition for all Junior High Schools in this city. The sports are football,
basketball, volley ball, and badminton. For this purpose, we will the team for
each competition. All students can register their team to Mr. Rooney before 28
July. The selection will be held on August 1st, 2017. The best team will
represent our school in the competition.

Thanks for your participation.

Wajo, 12 July 2017


Mr. Isranto


3. Whom does the announcement address to?
A. All teams.
B. All schools.
C. All students.
D. All teachers.
4. Why does the school hold the sport competition?
A. To prepare the school teams.
B. To introduce the school teams.
C. To train the students on sport.
D. To celebrate the national sport day.
5. “The best team will represent our school …”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. come about
B. play with
C. go with
D. act for
The following text is for question 6 to 8

The junior panoramic Photo

will take place
on Thursday, july 24, in the school yard. More details will be given
next week. Kids, let’s wear our Blue & Gold costumes on that day
and make nice photos.
Mr.Raumon/ coordinator

6. Who is Mr. Raumon ?

A. Kids of the junior panaromic photo
B. One of the kids junior panaromic photo
C. The participant of the junior panaromic photo
D. Coordinator of the junior panaromic photo

7. The text is written to..

A. Tell the readers about the Junior Panaromic Photo
B. Ask the reader to advertise Junior Panaromic Photo
C. Inform the readers about Junior Panaromic Photo
D. Explain to the readers about the Junior Panaromic Photo


8. “...... Kids, let’s wear our Blue & Gold costumes on that day and make nice photos.”
The underlined word in the sentences has the closest meaning with the word....
A. Create
B. Construct
C. Formulate
D. Build

The following text is for question 9 to 11

Lets get now!!

Samsung- J500G
 Dual sim standby
 Camera 13 Mp
 Slot micro SD up to 16 GB
 Screen size 4,83 inches
 Battery Li- Ion 2000 Mah
 Price :Rp. 2.100.000,-
Rp. 1.050.000,-

Rio Cellular Phone

Jl.Kgs Hasan pasar ujung Kepahiang. Telp 0274 566794

9. What is advertised in the text?

A. A home phone
B. A mobile phone
C. A landline phone
D. A used cellphone
10. How much of samsung- J500G price on the text above....
A. Rp. 2.100.000,-
B. Rp. 1.500.000,-
C. Rp. 1.050.000,-
D. Rp. 2.000.000,-

11. Which of the following statement is true according to the text ...
A. Samsung –J500G have one sim Standby
B. Screen size of samsung J500 is 4,83 inches
C. Rio cellular phone give customer discount 10%


D. Price of samsung J500 is very expensive after discount

The following text is for question 12 to 14

To: Rizal
Congratulation on your success as the winner of English speech contest province level.
We are proud of you
Best love,
Uncle syukur and family
12. What does the word “ We” in the sentence refers to...
A. Rizal
B. Uncle Syukur
C. Uncle Syukur and Rizal
D. Uncle Syukur and Family

13. ”....... We are proud of you.”

The underlined word means ...
A. Satisfied
B. Ashamed
C. Honoured
D. Disappointed

14. From the text we know that Rizal is a.... student.

A. Smart
B. Famous
C. Diligent
D. Handsome

The following text is for questions 15 to 18

Raisa andriana, also known as raisa, was born in Jakarta on June 6, 1990. She is beautiful
lady mixed Sundaness Dutch.

She is a solo singer. The genre of her music is pop and jazz. Her famous song is “ cold it be
“ which text her to be one of ladies singer in indonesia.

Raisa is good looking with a long hair and pointed nose. She has white skin and nice smail.
Her chubby cheek makes her face is easy to remember

15. What is the best title of the text...

A. A lady singer
B. Raisa Andriana
C. The famous artist
D. Raisa is a beautiful lady


16. What does Raisa look like...
A. Beautiful
B. Ugly
C. Arogant
D. Cruel

17. “Raisa andriana, also known as raisa, was born in Jakarta on June 6, 1990. She is
beautiful lady mixed Sundaness Dutch” (paragraph 1 )
What does the word “ she” in the sentences refer to ....
A. Raisa
B. Jakarta
C. Beautiful lady
D. Sundaness

18. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE based on the text ...
A. Raisa is solo singer
B. she is beautiful lady
C. She was born in Jakarta
D. The gendre of her music is rock

The following text is for questions 19 to 21

The Serpent and the Eagle
An eagle swooped down upon a serpent and seized it in its talons with the the intention of
carrying it off and devouring it. However,the serpent was too quick for it and had its coils
round him in a moment and then there ensued a life –and-death struggle between the two.

A countryman, who was a witness of the encounter, came to the assistance of the eagle
and succeeded in freeing the eagle from the serpent and enabling it to escape. In revenge,
the serpent spat some of its poison into the man’s drinking horn. Heated with his exertions ,
the man was about to slake is thirst with a draught from the horn when the eagle knocked it
out of his hand and spilled its contents open the ground.

19. How did the writer describe the eagle?

A. Honest
B. Smart
C. Good
D. Calm

20. What can we learn from the story?

A. We should choose friends wisely
B. We must always be kind to others
C. Revenge only causes more revenge
D. Kindness will be paid off by onother Kindness


21. Why did the eagle knock the man ‘s drinking horn?
A. The snake was hiding inside the horn, waiting to bite him
B. The water inside the horn was poisonous
C. It thought it was the snake in disguise
D. The sharp horn could hurt the man

Read the text and answer questions 22 to 23.

Masjid Sultan Suriansyah is a historical mosque. Built 300 years ago, this building is the
oldest mosque in South Kalimantan. The mosque is located in the North Kuin Village of
Banjarmasin. It was built in the reign of Sultan Suriansyah known as Pangeran Samudera.
He was the first Banjarnese King who converted into Islam. This mosque was found on
the bank of the Kuin River, near KampungKraton, which was destroyed by the Dutch

The construction of Masjid Sultan Suriansyah was unique. The roof is layered. It took the
Banjar's past architecture before Islam came. Different from any other old mosques in
Banjar, the mihrab has its own roof, separated from the main building.

22. What is the text about?

A. Masjid Sultan Suriansyah was unique
B. The building of Masjid Sultan Suriansyah
C. Masjid Sultan Suriansyah is a historical mosque
D. The construction of Masjid Sultan Suriansyah

23. From the text we know that ....

A. Some construction of the mosque takes the local style
B. There is nothing special from this mosque
C. Banjar people burned down the mosque
D. The Dutch colonial built the mosque

Read the text and answer questions 24 to 27.

An eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when one celestial object movies into the
shadow of another. The term most often used to describe either a solar eclipse, when the
moon moves into the shadow of earth.

Eclipses may occur when the earth and moon are aligned with the sun, and the shadow of
one body cast by the sun falls on the other. So at new moon (or rather dark moon). When
the moon is in conjunction with the sun, the moon may pass in front of the sun as seen
from a narrow region on the surface of the earth and cause a solar eclipse. At full moon,
when the moon is in opposition to the sun. The moon may pass through the shadow of
the earth, and a lunar eclipse is visible from the night hair of the earth.

An eclipse does not happen at every new of full moon, because the plane of the orbit of
the moon around the earth is tilted with respect to the plane of the orbit of the earth


around the sun, so as seen from the earth, when the moon is nearest to the sun (new
moon) or at largest distance (full moon), the three bodies usually are not exactly one the
same line.

1. What is the text about?

A. astronomical events
B. earth’s surface
C. the eclipses
D. full moon
2. When does lunar eclipse happen?
A. In the afternoon
B. In the morning
C. In the evening
D. In the midday
3. What will happen if the moon’s shadow crosses the earth’s surface?
There will be …
A. lunar eclipse
B. solar eclipse
C. new moon
D. full moon
4. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. We can see the surface of the moon from the earth
B. The sun is the biggest planet in our solar system
C. An eclipse never happens at new or full moon
D. The sun and the moon rotate on the same line

Read the text and answer questions 28 to 30.

Watu Ulo is one of the tourist sites in Jember East Java. It lies on the Indonesian
ocean. This tourist destination is popular with its beautiful scenery. It also is the
perfect place to enjoy the sea.
There some objects that can be enjoyed in this place. The first is watu ulo
itself. Is is a stone looks like a snake. The local people believe that the stone is a real
snake in the past. The snake became a spirit and its body a stone resembling a snake,
sticking into the sea with its body lying on the land. The other object is fortresses.
During the Japanese occupation, The Japanese soldier made fortresses which were
used for protecting against the attacking enemies and now some of the fortresses
have become tourist sites. Beside the Japanese fortresses, there is also a bat cave
inhabited by thousans of bats. The visitors can cross the sandy beach to get there.
This cave is often used for meditation by visitors. However the tourist should
remember that the cave is 100m in depth. To get there, the visitors can use public
transportation or hire a rental car. The Journey takes approximately 30 minutes from
the downtown of Jember.

28. What is the topic of the text above ?

A. Japanese Fortresses.


B. Watu Ulo.
C. Bat Cave.
D. Jember.

29. The snake looks like a stone is called …

A. Bat cave
B. Watu Ulo
C. Fortresses
D. Sandy beach

30. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. Some objects can be enjoyed for the visitors of Watu Ulo.
B. Watu Ulo is one of the tourist destination in East Java.
C. Watu Ulo is the only tourist destination in East Java.
D. Bat cave is an object can be seen in Watu Ulo.

Read the text and answer questions 31 to 35.

How to Make Starfruit Punch
 Starfruit
 Ice Cube
 Water
 Syrup
 lemonade extract
 Soda
 lemonade extract
 vanilla
 250 gr yellow starfruit in slices
 100 ml water 2 spoonful of vanilla
 8 teaspoonful of lemonade extract Procedure
 Put slices of starfruit and water in the blender. Wait until it’s soft. Skim it.
 Add syrup, lemonade extract, and soda water. Stir thoroughly.
 Pour it in the glass and put in the ice cubes.

31. What is the text about?

A. The ingredients of starfruit punch
B. How to make starfruit punch
C. How to stir thoroughly
D. How to use blender


32. The word “soft” means….
A. To make smooth
B. To make dry
C. To boil
D. To cut

33. What is the step after Add syrup?

A. Add the ice cubes
B. Put slices of starfruit
C. Add lemonade extract
D. Put 250 gr yellow starfruit in slices

34. What is the purpose of the text about ...

A. Give instruction how to maked Starfruit Punch
B. Give instruction how to keep Starfruit Punch
C. Tell the reader how to make starfruit punch
D. Describe what a starfruit punch

35. “ Pour it in the glass and put in the ice cubes.”

What does the underlined word refer to...
A. Water
B. Syrup
C. Lemonade
D. Starfruit Punch

The following text is for questions 36 to 39

Ms. vivi is my mountain climbing trainer. She is a cheerful person. However, she is very
disciplined when teaching . in fact, she teaches us thoroughly. As a mountain climbing
trainer, she priotizes safety above everything. She makes sure we tied rope tightly, wear
safety gears properly, and have warm up before climbing so we don’t get injuries.

Ms. Vivi is also a famous climbed many famous mountains, like mount semeru ,rinjani,
mahameru and many other challenging mountains. Last month, she and other trainers from
the climbing school conquered jaya wijaya peak. For you information, the school has a
regular schedule to climb a mountain every six months. The trainers only allow well-trained
student to join then . it also has a regular schedule to climb on a low-risk mountain to train
new student. Ms.vivi always encourages new student to join this event.

Ms. Vivi has a unique habit. Every time she climbs a mountain, she will take a piece of stone
and take a picture with it.


36. From the text, we know that the writer...

A. Is a senior student at the school

B. Is an instructor of mountain climbing at the school
C. Has joined a challenging mountain climbing
D. Has joined the climbing clase at lease for a month

37. ” she and other trainers from the climbing school conquered jaya wijaya peak.
The underline word refer to ...

A. Trainer
B. Teacher
C. Ms. Vivi
D. New Student

38.What is the main idea of third paragraph ?

A. Ms. Vivi’s had a unique habbit

B. The way Ms. Vivi teaches her students
C. The school regular climbing schedule
D. The mountains Ms. Vivi has climbed

39. ....”Vivi has a unique habit ( Last Paragraph)

The underlined word has the same meaning with ...

A. Risk
B. Rare
C. Mostly
D. Seldom
The following text is for questions 40
The Bear and the Two Friends

Once, two friends were walking through the forest. They knew that anything dangerous
can happen to them at any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they
would remain unitedin case of danger.

Suddenly, they saw a large bear approaching tern. One of the friends at once climbed a
nearby tree. But the other one did not know how to climb. So being led by his common


sense, he lay down on the ground breathless, pretending to be a dead man.

The bear came near the man lying on the ground. It smelt his ears and slowly left the
place. Because the bear did not touch him, the friend on the tree came down and asked
his friend on the ground, "Friend, what did the bear tell you into your ears?"The other
friend replied, "He advised me not to believe a false friend.

40. What can we get from the story?

A. We have to save ourselves
B. Bear will not harm a dead man
C. We have to learn how to climb
D. True friend always stand by us in ups and downs



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